Today’s Articles — November 14, 2005
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Germany: Practitioners Continue Activities Calling Hu to End the Persecution (Photos)
( Since Chinese president Hu Jintao arrived in Berlin, practitioners have been holding a continuous appeal to call on Hu to end the persecution. German President Horst Koehler called on China to respect human rights.
Practitioners Participate in the New York City Veterans Day Parade (Photos) Correspondent from New York
( The annual Veterans Day Parade in New York City was held on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan on November 11, 2005.
This year also marked the 60th anniversary of the end of the World War II. The parade had an even larger scale than previous ones. Hundreds of processions and floats from veterans and serviceman and women presently serving in militaries as well as all kinds of military bands and honor guards participated in the parade. Among the numerous groups, the elegant and peaceful Falun Gong procession moved and amazed people. Spectators clapped to welcome them and to express their support.
Korea: Practitioners Expose the Persecution as APEC Convenes (Photos)
( The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) opened its 2005 summit on November 12 in Busan, Korea. Falun Gong practitioners set up anti-torture exhibits in the Haeundae area of Busan to expose the Chinese communist regime's ruthless persecution of Falun Gong and collected petition signatures to call for an end to the persecution.
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Focus Topics

Self Immolation Hoax
Biggest propaganda stunt of all time, cooked up to make Falun Gong look bad

Deaths Confirmed
The true death count is likely many times higher

Organ Harvesting Crimes
Tens of thousands likely killed for their organs

So-Called "1400 Deaths"
A fundamental mistruth in the false propaganda against Falun Gong

April 25 Peaceful Appeal
The most peaceful protest in history is called a 'siege' by top party brass

Prosecuting Jiang Zemin
Bringing the prime culprit in the persecution to justice

More Basic Truths
A primer on the web of lies upon which the persecution was built

Learn About Falun Dafa
An advanced practice of self-cultivation freely available to all
Recent News
Master Li quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999. (Published January 19, 2000)