(Clearwisdom.net) On July 18, 2009, Falun Gong practitioners in Jakarta, Surabaya, and Bali Island, Indonesia held a series of activities to observe the 10-year efforts to end the persecution.
The large-scale march held on Bali Island informed the public that Falun Gong has been spreading around the world for 17 years, and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has persecuted Falun Gong for 10 years. According to incomplete figures, 3297 practitioners are confirmed to have lost their lives in the persecution, and many more practitioners have been imprisoned to suffer gross abuse.
Falun Gong practitioners did the sitting meditation to illustrate their ten-year journey of peacefully resisting the persecution, and to encourage local people to join them. Some passersby saw the messages on the banners, and joined the practitioners in meditation. The participants said that they were moved by Falun Gong practitioners' perseverance and steadfast belief.

At dusk on Bali Island, practitioners hold a candlelight vigil to mourn the practitioners who have been killed by the CCP in the persecution

Practitioners exercise together on Bali Island, attracting tourists to come to watch
Bali Island: Non-practitioners join the effort to end the persecution
The activities on Bali Island included two parts. The first was to hold a large-scale parade along Denpasar Street. The waist drum team led the procession. Their unique costumes and music drew attention from passersby. Following the waist drummers was a truck on which there was a torture reenactment to expose the CCP's organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners. The second part was to hold a "Million Minutes of Meditation" at a grand square. The message on the banners read, "Your participation in (meditation), will help stop the persecution of Falun Gong in China." Many passersby joined the practitioners in meditation to show their support for justice.

During the march held on Bali Island, there was a truck on which a torture reenactment was exhibited to expose the CCP's organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners
The entire event gained attention and positive support from local people. The police in Denpasar area opened the road for the march, and accompanied the procession all the way to the destination. It was the first time that the police had close contact with practitioners and they gained further understanding of Falun Gong.
At dusk at the grand square, 500 people lit candles to mourn the Falun Gong practitioners who have lost their lives for remaining steadfast in their belief in the persecution. The vigil-goers did the sitting meditation, in this way, to explain to the public Falun Gong practitioners' ten-year journey of striving for the freedom of practicing their belief peacefully and compassionately. Many passersby joined in the meditation.

Rufus, from an Island in eastern Indonesia joins the practitioners in meditation to support the efforts to end the persecution
Rufus, from an Island in eastern Indonesia said, "This is the first time that I came to Bali Island on an errand. I believe in Christianity, and though our beliefs are different, I like peace, so I join (the meditation) to express my support for Falun Gong practitioners' effort to strive for peace. I hope Chinese people can set be free from the persecution."
Sumardika from Bali Island said, "When I learned that so many people have been persecuted in China, I was stunned. My conscience said it (the persecution) is inhuman. I know the Communist Party is evil. The principles of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance are consistent with my views (of being a human being). "
Jakarta: Torture reenactment to expose the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong
In Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, Falun Gong practitioners held a torture reenactment in front of the big fountain of the Indonesia Grand Hotel. They wanted to expose the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong this way.

During the activity marking the ten-year efforts to end the persecution in Jakarta, Falun Gong practitioners held a torture reenactment to expose the CCP's persecution

Reenactment to expose the CCP's organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners for profit
Large banners were erected on the streets, conveying messages to passersby:
"In China, the CCP murdered while harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners, and sold the organs to patients who came to China for organ transplants,"
"Ten-year brutal persecution, Falun Gong practitioners around the world have still remained steadfast and firm, because the righteous prevail,"
"Stop the ten-year persecution of Falun Gong practitioners,"
"Truth-Compassion-Forbearance improve one's health both physically and mentally."
Coordinator of the activities in Jakarta said that they wanted to take this opportunity to appeal to the Indonesian government to support the noble cause of "stopping the CCP's persecution," and condemn the CCP's persecution of Chinese people. Falun Gong takes Truth-Compassion-Forbearance as its guiding principles, but the CCP has slandered and defamed Falun Gong over the past ten years. Such an act of violating human rights can't be tolerated. All people of justice from around the world should join the effort to end the persecution.
He continued by saying that Falun Gong practitioners have peacefully remained steadfast in their belief. Under severe persecution, they clarified the facts, cultivated themselves well, and treated everybody with kindness. Falun Gong practitioners do not have a political agenda, they only seek to have an unrestrained environment to practice. While clarifying the facts, they have continually inspired people's conscience, so that those people could choose to support justice and see clearly and reject the evil.
A passerby told a practitioner that he often saw Falun Gong practitioners doing the sitting meditation in front of the Chinese Embassy. He saw their facial expressions were peaceful, without hatred, and full of determination.
Surabaya: Candlelight vigil in front of Chinese Consulate
Falun Gong practitioners in Surabaya City, Eastern Indonesia lit candles at dusk in front of the Chinese Consulate to mourn practitioners who have been arrested, grossly abused and tortured to death for remaining steadfast in their belief over the past ten years. Such a genocidal crime is still going on.

At dusk, practitioners in Surabaya sit quietly in front of the Chinese Consulate, lit candles to mourn practitioners who have been killed by the CCP in the persecution

Practitioners held a torture reenactment in front of the Chinese Consulate in Surabaya to expose the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners
Prior to the candlelight vigil, there was a torture reenactment, exposing the CCP's police brutality. Such a reenactment also attracted reporters from the media who came to watch and learn the facts. The police who maintained order were curious and asked Falun Gong practitioners about the event.
Practitioners in Surabaya appealed to the Indonesian government and related organs, media and social workers, not to believe in the CCP's lies, and work together to end the persecution.