Podcasts: Our Teacher
March 23, 2025Podcast (Our Teacher): Unforgettable Experiences
March 16, 2025Podcast (Our Teacher): My Most Precious Memories
March 9, 2025Podcast (Our Teacher): Master Gave Me a New Lease on Life
Feb. 23, 2025Podcast (Our Teacher): Reminiscing: Falun Dafa’s First International Experience Sharing Conference in Beijing
Feb. 17, 2025Podcast (Our Teacher): My 25 Years in Falun Dafa Cultivation
Feb. 10, 2025Podcast (Our Teacher): My Experiences of Attending Master's Fa Lectures Three Times in Guangzhou City
Jan. 19, 2025Podcast (Our Teacher): Recalling the First Falun Gong Lectures in Changchun in 1992
Jan. 12, 2025Podcast (Our Teacher): Recalling Four Large-Scale Group Activities by Falun Gong Practitioners in Wuhan City, Hubei Province
Dec. 29, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): Recollection of Master's Fa Lectures in Sydney
Dec. 15, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): A Practitioner's Memories of the Days Spent with Master in the Second Lecture Class
Dec. 1, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): How the Fa Illuminated the Taihang Region
Nov. 17, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): Falun Dafa in Changchun (Part V)
Nov. 10, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): Falun Dafa in Changchun (Part IV)
Nov. 3, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): Falun Dafa in Changchun (Part II & III)
Oct. 20, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): Falun Dafa in Changchun (Part I)
Oct. 13, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): I Gained a New Life after Attending Master’s Lectures in Chengdu in 1994
Oct. 6, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): Master Is So Compassionate! Recalling Listening to Master's Teaching in Changchun
Sept. 22, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): Looking Back on Master Li’s Five Seminars in Guangzhou (Part 2)
Sept. 15, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): Awaited for Centuries - Stories of Master Teaching the Fa in Dongying City
Sept. 8, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): Looking Back on Master Li's Five Seminars in Guangzhou (Part 1)
Aug. 25, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): Dalian Practitioner Recounts Precious Days Spent with Master (Continued)
Aug. 18, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): Dalian Practitioner Recounts Precious Days Spent With Master
Aug. 11, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): Attending Teacher's Lectures in Harbin in 1993 Was Unforgettable
Aug. 4, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): Precious Memories
July 28, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): Recalling Happier Times
July 21, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): Teacher's Compassion Touches People's Hearts
July 14, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): Beijing Practitioners Recount Episodes of Teacher Imparting the Fa (Part 2)
July 7, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): Beijing Practitioners Recount Episodes of Teacher Imparting the Fa (Part 1)
June 30, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): Illnesses Miraculously Healed by Falun Dafa
June 23, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): Practitioners in Guiyang City Recall the Precious Times That Teacher Lectured in China
June 16, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): Seeing Teacher in Person: “Continue Cultivating with Renewed Diligence and Vitality”
June 9, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): Stories from the Time Teacher Lectured in Jinan
June 2, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): Traveling with Master Before and After Falun Gong Was Introduced to the Public
May 26, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): Following Teacher for Thousands of Miles Around China (Part 2)
May 19, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): Following Teacher for Thousands of Miles Around China (Part 1)
May 13, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): Witnessing the Miracles and Magnificence of Teacher’s Lectures in Guizhou
May 5, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): When Teacher Taught the Fa at the Assistants' Fa Conference in Changchun in 1998
April 25, 2024Podcast (Our Teacher): When Master Li Gave Lectures in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang