My Master - Eternal Gratitude [6/8/2009]
- Article Review: Clearwisdom Collection: Memories of Teacher Lecturing in China (Photos) [5/13/2009]
- Article Review: Leaving Behind an Upright Legacy -- A Practitioner's Recollections of the Early Years of Falun Dafa in China (Part 1) [5/13/2009]
- Article Review: Leaving Behind an Upright Legacy -- A Practitioner's Recollections of the Early Years of Falun Dafa in China (Part 2) [5/13/2009]
- Article Review: Leaving Behind an Upright Legacy -- A Practitioner's Recollections of the Early Years of Falun Dafa in China (Part 3) [5/13/2009]
- Article Review: Leaving Behind an Upright Legacy -- A Practitioner's Recollections of the Early Years of Falun Dafa in China (Part 4) [5/13/2009]
- Miracles Left for the Future People (Part 1) [5/12/2009]
- Miracles Left for the Future People (Part 2) [5/12/2009]
- Article Review: Recalling the Days When Teacher Spread the Fa in Changchun City -- Part I (Photos) [5/12/2009]
- Article Review: Recalling the Days When Teacher Spread the Fa in Changchun City -- Part II (Photos) [5/12/2009]
- Article Review: Reminiscing About the Days When Teacher Taught the Fa in Harbin [5/12/2009]
- Article Review: Stories of Master Teaching the Fa in Wuhan City [5/12/2009]
- Article Review: Recollections of Master Teaching the Fa in Tianjin [5/12/2009]
- Recalling the Precious Time When Master Taught the Fa Throughout China [10/19/2008]
- Recollections of the Days When Teacher Gave Fa-Lectures in Changchun [10/16/2008]
- Looking at an Old Photo and Recalling Master's Lectures in Wuhan City [9/11/2008]
- Thanks for the Great Compassion of Teacher and the Unforgettable Memories of a Lifetime [8/11/2008]
- Blessed Moments, Precious Memories [7/13/2008]
- Remembering the Most Fortunate, Most Beautiful Days of My Life [6/11/2008]
- Reminiscing about Attending Teacher's Classes in China (Photo) [6/8/2008]
- Memories of Attending Master's Fourth Lecture Series in Guangzhou [6/5/2008]
- Remembering Teacher [6/2/2008]
- Recalling Master's August 1994 Lecture in Yanji, Jilin Province [5/27/2008]
- Precious Photo, Happy Memories [5/24/2008]
- Recalling Master's Lectures in Guangzhou [3/13/2008]
- My Experiences Attending Master's Fifth Lecture Series in Guangzhou [2/19/2008]
- The Precious Experience of Attending Teacher's Fa Lectures in Chengdu City [11/22/2007]
- Looking Back on the Lecture Series in Yanjie City in 1994 [11/11/2007]
- Recollecting My First Days of Practicing the Fa, Being Grateful for Master's Magnificent Compassion [11/9/2007]
- Never Will I Forget Master's Grace [11/7/2007]
- "Go Back and Tell Everyone to Study the Fa Well" [10/17/2007]
- Remembering Master's Grace - I Finally See Master in Person [10/10/2007]
- Falun Dafa Practitioners from Yanbian City, Jilin Province, Remember Teacher's Grace [10/8/2007]
- An Unforgettable Memory of My Happiest Moments [9/25/2007]
- An Eternally Happy Memory [9/17/2007]
- Fond Recollections of Attending Master's Lectures in Yanbian [9/11/2007]
- Recollecting the Days When Master Li Taught the Fa in Yanji City [9/8/2007]
- My Happiest Days [9/1/2007]
- Memories of Attending Master's Lectures in Zhengzhou City [8/12/2007]
- Memories of Attending Master's Classes in Zhengzhou and Guangzhou [8/11/2007]
- Revered Teacher Rotates a Giant Falun [8/10/2007]
- My Recollection of the Days When I Obtained the Fa in Wuhan City [8/4/2007]
- Practitioners from Xianning City, Hubei Province, Recall Master's Compassion [7/29/2007]
- Remembering the Days When Teacher Taught the Fa in Harbin City [7/13/2007]
- Miracles I Witnessed When Master Taught Dafa in Guiyang for the Third Time [7/2/2007]
- Master Li's Unforgettable Grace - Remembering Master's Lectures in China [6/30/2007]
- Recalling the Days When Teacher Taught the Fa in Harbin [6/20/2007]
- Unforgettable Experiences (2) [6/20/2007]
- Saved by Master - Recollections of Master's Lecture in Dalian [6/13/2007]
- Master Turns the Great Falun - Recalling the Days When Master Taught the Fa [6/11/2007]
- Recollections from the Time that Master Lectured in Lingyuan, Liaoning Province [6/8/2007]
- After Attending Master Li's Classes, I Walked Like the Wind and My Body Felt as Light as Air [6/8/2007]
- Unforgettable Experiences [6/7/2007]
- Practitioners Recall Master's First Fa Lecture in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province [6/3/2007]
- Recalling 1997: Master's Fourth Visit to Guiyang City, Guizhou Province [5/31/2007]
- Happy Memories of Master's Fa Lectures in Chengdu City [5/28/2007]
- "The Memory of That Time Will Remain Forever" [5/25/2007]
- Recalling Master's Fa Lectures in France, 1995 [5/22/2007]
- Recalling the Second Class Master Held in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province [5/20/2007]
- Recalling Master's Lecture at Dongying, Shandong Province [5/18/2007]
- My Participation in Master's Classes in Changchun and Dalian [5/17/2007]
- Recalling the Days When Master Taught the Fa in Beijing [5/16/2007]
- My Experience of Attending Master's Fa Lectures [5/14/2007]
- Sharing Precious Memories: Master's Trip to Dongying (Photo) [5/12/2007]
- The Memory Is Enshrined in My Mind [4/28/2007]
- The Days I Spent with Master in Harbin [4/13/2007]
- Unforgettable Moments and Happy Memories [4/1/2007]
- I Will Never Forget the Days with Teacher [3/30/2007]
- Recalling the Days When Master Taught the Fa in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province [3/29/2007]
- The Buddha Light Illuminates the Land of Guanzhou: Commemorating the Fourteenth Anniversary of Master's Teaching the Fa in Guan County, Shandong Province, Part 3 [3/28/2007]
- Commemorating the Fourteenth Anniversary of Master's Teaching the Fa in Guan County, Shandong Province, Part 2 [3/27/2007]
- Recalling the Days When Teacher Taught the Fa in Hefei City, Anhui Province [3/15/2007]
- Recalling the Days When Teacher Imparted the Fa in Yanji City, Jilin Province [3/14/2007]
- Recollections of Master Teaching the Fa in China [3/8/2007]
- A Predestined Person Recalls Attending Teacher's Fa Lectures [3/1/2007]
- A Dafa Practitioner from Chengde City Recollects a Visit from Master [2/5/2007]
- My Experience of Seeing Master in Guangzhou in 1994 [1/21/2007]
- I Will Not Forget That Master Saved Me [1/13/2007]
- Memories of Attending Teacher's Lectures in Guangzhou [1/11/2007]
- Recalling Teacher's Visit to Linqing City, Shandong Province [1/7/2007]
- A Miraculous Occurrence While Master was Lecturing in Beijing [1/3/2007]
- Remembering the Days I Attended Master's Lecture in Guangzhou City [1/2/2007]
- Recalling the Days When Master Li Gave Lectures in Wuhan [12/24/2006]
- Don't Miss Out On This Precious Opportunity; It Only Comes Once in Tens of Thousands of Years [12/23/2006]
- Happy Memories of the 1996 Beijing Falun Dafa Conference [12/7/2006]
- Recalling Two Things That Happened When Master Lectured in Changchun (Two Articles) [12/7/2006]
- Recalling the Days When Teacher Taught the Fa in Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province [12/3/2006]
- Vivid Images of that Beautiful Memory [11/13/2006]
- Righteous Teacher, Righteous Fa, Righteous Path (Photos) [11/11/2006]
- Recalling Master's Compassion: A Free Ticket to Attend His Lectures [11/11/2006]
- Remembering My Days Around Master [11/8/2006]
- The Happiest Day of My Life [10/30/2006]
- Precious Memories from Chaoyang City in Liaoning Province [10/24/2006]
- Attending Master's Lectures in Changchun [10/16/2006]
- Cherishing the Memory of Teacher's Lectures in Jinan City [8/20/2006]
- Wonderful Times in Teacher's Classes [8/19/2006]
- Precious Memory: Remembering the Times I Attended Teacher's Classes in Different Cities [8/17/2006]
- Memories of Revered Master's Three Lecture Tours in Australia [8/16/2006]
- My Mother and I Were Fortunate Enough to Meet Teacher Three Times [8/6/2006]
- Recalling My Experiences Listening to Teacher's Fa Lectures [7/18/2006]
- Stories of Master Teaching the Fa in Wuhan City [7/10/2006]
- Some of My Memories of Teacher's Lectures and Demonstrations of the Exercises [7/9/2006]
- Memories of Teacher's First Lecture in Australia (Photos) [7/7/2006]
- Australia: Precious Memories of Master's Third Visit to Lecture in Australia (Photos) [7/4/2006]
- Memories of Teacher Spreading the Fa in Wuhan and Zhengzhou [6/13/2006]
- Recollections of Master Teaching the Fa in Tianjin [6/13/2006]
- Master's Falun Dafa Seminar in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province [6/13/2006]
- Happy Memories [6/8/2006]
- Recalling the Days When Master Taught Falun Gong in Kenli County, Shandong Province [5/29/2006]
- Precious Memory [5/28/2006]
- Recalling the Days When Master Taught the Fa in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province [5/23/2006]
- The Happiest Days When I Listened to Master's Lectures [5/23/2006]
- Recalling the Days When Teacher Spread the Fa in Changchun City -- Part I (Photos) [5/15/2006]
- Remembering the Touching Stories of Master Teaching the Fa in Chenzhou City [5/14/2006]
- Recalling the Miracles When Master Held Classes in Wuhan City [5/13/2006]
- The Happiest Memories [5/9/2006]
- Memories of Master's Teaching the Fa and Exercises in Hefei, Anhui Province (Part 2) [4/26/2006]
- A Practitioner Recalls Teacher's Graciousness [4/26/2006]
- Reminiscing about Our Revered Teacher Spreading the Fa in the City of Dalian 12 Years Ago, Part 2 [4/25/2006]
- Recalling The Days When Teacher Lectured in Zhengzhou City [4/11/2006]
- Stories of Teacher in Mainland China Collected by Falun Dafa Practitioners from Hunan Province [4/1/2006]
- Recalling Experiences with Master with Gratitude (III) [2/22/2006]
- Recalling Experiences with Master with Gratitude (II) [2/21/2006]
- Recalling Experiences with Master With Gratitude (I) [2/20/2006]
- Stories of Teacher during the Early Period of Spreading the Fa in China [2/15/2006]
- Recalling the Days When Master Taught the Fa in Jinzhou [1/31/2006]
- Everlasting Memories from the Days of Teacher's Lectures in Jinan and Changchun [12/23/2005]
- Meeting My Master [10/30/2005]
- Recollecting the Days When I Attended Master's Lectures in Zhengzhou City [10/29/2005]
- Recalling When Teacher Taught the Fa in Chengdu [2/20/2005]
- Recalling the Days of Traveling with Master Before and After Falun Gong Was Made Public (Part 2) [2/7/2005]
- Recalling the Days of Traveling with Master Before and After Falun Gong Was Made Public (Part 1) [2/6/2005]
- Bearing Witness to History: The Miracles and Magnificence I Experienced When Teacher Lectured in Guizhou [1/5/2005]
- Remembering When Teacher Taught the Fa at the Assistants' Fa Conference in Changchun in 1998 [1/1/2005]
- Recollections of Teacher's Lectures in Guangzhou [12/29/2004]
- Bearing Witness to History: Teacher Cured a French Child from Thousands of Miles Away [12/28/2004]
- Remembering the Days When Teacher Taught the Fa in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province [12/24/2004]
- Recalling the Days when Master Li Gave Lectures in Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province [12/16/2004]
- A Cherished Recollection: Illnesses Miraculously Healed by Falun Dafa [12/12/2004]
- Short Stories of Master's Benevolence [12/9/2004]
- Recollections of Master Li's Miraculous Deeds When He Was Teaching the Fa in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province [11/29/2004]
- Clearwisdom Collection: Memories of Teacher Lecturing in China (Photos) [11/24/2004]
- Remembering Teacher's Fa Lectures in Qiqihar [10/30/2004]
- Recalling the Days of Teacher's Lectures in Guangzhou [10/27/2004]
- Stories from the Time Teacher Lectured In Jinan [10/20/2004]
- Practitioners in Guiyang City Recall the Precious Times When Teacher Lectured in China [10/15/2004]
- Recalling the Days of Master's Lectures in Guangzhou [10/11/2004]
- Child Is Cured with a Touch from Master's Hand (Photos) [9/29/2004]
- My Recollection of Teacher Purifying Practitioners' Bodies During a Live Interview on a Tianjin Radio Station [9/27/2004]
- Recollecting Miraculous Stories From Master's Lectures in Wuhan and Guangzhou [9/26/2004]
- The Day That I Will Never Forget [9/26/2004]
- An Unforgettable Memory -- Attending Teacher's Lectures in Harbin in 1993 [9/21/2004]
- A Miraculous Personal Experience of Master Teaching Falun Dafa in Wuhan City [9/18/2004]
- My Personal Experience Seeing Teacher in Wuhan in 1993 [9/17/2004]
- Witnessing Teacher Purify a Practitioner's Body [9/17/2004]
- Leaving Behind an Upright Legacy - A Practitioner's Recollections of the Early Years of Falun Dafa in China (Part 4) [8/31/2004]
- Leaving Behind an Upright Legacy -- A Practitioner's Recollections of the Early Years of Falun Dafa in China (Part 3) [8/30/2004]
- Leaving Behind an Upright Legacy: A Practitioner's Recollections of the Early Years of Falun Dafa in China (Part 2) [8/29/2004]
- Recalling Teacher's Lectures in Wuhan, China [8/25/2004]
- Leaving Behind an Upright Legacy: A Practitioner's Recollections of the Early Years of Falun Dafa in China (Part 1) [8/16/2004]
- Some Dafa Practitioners from Beijing Recount Episodes of Teacher Imparting the Fa (Part 7) [7/29/2004]
- Some Beijing Dafa Disciples Recount Stories of Master Teaching the Fa (Part 6) [7/28/2004]
- Some Dafa Practitioners from Beijing Recount Episodes of Teacher Imparting the Fa (Part 5) [7/27/2004]
- Some Dafa Practitioners from Beijing Recount Episodes of Teacher Imparting the Fa (Part 4) [7/18/2004]
- Some Dafa Practitioners from Beijing Recount Episodes of Teacher Imparting the Fa (Part 3) [7/16/2004]
- Some Dafa Practitioners from Beijing Recount Episodes of Teacher Imparting the Fa (Part 2) [7/14/2004]
- Some Dafa Practitioners from Beijing Recount Episodes of Teacher Imparting the Fa (Part 1) [7/12/2004]
- Recalling Teacher's Lectures on His Second Visit to Tianjin City [6/14/2004]
- Recalling the Days When Master Taught the Fa in Tianjin [5/26/2004]
- When I Saw Teacher [5/25/2004]
- Seeing Teacher in Person; "Continue Cultivating with Renewed Diligence and Vitality" [5/22/2004]
- Recalling Happier Times [5/21/2004]
- Looking Back: Attending Teacher's Lectures in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province [5/21/2004]
- Precious Memories of Teacher Introducing Falun Dafa in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province [5/20/2004]
- Precious Moment, Eternal Memory [5/6/2004]
- Attending Teacher's Lectures in China in Person - Continued [4/7/2004]
- Remembering the Days When Teacher Expounded the Fa in Chongqing [4/4/2004]
- Attending Teacher's Fa Lectures in Person [3/28/2004]
- An Incident That Took Place When Teacher Gave Lectures in China [3/9/2004]
- Teacher's Compassion Touches People's Hearts [12/3/2003]
- Precious Memories (Part 3) [2/28/2003]
- Precious Memories (Part II) [2/25/2003]
- Precious Memories (Part I) [2/18/2003]
- A Precious Memory [1/19/2003]
- Precious Memory, Unforgettable Teaching [11/17/2002]
- Following Teacher For Thousands of Miles Around China (Photo) - Part 4 [10/26/2002]
- Following Teacher for Thousands of Miles Around China (Photo) - Part 3 [10/25/2002]
- Following Teacher for Thousands of Miles Around China -- Part 2 (Photo) [10/15/2002]
- Following Teacher for Thousands of Miles Around China (Photo) -- Part 1 [10/13/2002]
- A Beautiful Memory: Commemorating the Eighth Anniversary of Master Li's Teaching the Fa in Jinan City, Shandong Province (Photo) [6/25/2002]