News and Activities from Around the World -- September 14, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Hu Jintao Arrives in New York, Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal for an End to the Persecution

  • Practitioners Protest and Release a Public Statement When Zeng Qinghong Visits HK

  • Coming for You Every Year: Clarifying the Truth of Falun Gong at the California State Fair

  • Taiwan: Big Hands Hold Small Hands -- Truth Clarification and Signature Collection in Pingtung Schools

  • Hu Jintao Arrives in New York, Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal for an End to the Persecution (Photos)

    On the afternoon of September 13, 2005, as Hu Jintao arrived in New York, Falun Gong practitioners held a large-scale peaceful appeal in front of the UN and Waldorf-Astoria Hotel where Hu was staying.

    Large scale appeal in front of Waldorf-Astoria Hotel

    Early in the morning, practitioners gathered near the hotel. Their bright yellow T-shirts bearing the words, "Falun Dafa is Great," and "Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong" were extraordinarily eye-catching in the stream of people in Manhattan.

    Huge banners with red words on a yellow background reading "Falun Dafa is Great," and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" in both Chinese and English created an impression of compassion and solemnity.

    A large banner with white words on a blue background contained 16 huge placards, each carrying one Chinese character. It read, "Hu Jintao, the time given to you by God and the people is limited." The message conveyed was clear and definite, and could be seen clearly from across the street.

    There were two more huge banners that terrified the malicious people. They bore the messages, "Bring Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan, Liu Jing and Zhou Yongkang to Justice," and "Bring the Vicious Police and Others Who Persecute Falun Gong to Justice" in both Chinese and English. They sternly caution people that Good and Evil will receive due retributions. These malicious people who have been ruthless and inhumane in persecuting Falun Gong will definitely be severely punished in a court of law. Persecuting practitioners who believe in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" will definitely be punished by heavenly principles as well as by justice in the human world.

    Hu Jintao enters the hotel

    As we expected, Hu Jintao attempted to enter the hotel stealthily from a side entrance, paying no regards to the hundreds of hired welcome team members waiting for him on Park Boulevard. Several big and sturdy men were arranged to come with the delegation from China and wave flags to greet Hu when he was about to enter the hotel from the side entrance. As head of the CCP, why would he take such great pains to avoid people welcoming him? Wise people all know that those who are truly concerned about Hu are Falun Gong practitioners. Why not take a good look at Falun Gong practitioners' kind thoughts with honor and dignity? Please be sure, "Hu Jintao, the time given to you by God and the people is limited."

    Predestined people learn the truth

    Carefully reading facts about Falun Gong

    The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel is located in mid-Manhattan, and there is always a steady stream of people passing by. Many predestined people saw Falun Gong practitioners' banners, accepted materials from practitioners and carefully read them. As a practitioner was passing out "Falun Gong Today" at an intersection, a middle-aged, well-dressed man accepted a copy, and asked what it was about. The practitioner told him Falun Gong is about a practice related to meditation. Tens of thousands of people in China are suffering persecution for persisting in this beneficial  practice. The man asked what he could do to help. The practitioner told him to tell more people to call for an end to the persecution, because the CCP wants to suppress the American people's voices of justice by means of doing business. The man understood and took another truth-clarifying newspaper and said he would do so.

    Meeting with Chinese people and clarifying the facts to them with compassion

    Falun Gong practitioners appeal for an end to persecution

    Wherever Hu went, there was always a "welcome team" composed of hired overseas Chinese who have not learned the truth, and also a large number of Chinese people from Mainland China.

    Falun Gong practitioners stood right beside these welcome team members. Most of the people had to pass by practitioners so as to reach their designated area. They could see all of the banners clearly. Practitioners also patiently clarified the facts to them, telling them, "For the sake of dignity and purity, refuse to welcome the CCP."

    Trucks carry truth clarification messages

    Trailer bearing truth-clarifying messages

    Trucks bearing truth-clarifying messages

    In order to let predestined people get a better understanding of the truth, Falun Dafa practitioners rented 35 trucks, each carrying Falun Gong truth-clarifying banners in both Chinese and English on the left and right sides and back. The messages on the banners read, "Falun Dafa is Great," "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is Great," "Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong," "Hu Jintao, the time given to you by God and the people is limited," "Bring Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan, Liu Jing and Zhou Yongkang to Justice, " and "Bring the Vicious Police and Others Who Persecute Falun Gong to Justice." The U-hall trailers drove around the streets, which created an impressive, moving scene.

    A gentleman came over and said, "Have your trucks drive more times here, that one is so good.

    Some officials from the Chinese Embassy came to the Falun Gong practitioners' appeal site in front of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel to exert pressure on the police. Dafa practitioners maintained steadfast, sending forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil elements behind these people while clarifying the truth to the police. Hu has been in office for over two years, but the inhumane persecution of Falun Gong is still going on. Tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners inside China have been deprived of all opportunities to have their voices heard. We cherish this precious opportunity very much, we only hope that Hu can learn the truth, and immediately stop the persecution of Falun Gong. The police expressed that they have learned about Falun Gong and showed sympathy for Falun Gong. They also expressed repeatedly that the designated area for Falun Gong practitioners was the best location they could find, and also was nearest to Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.

    Practitioners also told the police that we are neither protesting nor welcoming Hu; we simply hope that Hu and all Chinese people will learn about the facts of Falun Gong, and have a beautiful future. So we wanted to be together with the welcome team. The police approved our request.

    Over the next two days, Falun Gong practitioners will continue appeal in front of the UN and the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong.

    Practitioners Protest and Release a Public Statement When Zeng Qinghong Visits HK

    Major accomplice of the CCP and Jiang Zemin regime's persecution of Falun Gong Zeng Qinghong visited Hong Kong on September 10-12, 2005. In the past few days, Hong Kong practitioners have held a series of activities to protest during his visit. The practitioners have eliminated interference numerous times from the Hong Kong police, who have received huge pressure from the CCP, and managed to display banners bearing messages in close proximity sternly warning Zeng to immediately stop the persecution of Falun Gong.

    On the afternoon of September 10, 2005, as soon as Zeng's motorcade entered Hong Kong, Falun Gong practitioners unfolded a banner reading, "Bring the Vicious Police and Others Who Persecute Falun Gong to Justice" on a pedestrian bridge.

    At dusk on September 10, practitioners protested outside a mansion where Hong Kong's chief executive entertained Zeng with a banquet. The banners reading, "Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong, Good and Evil will Receive Due Retribution," and "Falun Dafa, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance."

    Early in the morning on September 11, practitioners raised a banner reading, "Sternly warning Zeng Qinghong, Immediately stop the persecution of Falun Gong, Assisting the CCP to do evil will definitely be punished" outside the hotel where Zeng was staying.

    At noon on September 11, practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts outside the Chinese Liaison Office where Zeng would meet with CCP personnel staying in Hong Kong.

    At dusk on September 11, practitioners protested outside a hotel where a dinner was held for Zeng, and held a candlelight vigil after it was dark to mourn practitioners who have died as a result of persecution in China.

    On the afternoon of September 11, practitioners held an anti-persecution parade from the Immigration Office to the hotel where the HK government would hold a banquet for Zeng.

    On the morning of September 12, practitioners held a sit-in protest outside HK Disney where Zeng would attend the opening ceremony.

    On September 12, regarding Zeng's visit to Hong Kong, Falun Gong practitioners released a public statement, exposing Zeng's severe crimes in the persecution of Falun Gong, and urging the Hong Kong people to see clearly that welcoming such a criminal is not at all acceptable. The statement explicitly pointed out the evil intentions of the CCP, which is attempting to take down the people with it as it meets its end. The statement called upon party members and people from all walks of life who still have a conscience to quickly break away from the CCP and its evil politics, and stay far away from the lies and violence, so as not to lose their beautiful future under the heavenly principle that good and evil will receive due retributions.

    Coming for You Every Year: Clarifying the Truth of Falun Gong at the California State Fair

    The California State Fair is three weeks in duration. This year was the 152nd fair, held in Sacramento, California's capital. It concluded on September 5, 2005, Labor Day. During the fair, Falun Gong practitioners displayed truth-clarifying photos and materials at the Falun Gong booth, which was set up in the "free speech" region outside the front gate. Practitioners also demonstrated Falun Gong exercises and spread the message of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" to more people. They especially called to rescue children who have been orphaned in the persecution of Falun Gong.

    Exercise demonstration

    Different kinds of truth-clarifying materials and photos were displayed at the booth

    Different kinds of truth-clarifying materials and photos were displayed at the booth

    Each year, the grand California state fair, including trade and commercial activities as well as entertainment, attracts nearly one million people from the local and surrounding areas. Local Falun Gong practitioners have obtained approval to set up a display booth in the "free speech" zone each year since 2000. The "free speech" zone was especially arranged by the state fair and it is free of charge. The objective is to allow people to freely express their opinions and ideas.

    Throughout each weekend of the fair over the past six years, the beauty of Falun Dafa, which originated in ancient China, and the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China were spread out from here. From the introduction of Falun Dafa in China to the worldwide spread of the practice, from the persecution of Falun Gong in China to support from all over the world, from the rescue of American citizen Charles Li to the rescue of orphans of Falun Gong practitioners, from the multiple lawsuits against the man who started the persecution, Jiang Zemin, to more than 4 million people quitting the evil Chinese Communist Party, people have had the chance to learn the facts at this fair.

    After listening to the facts about Dafa, people's confusion gradually disappeared. More people expressed that they've heard of Falun Gong and that they were aware of the persecution. Standing in front of the booth, you would often hear, "Oh, I've read about it (reports on Falun Gong) in some magazines", "I took your material already, thank you!" "Was the American citizen (Charles Li) released?"

    Carefully viewing photos depicting the worldwide spread of Falun Dafa

    Learning the truth about Falun Dafa

    Distributing truth-clarifying materials

    "Thank you for coming here again to call for attention to this issue!"

    "Good job!"

    "I've signed the petition before!"

    "I'll pray for you!"

    "Do you still practice at that park? I want to learn the exercises!"

    "I have practiced the exercises but I cannot sit in full lotus position."

    As soon as she saw the English Falun Dafa banner a lady immediately took out a piece of paper and asked a practitioner to take a look. She asked the practitioner whether what she had was related to our Falun Dafa. The practitioner found that the piece of paper had related information about Dafa. The lady said that she met a practitioner who introduced Dafa to her. She was excited and happily surprised.

    A visitor hurriedly passed by and read out, "Falun Gong." Others with him also immediately said, "Dafa! Falun Gong!"

    When practitioners practiced the Falun Gong exercises beside the booth, innocent children were most likely to be attracted. They would ask their parents, "Are they real?" A 7-or-8-year-old girl watched for a while. Before she left, she walked closer to a practitioner who was practicing the exercises and said, "You look so great!" Such a lucky child. We hope this peaceful scene will remain in your childhood memory. Please remember, "Falun Dafa is great!"

    A family came to visit the state fair. Upon seeing practitioners practicing the exercises, the father borrowed a mat from a practitioner and wanted to do the meditation. However, no matter how hard he tried, he was unable to sit in full lotus position. His trying also aroused the interest of his son and daughter who stood by his side. The young mother could not help smiling. The children's innocence also moved passersby. In fact, several eye-catching photos depicting young children practicing Falun Gong exercises were displayed besides them at the time. Those young children were so lovely. Unfortunately, at present, one can only see this kind of scene outside China.

    The music, "Pudu" and "Jishi," that were composed by Dafa practitioners, resounded and purified people's hearts. Interestingly, when a practitioner turned on the music, he asked a tourist whether the volume was too high. The tourist immediately responded, "Not at all!" He pointed towards another booth where there were people singing and playing musical instruments and said, "They are truly noisy!" A young child said from nearby, "Such beautiful music." The child did not want to leave. A practitioner gave him a music CD. His father asked whether he could play it in his car and persuaded his son, "We can listen in the car okay?" At this point, the little boy agreed to leave. There were quite a few stories like this.

    During the entire activity, under Master's protection and practitioners' righteous thoughts, everything went quite smoothly. There was almost no interference. In the end of August, it was still very hot in Sacramento. Practitioners who stood under the scorching sun felt cool thanks to the purity of their hearts.

    Upon seeing the photos which show how practitioners were cruelly tortured, an American boy who was nearly ten year old was astonished and blurted out, "Persecution!" Yes, it is persecution! The most ruthless and evil persecution in human history is still happening and is being covered up by lies.

    Year after year, as long as the persecution continues, we'll come here again.

    Taiwan: Big Hands Hold Small Hands -- Truth Clarification and Signature Collection in Pingtung Schools

    A drawing of a lotus flower, dedicated to children under persecution

    ( Falun Gong practitioners in Pingtung held truth clarification activities and collected signatures in elementary schools and kindergartens to help rescue orphans of persecuted Falun Gong practitioners in China. Innocent children couldn't understand why policemen in China would arrest Falun Gong practitioners and their children. Directors and teachers helped us clarify the truth about Falun Gong to the children. Kind-hearted and with a great sense of justice, the children signed their names to be sent to President Bush to call for support of Falun Gong orphans. Even those who can't write yet drew pictures to express their good wishes. It was a very moving event.

    A kindergarten director tells children about the persecution of Falun Gong

    Children who can't write draw pictures to express their good wishes

    Kind children are saddened to see the video about children under persecution

    A girl is moved to tears while watching the video

    The first stop in the signature collection campaign was Meijin Kindergarten. The young director of the kindergarten, Mr. Shi, graduated from a university in the United States. Falun Gong practitioners told him that many Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China had been illegally detained and tortured just for practicing Falun Gong. Almost 3,000 practitioners have died from the persecution. Many children have lost their parents and were forced to leave their homes. After learning about the persecution, Mr. Shi made arrangements for the signature collection activity and helped with videotaping it. He said, "I hope the Chinese government will respect human rights, stop persecuting its people, give [Falun Gong] practitioners freedom and spread the benefit of Falun Gong to every corner of China."

    The second stop in the signature collection activity was Hongyu Kindergarten. Most of the children there had learned about Falun Gong before. They know that "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" is good. One little girl kept crying after watching the video about the persecution. She asked why policemen would beat practitioners and throw them into jails. She couldn't understand. Many children shared this question. The kindergarten director and teachers helped us explain what was happening in China. All the children signed their names or drew pictures to be sent to President Bush.

    Falun Gong practitioner also went to Huiqiao Kindergarten and Qiaoyong Elementary School, which are 100 kilometers from the town. Some of the teachers there had been to a Falun Gong workshop in Qiaoyong Elementary School. Teachers and children in Huiqiao had learned the Falun Gong meditation during a morning break. They all identify with the principles of Falun Gong and gave the practitioners great support. The practitioners collected signatures and donated a photo album, "Journey of Fa-Rectification" to the library of Qiaoyong Elementary School.

    This activity gave us an opportunity to meet many kind adults and children and to hear their sincere call to help the children under persecution. Let's hold hands together, young and old alike, and support the rescue of the orphans of persecuted Falun Gong practitioners. We hope the day will come soon when they can live happy lives like other children in the free world.