The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong -- September 28, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Bi Daihong Died From Torture at Dalian Forced Labor Camp

  • Families of Practitioners in Guangxi Province Are Separated for Another Mid-Autumn Festival

  • Ms. Wang Xia Has Lost Her Memory after Being Imprisoned Again

  • What Is the Guangdong Law Education Center?

  • Evil Conduct of Luxiang Town's Local Police Station in Shuangyang District, Changchun City

  • The Evil Deeds Committed by Female Police Officers at the Women's Labor Camp in Huhhot City

  • Four Falun Gong Practitioners from Liaoning, Hebei, and Heilongjiang Provinces Die from Persecution

  • Six Falun Gong Practitioners Die as a Result of Persecution

  • Dr. Qi Xufang from the Weihai City Health and Epidemic Prevention Station Dies as a Result of Persecution

  • Brief News from China - September 21, 2005

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Bi Daihong Died From Torture at Dalian Forced Labor Camp

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Bi Daihong from Dalian City, Liaoning Province was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor. She was brutally tortured at the labor camp and developed symptoms of late-stage ovarian cancer. She passed away soon after she was released from the labor camp.

    Bi Daihong was born in 1968 and she worked at the Dalian City Ship Examination Bureau. She suffered from headaches and protruding spinal disc(s), but she became very healthy after she started practicing Falun Gong in 1996. When the persecution of Falun Gong started in 1999, she went to Beijing many times to appeal and to clarify the truth. The perpetrators ransacked her home and extorted money from her. Her work unit illegally fired her and she lost her source of income.

    In January 2003, Bi Daihong was reported when clarifying the truth. She was arrested by officers from Longwangtang Police Station in Lushun. The officers illegally held her there for one month without notifying her family. She was later sentenced to two years of forced labor and held at the Dalian Forced Labor Camp.

    On her first day at the labor camp, Bi Daihong refused to take off her clothes and submit to a physical search. The guards ordered a group of eight inmates to strip her naked outside a men's restroom on the first floor. The eight inmates beat her until she was covered with wounds and bruises. Her ears and eyes were injured, and most of her face was black and blue. After striking her to the ground, inmate Zhao Hui violently kicked her mouth, which cut her lips and knocked her teeth loose. They later sent her to solitary confinement to further persecute her. Her legs were severely injured from torture and she was crippled. When her mother inquired about her legs, the labor camp authorities lied and claimed Bi Daihong was punished for hitting someone after refusing to submit to physical search.

    Three months later, the superficial wounds were gone but Bi Daihong started to cough, and had fever and amenorrhea. She suffered from pain so severe that she often could not sleep at night. She became weary and emaciated. The guards ignored her condition and never allowed her to see a doctor. They ordered inmates to watch her around the clock and restrict her freedom. She was not allowed to go to the restroom even when she was incontinent. In addition, she was forced to do slave labor picking peas. She had to carry sacks of peas, each weighing between 50 kg [110 lbs] and 100 kg [242 lbs], up and down the stairs.

    Inmate Lin Chunhong, who was assigned to watch Bi Daihong, extorted about 4,000 Yuan from Bi Daihong's parents, taking advantage of their anguish by lying to them that their money would speed up the release process.

    When Bi Daihong's family met with her, they saw that she looked sickly. They strongly urged the labor camp authorities to take Bi Daihong to a hospital. The authorities reluctantly took Bi Daihong to have a check-up. The result came out the next day and the authorities immediately told her family to fill out paperwork for medical parole.

    Bi Daihong was diagnosed with terminal ovarian cancer. The labor camp authorities were afraid of taking responsibility should she die during medical treatment, so they pressed her family to follow the procedure for release from the labor camp. Bi Daihong was taken home and she passed away on September 1, 2005, about two months after the diagnosis.

    Families of Practitioners in Guangxi Province Are Separated for Another Mid-Autumn Festival

    As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, in Guangxi Province the sweet osmanthus are blossoming and people are anticipating a reunion with their family members. For the local Falun Gong practitioners, however, even a visit with their loved ones has become very difficult under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

    Four women practitioners from Beihai City bought moon-cakes to bring to their loved ones in prison.

    It was 4:00 a.m. on September 11, 2005 (Sunday). In order to get back home the same day, the four of them rented a van instead of taking a bus. Three of them went to visit their husbands, and Tan Zezhen went to visit her son-in-law. Tan's daughter is also a Falun Gong practitioner and is currently in another prison. Among the people they were going to visit, three are Falun Gong practitioners. It is a trip of several hours for them.

    But when the van arrived at Wujia Township, Hepu County, a group of police officers stopped the van. Wei Yuguang, director of the Beihai City 610 Office, was in charge (Wei's office phone: 86-779-2091618). There were also dozens of plainclothes police officers. The driver was alarmed by the scene. A policeman twisted Ms. Tan's arms behind her back. When Ms. Tan rebuked them for acting like thugs, he said, "I am a thug, so what?"

    The plainclothes police officers said that they had been waiting there since Saturday and were not allowed to sleep. They brought the four ladies to a police station. When the four asked why they were arrested, the officers said: "You have to report to us first wherever you go." After about one hour of interrogation and threats, the officers took the four women home in police cars. A simple visit to family members was ruined by the police.

    It's hard to understand why the Beihai City "610 Office" mobilized so many officers just to block four innocent women. Much worse things, however, have been happening to practitioners in Beihai City in recent years.

    Ms. Tan Zezhen's son-in-law is Lin Hongbin. Mr. Lin used to be the coordinator of the Beihai Falun Gong Assistance Center. He was a military officer, but later transferred to civil work, and was living with his wife and son at the home of his in-laws at #11, 5 Xinjian Street, Beihai City, Guangxi Province.

    Through practicing Falun Gong, Lin enjoyed a happy family life. Since the persecution started on July 20, 1999, the family has suffered a lot. Lin, his wife Chen Xiao, and mother-in-law Tan Zezhen have been arrested many times. Chen Xiao's grandmother passed away due to the constant stress of threats and harassment by the police. Their home had been searched eight times. Mr. Lin's son was separated from his father when he was one year old, and separated from his mother when he was about two years old. Since July 20, 1999, the family has been able to stay together for about three months

    Not long after July 1999, Lin Hongbin went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong, and shared his experience with practitioners in Guangxi. He was sent to a forced labor camp, and so was Chen Xiao. Once when Chen Xiao did the Falun Gong exercises in the labor camp, she was placed in solitary confinement for ten days. After the confinement, she and one fellow practitioner named Zhang Xu, as well as a criminal inmate who was a drug addict, were forced to walk in the sports field for three days. Unable to endure the suffering, the drug addict ran to the third floor of a building and jumped down. Astonished by the event, police officers stopped the abuse. That incident is well known at the Guangxi Women's Forced Labor Camp.

    While Chen Xiao was still in detention, her mother was taken to a forced labor camp for a one-year term. For refusing to give up her belief after one year, her term was extended for another year. During her two years of detention, Ms. Tan endured both verbal and physical abuse, but she never changed her will to practice Falun Gong. In the last seven months of detention, she refused to answer the roll call to protest the illegal detention, and she was finally released.

    After being released from the forced labor camp, Lin Hongbin and his wife had their son Rongrong. Right after Rongrong had his first birthday, and just two months after Ms. Tan was released, Lin was arrested for hanging up Falun Gong banners and was sentenced to 6 years in prison. Now Lin is in Litang Prison, Guangxi Province.

    When Mr. Lin was arrested, many police cars surrounded his home. He carried his son in his arms when he was arrested and handcuffed. He carried his son for a whole day while being interrogated and abused. The little baby had no food for a whole day and was picked up by family members in the evening.

    One year later, Chen Xiao was arrested again for distributing truth-clarifying materials, and was sentenced to three years in a forced labor camp. She was tortured and brainwashed in the Guangxi Women's Forced Labor Camp.

    After being released, Ms. Tan was taken to a brainwashing center and then to a police station. The police threatened to send her to a forced labor camp for three more years. Due to the continuous distress and terror from the persecution, Ms. Tan's mother-in-law passed away a few days after her return from the police station. For the past several years, the grandmother saw that good people are not safe from the CCP's persecution and could not endure anymore at the age of 90.

    Now Rongrong is four years old. Sometimes, he calls his grandpa and grandma "daddy" and "mommy." When corrected, he says, "Let's pretend that you are for now." The young boy clearly longs for a stable home environment.

    Another one of the four ladies is Lai Yunhui. Ms Lai went to visit her husband Mo Chuanxiong. Mr. Mo was born in 1960, and was formerly employed by the Shatian Branch of the Hepu County Aquatic Products Company. He lives at No.2, Lianfeng Road, Lianzhou Town, Hepu County.

    In 2000, Mr. Mo was forced to leave home to avoid the persecution after he distributed truth-clarifying materials. His wife Lai Yunhui and brother Mo Chuanhua were also arrested for being practitioners. During the interrogation, the police officers handcuffed her behind the back and lifted her up by her hair and turned her around repeatedly. In addition to that, they forced her to kneel down. Ms. Lai was sentenced to three years in prison, and Mo Chuanhua was sentenced to two and a half years.

    In April 2002, officers from Hepu County police department arrested Mo Chuanxiong and sentenced him to four years in prison. Now Mo Chuanxiong is detained at the fourth group of Litang Prison, Guangxi Province.

    After the three major family members were all detained, Mo's family almost collapsed. Mo Chuanxiong and his brother Mo Chuanhua have six children all together, ranging from 2 to 12 years old. To support the family, Mo's elderly parents had to open a grocery store on the first floor of his house. During the Chinese New Year, a criminal stole the money box when Mo's father was selling goods. Once, a thief stole all the goods from the father's tricycle. At another time, Mo's father lost control of his tricycle while going uphill on the way back from purchasing goods. Mo's father fell down to the ground and suffered many bleeding injuries. One youngster told Mo's mother what happened, but she could not leave the shop, and asked the children to go and help Mo's father. During those years, most of Mo's property was stolen.

    Unable to support the 6 children, Mo's mother took the children to a court and asked for help. Mo's mother said, " My son and daughter-in-law are good people, but they are detained. Police officers frequently knocked on the door at midnight to threaten all of us." The court clerks persuaded Mo's mother to take the children home, but did not offer any help.

    After Lai Yunhui and Mo Chuanhua were released, the family's situation improved a little but they were still in hardship. Since the day of his arrest, Mo Chuanxiong denied committing any crime. In April, since he refused to have his blood drawn, he was knocked down to the ground by over 30 people and his blood was drawn by force. Mo Chuanxiong went on a hunger strike to protest. When Mo Chuanxiong's family went to visit, the prison guards refused them. Mo Chuanxiong's family got permission from the local "610 Office", but the police officer in charge of Mo Chuanxiong still would not allow a visit. Mo Chuanxiong's family asked the officers to show proof that he was still alive. Mo Chuanxiong was then carried out while being supported. From far away, Mo Chuanxiong's family members could see that his hands were dark and he could not walk by himself. The visit lasted only three minutes. Later, Mo Chuanxiong's family asked to bail him out for medical treatment, and tried to visit him several times, but were denied by the prison officers.

    Currently, Mo Chuanxiong's situation is unknown. Mo Chuanxiong's father is 88 years old, and his mother is 75. This year, Mo Chuanxiong's oldest daughter was accepted by a university, but the family cannot afford the tuition. The entire family is worried for Mo Chuanxiong's safety. His wife wanted to visit him but was blocked on the way..

    Here, we offer a piece of advice to the CCP officers: Do not persecute kind and good citizens for your personal gain. Wrongdoers will eventually meet with karmic retribution. This is a law of heaven!

    Phone number:

    Mo's home, 86-779-7208198

    Lin Hongbin's home, 86-779-2024426

    Ms. Wang Xia Has Lost Her Memory after Being Imprisoned Again

    Ms. Wang Xia, born in 1974, was a resident in Linhe City, Inner Mongolia. Because she firmly practiced Falun Gong, she has been subjected to arrest and detention numerous times since 1999. The last time she was arrested, she was sentenced to 7 years in prison. While being detained in the Inner Mongolia First Women's Prison, she was subjected to brutal torture. Moreover, she was once sent to a mental hospital to be further tortured, which caused her to lose her memory.

    In November 1999, Wang Xia was sent to the Inner Mongolia Women's Labor Camp. She was the first Falun Gong practitioner in Inner Mongolia sent to a labor camp. She was detained there until August 2000, when she was about 8-9 months pregnant. In February 2002, she was arrested again and sent to Hohhot Detention Center. In March 2002, Wang Xia went on a hunger strike but after 29 days of hunger strike, she was sent home because the detention center did not want to be held responsible should she die there. However, they kept a close eye on her after she returned home. On the third day of her return, in order to avoid further harassment, she escaped by climbing over the wall of her yard, but her back and face were badly injured. After finding out she had run away, the police issued an arrest warrant and started to look for her everywhere. On May 21, 2002, she was captured in Baotou City, Inner Mongolia and sent to Baotou Detention Center. On May 23, Wang Xia began a hunger strike, for which she was beaten and brutally force-fed. On July 28, 2002, she was transferred to the Hohhot Detention Center, where she joined other detained practitioners in a group hunger strike. In August 2002, she was sentenced to 7 years in prison and sent to the Inner Mongolia First Women's Prison.

    While in detention, Wang Xia started to hunger strike again. In December 2002, she was sent to the Second Hospital in Hohhot, where she was closely monitored by four inmates, including Li Xuemei, Liu Xiaojie, Gu Mo and Liu Xiaoyuan. Every day these people thought of more ways to torture her. The hospital did not pay any attention to her at all. Once while personally force-feeding Wang Xia, the hospital head had his whole body stained by the milk that came out of Wang Xia's mouth.

    Wang Xia was beaten almost every day, adding new bruises to her body even before the old ones healed. The four people who monitored her used inhumane methods to torture her. For instance, they split the handle of a mop into two sticks and wrapped them up with some cloth. Then they used them to beat Wang Xia. What was even more horrific was that they thrust the mop handle into her vagina. Once, Wang Xia did not follow an order, so they grabbed her by the hair and dragged her downstairs from the third floor. They gave her a severe beating in the courtyard. Then they inserted safety pins into her fingernails and heated them with a cigarette lighter. At other times, they would tie her up while they played cards. During detention, the police also brought in her father, husband, and baby to come and pressure her into giving up practice. In the summer time, she was tied to a bed all day long, with a feeding tube inserted into her nose and she was unable to move at all.

    On June 29, 2004, the police released her upon seeing that she was dying. They stopped beating her only two days before her release. When she was carried out, her head drooped and the bones in her body could be seen very clearly. Her nose still had the tube attached. At that time, she had already lost her memory.

    A dying Wang Xia (taken in July 2004)

    Several people who monitored her said, "It's good she doesn't remember anything. Otherwise, she may reveal what we did to her to the outside world."

    One week after Wang Xia returned home, her father called the prison telling them that she had survived. Then the police came to take her back to the prison again.

    Now Wang Xia does not remember anything at all. While in the prison, she eats whatever is given to her. If no one gives her food, she does not know to ask for food.

    What Is the Guangdong Law Education Center?

    The Guangdong Law Education Center (formerly known as the Guangdong Law Education School) is really a brainwashing center. It is located next to the Guangdong Province Women's Forced Labor Camp in Sanshui District, Foshan City. This brainwashing facility is a large building complex next a lake that looks like a resort village from the outside. However, many Falun Gong practitioners are savagely tortured there. According to its staff, the central and provincial governments spent a huge sum of money to build the center to specifically persecute Falun Gong practitioners. The center is governed directly by the Guangdong Provincial 610 Office. The central government occasionally sends agents to the facility. The center's administrators maintain close ties with the 610 Offices throughout Guangdong Province, and persecution orders are issued from the center. The brainwashing center has two divisions.

    When practitioners are arrested by the local 610 Office, some of them are forcibly brought to the lobby of the brainwashing center. Policemen from each division then take practitioners to their individual cells after going through several hallways and metal gates, where they feel oppressed with a sense of gloom. The lake below the center makes the air ice-cold.

    Practitioners who are detained here have one or two people monitoring them all the time. The monitors live and eat with the practitioners. They normally have some relationship with either the policemen or the officials of the center. For example, policeman Lu Jinhu enabled his older brother and two cousins to obtain jobs there. His wife is the head of the first division.

    The monitors attend the brainwashing sessions themselves, making them even more willing to help persecute practitioners. They record every word and action of the practitioners they monitor around the clock and report any infractions to the policemen on duty. The policemen then decide which persecution methods to use, and the monitoring staff helps the policemen with the persecution.

    Practitioners who are detained here are forced to pay a fee for their stay. For some practitioners, the fees are paid by their local governments or their work units. Some local governments force practitioners' families to pay for the fee. The brainwashing classes last for three months and cost 3,000 yuan. The persecution methods include the following:

    One or more policemen bombard individual practitioners with propaganda during brainwashing sessions. Sometimes they take practitioners out for a walk to the exercise room. This is to create a more relaxed environment to confuse practitioners and entice them to give up their practice.

    The policemen force practitioners to watch videos that slander Falun Gong, sometimes repeatedly for long periods of time.

    When practitioners are steadfast in their belief and "softer" measures do not work, the policemen use force. They force practitioners to stand, squat or sit on small stools for long periods of time. They show practitioners fabricated videos at high volumes. They verbally threaten practitioners. In winter, they turn on air conditioners and turn the thermostat to the coldest setting while forcing practitioners to wear very thin clothing.

    Guards deprive practitioners of sleep, as they take turns preventing practitioners from sleeping 24 hours per day. They yell at practitioners and force them to stand, and they sometimes do not give practitioners anything to eat for one or two days. If practitioners close their eyes, they are sprayed with water, pinched on the arms and ears, pulled by the hair, hit on the head or brought into the restroom, where policemen pour water over them. According to the guards, these are the "rules" at the center.

    When practitioners go on hunger strikes to protest the persecution, the facility doctor and policemen work together to force-feed and torture the practitioners.

    Address: Guangdong Province Law Education Center, Sanshui District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, 528100; phone number: 86-757-87774004

    Head of the center, last name is Peng (male); deputy-head, Li Meiying (female), 86-13702758486 (cell).

    Heads of Divisions: Wang Jiadong, 86-757-87317717; Chen Ruixiong (male), Huang Yu (female), a woman with the last name of Li (Policeman Lu Jinhu's wife)

    Responsible policemen: Lu Jinhu (male), Gu Changqing (male), Yang Juan (female), Gong Dehong (female).

    Education Section: Zhang Huiping (female)

    Doctor: Wang Zhiwen (male)

    Evil Conduct of Luxiang Town's Local Police Station in Shuangyang District, Changchun City

    Since the persecution of Falun Gong started on July 20, 1999, Luxiang Town's local police station has persecuted Falun Gong practitioners severely in Shuangyang District, Changchun City, Jilin Province. This police station's staff has constantly committed crimes against Falun Gong practitioners.

    On December 26, 2000 according to the lunar calendar, the Luxiang town government illegally arrested Falun Gong practitioners Wang Yalan, Hu Shufen, Dong Jing and some others and took them to a detention center, where they fined them 600 yuan each. The Falun Gong practitioners who were not detained were illegally sent to a forced labor camp.

    The practitioners were compelled to verbally attack Falun Gong and the Master. Anyone who failed to do so would be illegally detained. Some Falun Gong practitioners had to leave home to escape the persecution. However, the Luxiang Police Station still arrested them all outside of town and sent them to a forced labor camp.

    The town police frequently harass the Falun Gong practitioners' families, ransack their homes, and arrest them at will. Thugs were hired to remain outside Falun Gong practitioners' homes for a long period of time in order to monitor them. As a result, eleven Falun Gong practitioners were sent to a forced labor camp. Mr. Yu Zhanchun and his wife Hu Shufen were sentenced to forced labor three times and two times respectively. They were arrested almost immediately after they were released home. Out of the district, Luxiang town practitioners were fined the most frequently and the most in terms of amount. Moreover, no receipts were ever given to the fined practitioners.

    After most of the public security police in Shuangyang District learned the facts about Falun Gong, they no longer actively participated in the persecution. However, the Luxiang Town police still followed the 610 Office to persecute Falun Gong practitioners, showing no remorse at all. Since the beginning of the persecution, the Luxiang police have never displayed any valid documents when they ransacked Falun Gong practitioners' homes or arrested Falun Gong practitioners. They have never followed any legal procedures when they persecute Falun Gong practitioners.

    More information on those responsible for the persecution:

    Luxiang Police Station: 86-431-4141359, 86-431-4142290

    Station Head: Guo Yingbo: 86-13364500047 (Cell), 86-431-4242110 (Home)

    Policeman Xu Zhiyuan: 86-13364500012 (Cell)

    Office Worker, Jin Hu: 86-13596413585

    Public Safety Personnel: Pager: 86-431-4141696

    Policemen Zhu Dajiang, Leng Qingbo, Hou Liang, and others

    Main Responsible Person:

    Zhang Jianping, Chief of the National Security Squadron, Shuangyang Sub-Bureau, Changchun Municipal Public Security Bureau:

    86-431-4220785 (Office), 86-13904391196 (Cell), 86-431-4254233 (Home)

    The Evil Deeds Committed by Female Police Officers at the Women's Labor Camp in Huhhot City

    The following are some of the evil deeds that female police officers committed in 2002 and 2003 at the women's labor camp in Huhhot City, Inner Mongolia Province.

    In May 2002, Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Yuhua from Chifeng City was illegally sentenced to one year in a labor camp. For the duration of her detention Ms. Zhang refused to cooperate with the authorities, maintaining her innocence. The guards hung her up with her hands and feet stretched in opposite directions. Then, in order to prevent Ms. Zhang from witnessing their evil deeds, they covered her head with a black cloth, also making it difficult for her to breathe. Eventually the bones on both of Zhang Yuhua's wrists became exposed from the prolonged hanging. In addition, there was no place on her body that was not affected by the electric shocks. She spent every single second in extreme pain. Zhang Yuhua's sentence was illegally extended by 7 months, and she was not released until just before the spring festival in 2003. She was only skin and bones when she was released. The policewomen that directly participated in the persecution of Ms. Zhang are Wang Dongyun (over 30 years old), Wu Jing (over 30 years old), and Wang Xiulan (over 40 years old). Policewoman Wang Dongyun was the one who was the most enthusiastic about persecuting the practitioners.

    At the end of 2003, 57-year-old practitioner Duan Yuzhen from Huhhot City refused to write the "three guarantees" and was hung up with her hands and feet outstretched for 5 days and 5 nights. Her hands were completely numb from nerve damage after she was finally let down, and she could no longer take care of herself. Half a year later, her hands gained slight mobility. Under this condition the policewomen forced her to work. She had to sew 160 gloves a day. At that time, Duan Yuzhen's hands could not hold the tool and even could not hold a small spoon well. She had to endure extreme pain to bend each finger.

    In November 2003, Zhu Xiaoying, 24-year-old nurse and a practitioner from Huhhot City, practitioner Wang Weihua from Chifeng City, and three other practitioners enlightened that it was not right to write the three guarantees, so they tore up the letters. They were all hung up by the policewomen Wang Dongyun, Wu Jing and Wang Xiulan. Due to the electric shocks, two thirds of their bodies were covered in blood blisters. The police especially shocked the genitals and the brain. It was extremely sinister. Up until April 2004, Zhu Xiaoying did not have any feeling in the nerves of her hands.

    The policewomen forced the practitioners to work from 5:30 a.m. until midnight. The practitioners were forced to work for 16.5 hours every day without a break; they were forced to eat their meals in the workshop. The workshop is very filthy and greasy, with dirt, fuzz and dust covering everything. They had to make 3,400 glove pockets and knit 312 gloves a day, which represents a huge workload.

    Women labor camp in Huhhot:

    Zhang Zhongsu, ex-president, (currently transferred to the labor department)

    Guo Xiangzhi, current president

    Four Falun Gong Practitioners from Liaoning, Hebei, and Heilongjiang Provinces Die from Persecution

    1. Mr. Chen Jixiang was 46 years old and lived in Yongling Town of Xinbin Township, Fushun City, Liaoning Province. Mr. Chen's job was to fluff the cotton stuffing in quilts. Before Mr. Chen started practicing Falun Gong, he had various diseases. His abdomen hurt all the time and he had diarrhea 6-7 times a day. There was blood and pus in his stool. Though he visited many famous hospitals, he was never cured. Mr. Chen also had a very bad temper. The neighbors knew that he often beat his wife. He weighed about 108 pounds, smoked, drank and fought with his wife after drinking. Sometimes he would cry for no reason and his daughter was often afraid. His family lived a hard life.

    Mr. Chen started practicing Falun Gong in July 1997. He then understood the principles of how to be a good person. He began living by those principles and became very healthy. He quit smoking and drinking and his family life became peaceful. He no longer sold used fluffed old cotton for the price of new cotton.

    After the persecution against Falun Gong started, the police arrested Mr. Chen five different times and sent him to a brainwashing center once. Each time they tried to force him to renounce Falun Gong. In August 1999, Mr. Chen went to the local government and then to Beijing to appeal for the Fa. After he returned from Beijing, Director Zhang Rongqing of the Yongling Police Station sent him to a brainwashing center. Zhang also ordered Mr. Chen to be brought to the police station every day to clean the glass windows, remove weeds, wash quilts and process bed covers. Mr. Chen did not receive any pay for his work. The police station fined him 200 yuan before he was released.

    On September 11, 1999, Zhang Rongqing and others from the Yongling Police Station again arrested Mr. Chen and placed him in a detention center. The prisoners there beat him until his face swelled up so much that he couldn't eat. The beating also injured his back. Under this severe torture, Mr. Chen compromised and paid 4,000 yuan to be released.

    In August 2000, Guo Huawei and others from the Yongling Police Station arrested Mr. Chen for the third time and again put him in a detention center. Mr. Chen was awakened before dawn to cut wood and process ginseng. Mr. Chen finally succumbed to the persecution and wrote a guarantee statement never to practice Falun Gong again and paid a 3,000 yuan fine to be released.

    In December 2000, Officer Wang Yongping and others from the Xinbin County Police Department broke into Mr. Chen's home to confiscate his property. The police confiscated an answering machine, an incense burner and 7000 yuan in cash. Once again, they took Mr. Chen to a detention center. This time Mr. Chen's family spent 3000 yuan on presents to bribe the police for his release.

    Twenty days after Mr. Chen returned home and one day before the Chinese New Year, Guo Huawei and policemen from the Yongling Police Station came to arrest him again. He was imprisoned for more then 10 days. On February 1, 2001, the police put Mr. Chen in the Fushun City Brainwash Center. They forced Mr. Chen to "transform" again by torturing him. One month later, they extorted more than 10,000 yuan from him to gain his release.

    In the fall of 2003, Officers Guo Huawei and Cao Sixin from the Yongling Police Station arrested Mr. Chen. They took him to Fushun City's Luotai mountain village to brainwash him.

    After Mr. Chen was released from the Luotai mountain village brainwashing center, his eyes started to itch severely. A month later, the severe itching moved to his neck. Later, he felt uncomfortable in his chest, like his esophagus was being blocked. The hospital diagnosed it as uremia. Chen died on August 20, 2005.

    Mr. Chen's daughter is in college now and his son is in high school. The whole family depended on him to bring in money.

    Phone numbers:

    Song Junlin, Secretary of the Xinbin County Political and Judiciary Committee, 86-413-5080010, 86-413-5086001 (Home)

    Zhang Rongqing, 86-413-5080595
    Guo Huawei, 86-413-5032955
    Cao Sixin, 86-413-5156798

    2. Mr. Wang Tiliang, 66 years old, was a Falun Gong practitioner from the Fengrun District in Tangshan City, Hebei Province. Mr. Wang started to practice Falun Gong in 1996 and benefited from the practice. After the persecution started on July 20, 1999, Mr. Wang insisted on continuing the practice. The police station and his work place constantly harassed him. Someone reported him to the police when he was delivering truth clarification materials about Falun Gong. At about 12:10 p.m. on August 25, 2001, more than ten people from the district's police department and police station broke into his home and confiscated his property. The police tried to take the 67,000 yuan cash Mr. Wang had saved for his son's wedding and housing. Mr. Wang tried to stop them, but they arrested him and locked him in a detention center. He did not get any food for twenty days out of four months. Mr. Wang was as thin as a stick when his work place bailed him out. The police department still withheld 5,000 yuan from him. Mr. Wang was extremely traumatized and had difficulty eating. He died on August 25, 2005.

    3. Ms. Zhang Guizhi, 72 years old, lived in the Fengrun District of Tangshan City in Hebei Province. Ms. Zhang started practicing Falun Gong in 1996 and was healthy from then on. After the persecution started on July 20, 1999, officials from the neighborhood administration office and the residential committee went to her home many times to confiscate her books, harass her and force her to write a guarantee statement to renounce Falun Gong. Ms. Zhang was easily intimidated to begin with and got even more scared from the constant persecution. She died on July 21, 2005, from fear caused by the persecution.

    4. Ms. Liu Qianqian, 33 years old, was a Falun Gong practitioner from Shangzhi Town of Shangzhi City in Heilongjiang Province. In 2002, before the Dragon Boat Festival, Ms. Liu went to Hedong Township, Shangzhi City to sell vegetables and clarify the truth. Someone reported her. Later, officers from Shangzhi City's 610 Office arrested her. They secretly sentenced her to three years in prison and locked her up in the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison. While in the Women's Prison, she was forced to work beyond her physical ability every day and was subjected to brainwashing.

    Ms. Liu weighed less than 50 lbs. when she was released and allowed go home. She weighed more than 90 lbs when she was arrested. Her skin was tightly wrapped against her skull and her veins showed. Her esophagus and stomach were infected. Her family paid over 5,000 yuan for treatment at a hospital. However, on August 6, 2005, just five days later, she died at the Jinzhou Hospital. The details are still under investigation.

    Six Falun Gong Practitioners Die as a Result of Persecution

    Ms. Bao Fengjuan, 39, was from Beiyingzi Village of Daoerdeng Town, Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province. She had all sorts of illnesses before practicing Falun Gong, but all her physical problems disappeared not long after she started the practice. She went to Beijing to appeal to the authorities against the persecution of Falun Gong in 2000. She was arrested and detained at the Daoerdeng Police Station. Policemen grabbed her hair, violently pushed her, and struck her head against a concrete wall many times, causing severe head injuries. Her speech was incomprehensible from that time on. She never recovered, even after she was sent home, and she couldn't live a normal life. She was unable to tell day from night, unable to look after herself, and often ran away from home for days for no reason. She passed away on August 19, 2005.

    Mr. Zhang Qingfeng, 69, was from Sandaoliangzi Village of Daoerdeng Town, Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province. He used to suffer from terminal lung cancer. He began practicing Falun Gong in 1997 and by the end of 1998, his lung cancer completely disappeared and he was able to live and work as a normal person. After the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners began on July 22, 1999, Mr. Zhang was harassed day and night. He was forced to write the Three Statements and give his fingerprints. He was badly hurt mentally and physically. As he was unable to practice Falun Gong again, his lung cancer came back and he died that same year.

    Ms. Li Suying, 74, was from Nangongyingzi Town, Kezuo County, Liaoning Province. Local policemen frequently ransacked her home, making her extremely upset. Her physical health deteriorated quickly. Under continuous intimidation and harassment, she passed away on July 19, 2005.

    Ms. Xu Meijing, 67, from Meilong Village, Xuhui District, Shanghai City, used to suffer from severe diabetes before she began practicing Falun Gong. Her diabetes disappeared completely after she began practicing. During 2000, policemen arrested her while she was validating Falun Gong with other practitioners. She was then sentenced to a four-year imprisonment. When she was released, she continued to clarify the facts to people. She died at home on June 2, 2005.

    Ms. Li Shurong, 60, was from Tangshan City, Hebei Province. She and her two daughters practiced Falun Gong. The two daughters were arrested and detained numerous times by the local town and county 's 610 Office. Ms. Li herself was also harassed and intimidated by the local 610 Office, and she was under unimaginable pressure. She passed away in December 2004.

    Ms. Wang Hulian, 68, was from Baishuzhuang Village of Laozhuangzi Town, Fengrun County, Tangshan City, Hebei Province. She began practicing Falun Gong in August 1996. All of her physical diseases disappeared shortly after she began practicing. After the persecution began, she was under great pressure and extremely anxious. She died in March 2001.

    Dr. Qi Xufang from the Weihai City Health and Epidemic Prevention Station Dies as a Result of Persecution

    Ms. Qi Xufang, 61, was a physician at the Weihai City Health and Epidemic Prevention Station in Shandong Province. She retired in 2000, and lived in Xinghua Village, Huancui District, Weihai City, Shandong Province. She benefited immensely after she began practicing Falun Gong in 1997. Her work unit pressured her to quit the practice many times after the persecution began on July 20, 1999. She was reported to the local authorities when she was clarifying the truth to people at an early-morning farm market in November 2002. The police from Huancui District Police Station illegally arrested her and detained her in the Weihai City Detention Center for over twenty days. Later they sent her to the Wangcun Brainwashing Center in Zibo City, Shandong Province, and detained her there for over one month. She was severely persecuted and forced to give up practicing Falun Gong. She suffered both physically and mentally.

    Ms. Qi Xufang resumed her practice and study of Falun Gong after she was released. Police officers Liu Jie and Liu Jinhu from the 610 Office of Huancui District Police Department often came to harass her in various ways. A plainclothes police officer reported her when she was clarifying the truth to people on May 23, 2004. Liu Jie led a few policemen to illegally ransack her home the following day. Facing huge pressure, her family members did not allow her to go out or contact any Falun Gong practitioners. She suffered severely both mentally and in her daily life. She developed stomach cancer and died on August 23, 2005.

    Brief News from China - September 21, 2005

    1. [Anping County, Hebei Province] Mr. Ma Zhanfeng Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison

    In February 2004, "610 Office" personnel arrested Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Ma Zhanfeng at his home and then transferred him into the Hengshui City Detention Center. After six months of secret detention, he was sentenced to seven years in prison in Hengshui City. At present, he is being held in Tangshan City's Yanchang Prison in Hebei Province.

    2. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Though Released, Ms. Huang Min is Still under Surveillance

    In 2005, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Huang Min was arrested and put in the Chengdu City Detention Center, the Xinjin Brainwashing Center and the Chengdu City Qingyang Hospital. At the hospital, she was put in handcuffs and shackles and locked to a patient bed. For 100 days since her arrest, until she was released, she was on a hunger strike. However, the police still monitor her movements around the building where she lives with the excuse that she was bailed out awaiting trial.

    3. [Qian County, Shaanxi Province] The Police Arrest Qin Yingchang at Home

    On July 28, 2005, the police arrested practitioner Qin Yingchang and confiscated Qin's notebook computer. According to an insider, Qin was brutally tortured in the Qian County Detention Center. The Xianyang City and Qian County "610 Office" always refused visiting requests from Qin's family. The County's "610 Office" even cut off its phone line.

    The Qian County Police Department: 86-910-5521263

    The Qian County Detention Center: 86-910-5521639

    4. [Chongqing] Practitioners Zhang Huaming and Du Guomei Arrested for Clarifying the Truth about Falun Gong

    On August 13, 2005, practitioners Zhang Huaming and Du Guomei from Sanjiang Town, Qijiang County, Chongqing were arrested for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong. The police ransacked their home that same day.

    5. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Guan Zhiyong Stages a Hunger Strike to Protest the Persecution in the Zhangshi Brainwashing Center

    On August 26, 2005, in collusion with officers from practitioner Mr. Guan Zhiyong's place of work, the Dadong District "610 Office" from Shenyang City arrested him. They took him to the Shenyang City Zhangshi Forced Labor Camp's Brainwashing Center and ransacked his home. Mr. Guan went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. He is extremely weak. It was heard that this is the second time that officials from his workplace put him in the Zhangshi Brainwashing Center.

    Mr. Guan Zhiyong's Employer: The Shenyang City No.1 People Hospital, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, also called the Shenyang City Neurosurgery Hospital
    Address: 67 Qingquan Road, Dadong District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, P. R. China, Zip code: 110041
    Wang Chao, director and Party secretary
    Tel: 86-24-88504565 ext. director's office
    Fax: 86-24-88504007

    The Shenyang City Zhangshi Forced Labor Camp Brainwashing Center, also called the Shenyang City Legal Education School
    Address: Zhangshi Village, Yuhong District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, Zip Code: 110027
    Tel: 86-24-25363870
    Guan Feng, director's assistant, vice principal of the Brainwashing Center: 86-24-25363747 (Office)
    Shi Fengyou, Brainwashing Center Section chief of the Zhangshi Forced Labor Camp, 86-13309888036 (Cell), 86-24-86892116

    6. [Xianning City, Hubei Province] Ms. Xu Changhong Arrested and Home Ransacked

    During the night of September 7, 2005, seven officers including Pi Jian from the Xianning City No.1 Bridge Police Station arrested practitioner Ms. Xu Changhong. She is an employee of the Chinese Traditional Medicine Pharmacy in Xianning City Central Hospital, Hubei Province. The arrest happened during her working hours. They found the key to Ms. Xu's home when searching her. Afterwards they ransacked her home and confiscated her computer and Falun Gong books.

    The people or unit responsible for the persecution:

    Pi Jian, Deputy Head of the No.1 Bridge Police Station, Xianning City: 86-13907249839 (cell)

    The No.1 Bridge Police Station: 86-715-8232549

    7. [Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Liang Qunhao Forcibly Sent to the Sanshui Brainwashing Center

    On April 26, 2005, Feng Fengyou, head of Doumen District "610 Office," led some people to the Hengshan Elementary School, arrested teacher Ms. Liang Qunhao and sent her to the Sanshui Brainwashing Center. Her colleagues told her that during the past four months, the district "610 Office" ordered the Elementary School to pay fines of 15,000 Yuan.

    8. [Botou City, Hebei Province] The Police from Huanghua City Arrest Two Practitioners for Distributing Falun Gong Truth-Clarifying Materials

    On August 2, 2005, practitioner Ms. Yin Xiuying and Zhang Xiong from Hezhuangzi Village, Wenmiao Town, Botou City, Hebei Province rented a mini van to deliver hardware to Huanghua City. On their way, they distributed some Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials to passengers. The police from Huanghua City arrested them and put them in the City Detention Center.

    Liu Changsong, head of the Huanghua City Detention Center, 86-317-5558871

    9. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] The Couple, Mr. Yuan Chunfei and Ms. Jin Meichun, Arrested and Taken to a Brainwashing Center

    On September 6, 2005, the practitioner couple Mr. Yuan Chunfei and Ms. Jin Meichun, about 46 years old, from the Yinlong Community in Shijiazhuang City, were arrested and forcibly sent to the Hebei Provincial Capital Brainwashing Center. Their young child has been left at home without care.

    10. [Beijing] Ms. Wang Xiurong Arrested for Clarifying the Truth about Falun Gong

    At 9:00 p.m. on September 14, 2005, four officers from the Yongding Road Police Station in the Haidian District Police Department arrested practitioner Ms. Wang Xiurong at her home in Jiaojiafen Area, Shijingshan District, Beijing. The police also ransacked her home.

    11. [Baoji City, Shaanxi Province] Ms. Zhang Gaicui Arrested for Distributing Falun Gong Truth-Clarifying Materials

    Practitioner Ms. Zhang Gaicui, around 60 years old, lives in Group 2, Rujiazhuang Village, Shennong Town, Weibin District, Baoji City. During the morning on September 14, 2005, she distributed Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials. Personnel from the Baoji City Police Department, from the Weibin District "610 Office" and from the Qingjiang Police Station arrested her and put her in the Lingyun Hotel affiliated with the city's Lingyun Company. Police not only tortured Ms. Zhang, but also threatened her and extorted 100 Yuan a day from her family. They also threatened her family by withholding her whole family's basic living welfare payments.

    Related responsible person's phone numbers:

    Executive office, the Weibin District Qingjiang Police Station: 86-917-3623068

    Xu Pengchun, Head of the Weibin District Qingjiang Police Station, 86-13892488998 (cell)

    Weibin District "610 Office" in the Weibin District: 86-917-3313434

    Lingyun Hotel: 86-917-3622760

    12. [Chongqing] The Police Trick and Arrest Ms. Zhao Xiaoqun

    In early September 2005, personnel from the Xiejiawan Police Station duped practitioner Ms. Zhao Xiaoqun, a retired employee of the Construction Group in Xiejiawan Cultural Village, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing. They had her come to the local police station with the ruse of issuing a new citizen's identification card for her. Then they arrested her and put her into the district's Baihe Village Brainwashing Center.

    All fellow practitioners who get this message: please support Ms. Zhao's righteous thoughts and righteous actions and help her walk out of there as soon as possible.

    13. [Shanghai] "610 Office" Personnel Trick Mr. Zhang Tianlun and Send Him to Be Brainwashed

    On August 4, 2005, "610 Office" personnel told practitioner Mr. Zhang Tianlun who lives in Huangpu District, Shanghai that they wanted "to have a talk outside." They then put him in the Qingpu Brainwashing Center. Nobody knows his current whereabouts. His family went to request his release many times but their request was refused. Their visits have also been denied.

    14. [Maoming City, Guangdong Province] Three Practitioners Arrested When Distributing Falun Gong Truth-Clarifying Materials

    From 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. on September 15, 2005, the police arrested practitioners Luo Ji, Ms. Chen Yuping and Ms. Chen Xiaoxia when the practitioners were distributing Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials on Xiagang Street. Luo Ji was held at the National Security Teamof the Maoxi Branch Police Station affiliated with the Maoming City Police Department. Luo's home was ransacked and some Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials, CDs and audiotapes were confiscated. Ms. Chen Yuping was held at the Maoming City Brainwashing Center. Ms. Chen Xiaoxia's current situation is unknown.

    Policemen involved in the arrest: Zhang Jiexin, Dai Haiming, Ke Jianing

    Unit: National Security Team, Maoxi Branch, Maoming City Police Department

    15. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Harbin Prison Authorities Transferred All Falun Gong Practitioners to Another Prison

    The CCP government issued an urgent notice to the Harbin Prison at 5:00 a.m. on July 1, 2004, and ordered all Falun Gong practitioners held there to be transferred to another prison. The practitioners were completely caught off guard. They were put in a vehicle at 6:30 a.m. and taken to the Tailai Prison, after a whole day of driving. The next day, they were forced to do slave labor. On the sixth day after the transfer, the guards told the practitioners, "We held a three-day meeting to discuss the persecution of Falun Gong. We are assigned quotas to "reform" Falun Gong practitioners. If the practitioners don't write "guarantee statements", we'll be fired and we'll have to turn in our uniforms."

    They shackled Falun Gong practitioners and tied steel bars on their feet. They didn't allow the practitioners to sleep at night and hung them up, with their feet barely touching the ground. Falun Gong practitioner Qiu Jianbin refused to cooperate with the perpetrators; group political head Zhang Weijia forced him to stand and shackled him. The perpetrators took turns beating him, and they hung him up at night. He went on a hunger strike and was force-fed six times. He was savagely beaten whenever he did the Falun Gong exercises. He is now skin and bones and is on the verge of death.

    16. [Ningxia Autonomous Region] Practitioner Cui Wei Arrested and Sent to a "610 Office" Brainwashing Center

    On the afternoon of September 15, 2005, officers from the local police department arrested Falun Gong practitioner Cui Wei, an employee of the China Bank in Yongning County and sent Cui to a brainwashing center held by the "610 Office." Yang Guozhi is Cui Wei's colleague and assisted the police in the arrest. It has been learned that the Ningxia "610 Office" recently held a brainwashing session as the national holiday is approaching.

    17. [Zhucheng City, Shandong Province] The Police Arrest Elementary School Teacher, Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Cui Aixiu

    At around 10:00 a.m. on September 5, 2005, two officers from the Zhucheng City Police Department went to the Baichihe Town Central Elementary School and arrested Ms. Cui Aixiu, a teacher and a Falun Gong practitioner. They took several truth clarification flyers and VCDs from Ms. Cui's office drawers and her home. She is currently being held at the Zhucheng City Detention Center.

    18. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Practitioner Ms. Ma Binjuan Held Beyond Her Term at the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison

    Practitioner Ms. Ma Binjuan, 50 years old, lived in the Nangang District, Harbin City, in Heilongjiang Province. In the summer of 2002, the officers from the Nangang District Post Police Department ransacked her home and arrested her. She was later sentenced to three years in prison. She has been held at the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison beyond her term. The perpetrators refuse to release her.

    19. [Dongying City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Mr. Fu Deqing Arrested When Distributing Truth Clarification Materials and Sent to a Brainwashing Center

    Recently, practitioner Mr. Fu Deqing, a retired employee from the Shengli Oilfield Electric Power Company Automobile Management Center in Dongying City, Shandong Province was arrested when distributing truth clarification materials. He was sent to the Shengli Oilfield Supply Division Brainwashing Center and has been held there for one week.

    20. [Tieling City, Liaoning Province] Practitioners Mr. Guo Lianyang and Mr. Liu Zhenguo Sentenced to Three Years of Forced Labor

    In 2002, practitioners Mr. Guo Lianyang and Mr. Liu Zhenguo were at home in Xiaohongshi Village, Pingdingbu Town, Tieling City, Liaoning Province, when several officers from the Pingdingbu Police Department arrived and asked whether they would continue to practice Falun Gong. They said, "Yes." The police arrested them and sent them to the Tieling Forced Labor Camp. They were sentenced to three years of forced labor. Mr. Guo escaped with the power of righteous thoughts during a work session at the labor camp, but he was compelled to go into exile to avoid recapture. He returned home during the Chinese New Year and the police arrested him again. He was released after they extorted 5,000 Yuan from him.

    Mr. Liu Zhenguo was sent to the Huangjintun Forced Labor Camp. He was a little slow when eating lunch, so the guards knocked out his front teeth. Pressured by the guards, he reluctantly wrote a guarantee statement and was released in July or August 2004. In early 2005, after he went home, the head of the local police department went to his home and said to him, "Don't go anywhere; just practice [Falun Gong] at home." At 6:00 p.m. on February 2, 2005, several officers from the Pingdingbu Police Department saw five practitioners doing the exercises. They phoned the Tieling County Police Department, which dispatched several officers who went to Mr. Guo's home and arrested five people: Ms. Xu Yajie, Ms. Song Lianzhi, Ms. Liu Ying, Mr. Guo Lianyang and Mr. Liu Zhenguo. The officers found Falun Gong books and materials. They took the five people to the Pingdingbu Police Department and sent them to the Babaoling Custody Center in Tieling County overnight. Ms. Liu Ying was returning from her boyfriend's home but the police lied and said she left town to distribute truth clarification materials.

    At the custody center, the police interrogated Mr. Guo and asked about the source of the Falun Gong materials. The police savagely beat him and shocked him with electric batons until the batons broke. Mr. Guo could not walk afterwards. They extorted 5,000 Yuan from each of three female practitioners. They were then released several days after writing guarantee statements. Mr. Guo and Liu Zhenguo were sentenced to three years of forced labor and are currently being held at the Lingdong Forced Labor Camp.

    21. [Diaobingshan City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Mr. Yu Xuewen Sentenced to One Year of Forced Labor

    At 7:30 a.m. on January 7, 2005, practitioner Mr. Yu Xuewen from the Hongfang area in Diaobingshan City, Liaoning Province passed by the Hongfang Police Department on his way to work and Sun Guanghui, the head of the police department, the deputy head and a group of officers arrested him. The police claimed they were following orders from Zhang Fucai, head of the National Security Division; yet Zhang Fucai claimed the arrest order came from Zhang Mingyuan, head of the Tiemei Corporation. Mr. Yu was sent to Tieling Forced Labor Camp without any due process and was to be held for one year. The authorities did not notice his family or his employer.