News and Events from around the World -- September 29, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • San Francisco: Falun Gong Practitioners Deliver Court's Judgment to Xia Deren in Oakland

  • Chicago: Moving Stories at Buckingham Fountain

  • Toronto: Falun Gong Fall Celebration in Milliken Park

  • Taiwan: Art Exhibition Held at National Pingtung University of Education

  • Finland: Falun Gong Photo Exhibition Tours Lapland (Part 3)

  • Four Members of U.S. Congress Write to Governor of Sichuan Province Asking for Immediate Release of Ms. Yuan Yuju and Mr. Liang Jinhui

  • San Francisco: Falun Gong Practitioners Deliver Court's Judgment to Xia Deren in Oakland

    At noon on September 27, 2005, current Dalian Mayor Xia Deren led a delegation to the Oakland City Government to meet with Mayor Jerry Brown. Bay Area Falun Gong practitioners met Xia's group at City Hall. Practitioners tendered him the US Federal Court's judgment.

    Falun Gong practitioners in front of City Hall

    Practitioners hold anti-torture exhibit and truth-clarifying photo exhibit at the square at the front entrance of City Hall

    This was Xia Deren's second visit to California. Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Duan saw him, and handed him a package containing the judgment from the US Federal Court of Northern California regarding Xia's responsibility for persecuting Falun Gong, and related materials about Falun Gong practitioners' lawsuit filed against Xia in February 2002. Both Xia and his entourage refused to accept it and put the package aside.

    Ms. Duan said, "I saw Xia Deren, I shook hands with him and then handed him the document. He seemed to have known what was inside, as he didn't accept it and put the package aside. Neither did his entourage accept it."

    Another Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang also saw Xia. She shook hands with him and said, "Don't persecute Falun Gong." Xia Deren repeatedly said, "Ok, Ok."

    Since July 1999, Jiang Zemin colluded with the Chinese Communist Party to launch a nationwide persecution campaign against Falun Gong. Tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have been illegally arrested, detained and subjected to brutal torture and abuses. Many Falun Gong practitioners have been tortured to death. Liaoning Province is one of provinces where the persecution is the most serious. Xia Deren was then deputy-governor of Liaoning Province.

    In February 2002, Falun Gong practitioners in San Francisco filed a lawsuit against him for overseeing the torture of Falun Gong practitioners. The US Federal Court of Northern California later found both Liu Qi and Xia Deren responsible for torture, cruel, inhuman treatment and arbitrary detention of Falun Gong practitioners.

    Passersby learn about the facts

    That same day, Falun Gong practitioners from Bay Area of San Francisco also held a series of activities, including an anti-torture exhibit, truth-clarifying photo exhibit and press conference in front of Oakland City Hall, calling for help in stopping the persecution of Falun Gong and bringing justice to all vicious people and police for persecuting Falun Gong.

    Media interview

    People carefully read the truth clarification materials

    Chicago: Moving Stories at Buckingham Fountain

    Buckingham Fountain is a landmark of Chicago and a world-famous tourist spot. Practitioners in Chicago have held several truth-clarification activities here during the past six years. In September, 2005, they held another activity to tell people about the children of practitioners persecuted in China.

    "Thank you, little girl!"

    "I would like to sign in support of Falun Gong."

    "I have a big family. I will ask every one of them to sign."

    "I am a mother... The persecution is ridiculous!"

    A group of young people sign their names in support of Falun Gong

    "I am touched. I will sign to support you."

    Jiang, then Secretary General of the Chinese Communist Party, launched a genocidal persecution of Falun Gong in July, 1999. At least 2731 people have died from the persecution. Thousands have been forced into mental hospitals. More than six thousand have been thrown into jails. A hundred thousand have been illegally sent to forced labor camps. Many children of Falun Gong practitioners became orphans. About ten million children have been affected by the persecution. Many of them were forced to leave their schools and homes and were even detained together with their parents. They suffer from discrimination and psychological devastation.

    Children in the Chicago Minghui School have worked together with practitioners to tell tourists from all over the world, especially from China, about the need to rescue children facing persecution. Many moving episodes occurred at the Buckingham Fountain.

    "We Like to See Our Kids with You"

    When little Falun Gong practitioners jointed the activity for the first time, many people got flyers from them. Most of them had never heard about how the persecution had harmed innocent kids. They were shocked.

    An African American couple and their kids happened to be there. Upon hearing about the persecution, their kids joined the practitioners to distribute flyers. Tourists from China were surprised when American children greeted them with "Falun Dafa is good." They took flyers from the children with smiles. They worked tirelessly for more than three hours. When Falun Gong practitioners thanked the parents, the parents said, "You are very nice people. We like to see our kids with you."

    A Four-Year-Old Girl Said, "I Can Write My Name. Can I Sign?"

    Practitioners made and distributed paper lotus flowers. Many girls were fascinated by the pretty lotus flowers and learned how to fold them on the spot. Practitioners told them about the persecution in China, and that many children there need help.

    Little girls wait in line to sign. They appreciate the pretty lotuses.

    Beautiful lotus flowers inspire their kindness. A four-year-old girl held a pink lotus in her hand and said, "I can write my name. Can I sign?" She wrote her name neatly on a postcard about rescuing Falun Gong children in China."

    "I Think I Should Reconsider My Investment in China"

    A mother of a little girl learned about the persecution of Falun Gong from practitioners. She said, "My company made an investment in China two months ago. I will go to China for inspection next month. I didn't know that such things were still happening." After talking with a Falun Gong practitioner for thirty minutes she said, "Can I take some more materials with me? I will tell the Chinese what happened. I think I should reconsider my investment in China."

    Kind People Support Justice

    A tourist signed a postcard to President Bush calling for attention to Falun Gong orphans. She said, "I have a big family. I will take some cards and ask everyone to sign. We support you on stopping the persecution!"

    A restaurant customer signs his name

    Beautiful lotus flowers inspire girls' kindness

    One Falun-Gong-practitioner couple has a Chinese restaurant. An American family has been their customers for many years. They learned about the persecution and didn't hesitate to sign in support of rescuing Falun Gong orphans.

    A woman watched practitioners do the exercises and read the display boards. She said firmly, "You are doing something absolutely right." She signed in support of us.

    Clarifying the truth to tourists

    "I would like to sign in support of Falun Gong."

    People are shocked to learn about the persecution.

    Many Chinese Americans visit Buckingham Fountain on weekends. Some of them told us, "I firmly believe the wrong will be rectified sooner or later." Some took flyers with a smile and others read the display boards.

    Ms. Xiao from the Minghui School told us that her school would continue the truth-clarification activity at Buckingham Fountain to help rescue Falun Gong orphans. It is a good way to get children Falun Gong practitioners involved and to call for attention to children being persecuted in China.

    Toronto: Falun Gong AutumnCelebration in Milliken Park

    Friends of Falun Gong organized a "Autumn Celebration in Milliken Park" in Toronto. Over one thousand people enjoyed the tasty foods and watched about three hours of performance.

    Heavenly Maiden Dance by Falun Gong practitioners

    Solo by Ms. Bai Xue

    In the morning, the sky was cloudy. At around 9:00 a.m., it started to rain lightly. The rain stopped after 11:00 a.m.

    Director of Friends of Falun Gong Mr. Hong Shizhong gives a speech

    The director of Friends of Falun Gong, Mr. Hong, said that this was the third Annual Fall Celebration. Similar to previous years, the weather was forecast to rain but it always turns out to be fine after the activities start.

    It is a good time for fall break

    Between the performances, there were several introductions clarifying the truth about Falun Gong, the persecution in China, and stories of Falun Gong spreading around the world. There was also a small "Journey of Falun Dafa" photo exhibition. It attracted many people. Guests remarked that they enjoyed the celebration very much and look forward to returning next year.

    Photographing of the pictures

    Touring the picture show

    "Friends of Falun Gong" is a registered non-profit organization in Canada. It is composed of individuals and organizations of different nationalities. The organization actively supports Falun Gong practitioners' freedoms of belief and tries all means to rescue Falun Gong practitioners jailed in China.

    Taiwan: Art Exhibition Held at National Pingtung University of Education

    For eight days starting September 16, 2005, an art exhibition was held at National Pingtung University of Education. The exhibition combined artworks from the international "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Art Show" and photos of Falun Gong practitioners appealing for Falun Gong. The exhibition, which was entitled "Truth and Art, For the Present and Eternity" was organized by the Visual Arts Department.

    At the opening ceremony, the Pingtung Tang Dynasty Drum Team performed "Falun Dafa is Good" for the event and marched in the city. The Chancellor and Vice Chancellor of the university, Director Secretary of County Government, and Mayor of Pingtung City attended the ribbon cutting ceremony in person. National Pingtung University of Education not only provided the space for the exhibition without charge, but also presented a "Certificate of Appreciation" to the Falun Dafa Association. The exhibition ended successfully on September 23, 2005.

    "Certificate of Appreciation" to Falun Dafa Association

    Tang Dynasty Drum Team performs at opening ceremony

    During the exhibition, an 86-year-old retired professor toured the exhibition five times. He expressed his respect for the Mainland Chinese practitioners who compassionately clarified the truth in the face of persecution and torture. His family was destroyed during the time when the Chinese Communist Party launched the "Land Reform" political campaign, so he said he understood the evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party.

    When an elderly gentleman from Jinan, Shandong Province saw the exhibition about the brutal persecution he said, "How can the Communist Party use such cruel methods to persecute its own people? Is this for real? They are too cruel." When he saw the painting "A Trial by Angels" he said, "Good trial! Jiang Zemin is so stupid. He saw there were so many people practicing Falun Gong, why not just order his communist party members to practice it too? It (Falun Gong) can bring peace and prosperity to the country and its people. Jiang was too jealous. I hope Hu Jintao can walk on his own path, and not follow Jiang."

    Students of a class from Renai Elementary School also visited the art exhibition. Many parents volunteered to drive cars to transport the children. They quietly toured the exhibition and listened to the introductions one by one. Many parents gave us feedback that they only had a vague idea about Falun Gong before, but after touring the exhibition, they felt like they'd had a complete lesson, and it was very much worth it.

    During the exhibition, many well-known artists of Pingtung also visited. Students and teachers from nine classes in the Art Department and Sports Department also visited the exhibit. The groups who registered for introductory guidance included university students, art students of middle schools and high schools, elementary school students and even kindergarten pupils.

    During the exhibition, the organizers hosted an "Art Creation and Moral Education" seminar. People attended the seminar actively and half of them were government employees or teachers. The education bureau also approved three credits for teachers who attended the seminar.

    Students from high school art class

    Students from visual arts department

    Students from Sports Department, Pingtung University

    Touring the photo exhibition of Falun Gong, practitioners appeal for Falun Gong

    During the exhibition, the Falun Gong practitioners took the initiative to support the activities by unselfishly providing manpower and financial support. The weather was also very cooperative during the eight-day exhibition. There was always mild sunshine and a cool breeze. It only began raining after the exhibition completed and all the paintings were packed up.

    Finland: Falun Gong Photo Exhibition Tours Lapland (Part 3)

    During the spring of 2005, we contacted several libraries in Lapland and made inquiries about holding a Falun Gong photo exhibition. Several librarians were interested in holding an exhibition during the spring and summer. Most of them knew about Falun Gong already and those who didn't were interested in holding the exhibition and in finding out more.

    On a hot day in July we arrived in Rovaniemi and hurried into the library to begin hanging the exhibition. The exhibit place was next to the entrance, so as we were hanging up pictures, people continually passed by. Many people stopped to get a glimpse of the photos. Once again we experienced the deeper meaning of this photo exhibition and the affect it had on our surroundings.

    I looked at my watch and told my husband that we still had enough time to finish hanging the pictures. After a while, my husband replied that it was summertime and we had just one hour left. I looked around and saw that we still had so many pictures left to hang up. All these photos were waiting to let more people know about Falun Gong and about the persecution going on in China. We could not leave before everything was on the wall. We continued quietly and the moment that we finished, a young boy came over to look at the pictures. In the background we could hear the voice on the library intercom, "We will close the library in ten minutes."

    July Exhibition in Rovaniemi

    Two weeks later, my husband went to take down the exhibition. People still wanted to know and understand more about Falun Gong. During the exhibition, people had signed their names in the visitors' book. Signatures from the following countries could be found: Sweden, Great Britain, Italy, Greece, Spain and Canada.

    On August 1, the next stop was Salla. The local culture secretary made an announcement about the photo exhibition on the local radio station and many people came to see it.

    Photo Exhibition Continues its Tour

    The exhibition in Taivalkoski began on August 17 and the kind librarian helped us to make the exhibition a success. We visited a local newspaper and they conducted an interview that was published on the August 22 in the local newspaper Koillissanomat. Before I left the library, I saw that one of the librarians went to look at the exhibition. Her comment in our visitor's book made me understand that the truth of the exhibition had reached her heart.

    Visitors took home a nicely folded Lotus flower

    When we returned to pick up the pictures, someone had made more room for the exhibition in order to make it easier for people to see it. The local people wished us good luck with their smiling faces. This was the eighth exhibition that we held in Finnish Lapland and we plan to continue.

    Four Members of U.S. Congress Write to Governor of Sichuan Province Asking for Immediate Release of Ms. Yuan Yuju and Mr. Liang Jinhui

    On September 22, 2005, four Members of U.S. Congress, Rush D. Holt, Frank Pallone Jr., Robert E. Andrews, and Mike Ferguson, jointly wrote a letter to the Governor of Sichuan Province, China, concerning the arrest of Ms. Yuan Yuju and Mr. Liang Jinhui for being Falun Gong practitioners. They asked for an immediate release of Ms. Yuan Yuju and Mr. Liang Jinhui. Copies of the letter were sent to U.S. Ambassadors Mr. Clark Randt, Jr. and Mr. Jeff Moon and Secretary of State Ms. Condoleezza Rice.

    Congress of the United States
    Washington, DC 20515

    September 22, 2005

    Zhang Zhongwei,
    Governor of Sichuan Province
    #30 Duyuan Street,
    Chengdu, Sichuan 610021,
    Peoples Republic of China

    Dear Governor Zhang:

    We are writing to you on behalf of Ms. Sarah Liang, a United States citizen, whose mother, Ms. Yuan Yuju, and brother, Mr. Liang Jinhui were arrested for being Falun Gong practitioners by the Luzhou Police on July 19, 2005.

    The police confiscated possessions of up to RMB 20,000 ($2,500 US) from their home and store. Yuan Yuju was sentenced for a year of forced labor which she is now serving at the Zizhong Nanmu Temple Female Labor Camp. Liang Jinhui, on the other hand, was officially arrested on August 23, 2005. He is being held at the Luzhou Detention Center and has been denied the right for familial visits and the legal representation of a lawyer.

    We have learned from Ms. Liang that her mother began practicing Falun Gong in 1995. Her continued practice has resulted in her home being searched a number of times, her telephone line being tapped and her right to visit her daughter in Hong Kong denied. In addition, her 36-year-old brother has a history of mental illness. Ms. Liang worries that the conditions in the detention center and labor camp will result in immeasurable damage to the long-term health of her brother, as well as her mother. Meanwhile, Ms. Liang's nearly 70-year-old father who suffers from high blood pressure is now alone and unattended because his wife and son have been imprisoned.

    It was clearly stipulated in 1982 under Regulation No. 35 in the Constitution of China that "all citizens of the People's Republic of China have the right for freedom of speech, of publication, of assembly, of parade and of demonstration." Arresting these individuals based on the practicing of Falun Gong infringes on the rights set forth by this provision. This peaceful, spiritual faith should not be accompanied by constant fear and oppression. They deserve to practice Falun Gong openly, freely and with dignity.

    We ask that you release Ms. Yuan Yuju and Mr. Liang Jinhui immediately. Thank you for your attention to this matter.


    Frank Pallone Jr.
    Member of Congress

    Rush D. Holt
    Member of Congress

    Robert E. Andrews
    Member of Congress

    Mike Ferguson
    Member of Congress


    1. Mayor Xiao Tianren, Rm 202 No. 1 Building, Chty Hall, Da Shan Ping, Luzhou City, Sichuan, P.R. China, 64600
    2. Ambassador Clark T. Randt, Jr., Xiu Shui Bei Jie 3, Beijing, 100600
    3. Ambassador Jeff Moon, 4 Lingguan Road, Chengdu, Sichuan, China 610041
    4. Secretary Condoleezza Rice, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC 20520