(Clearwisdom.net) Today's News from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in seven cities or counties in four provinces. In this report, 43 practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention, and at least eight practitioners were illegally arrested.
- [Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province] Jinshantun Court Delivers Heavy Sentences for Three Practitioners
- [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Pan San Dies in Gongzhuling Prison
- [Shanghai] The Persecution of Meng Fanzhen and Her Family
- [Shanghai] The Persecution of Ms. Lu Xiuli and Several Other Practitioners
- [Heilongjiang Province] The Persecution of Mr. Zhang Tichao and Other Practitioners Detained in Daqing Prison
- [Kunming City, Yunnan Province] Ms. Kou Qiaoyun and Ms. Zheng Shengling Indicted
- [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Dalian Forced Labor Camp Intensifies the Abuse and Mistreatment of Dafa Practitioners
- [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Mr. Li Guochen Released from Brainwashing Center
- [Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Liu Shulan in Deteriorating Health Due to Severe Abuse
1. [Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province] Jinshantun Court Delivers Heavy Sentences for Three Practitioners
On the morning of June 18, 2009, Jinshantun Court Judge Zhang Haitao went to the Xilin District Court and convened a second covert trial for three practitioners. All three men were handed heavy sentences, with Mr. Bao Yongsheng receiving 11 years, Mr. Zhang Peixun 9 years, and Mr. Li Congfu 8 years.
Judge Zhang Haitao's phone number is 86-13766730909. The phone number of his assistant, Zuo Yan, is 86-13904589159. Police officer Tao Xuwei was involved as well. His numbers are 86-13845812004 and 86-458-664685.
2. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Pang San Dies in Gongzhuling Prison
Pang San worked at the Fangtai Town Supply Company in the Hulan District of Harbin City before he was sentenced to prison in 1997 for selling soybeans mixed with sand. Around 2005-2006, he was fortunate enough to obtain the Fa in prison, thanks to the "truth-clarification" efforts of detained practitioners there. Mr. Pang had accumulated enough reductions in his term to be soon released. However, his term reduction was canceled after he began Falun Gong practice. Around June 13, 2009, he died as a result of severe abuse in Gongzhuling Prison, Changchun City, Jilin Province. As of June 19, his body was still not cremated. His family is in the process of appealing.
3. [Shanghai] The Persecution of Meng Fanzhen and Her Family
Ms. Meng Fanzhen is a practitioner in the Jiangqiao Area in Shanghai. She was arrested on May 26, 2009, while clarifying the truth to someone. She is now in the Jiading Detention Center, along with her son, Xie Wanheng. Before her detention, Ms. Meng had been sent to forced labor camps twice. Her older son was released last year after serving four years and six months in prison. Her husband died four years ago, we assume due to the tremendous pressure associated with his family's persecution.
4. [Shanghai] The Persecution of Ms. Lu Xiuli and Several Other Practitioners
Ms. Lu Xiuli is in her 60s. She was released in October 2008 after being persecuted in a mental hospital for 11 months. Authorities seized her in February 2009 and again sent her to a mental hospital for further persecution. It is learned she occasionally is forced to take drugs she does not need. This is Ms. Lu's sixth arrest.
Ms. Yang Manhua is in her 40s. She was once held in a Shanghai prison for five years and a labor camp for one year. She was not released until October 2007. On June 6, 2009, she was arrested for the third time and sent to a detention center. Her home was ransacked.
Ms. Li Wenjuan, around 60, lives in the 77 Zichang Residential Area. On June 6, 2009 she was arrested with her son-in-law. This arrest greatly angered and saddened her husband, who had a heart attack and had to be taken to a hospital. Unable to bear the pressure and frightened by her husband's arrest and her father's grave condition, Ms. Li's pregnant daughter miscarried.
Ms. Lu Meiying, Ms. Zhong, Ms. Yu, and a practitioner whose name is unknown were also arrested On June 6. During the medical examination for new detainees, the doctors found Ms. Lu Meiying's chest festering with pus oozing out. The police reluctantly released her for fear of shouldering any responsibility for her health.
At present, Ms. Li Wenjun is being held in the Zhabei Detention Center on Lingshi Road while all the other arrested practitioners are in the Putuo District Detention Center.
Shanghai Police Department, Putuo Office chief: 86-21-62440543
Putuo District Detention Center: 86-21-22049922
Zhabei Detention Center: 86-21-56953090
5. [Heilongjiang Province] The Persecution of Mr. Zhang Tichao and Other Practitioners Detained in Daqing Prison
Mr. Zhang Tichao, 69, developed symptoms of a stroke in Daqing Prison and cannot take care of himself. His life is in grave danger.
Ms. Li Min was moved to the prison's Ward Seven not too long ago. Over the past two years she displayed symptoms of a stroke and should have been out on medical parole. Her local police station officials did everything they could to prevent her release. She eventually died in the prison.
Five male practitioners detained in Ward One refused to wear prison uniforms. Guard Cui Shijun refused to let them eat in the cafeteria. Instead, the five of them, including Ren Hongde, Wang Yudong, Zhang Xingguo, Yang Chengshan, and Sui Ximin, could only eat whatever food was left over by criminal detainees. When there was nothing left, all they had was instant noodles.
Cui Shijun: 86-459-6328933, 86-13936779027
6. [Kunming City, Yunnan Province] Ms. Kou Qiaoyun and Ms. Zheng Shengling Indicted
Police arrested Ms. Kou Qiaoyun, 49; Ms. Zheng Shengling, 66; and Mr. Chen Xiasheng, 69, as the practitioners were talking to students about Truth-Compassion-Forbearance near Wenwu School in Boluo Village, Kunming City. The two female practitioners were sent to the Panlong District First Detention Center, while Mr. Chen is awaiting trial. On June 8, Kunming City Prosecutor Zhu Lin filed charges against Ms. Kou and Ms. Zheng, attempting to sentence them to prison.
7. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Dalian Forced Labor Camp Intensifies the Abuse and Mistreatment of Dafa Practitioners
As of June 11, 2009, camp officials intensified their mistreatment of detained practitioners. Each of the practitioners was sent to a small, confined cell, with two detainees closely watching over them. Practitioners were forbidden to have contact with each other. The guards forced them to wear prison uniforms and badges. The prison was resorting to various means in an attempt to have them give up their practice. The guards often searched practitioners' personal belongings at will.
Currently, only seven practitioners are still in Division Two, which has been turned into a closely monitored team. These practitioners are: Shi Hongbo, Wang Fengjun, Bi Kefu, Wu Wei, Li Deqing, Yang Jicheng, and Yan Shoulin. A few others who used to be detained there have been transferred. Zhang Lianwen is now in Division Three, Cong Shuxun in Division Four, Li Guanghe in Division Five, and Su Xianwei in Division Six.
On June 12, Zhang Lianwen fainted in a workshop. Six or seven people carried him out. A preliminary test showed he had a migraine.
8. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Mr. Li Guochen Released from Brainwashing Center
Li Guochen is a 36-year-old practitioner who lives in Houluotun, Fengchan Village, Changchun City's Economic Development Zone. On March 17, 2008, at around 9:00 p.m., he was driving on Weixing Road in Yingjun Village when Yingjun Village Police Station and Security heads stopped him. They confiscated his car and took him to the police station, where he was beaten for a whole night. He was severely bruised and lost half a tooth. On April 3, 2008, Mr. Li was transferred to Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp to serve a term of one and a half years. On June 8, 2009, the day his term was to have expired, local 610 Office agents and police took him straight to the Xinglongshan Brainwashing Center. His family was finally given the O.K. to take him home on June 19, 2009.
9. [Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Liu Shulan in Deteriorating Health Due to Severe Abuse
On July 20, 2008, while distributing truth-clarification materials in Pingfangzi Town, Kazuo County, Ms. Liu Shulan and eight other practitioners were seized by agents from the county police department's Domestic Security Division. A county court put the nine practitioners on trial in March 2009 without notifying any of their family members. These practitioners are presently detained in different prisons within Liaoning Province. The police intended to send Ms. Liu to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp, but camp officials refused to accept her due to the findings of a gynecological exam. So, they had to take her back to the Kazuo County Detention Center. It is learned recently that the police sent Ms. Liu to Dabei Prison in Shenyang not long ago, despite her deteriorating health.
Domestic Security Division Captain Yang Guilin: 86-13842191465
Detention Center Head Zou Defeng: 86-13842135110, 86-421-4829110