Falun Dafa Worldwide


Master Li has lectured in Australia 3 times and once in New Zealand via invitation. CANADA Master Li was invited to lectured in Toronto twice in the past two years. The 7th Anniversary of Master Li's first public introduction of Falun Dafa was celebrated in Toronto on 22 May 1999. EUROPE Master Li has been invited to lecture in numerous countries in Europe. In 1998 the Geneva Falun Dafa Conference was held at the United Nations. USA Master Li has lectured in San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Houston and Los Angeles. CHINA Highly qualified physicians and researchers have conducted many health surveys. Several have been translated into English, such as "Falun Gong health Effect Survey of Ten-thousand Cases in Beijing" and are available to download from the Internet.

A large-scale Falun Gong group practice in China (1998)