Collection of Comprehensive Reports - "Made in China"--the Truth about the Secret Factories in Chinese Prisons (Part 2) (Photos) [8/5/2007]
- The Peaceful Dismantling of the CCP Is Becoming a Reality-- Looking Back at What Falun Gong has Achieved Over the Past Fifteen Years (Part 4) [7/18/2007]
- How the Chinese Communist Regime Instigates Chinese Student Associations to Persecute Falun Gong [7/6/2007]
- In April 2007, Twenty-One Confirmed Deaths of Practitioners Due to Torture (Photos) [5/11/2007]
- First Hand Experience of Cruel Brainwashing at the Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp (Part 4) [2/17/2007]
- First Hand Experience of Cruel Brainwashing at the Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp (Part 3) [2/15/2007]
- First Hand Experience of Cruel Brainwashing at the Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp (Part 2) [2/14/2007]
- First Hand Experience of Cruel Brainwashing at the Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp (Part 1) [2/13/2007]
- Further Investigation on Organ Transplants at Jiujiang No. 1 People's Hospital (Photos, Recording) [11/17/2006]
- Looking at "A Grotesque Form of Evil New to This Planet" -- Compilation of Investigation Leads (Part II) [10/10/2006]
- The Brutal Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Jiangsu Province (Part 1) [9/17/2006]
- Russia: Falun Gong Practitioners under the Pressure of Persecution (Part 2) [7/21/2006]
- Russia: Falun Gong Practitioners under Pressure of Persecution (Part 1) [7/20/2006]
- Mental Torture and Murder in the CCP's Persecution of Falun Gong, Part 2 [5/11/2006]
- Mental Torture and Murder in the CCP's Persecution of Falun Gong, Part 1 (Photos) [5/10/2006]
- Summary of Worldwide Support For Falun Gong Practitioners' Efforts to Expose and End the CCP's Atrocities (Photos) [4/30/2006]
- Inhuman Violence and State Terrorism Under the Chinese Communist Party, Part 1 (Photos) [4/16/2006]
- Falun Dafa Spreading Rapidly in Taoyuan, Taiwan (Photos) [4/16/2006]
- Mothers and Infants Subjected to Disastrous Tragedy throughout China: A Comprehensive Report (Photos) [2/16/2006]
- The Chinese Communist Party Is the Source of All the Atrocities During the Persecution of Falun Gong (Photos) [2/15/2006]
- Continuing Focus on the Rape of Falun Gong Practitioners in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province; Exposing the Villainous Nature of the CCP (Photos) [2/14/2006]
- 1641 Deaths of Practitioners by Torture or Murder Confirmed in 2005 (Photo) [1/21/2006]
- Nineteen Cases of Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured to Death Confirmed in November [12/21/2005]
- The Shocking Results from Searching "Unknown Drug" on the Internet -- Part 2 (Photos) [12/11/2005]
- Forced Labor in China: Testimony Presented to the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, June 22, 2005 [8/20/2005]
- United Nations: Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression, Part 2 [Excerpt] [8/8/2005]
- United Nations: Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression, Part 1 [Excerpt] [8/7/2005]
- Five Years of Persecution for My Belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, Part 3 (Illustration) [8/7/2005]
- United Nations: Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Right of Everyone to the Enjoyment of the Highest Attainable Standard of Physical and Mental Health [Excerpt] [8/6/2005]
- United Nations: Report of the Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in China [Excerpt] [8/5/2005]
- Investigation Report on Chinese Consul Hu Xiaolan and Other Officials in Thailand Involved in the Persecution of Falun Gong [8/4/2005]
- United Nations: Report of the Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women Falun Gong Practitioners in China (Excerpt) [8/4/2005]
- Clearwisdom Summary: Exposing the Persecution of Falun Gong by Chinese Consulates and Chinese Embassies (Part 1) [6/18/2005]
- The Tenth-Anniversary Edition of Dafa's Prevalence in Taiwan (2) (Photos) [6/13/2005]
- The Systematic Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners within the Chinese Military System [5/30/2005]
- Recent Arrests of Falun Gong Practitioners in Mainland China (II) [5/14/2005]
- The Arrests of Falun Gong Practitioners in Recent Months (Part One) [5/12/2005]
- Facts That Should Never Be Forgotten - Part 2 (Photos) [4/26/2005]
- Unyielding in the Face of Brutality; Seeking Justice with an Unshakable Belief [4/2/2005]
- "Please Sit by Our Side" -- Part 2 (Photos) [3/30/2005]
- "Please Sit By Our Side"- Part 1 (Photos) [3/29/2005]
- Facts That Should Never Be Forgotten (Part 1) (Photos) [3/19/2005]
- Summary of European Lawsuits against Jiang Zemin and his Accomplices in the Chinese Communist Party [3/18/2005]
- Turned Out Into the Cold: The Situation of Children Orphaned as a Result of the Persecution of Falun Gong (Photos) [1/17/2005]
- Homeless Children Living in Fear; Missing Their Parents (Photos) [11/14/2004]
- Clearwisdom Collection: Atrocities in Beijing Labor Camp Holding Center (Beijing Special Collection VII) [9/5/2004]
- Clearwisdom Collection: Lies Cannot Cover Up the Crimes - Capital Murder Case (Beijing Special Collection III) [9/4/2004]
- Special Report: After Obtaining Physical and Spiritual Rejuvenation Through Practicing Falun Gong, the Lives of the Elderly in China are Shattered by Ruthless Persecution [9/2/2004]
- Clearwisdom Collection: Portrait of Tortures (Graphic Photos) [9/1/2004]
- Clearwisdom Collection: The Atrocities Committed at Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp (Special Collection No. 5) [9/1/2004]
- Clearwisdom Collection: Illustrations of Torture Methods Used to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners (Part I, 30 torture methods) [8/31/2004]
- Clearwisdom Collection: Lies Cannot Cover Up the Crimes - The Systematic Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Beijing (Special Collection I) [8/31/2004]
- Clearwisdom Collection: University Student Expelled for His Practice of Falun Gong Exposes the Persecution He Faced in Beijing's Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp (Beijing Special Collection II) [8/31/2004]
- Clearwisdom Collection: Illustrations of Torture Methods Used to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners (Part II) [8/30/2004]
- Clearwisdom Collection: Special Collection - Exposing Slave Labor Practices Inside Chinese Labor Camps Part III [8/29/2004]
- Clearwisdom Collection: Special Collection - Exposing Slave Labor Practices Inside Chinese Labor Camps Part IV [8/29/2004]
- Clearwisdom Collection: Special Collection - Exposing Slave Labor Practices Inside Chinese Labor Camps Part V [8/29/2004]
- Huludao Forced Labor Camp in Liaoning Province: Shocking Detainees' Genitals with Electric Batons, Prison Police Enjoy Watching Detainees Being Tortured (Photos) [8/29/2004]
- Clearwisdom Collection: Special Collection - Exposing Slave Labor Practices Inside Chinese Labor Camps Part I [8/28/2004]
- Clearwisdom Collection: Special Collection - Exposing Slave Labor Practices Inside Chinese Labor Camps Part II [8/28/2004]
- The Laws of the Universe are Evident as the Tables are Eventually Turned on Evildoers: People's Hearts Determine Their Futures (Part Two) [8/13/2004]
- The Laws of the Universe are Evident as the Tables are Eventually Turned on Evildoers: People's Hearts Determine Their Futures (Part One) [8/12/2004]
- Nineteen Persecution Deaths Verified in July (Photos) [8/11/2004]
- Baoding City is Shrouded in Dark Clouds [8/7/2004]
- Comprehensive Report: 165 Death Cases Reported in the First Half of 2004, 75 of These Died This Year [7/26/2004]
- Falun Gong Practitioners Suffer Mental Trauma and Death As A Result of the Jiang Group's Abuse of Psychiatry [7/23/2004]
- Murder, Disfigurement, Torture and Enslavement: Longshan Forced Labor Camp Commits New Crimes in Order to Qualify as a "Provincial-Level" Camp (Photos) [7/20/2004]
- More Evidence of Jiang Group's State-Terrorism: The Verified Death Toll of Falun Gong Practitioners Has Reached 1,000 [7/9/2004]
- Illustrations of the Systematic Persecution of Falun Gong by Jiang's Regime [6/24/2004]
- 26 Verified Deaths from Torture During May, 2004 [6/19/2004]
- Dafa Practitioner, Mr. Han Junqing, Who Went Astray, But Later Corrected His Wrongdoing, Died as a Result of Torture at the Fangshan Detention Center [6/17/2004]
- Exposing the Illegal Monitoring of the Internet by the Public Information Internet Monitoring Bureau [6/12/2004]
- Jiang's Regime Abuses Psychiatric Treatment: Most Mental Hospitals in China are Involved in Persecuting Falun Gong [5/24/2004]
- The Jiang Group's Campaign of Genocide Continues: At Least 450 Dafa Practitioners Abducted Within 3 Months - Part II [5/17/2004]
- The Suffering of Children in the Persecution of Falun Gong -- Part 2 (Photos) [5/16/2004]
- The Jiang Group's Campaign of Genocide Continues: At Least 450 Dafa Practitioners Abducted Within 3 Months - Part I (Photos) [5/13/2004]
- The Suffering of Children in the Persecution of Falun Gong (Part 1) [5/1/2004]
- Jiang Zemin, the Chief Culprit in the Persecution of Falun Gong, Part 3 (Photos) [5/1/2004]
- Jiang Zemin Is the Main Culprit Behind the Persecution of Falun Gong (Part 2) [4/24/2004]
- Jiang Zemin Is the Main Culprit Behind the Persecution of Falun Gong -- Part 1 (Photo) [4/22/2004]
- Increase in Reported Deaths of Falun Gong Practitioners Puts Human Rights in China in the Spotlight Again [4/16/2004]
- Masanjia Forced Labor Camp--Wrecking Lives and Destroying the Human Conscience (Part 6) [4/8/2004]
- The World Psychiatric Association to Investigate in Beijing; Cases of Healthy People Killed with Toxic Drugs in Mental Hospitals in China (Photos) [4/1/2004]
- Masanjia Forced Labor Camp -Wrecking Lives, Destroying the Human Conscience (Part 4) [3/30/2004]
- Masanjia Forced Labor Camp -Wrecking Lives, Destroying the Human Conscience (Part 3) [3/22/2004]
- Masanjia Forced Labor Camp - Wrecking Lives and Destroying the Human Conscience (Part II) [3/21/2004]
- Masanjia Forced Labor Camp - Wrecking Lives and Destroying the Human Conscience (Part I) [3/18/2004]
- Xinjiang Tianshan Wooltex Stock Corporation, Ltd. Joins Labor Camps and Prisons to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners -- Bloody Slave Labor Behind Internationally Renowned Brand (Photos) [3/14/2004]
- Special Report: On One-Year Anniversary of the Press Conference Hosted by Falun Gong Practitioners in Beijing on October 28, 1999 [11/8/2000]