Disciples: The Dafa I have taught you is the only thing that can ensure your reaching Consummation through improving yourselves in cultivation. If someone, being unable to break his ordinary human attachments, brings to himself evil beings that assume my image and tell him what to do according to his attachments, so as to do damage to the Fa, this person is in extreme peril. If he doesn't awaken, he will become a fiend that damages the Fa.
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Recently, a few people gathered in Hong Kong and organized some activities that contradict the principles of Falun Dafa. The Hong Kong Falun Dafa Association, therefore, specifically declared that a few people with ulterior motives, aiming at severely damaging the reputation of Falun Dafa, plotted the activities relating to the so-called "apparitions". These activities have no connection with Falun Dafa practitioners all over the world (including Hong Kong), and have nothing to do with Falun Dafa.

[Shandong Province] The Zibo City, Shandong Province Continues to use psychiatric hospital to persecute Falun Gong practitioner after they persecuted Mr. Gang Su to death.
Tens of practitioners from Linzi, Zhangdian and Zichuan were sent to the psychiatric hospital because of refusing to give up Falun Gong or their appealing effort. Among them, Mr. Gang Su was persecuted to death, some became handicapped from the persecution. Recently, the Mental Illness Section of Kunlun Hospital in Zibo Mineral Department accepted over ...

What are we Dafa practitioners actually protecting when we safeguard Falun Dafa? Why do we need to safeguard this Fa that is of such immeasurable, mighty virtue? Our teacher has made a noble wish and opened a wide door, coming down to the human world to save people. Besides our own cultivation, we Dafa practitioners in this human world also have an important responsibility to help our teacher spread Falun Dafa. If it were not for his compassion towards humankind ...
Master Li quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999. (Published January 19, 2000)

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Master Li quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999. (Published January 19, 2000)

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