February 7, 2009
(Clearwisdom.net) On February 6, 2009, Divine Performing Arts (DPA) performed at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, Alabama. At a reception after the show, many VIPs commended the performance, expressing appreciation for bringing such a great cultural experience to their city.

Audience in Von Braun Center, Huntsville
Member of Alabama House of Representatives: Everyone seeks universal truth.
Mr. Mike Ball, Member of Alabama House of Representatives, said after watching the DPA show that the performance was fantastic and unique. You cannot see such a show in Alabama. It shows different Chinese culture as you see on TV and media. He said he did not know Chinese classical dance before and had never seen such graceful, smooth and elegant dancing.

Mr. Mike Ball, Member of Alabama House of Representatives
Mr. Ball remarked that the DPA performers cooperated very well. He also commended the culture and philosophy behind the show to teach people to be kind, tolerant and helpful. He said that there is universal truth, good is good. People in all countries seek the truth. This show comes from a higher level than us. He said he could feel that the DPA players perform with their hearts.
Mayor of Decatur, Alabama: A culture passed on from long ago
Before the show, Mayor Stanford, wrote to DPA expressing his gratitude because it "... brings to our area the essence and the true spirit of Chinese culture expressed in the forms of classical performing arts, giving people a deeper understanding and connection to the Chinese culture and fostering understanding between Chinese and Western cultures." After the show, Mayor Stanford shared his renewed feelings about the show.

Mayor Don Stanford of Decatur, Alabama
He exclaimed, "Oh, I loved it. I really loved it. I enjoyed
it because of these performers, how excellent they are, how dedicated they are
to work hard to learn their parts. They did just a marvelous job!" The
mayor and his wife had joined an appreciative audience, as Divine Performing
Arts swept the stage at the Von Braun Concert Hall in Huntsville, Alabama. Mayor
Stanford shared that he really enjoyed learning about traditional Chinese
Mayor Stanford raved about the show stating, "I didn't expect the colors to
be as beautiful as they were. The performers did an excellent job. It was just
Mayor Stanford added that he especially enjoyed the performance called Welcoming
Spring, "I liked the pink fans. They looked so good and the ladies did
such a good job with it. Divine Performing Arts brings together leading dancers,
choreographers, singers and musicians from around the world."
Mrs. Stanford agreed, "I thought it was great! I was so impressed with the
movement of the dancers, they were so graceful! They were so at ease. The
costumes were beautiful and the music from the orchestra was great!"
She went on to add that she was very impressed with the unique style of
traditional Chinese dance and how the ancient, traditional values of Chinese
culture had been portrayed on stage. She commented, "They flowed, they just
flowed! It looked like they moved only from their knees down. It was
The mayor added that he hoped these traditional cultural values would return.
"... they brought this culture from a long time ago, up to today and they
just keep passing it on and that's what I really enjoy about it. They don't
let it die out. I am looking forward to next year!"