Mayor Issues a Proclamation to NTDTV in Person as Holiday Wonders Show Debuts in Atlantic City (Photos)

( The Divine Performing Arts of New York, which had just performed ten shows on Broadway, debuted in the famous Caesars Circus Maximus Theater in Atlantic City, New Jersey on December 28, 2007. Mayor Scott Evans of Atlantic City issued a proclamation to NTDTV in person at the theater.

New Jersey State General Assembly Issues Resolution to Recognize New Tang Dynasty Television and Holiday Wonders

( The New Tang Dynasty Television's Holiday Wonders, performed by the Divine Performing Arts, will be staged at the Circus Maximus Theater, Atlantic City, New Jersey, on December 28-30, 2007. New Jersey State General Assembly issued a resolution to recognize New Tang Dynasty Television and Holiday Wonders. Below is the text of the resolution.

Florida: Audience Members Commend Holiday Wonders for Its Inspiring Performances (Photos)

( On December 28, 2007, the second show of NTDTV's Holiday Wonders in Fort Lauderdale, Florida concluded. The audience watched the show attentively and enjoyed the wonderful performances by the touring company of Divine Performing Arts.

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