(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Wang Jiping, 39, was originally from in the second farm of the Wutonghe Farm in Luobei County, Heilongjiang Province. He graduated from Harbin City Medical University and was employed as an anesthesiologist at the Jiamusi City Army 224 Hospital. After the persecution began in 1999, Mr. Wang was forced undergo brainwashing, detention, and a forced labor camp term. He endured huge physical, mental and financial hardships. When his family turned their backs on him, he had no place to settle down and had to roam around. He died on February 4, 2009.

Mr. Wang Jiping
Practicing Falun Dafa
Mr. Wang had tuberculosis since high school and it had not completely healed. The side effects of the medication caused him to be slow-minded and lose his hair. He had practiced qigong, but it was hardly effective. He graduated from the Anesthesia Department at Harbin Medical University and worked in the Army 224 Hospital (under the Shenyang Army Region). He began practicing Falun Dafa in September 1996, and his mind and body both were purified. He never accepted any bribe money from patients and politely refused many dinner invitations that were meant as bribes. He was awarded as a merit worker many years in a row and was well-recognized as a kind person by all employees at the hospital.
Brutally Mistreated in the Army System
At the beginning of the persecution, the 224 Hospital forced all Falun Dafa practitioners to write a guarantee statement promising to give up their faith, under threats that they would be detained in the army prison or suffer unimaginable torture. Mr. Wang gave in against his will under the intense pressure. He had benefited from Falun Dafa, and he was very humiliated and regretful after agreeing to give it up. In 2001, Hospital Director Liu Yingshan forced all employed practitioners to write the guarantee statements again, which again greatly damaged Mr. Wang's conscience.
In January 2001, the Tiananmen Self-Immolation was staged, which deceived the Chinese people. Mr. Wang clarified the truth to people, but the hospital administration reported him to upper levels, prompting them to try to "transform" him. They said, "If the CCP doesn't allow you to practice, then you stop, an army man follow orders. If you refuse to give in, we will lock you in the Shenyang Army Region prison, and you may be killed, etc." Mr. Wang still refused to give in, even though they claimed that doing so would ensure his safety.
In July 2001, Mr. Wang was detained in the 545 Army Storage in Jiamusi City for a month, but he still did not give in. However, when the decision to take him to be detained in Shenyang City Army Region prison was made, he felt his life was threatened, so he wrote a guarantee statement and was forced to read it openly in front of the entire hospital staff. This severely injured his spirit and altered his conscience.
In 2003, the hospital forced Mr. Wang to retire, even though there were few anesthesiologists. Mr. Wang talked to the hospital administration and requested that they remove from his personal profile the files he was forced to write under pressure. He pointed out that forcing him to retire was unfair, and it was a persecution of human rights and freedom of belief. He refused to sign his name on the retirement paperwork.
The 224 Hospital openly violated his basic rights and instructed an office worker Li Xi to sign the paperwork without notifying Mr. Wang, then sent his personal profile to Jiamusi City local government. They also withheld Mr. Wang's professional certification.
During this time, high-ranking officials from the hospital administration came to the hospital to check the work. Mr. Wang appealed to them in vain.
On September 29, 2004, Mr. Wang and his wife Ms. Zhao Wenlin went back to his hometown, Wutonghe Farm, to pass out truth-clarifying materials, but they were both arrested. Ms. Zhao was detained in the Baoquanling Detention Center, Mr. Wang was picked up by the 224 Hospital and detained in the information office. His home was again ransacked, and Mr. Wang went on hunger strike to protest. Department Director Dr. Liu Yingshan had four or five soldiers hold him down and forcibly inject a sleeping drug, then had him injected by anesthesiologist Han Yusheng. They also brutally force-fed him. He was suffering high blood pressure, 200/140 mmhg, and his life was in danger. Liu choked Mr. Wang until he almost suffocated, released him, then choked him again. Liu insulted Mr. Wang, saying, "You think you are somebody?"
Right after being force-fed, the Shenyang Army Region persecution of Falun Gong office chairman and 224 Hospital Security Office chair Qu Yuanli came to ask questions. Mr. Wang was very weak and could only lie on the bed. They ordered Mr. Wang to stand on the floor. Two people threw him around back and forth, and punched the left side of his face twice, and he fell on the bed. They threatened to beat him to disability, and Mr. Wang pointed out that beating people was violating the law. They immediately talked like gang members saying, "Who is beating you? We did not see any beating."
On the morning of October 9, 2004, Mr. Wang escaped and left the hospital to avoid further torture. The army was shocked. They tried to find him, but did not dare say he was a Falun Gong practitioner, so they told people that they were looking for a thief. They even posted a 50,000 yuan reward. Jiamusi City established roadblocks at major intersections to find him, and the reward amount was increased to 100,000 yuan.
In order to find Mr. Wang Jiping, more than a dozen practitioners were arrested in Jiamusi City, and many of them were sent to forced labor camps. The 224 Hospital spent several hundred thousand yuan to chase after him. They searched many homes near the hospital, monitored his parents-in-law's home and his parents' home, and followed many practitioners who had prior contact with Mr. Wang. The police and army authorities threatened to sentence Mr. Wang's wife to two years in prison then released her and put her under close watch, forcing her to help them find her husband.
On October 22, 2004, Mr. Wang Jiping was arrested, and taken to the Shenyang Army Region. He was cuffed the entire time and was not allowed to use the toilet. He was sentenced to three years of forced labor and detained in the Lianqinbu Detention Center in the Shenyang Army Region until January 2005, then transferred to the Logistics Department Detention Center until August 2006, then transferred back to the Lianqinbu Detention Center again through December 2006.
During the detention, groups of people came to pressure Mr. Wang to force him to accept the brainwashing, and they wrote reports slandering Falun Dafa and its founder. The 610 Office and the army dispatched personnel to examine if he was being "transformed" by the brainwashing. He was constantly starving, and he appeared to have very high blood pressure, kidney failure, and uremia. Mr. Want was released early before his term ended in December 2006. He was very weak and almost completely blinded. He was forced to retire, and his rental home was forcibly taken back by the army.
Mr. Wang's Family Forced to Persecute Him and Disown Him for Their Own Safety
Before the persecution, Mr. Wang and his wife were very close and they both benefited from practicing Falun Dafa. But under the huge pressure, Mr. Wang's wife gave up cultivation and was forced to help the police chase after him. During the time he was detained in Shenyang Army Region, his wife divorced him, adding to his emotional devastation.
Mr. Wang's oldest sister used to be his best friend. She began cultivating after witnessing how Mr. Wang had changed from practicing Falun Gong. But when he was detained in the Shenyang Army Region, she gave up cultivation, went to Shenyang City with her husband, and tried to force him give up cultivation as well. She also lied to Mr. Wang in her letter, saying that their parents were dying to pressure Mr. Wang.
Mr. Wang was in very poor condition upon being released. He could not work. He gave his parents and friends some 2008 Chinese New Year couplets (to decorate the doors) that mentioned Falun Dafa, and he was reported and harassed. The police also kept track of his cell phone number. During the 2008 Olympics period, the police harassed his parents at their home. The older couple were very afraid that the police would again arrest their son. They didn't dare to let him visit, not even during the 2009 Chinese New Year.
Under the evil Party's persecution, Mr. Wang Jiping was forced to roam around alone out of town without work or family contact. Under mental, physical, and financial stress, he died alone on February 4, 2009. His parents still do not know about his death.
Mr. Wang Jiping died at age 39
Category: Deaths