An Elementary School Teacher's Husband Is Tortured to Death While She is in a Forced Labor Camp, Leaving Their Child at Home Alone

( Dafa practitioner Xu Shufen is an elementary school teacher of the No. 1 Elementary School of Daqing Petroleum Company. On June 20 2000, Xu Shufen was practicing the exercises in a park in Longfeng District, Daqing City, Heilongjiang province, when she was illegally detained by the Longfeng Public Security Division. She was released on August 4. On December 15, she was kidnapped after she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa. On January 18, 2001, She was sent to Harbin Drug Rehabilitation Center, where she was held for about 14 months.

A Story From My Ancestors

( Teacher said in Zhuan Falun that,

"Good or evil comes from a person's spontaneous thought, and the thought at that moment can bring about different consequences" ("Upgrading Xinxing" in Lecture Four).

A Practitioner's Kindness is Displayed Through a Small Matter

( A seemingly insignificant thing happened at the "Music of the Spring" show in Sydney.

In the afternoon on the day of the show, everyone was right into the swing of things and busy with rehearsing and preparing for the show. This went on till dinner time, when one of the practitioners took the initiative to go out to buy takeaway dinner for everyone. Not long after, she and few others came back laden with 20 or more boxed meals. She called the others to come to have their dinner. As the other practitioners started to settle down for their meal, there were still a few boxes left on the table and she kept on urging and passing the meals to those who had not yet had one. At that moment I realized she herself was only eating some pieces of toast. I asked her why she was not eating the meal herself and she replied that she had already eaten. I took that to mean that she had already taken lunch, so I shared some of my food with her. Only then did I discover that she had out of her own pocket bought dinner for everyone but herself, and she had in fact not eaten at all. Her first thought was to feed everyone else first.

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