Chicago: New Year Spectacular Generates Respect for Chinese Culture (Photos)

( On January 25, the first show of the Chinese New Year Spectacular in Chicago was presented at the Arie Crown Theater. Before the show started, the reporter briefly talked with Anna Bukowski, who works at the Argonne National Laboratory. Anna came with her husband Macieg and her cousin Irena Pulka. They are all Polish immigrants. A Chinese colleague of Anna recommended the show to her.

Las Vegas Artist Gives New Year Spectacular High Marks (Photo)

( The Divine Performing Arts of New York presented the Chinese New Year Spectacular at the Hilton Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada on January 21, 2008.

Artist Randy Soard

Randy Soard is an artist, and is associated with a group called "Nevada Arts Advocates." This group educates school children and encourages them to participate in music and the fine arts.

Las Vegas Publicist: "I think it's a great show!"

( Rina Foster is an employee at a public relations firm in Las Vegas, Nevada. She attended the January 21 performance of Divine Performing Arts' 2008 Chinese New Year Spectacular at the Las Vegas Hilton Theater.

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