The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- November 15, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Ms. Li Yangfang Tortured to Death at Zizhong Labor Camp in Sichuan Province

  • Mr. and Mrs. Su, Retired Employees from Handan City Transportation Bureau, Die as a Result of Persecution

  • Ms. Meng Lijun from Zhangqiu City in Shandong Province Illegally Arrested Nine Times

  • CCP Propaganda Leads to Another Family Tragedy - Nie Tiemei is Abused by Her Husband's Family

  • My 70-year-old Mother was Sentenced to Seven Years in Jail - My Wife was Sentenced to Ten Years

  • Supplementary Information on the Case of Practitioner Yuan Shengjun, Beaten to Death by Police 

  • Brief News from China - October 29, 2005

  • Summary of Other Articles and News - November 9, 2005

  • Ms. Li Yangfang Tortured to Death at Zizhong Labor Camp in Sichuan Province

    Ms. Li Yangfang lived in Wanchun Town, Wenjiang District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. Her illnesses had almost taken her life, but she became healthy after she started practicing Falun Gong. She had been brutally mistreated since the persecution, and in 2003, she was sent to a forced labor camp in Seventh Ward, Sichuan Province Zizhong Labor Camp, where she had been tortured until the hospital refused to accept her (because there wasn't any hope to cure her). She died on October 18, 2005 after she endured a huge amount of suffering both mentally and physically. More details follow:

    Ms. Li Yangfang had been tortured in Zizhong Labor Camp until she was as thin as a skeleton; her belly and legs swollen as well

    Ms. Li Yangfang was 53 years old and lived in the Third Group of Yonghe Village, Wanchun Town, Wenjiang District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. She had severe liver disease, gallstones, and her face was dirt grey color. Her neighbors were always avoiding her in fear they would catch the virus. In March 1998, Ms. Li Yangfang started practicing Falun Gong. She read Falun Gong books and did the exercises, and disciplined herself according to her understanding of "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance" while upgrading her "Xinxing". Her gallstones disappeared, her facial color changed to rosy, and she became a healthy person from the inside out. She saved a lot of medical expenses, and rejoined work on the farm. All of this reduced the heavy burden on her family. Her whole family witnessed the miracles of Falun Gong, and they lived happily together.

    After the persecution started, Ms. Li Yangfang told people "Falun Dafa is good" with her own story. She said it was Falun Gong that gave her a second life. For this, she had been repeatedly mistreated by the authorities. In March 2000, she was arrested as soon as she arrived at Tiananmen Square. Police stepped on her face on the vehicle and insulted her. On July 6, 2003, several police from Shou'an Station stormed in her house, claimed someone reported that she had Falun Gong materials, and ransacked her place. She was arrested, and sent to forced labor in the Seventh Ward, Sichuan Province Zizhong Labor Camp. She had passed out many times because she was cruelly tortured in the Camp. Guard Zhang Xiaofang (female) assigned a drug addicted prisoner Zhang Xiaoyan (female) to watch her closely and to beat her at will.

    In this living hell, Ms. Li Yangfang nearly collapsed due to huge suffereing both mentally and physically. She was later assigned to the Eighth Ward, where the labor was not as heavy as in the Seventh Ward. Guard Li (a female Warden) assigned Ms. Li Yangfang to the Team that had the most labor, and didn't have any time to take breaks. By the winter of 2004, Ms. Li Yangfang was deformed. Her belly and legs were swollen and she passed out several times. She would be forced to do labor after regaining consciousness half a day after passing out.

    In February 2005, Ms. Li Yangfang passed out again in the shop. She was carried to the hospital, and the doctor said she was dying. The Camp Administration was afraid that she might die in the Camp and notified the Wanchun Town government to pick her up. The villains in Wanchun Town Government forced Ms. Li Yangfang to fingerprint a guarantee statement saying that she would stop practicing Falun Gong. She was as thin as skin and bones, and her belly and legs were very bloated. It was like she was 8-9 months pregnant. Fluid kept oozing out of the skin of her legs. She could not stand up, eat, or drink. None of the hospital staff agreed to treat her because she was dying.

    Ms. Li Yangfang died on October 18, 2005 after she went through a huge amount of suffering. See a related report earlier on, /emh/articles/2005/9/13/64849.html.

    Chinese version available at

    Mr. and Mrs. Su, Retired Employees from Handan City Transportation Bureau, Die as a Result of Persecution

    Mr. Su and Mrs. Su, retired employees from Handan City Transportation Bureau in Hebei Province, died after being persecuted many times. Mr. Su, 63 years of age, used to have back problems and suffered extreme pain. He tried to seek medical treatment at many hospitals in vain. He happily learned Falun Gong at the beginning of 1997. Shortly after he began to practice Falun Gong, his illness disappeared. His wife was a school teacher of No. 12 Middle School in Handan City. She began to practice Falun Gong about the same time and became free of her illnesses without medical treatment. As a result, she saved a lot of medical expenses for the nation. The couple was very diligent in practicing Falun Gong. Mr. Su volunteered to be a contact person for the exercise site at the stadium. He went there as a volunteer every morning and night with a tape recorder to teach the exercises and to promote Falun Gong. New Falun Gong practitioners increased tremendously.

    The couple went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong on April 25, 1999. Lawless authorities went to their house to harass them several days before July 20, 1999. They confiscated all their Falun Gong books. They arrested Mr. Su, taking him to the local police station, detaining and persecuting him. He was deprived of sleep and his health deteriorated. His voice became hoarse and he spoke with difficulty. The local police officers arrested him when Mr. Su distributed truth clarifying materials in his hometown, Qui County, in 2000. He suffered severely under the persecution and became very weak that he had difficulty managing himself. The police were afraid to be held responsible for his death so they sent him home.

    Later, Mr. and Mrs. Su were frequently harassed and intimidated by the authorities. They could not live in peace. Mr. Su died on October 10, 2003. However, the authorities did not leave his wife alone as she was in anguish. Mrs. Su died as a result of the persecution.

    October 24, 2005

    Chinese version available at

    Ms. Meng Lijun from Zhangqiu City in Shandong Province Illegally Arrested Nine Times

    During the National Day holiday (October 1), Falun Gong practitioner Meng Lijun from Zhangqiu City was "illegally arrested" from her home by the police. Another Falun Gong practitioner with lastname Wang, was also arrested at the same time. They took away all the cash the practitioners had at home and all their belongings such as a computer, motorcycle, clothes and kitchen utensils.

    Meng Lijun has a 70-year old mother and two underage children. She had been arrested by the police eight times before, since the persecution began on July 20, 1999. With difficulty, her husband has been raising their two children alone.

    Meng Lijun was illegally sentenced to a three-year forced labor in 2001. After being tortured for over 40 days, Meng Lijun was on the verge of death. The police was afraid of taking responsibility and told her family members to take her home. Meng Lijun was forced to live in exile in order to avoid severe persecution.

    In December 2004, Meng Lijun's place was illegally ransacked by the police from Tianqiao District, Jinan City. She was detained in Liuchangshan Detention Center. She protested against the persecution by going on a hunger strike. The police injected her with some unknown drugs. When she was about to die, they released her for medical treatment. After her family took her home, they continued to monitor her. She was in danger of being arrested at any time. With no other choice, Meng Lijun had to live in exile again.

    During the National Day holiday this year, Meng Lijun was arrested by the police the ninth time when the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners was intensified in the area again. At present, she is suffering severe persecution.

    October 24, 2005

    Chinese version available at

    CCP Propaganda Leads to Another Family Tragedy - Nie Tiemei is Abused by Her Husband's Family

    So-called "psychiatric treatment" is one of the various torturing methods that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses on Falun Gong practitioners. Li Guangxiong is an employee at the Material Company of the 5th Bureau of China Rail. Deceived by years of CCP propaganda contrived to demonize Falun Gong, he sent his wife Nie Tiemei to a psychiatric hospital three times, where she was mentally tormented and physically tortured. More details follow:


    Nie Tiemei, 36, was an employee of Huaihua Electricity Plant. Her husband, Li Guangxiong, who works at the Material Company of the 5th Bureau of China Rail, believed the deception and lies in the CCP's media propaganda since the launch of the persecution on July 20, 1999, and for a long time he had physically abused his wife because she persisted in her practice of Falun Gong.

    At the end of 1999, Nie Tiemei went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was arrested and detained. During a period of seven days, Li Guangxiong brutally beat her three times, whipping her with his leather belt until her head was cut and bleeding. She lost her job for appealing for Falun Gong, so Li Guangxiong released all his anger on his wife. He tied his wife's hands and feet to a water pipe in the bathroom for eight hours every day, until he came back from work. Sometimes he tied her in the corridor of his work place. Many people at his workplace witnessed it. When he was on a temporary assignment at Dajiangkou, once after drinking, Li Guangxiong hit his wife with a stool. When someone blocked him, he then tried to hack at her with a knife. Someone hid the knife from him. When it was snowing, he forbade her to go to bed and forced her to stay outside in freezing temperatures and snow wearing only underwear. On two occasions, he tore up her clothes in front of a crowd of people. She was left with only a bra on her upper body. He then insulted her. He beat her almost every day. In 2001, Nie Tiemei gave up practicing Falun Gong under this pressure. The insults and beatings lessened afterwards.

    In August 2004, when more and more people were learning the truth of Falun Gong, Nie Tiemei resumed the practice. Her husband tried all he could to stop her. Again, he started beating her every day. Nie Tiemei's body was always covered in bruises.

    Once, two practitioners came to visit her. When her husband heard they were Falun Gong practitioners, he beat the male practitioner with a brick. The practitioner's body was covered with blood. Li Guangxiong also called the 110 police line [similar to 911 in North America], causing them to be arrested and taken to Yingfeng Police Station. The police station chief Tang Guangqun also slandered the practitioners and accused them of having an intimate relationship. Li Guangxiong kicked and hit the practitioners, brutally attacking them. When he went home, he continued abusing his wife, either beating or scolding her. Nie Tiemei lived in terror and was under enormous pressure. In September 2004, her family sent her to a psychiatric hospital, the Fourth People's Hospital in Huaihua City for a month, where she was forced to take medicines and injections.

    In February 2005, a practitioner was arrested at his own shop. Nie Tiemei heard the news and went to the city police station and the 610 Office to ask for justice. They didn't give her any direct answers. Her husband called her a psycho in public. He and Nie Tiemei's family once again sent her to the psychiatric hospital, this time for ten days.

    On May 30, 2005, while Nie Tiemei was clarifying the truth at work, someone reported her to the authorities. Officers from the 610 Office and police station came over. Her family thought that sending Nie Tiemei to the psychiatric hospital could prevent her from being arrested, so they forced her into the Fourth People's Hospital in Huaihua.

    The seven so-called experts at the hospital diagnosed her as having "Falun Gong schizophrenia." Nie Tiemei clearly told the hospital, "I practice Falun Gong. I don't have neurosis." She went on a hunger strike and refused to take any medication. She was nevertheless injected with unknown drugs and was forced to take pills. After that her mind became blurry. She felt dizzy and sleepy all the time. She couldn't stop her arms and legs from shaking. Li Guangxiong felt that something was wrong. He told the doctor, "Don't make her take injections and medications anymore." Tong Zijin, the doctor-in-charge said, "If no injection or medication, then why put her in here?" The doctor also said to Nie Tiemei, "A doctor will determine whether or not you are sick. Of course, I may not be able to persuade you. But you must take injections and medication." Their goal was to force her to give up practicing Falun Gong. This hospitalization continued for three months. She was not allowed to go home until August 30.

    Nie Tiemei insisted that she would continue to practice Falun Gong. But her husband threatened her as usual. She was in extreme misery and under extreme pressure, and she eventually suffered a mental collapse. After she became mentally distraught, she cut the vein on her wrist (The cut took nine stitches to fix). Later she was forced to leave home to avoid further persecution. To date, she still feels numb all over her body. She cannot keep her balance while walking and has lost her memory.

    There was another incident, in which the Fourth People's Hospital of Huaihua persecuted Falun Gong practitioners. Please see the report on September 4, 2003: "Dr. Huang Yueying Detained in a Mental Hospital for almost Two Years in Huaihua City, Hunan Province" from /emh/articles/2003/9/17/40377.html.

    Li Guangxiong: 86-13874528528 (Cell), 86-745-2720739 (Office)
    Hospital: 86-745-2350362
    The seven so-called experts:
    Wu Chuanrong, male, director of the hospital, associate doctor. He was previously the deputy director of the psychiatric hospital, but because he was active in persecuting Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioners, he was rewarded and promoted to the post of the hospital's CCP Committee Secretary. Along with this promotion, he was able to enjoy a vacation to Hong Kong and Macaw.
    Chen Shengcai, male, deputy director in charge of professional operations
    Wu Xianyu, female, associate doctor-in-charge
    Ma Zongshu, female, associate doctor-in-charge
    Xing Xieqiang, male, associate doctor-in-charge
    Jiang Gaisu, female, doctor-in-charge
    Tong Zijin, male, around 40 years old, doctor-in-charge

    September 24, 2005

    Chinese version available at

    My 70-year-old Mother was Sentenced to Seven Years in Jail - My Wife was Sentenced to Ten Years

    My wife, sentenced to 10 years in prison, is currently incarcerated in the Guangdong Women's Prison.

    My wife, Zhu Luoxin, developed a strange skin disease while working in Hong Kong. She felt itchy all over her body. She took many medications, but none of them could cure the disease. Before she departed to study in Canada, she returned to Guangzhou City to take care of some things. While there, she was very fortunate to attend Falun Gong lectures taught by Master Li  in Guangzhou in December 1994. All the itchiness disappeared on the spot. She felt totally astonished with the miracle she had experienced, and decided not to go to Canada. She quit her job in Hong Kong and found a temporary job at Manxianglou Milk Company, a joint venture, located in the suburbs of Guangzhou.

    My wife is kind-hearted and diligent. She became the assistant for the Falun Gong practice site in the Liwan District, Guangzhou City. She also worked at the Nintendo and Sohu companies. In 1999 when Jiang's regime started to persecute Falun Gong, she was forced to leave Sohu. Zhu Luoxin was sentenced to ten years in jail because of her belief in Falun Gong.

    She is incarcerated in the Guangzhou Women's Prison where she is forced to do heavy labor every day. She has turned a lot darker due to exposure to sunlight and has suffered serious damage both physically and mentally.

    My 70-year-old mother was sentenced to seven years in prison.

    My mother, Wu Yuxian, is over seventy and was sentenced to seven years in prison. She is now being held in the Nanning Women's Prison in Gaungxin Province. Due to the cruel persecution and mental torment in the prison, she has developed late-stage breast cancer.

    My brother Wu Zhijun used to work at the Microorganism Institute of the Zhongshan Medical University in Guangzhou. He is now incarcerated at the Guilin Prison in Guangxi Province, with a sentence of eight years.

    My aunt Wu Yuyun (my mother's sister) was a retired teacher from the Guangdong Jiangmen No.1 High School. In September 2004, she died as a result of the persecution.

    I too was detained on May 28, 2001, and sent to the Guangzhou No.1 Labor Camp for two years of forced labor. I was not released until February 28, 2003.

    The persecution has broken up my family, with my family members being forced to live far apart. Now, I'm wandering in a foreign country far from home. When can my family members be together again?

    The Telephone numbers of the prisons where my family members are locked up are as follows:

    The Guangdong Women's Prison
    The Office of Guangdong Women's Prison: 86-20-87413120, guard: 86-20-87413069
    The Prison Administration Section: 86-20-87413186
    Zhang Chunmei, female guard of the Guangdong Women's Prison: 86-20-87413538 86-13580597860 (Cell)

    The Guilin Prison
    The Political Commissar of the Guilin Prison: 86-13807736186 (Cell), 86-773-5866118 (Home)
    Prison Chief Li Yukun: 86-13307731899 (Cell)
    Jiang Wei: 86-13607732378 (Cell)
    The Deputy Head of the Education Section, Jiang Min: 86-13617733197 (Cell), 86-773-5865182 (Office)
    The Prison Administration Section, Li Bin: 86-773-5865348
    Section 9: 86-773-5865290
    The Political head: Hwang Zongguang
    The Section head: Li Ruikun
    The Deputy political head, Liao Yongkun: 86-13517736102 (Cell)

    September 25, 2005

    I am writing down the recollections in order to express my feelings about missing my family members who are being persecuted in prisons.

    Chinese version available at
    Supplementary Information on the Case of Practitioner Yuan Shengjun, Beaten to Death by Police

    At around 5:30 p.m. on October 25, 2005, after several days of a hunger strike, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yuan Shengjun escaped from the police custody while being held at the People's Hospital in Jiyuan City, Henan Province. He ran to the home of a villager in Nantao Village, Chengliu County, Jiyuan City.

    Mr. Yuan Shengjun was later surrounded by police. The police forced officials in Nantao Village to sign a death certificate even before Mr. Yuan Shengjun died. They dragged Mr. Yuan Shengjun to the crematory and beat him to death on the way. According to those who know, Mr. Yuan Shengjun's eyes did not close even two days after his death, with his mouth wide open. One hand, arm and fingernails were totally black, his back was totally black and blue, and one of his legs was greenish purple.

    Mr. Yuan Shengjun

    See related information on: /emh/articles/2005/11/3/66488.html.

    Chinese version available at

    Brief News from China - October 29, 2005

    1. [Hebei Province] Mr. Wang Gang Tortured and Became Handicapped in the Prison of Baoding City, Hebei Province

    On May 18, 2005, thirty-four year-old Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Gang was brutally beaten and severely injured by policeman Fan Jianchen (male), when he was illegally detained in Baoding City Prison in Hebei Province. He was sent to the hospital for amputation and now detained on the third floor of Xingsheng Hospital in Baoding City. In order to cover up their evil doings, the policemen are strictly monitoring Mr. Wang Gang and forbid anyone to visit him.

    2. [Zhucheng City, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhang Zhenying and Ms. Meng Fanqin Illegally Sent to Labor Camp

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Zhenying is in her forties and lived in Xiwangyuan Village, Shiqiaozi Town, Zhucheng City in Shandong Province. In the Shiqiaozi town country fair that was held before September 27, 2005, Ms. Zhang Zhenying clarified truth of Falun Gong to people there. However, policemen Yin Kerong (male) etc. from Shiqiaozi Town forcefully took away the Falun Gong truth clarification materials from her. Several days later, on September 27, the policemen from Shiqiaozi Town Police Station illegally broke into her house again, ransacked the house and forcefully took Ms. Zhang Zhenying to Zhucheng City Detention Center. They illegally detained her and sentenced her to labor camp later.

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Meng Fanqin is forty-six years old and worked in the Zhucheng City Textile Mile. On September 27, 2005, when she was clarifying the truth of Falun Gong, she was forcefully taken away by the police and later illegally detained in Zhucheng City Detention Center. Several days later she was illegally sent to the labor camp.

    3. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Li Yequan Tortured to Near Death

    Past 5:00 a.m. on September 23, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Li Yequan and Mr. Yuan Mi were arrested in their rental apartment. On September 27, Daqing City Police, the 610 Office, the Judicial Department and the Labor Camp held a continued meeting through the night and then illegally sent Mr. Li Yequan to the Daqing City Labor Camp. The physical examination carried out on Mr. Li Yequan revealed that his WBC (White Blood Cell) counts reached twenty thousand. The labor camp was afraid to take him. Daqing City Detention Center Chief (last name Cao, male) called the labor camp and ordered them to keep Mr. Li there, claiming that he had the signature from Ruan Dianrong (male), who is the Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and concurrently holding the position of Secretary of the Political and Judicial Committee. Thus, without going through any judicial procedures, Mr. Li Yequan was sent to illegal detention in labor camps for two years.

    In the labor camp, Mr. Li Yequan has been persistently on hunger strike to protest the illegal detention. The labor camp forced him to wear handcuffs and fetters. Everyday, they violently force-fed him three times. Sometimes, the force-feeding process lasted as long as four hours. Mr. Li Yequan's esophagus was mashed and he fainted numerous times. Now Mr. Li Yequan's physical body has grown extremely weak as a result of the torture and his life is greatly endangered.

    Mr. Yuan Mi was detained for one month in Daqing City Detention Center and was severely tortured. Around October 20, 2005, he was sent to Harbin City Detoxification Center and illegally sentenced to three years in the labor camp.

    Relevant phone numbers:

    Daqing City Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and the Secretary of the Political and Judicial Committee, Ruan Dianrong (male), 86-459-6186776 (Office), 86-459-6371988 (Home)

    Daqing City Labor Camp Director, Ying Chengli (male): 86-459-4326808 (Office), 86-459-6369698 (Home), 86-13329390528 (Cell)

    Daqing City Labor Camp Deputy Director, Wang Yongxiang (Gender unknown) (in charge of persecution of Falun Gong): 86-459-4680996 (Office), 86-459-4631816 (Home), 86-13194599933 (Cell)

    Daqing City Police Department, Cao Zhenhe (male): 86-459-6373066 (Office), 86-459-6280888 (Home), 86-13329500002 (Cell)

    4. [Yuzhou City, Henan Province] Ms. Guo Chunxia Forcefully Taken to Wanqingshanzhuang Brainwashing Center in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province

    On August 26, 2005, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Guo Chunxia was arrested by police in her hometown Wuliang Town, Yuzhou City in Henan Province. In the middle of September, she was sent to Zhengzhou City Wanqingshanzhuang Brainwashing Center and was tortured there. According to information, there are still many steadfast Falun Gong practitioners detained in the Wanqingshanzhuang Brainwashing Center.

    5. [Beijing City] Mr. Jia Shouxin from Haidian District in Beijing City Arrested and Tortured Again

    According to sent information, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Jia Shouxin ,who was just released in August 2005 from Beijing City Tuanhe Labor Camp where he was illegally detained for three years, was forcefully taken to the brainwashing class to continue being tortured in the middle of October by the 610 Office of Haidian District in Beijing City and by the Electronic Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Science (which was where Mr. Jia Shouxin worked previously).

    6. [Xiaogan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Zhu Yi Abducted and Taken to Tangxunhu Brainwashing Center in Wuhan City, Hubei Province

    Approximately on October 26, 2005, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhu Yi (twenty-three years old) from Xiaogan City in Hubei Province was abducted and taken to the Tangxunhu Brainwashing Center in Wuchang County, Wuhan City in Hubei Province.

    7. [Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province] Mr. Geng Huaipu Illegally Arrested Again

    On September 13, 2005, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Geng Huaipu walked out of the labor camp with dignity and had to leave home to avoid being arrested. The 610 Office of Jiangsu Province ordered the 610 office of Jiawan District in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province to force the Chemical Plant (Mr. Geng's former employer, Chemical Plant of Xuzhou Mineral Group, see related report /emh/articles/2005/10/31/66394.html) to provide 200 thousand yuan for hiring people to find Mr. Geng Huaipu. On October 27, Mr. Geng Huaipu was illegally arrested again and detained in the Reception Center of the Chemical Plant. Police from the Jiawan District Police Station and the 610 Office interrogated him throughout the night. Since then Mr. Geng Huaipu has not been allowed to see his family.

    8. [Beihai City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region] Mr. Li Xianye and Ms. Guo Yingdan Still Illegally Detained

    On October 16 and 17, 2005, policemen in Beihai City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region arrested more than ten Falun Gong practitioners. Among them, Mr. Li Xianye was arrested by the police on the morning of October 17. He was violently beaten by the police, his house was ransacked, and a computer was illegally taken.

    Recently, most of the arrested Falun Gong practitioners have walked out from the police station with dignity. Mr. Li Xianye and Ms. Guo Yingdan are still illegally detained.

    9. [Xinyang City, Henan Province] Mr. Shi Deli Facing Illegal Prosecution Again

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Shi Deli worked in the Xinyang City Culture Center of Henan Province. He is fifty years old this year. On August 4, 2005, he rode his motorcycle to Shihegang Township Fair to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. Later he was arrested and detained in the Xinyang City Detention Center for half a month by National Security Group of Shihegang District Police Department, Xinyang City. After that he was then detained in Xinyang City's !st Detention Center and has been detained there since then. The Procuratorate of Shihegang District has already started to prepare for illegal prosecution against Mr. Shi Deli. Mr. Shi Deli was been illegally arrested many times by police from Shihegang District 610 Office and Shihegang District National Security Group. He was illegally detained in the labor camp for three years. Now, shortly after he was released, he again became a target for new illegal prosecution.

    Shihegang District Procuratorate Office Number: 86-376-6601844

    Shihegang District 610 Office Director, Wu Tianjun (male): 86-13937611850 (Cell)

    Policemen: Zen San, Wu Bo and Wang Junjie

    10. [Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province] The Police Station in Shimenzhai Town, Funing County, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province Arrests Falun Gong practitioners

    At a little over 3:00 p.m. on October 22, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Wu Yuxia and Ms Li Guibin were clarifying the truth about Falun Gong to a plain-clothes policeman on the street and in a store for about ten minutes. They were both illegally arrested by four to five plain-clothes policemen and taken to the Police Station of Shimenzhai Town. Ms. Li Guibin's backpack was forcefully taken away and Ms. Li Guibin was also body-searched. The police also drove to her house, searched and confiscated Falun Gong books and Mr. Li Hongzhi's Photo.

    Ms. Li Guibin was a late-stage cancer patient. After practicing Falun Gong, all of her illnesses totally disappeared.

    11. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Zhao Qinglin Illegally Arrested and Mr. Li Peng Forced to Leave Home to Avoid Arrest

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhao Qinglin used to work in the Daqing City Petrochemical Plant Research Institute. On the afternoon of October 24, 2005, he was illegally taken away from his work place by the Wolitun District Police Department of Daqing City. The police searched Mr. Zhao Qinglin's office and home, but failed to find any so-called evidence. Now, Mr. Zhao Qinglin is being detained at the Longfeng District Detention Center of Daqing City.

    On the morning of October 24, 2005, four policemen from Wolitun District Police Department of Daqing City broke into Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Peng's house to search his home and confiscate his properties. They also body searched Mr. Li Peng, but failed to find anything. Li Peng walked away from the policemen when the policemen were absent-minded. Now he must leave home to avoid arrest.

    Wolitun District Police Department General On-duty Office: 86-459-6763113

    Wolitun District Police Department Director, Shang Ruichao (male): 86-459-6707123 (Office), 86-459-6766633 (Home), 86-13936912299 (Cell)

    Wolitun District Police Department Deputy Director Zhang Yiqing (male): 86-459-6765865 (Office), 86-459-6765668 (Home), 86-13704660187 (Cell)

    Crime report phone number for the Detention Center Affiliated Procuratorial Office of the Longfeng District Procuratorate of Daqing City: 86-459-6700818

    12. [Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province] Mr. Zhang Jiyin Illegally Taken to Nanma Town Brainwashing Center of Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province

    Around September 17, 2005, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Jiyin from Zhuozhou City Career Education Center was illegally arrested and is now illegally detained in Nanma Town Brainwashing Center.

    On September 28, 2005, a Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Meng, who lived in a residential building in the residential district of Qiuzhang Village in Zhuozhou City, was illegally arrested by Zhuozhou City Police. Now, he is illegally detained in the Zhuozhou City Detention Center. Mr. Meng has been protesting the illegal persecution through a hunger strike. He was tortured with force-feeding as well as other torture methods. His life is greatly endangered.

    13. [Antu County, Jilin Province] Ms. Zhang Hongfeng Illegally Arrested

    On October 28, 2005, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Hongfeng from Yongqing Township, Antu County in Jilin Province was illegally arrested when she was distributing Falun Gong truth clarification materials in Wanbao Town, Antu County. Now she is detained in the Antu County Detention Center.

    14. [Gucheng County, Hebei Province] Ms. Jiang Yuting Illegally Sentenced to One-year of Imprisonment

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Jiang Yuting from Gucheng County, Hebei Province was illegally arrested by police when she was putting up Falun Gong truth clarification banners. Now, she has been illegally sentenced to one-year of imprisonment and sent to Gaoyang County Prison in Hebei Province.

    15. [Heilongjiang Province] Staff member Ms. Zhang Yali of Wuchang City Chinese People's Bank in Heilongjiang Province Illegally Taken to Brainwashing Center

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Yali, who worked as a staff member in Wuchang City Chinese People's Bank of Heilongjiang Province, has been senselessly harassed for many times by the Wuchang City Police Department, Wuchang City National Security Group, and the Wuchang City 610 Office. So far she has been illegally arrested and detained six times and illegally extorted over 70 thousand yuan.

    On the afternoon of October 20, 2005, Zhan Zhigang (male) from the City National Security Group went to Ms. Zhang Yali's workplace again, forcefully arrested Ms. Zhang Yali with deceptive means, and illegally sent Ms. Zhang to the City 610 Office Brainwashing Center.

    16. [Xingrong County, Hebei Province] Mr. Li Guifang from Hedong Village, Liudaohe Town in Xingrong County, Hebei Province Illegally Arrested

    On September 30, 2005, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Guifang from Hedong Village, Liudaohe Town in Xingrong County, Hebei Province was illegally arrested by five policemen led by the Chief of the Liudaohe Town Police Station because he clarified the truth about Falun Gong. His house was also ransacked. On the same day, he was forcefully taken to the National Security Group of Xingrong County Police Department, and illegally detained in the detention center of Xingrong County Police Department until recently.

    Relevant phone numbers:

    Xingrong County CCP Deputy Secretary, Cai Fuhao (male): 86-314-5059688 (Home), 86-13903248458 (Cell)

    Xingrong County 610 Office Director, Zhuan Xiaopeng (male): 86-314-5059844 (Office), 86-314-5058191 (Home), 86-13703148820 (Cell)

    Xingrong County Police Station Director, Liu Zhenwang (male): 86-13503140631 (Cell)

    The Leader of  National Security Group, Xingrong County Police Department, Lu Shaohua (male): 86-314-5056338 (Home), 86-13903248866 (Cell)

    National Security Group of Xingrong County Police Department: 86-314-5057670

    Liudaohe Town Police Station in Xingrong County: 86-314-5652016

    17. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Suqin Illegally Arrested by Local Police

    On the morning of October 17, 2005, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Suqin from Zhuangjia Village, Tangtu Township, Fushun County of Fushun City in Liaoning Province was forcefully arrested and sent to the Fushun City Luotaishanzhuang Brainwashing Center.

    The zip code for the government office of Tangtu Township, Fushun County of Fushun City in Liaoning Province: 113100

    Relevant phone numbers:

    Tangtu Township Political and Judicial Committee Secretary (recently he has been involved in illegally arresting three Falun Gong practitioners and sending them to brainwashing class), Han Huilin (male): 86-413-4268219 (Home), 86-413-4268001 (Office)

    Tangtu Township Governor, Dong Xianjun (male): 86-413-4268789

    Tangtu Township Security Guard Office: 86-413-4268005

    Tangtu Township Office: 86-413-4268003

    18. [Jinzhou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Ru Ruixin from Dongsi Township of Jinzhou City, Hebei Province Illegally Arrested and Tortured Until Recently

    On September 6, 2005, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Ru Ruixin from Jinzhou City in Hebei Province was reported by the police when she was clarifying the truth about Falun Gong and distributing the Nine Commentaries. She was illegally arrested and tortured until recently.

    Relevant phone numbers:

    Jinzhou City Procuratorate Director, Wang Jianzhong (male): 86-13315993399 (Cell)

    Jinzhou City Procuratorate Deputy Director, Zhang Guangxiang (male): 86-13315993301 (Cell)

    Jinzhou City Police Department: 86-311-84322750, 86-311-84322450, 86-311-84322573, 86-311-84322909

    Jinzhou City Political and Judicial Committee: 86-311-84322651

    Chief of Jinzhou City Detention Center,Zhang Genyou (male): 86-13903210138 (Cell)

    Director of Jinzhou City Police Department, Wang Xinmin (male): 86-311-84316608 (Office)

    Chinese version available at

    Summary of Other Articles and News - November 9, 2005

    Practitioner Ms. Lu Xiuli from Putuo District, Shanghai is Extremely Weak after her Illegal Arrest

    Falun Gong practitioner, 56-year-old Ms. Lu Xiuli from the Putuo District, Shanghai was illegally arrested by local police on September 8, 2005 and was sentenced to two years of forced labor. The labor camp refused to take her because she had undergone cancer surgery. She is currently being held at Putuo District Detention Center. After two months of torture, she is extremely weak and often has high blood pressure and high fever.

    Persecutor Zhang Lin and Others in Lingyuan City Arrest Local Falun Gong Practitioners

    Zhang Lin was recently transferred from the Traffic Police Division to take the head position at the Lingyuan City Police Department in Liaoning Province, doubling as deputy mayor of Lingyuan City. He stressed the security issue after he took the position and mentioned Falun Gong during meetings. Many Falun Gong practitioners were groundlessly arrested from their homes after he came into office.