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Organ Harvesting from Living Falun Gong Practitioners by the Chinese Government


Mounting evidence tells a terrible tale of mutilation and murder in China. Witnesses and Chinese physicians reveal that persons affiliated with the Falun Gong cultivation practice are being killed for their organs, bones, and tissues, which are sold and transplanted at enormous profit. The perpetrators are officials of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), acting in collaboration with surgeons, police, prison authorities, and military officials. Victims are held in concentration camps prior to having their organs harvested. As many as 36 such camps are said to exist, the largest holding up to 120,000 persons. Multiple accounts suggest that a flurry of organ harvesting is now taking place, coupled with the killing of camp detainees; CCP authorities are reportedly hastening to destroy all evidence of the organ harvesting atrocity. The move follows exposure by Western media and human rights groups.

A re-enactment of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners for profit, at an event exposing the CCP's organ harvesting crimes. A heart or liver can fetch hundreds of thousands of dollars. Overseas patients are major recipients of Chinese organ transplants.

Chart from the Orient Organ Transplant Center Website (http://www.ootc.net ) (Tianjin City) showing escalating numbers of organ transplants since 1999, when the persecution of Falun Gong started. The website claims, "from January 2005 to now, we have done 647 liver transplants - 12 of them done this week; the average waiting time is 2 weeks." The chart indicates that from virtually a standing start in 1998 (when it performed only 9 liver transplants) by 2005 it had completed fully 2,248.

Time Line

Further Reading

Chronological list of articles published on clearwisdom.net on organ harvesting