The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- September 19, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Mr. Hu Qingjun Tortured at the Jixi City Forced Labor Camp, Results of his Physical Examination Are Concealed

  • More Facts on the 2002 Torture Death of Falun Gong Practitioner Sun Jihong

  • Voice of a 14-Year-Old Non-Practitioner Girl: Please Help My Family, Torn Apart by the Persecution

  • Several Falun Gong Practitioners Disabled from Beatings at the Jiamusi City Labor Camp

  • 610 Office Personnel in Changyi City Have Arrested More than 30 Falun Gong Practitioners Since April 2005

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Liang Zhu'an from Hubei Forced into Exile and Recently Arrested Again

  • Falun Gong Practitioners Wang Hongfen from Shandong Province and Zhao Guiqin from Jilin Province Disappeared in 2000

  • Brief News from China - September 6, 2005

  • Mr. Hu Qingjun Tortured at the Jixi City Forced Labor Camp, Results of his Physical Examination Are Concealed

     Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Hu Qingjun from Heilongjiang Province has been illegally detained at the Jixi City Forced Labor Camp for more than three months. Every day, he is forced to perform 12 hours of slave labor. On the third day, he fainted in a brick factory and had pain and pressure in his chest and angina pectoris, among other symptoms. His family asked the police to release him immediately. The labor camp guards said they needed to send him for a physical examination before they made a decision. Then the labor camp delayed the examination until August 31, 20 days later.

    Mr. Hu Qingjun

    On August 31, 2005 at 7:30 a.m., Mr. Hu Qingjun's wife Wang Jinxia, and some relatives and friends went to the labor camp to send Mr. Hu to the hospital. They saw a taxi parked in the courtyard of the labor camp. Zhang Guohua, a guard at the forced labor camp told Wang Jinxia, "Go and find another taxi". Wang said, "I don't have enough money." Zhang Guohua threatened her, "If you don't have money, then we won't go to the hospital."

    Originally it had been agreed that Mr. Hu would be sent to the City Hospital for a physical examination, but the driver drove to the Railroad Hospital instead. Upon arrival, Zhang Guohua threatened Wang Jinxia again, "Let's settle this before we go into the hospital. If you still say you don't have money, we'll take another taxi and go back now."

    Zhang Guohua also confiscated Wang Jinxia's cell phone. Wang asked, "Why did you take my cell phone?" Zhang Guohua lied and said that it was his responsibility.

    Before the internal medical examination, Police officer Xu told the doctor that Mr. Hu is a Falun Gong practitioner and then gave the doctor a document listing details of the examination. The doctor followed the list as instructed. Mr. Hu was still handcuffed while the doctor tested Mr. Hu's blood. It was not until the doctor scolded the police that the handcuffs were removed.

    After the examination, Wang Jinxia asked Director Zhang from the internal medicine department about the examination results. Director Zhang said, "If the illness is treated in time, it is not a big problem. Otherwise, it could be very serious."

    Hu Qingjun displayed symptoms of pain and pressure in his chest and angina pectoris. According to Hu, when his chest hurts, he can hardly breathe or move. It is difficult to sleep normally.

    The doctor's diagnosis for Hu was myocarditis, chest expansion and neurotic disorder.

    The labor camp repeatedly forced Hu Qingjun's family to pay the expenses on their own during the examination. Finally, Hu's family was forced to pay 160 yuan for the taxi and physical examination.

    On September 2nd, Hu Qingjun's wife made a phone call to Qi Min, the squadron team leader of the labor camp, to inquire about the possibility of releasing Mr. Hu on bail for medical treatment. Qi Min said, "There's no need to discuss it. The examination result showed that he is normal, everything is normal."

    As of now, Hu Qingjun remains in detention at the forced labor camp and is suffering from brutal torture.

    Everything that Jixi City Forced Labor Camp has done with respect to Hu Qingjun's physical examination has been illegal.

    Telephone numbers:

    Qi Min, the squadron team leader of the Jixi City Forced Labor Camp: 86-13946854203 (Cell)

    Chinese version available at

    More Facts on the 2002 Torture Death of Falun Gong Practitioner Sun Jihong

     Sun Jihong, 40, was chief of the Huanan Forestry Bureau Police Station in Heilongjiang Province. He was imprisoned many times because of his belief in Falun Gong. On September 25, 2002, Sun Jihong was again detained and illegally imprisoned in Beijing. After four days of torture, Sun Jihong died on September 29, 2002. There was a hole in his forehead, six holes in his cheeks, and his body was covered with cuts and bruises.

    Since the persecution began, Sun Jihong has been detained three times in the Huanan Forestry Bureau Police Department. His wife Yuan Hezhen was detained twice. After being released, they were still monitored closely and had very restricted personal freedom. They were forced to report to the police precinct twice a day.

    Yuan Hezhen used to work for the Forestry Bureau Commercial Bank. She was fully prepared for the nationwide accountant qualification examination. Two days before the exam she went to the police department to get her identification card. The police department authorities refused to return it to her, and she thereby lost her chance to take the exam.

    When Yuan Hezhen went to work, the police monitored her outside of the bank lobby. Several policemen often went to their house to harass her morning or night. The family's daily life and child's school attendance was severely disturbed. The couple couldn't help but leave home on January 7, 2000.

    In July 2002 Sun Jihong was arrested in Beijing. On the way back he escaped by jumping off the train at Tieling City, Heilongjiang Province. On September 25, 2002 Sun Jihong was arrested again in Beijing. He was tortured to death on September 29.

    After receiving the death notification, Huanan Forestry Bureau Police Department deputy director Jia Shouhui, the current director who was mainly responsible for persecuting Falun Gong, persons from the "610" Office," (National Security Section) head Song Dianlin, Sun Jihong's mother and another relative went to the Domestic Security Protection Branch at Fengtai Police Department of the Beijing in the afternoon on October 3. The people who were present included Lu Dongsheng, head of the Domestic Security Protection Branch at the Fengtai Police Department, deputy head Huang Ping, a representative with last name of Zhao from the Domestic Security Protection Branch,and a young representative from the police department.

    Deputy head Huang Ping reported that on the night of September 25, 2002, Sun Jihong was posting flyers reading, "Falun Dafa is Great" and "Falun Rotates Continuously" behind a building near the Caoqiao in Beijing. Three security guards discovered him. When Sun Jihong tried to go over the wall to escape, he was arrested. After illegal detention he was interrogated at the Yu Quanming police precinct and at the Domestic Security Protection Branch. For five days and four nights Sun Jihong didn't eat or drink. No matter what questions the police asked, he never cooperated. On September 28 Sun Jihong told them his name, so the police escorted him at night to find out where he lived. At noon of September 29 they went out again for over three hours to find where he lived. When they came back to the police precinct, at around 4:10 p.m., he suddenly breathed very heavily and fast, fell to the ground and died. Pouring water on him didn't help.

    Sun Jihong's mother asked if there were any wounds on Sun Jihong's body. Lu Dongshen answered that there were wounds on his legs and back. The family asked for his file. They didn't receive it, nor were they permitted to make a copy. The family asked to look at the body. They weren't allowed to see it until the night of October 5.

    On their way to see Sun Jihong's body, Huang Ping, Jia Shouhui and Song Dianlin were in one car. The two family members and a female police officer were in another car. The driver was Zhao. When they got to the morgue at the Coroners' Laboratory Test Center of the Beijing Public Security Bureau, Huang Ping asked the security guard, "Let me see the body that was sent here from the Fengtai Police Department on the 30th." The security guard said they have an unidentified body. Four people from the Huanan Police Department said that it was not Sun Jihong when they saw the body. Huang Ping insisted that it was. Huang Ping showed us the upper body picture on the file. Sun Jihong was naked and his hair was unkempt, as if it was just washed. His eyes were wide open.

    The family asked to wash off the thick powder on the body's face. After they washed it off, it clearly showed there was a cut by the left eyebrow and there were six holes in his right cheek, which looked like they came from being poked with a lit cigarette or thick needle. It was poked through the cheek. Many burn marks were on his forehead, between his eyebrows, and on his forehead and neck. The burned areas were big and deep. There were wounds on his ribs, back and legs. The family previously didn't really believe that the police could be this brutal. After they saw the body they said, "They were so ruthless and brutal!" Huang Ping was scared and exclaimed, "It wasn't me!"

    The family requested to take pictures, demanded to look at the body in private, asked to look at the files, and made other requests. The police refused all of them. The family said Sun Jihong didn't have heart disease. He had been very healthy. His hair was dark and shiny. He face always looked glowing and healthy, but his body obviously shows that he was tortured and beaten to death.

    The family demanded to bring the murderers to justice for their criminal act of torturing Sun Jihong. Lu Dongshen said they were looking into the matter to take some action, but the family never heard about any updates afterwards.

    Sun Jihong's body was cremated at 10:00 a.m. on October 6. His ashes were carried back to Huanan on October 7.

    Phone Numbers:

    Domestic Security Protection Branch at Fengtai Branch of the Beijing Police Department

    Address: No 21, East Street, Fengtai Town, Fengtai District, Beijing, Zip Code 10071

    Head of Domestic Security Protection Branch, Lu Dongsheng, 86-13301158100(Cell)

    Deputy Head, Huang Ping, 86-10-63897612(Office) 86-13801380186(Cell)

    Heilongjiang Province Huanan Forestry Bureau, Zip Code 154431

    Director Tai Yongzhi 86-454-6685026(Office) 86-454-6687666(Home) 86-13704549666(Cell)
    Secondary Secretary, Dai Huimin, 86-454-6685030(Office) 86-454-6687588(Home) 86-13946467588(Cell)
    Secondary Secretary, Li Chenglong, 86-454-6685031(Office) 86-454-6237088(Home) 86-13349449066(Cell)
    Secondary Secretary, Zhao Furong, 86-454-6685057(Office) 86-454-6685186(Home) 86-13555024788(Cell)
    Secondary Secretary, Cao Qiang, 86-454-6685021(Office) 86-454-6685866(Home) 86-13845492888(Cell)
    Secondary Secretary, Sun Qilong, 86-454-6686008(Office) 86-454-6685658(Home) 86-13836692777(Cell)
    Secondary Secretary, Yue Houfa, 86-454-6686017(Office) 86-454-6685088(Home) 86-13903647303(Cell)

    Secondary Secretary, Huo Chunsheng, 86-454-6685017(Office) 86-454-6686666(Home) 86-13796365777(Cell)
    Secondary Secretary, Han Jianjun, 86-454-6686261(Office) 86-454-6685298(Home) 86-13349446777(Cell)
    610 Office, Duan Xingfu 86-454-6685174(Office) 86-454-6687075(Home) 86-13019752751(Cell)

    Police Department
    Chief, Jia Shouhui, 86-454-6685166(Office) 86-454-6267558(Home) 86-13796365678(Cell)
    Political Head, Zhang Maosheng, 86-454-6688355(Office) 86-454-6685582(Home) 86-13836697336(Cell)
    Deputy Chief, Lin Shugao, 86-454-6688811(Office) 86-454-6688666(Home) 86-13512612566(Cell)
    Deputy Chief, Jin Yanxiang, 86-454-6688677(Office) 86-454-6680729(Home) 86-13351764888(Cell)
    Deputy Chief, Lu Ping, 86-454-6688717(Office) 86-454-6685618(Home) 86-13512614678(Cell)
    Chief Assistant, Wang Fenglin, 86-454-6688018(Office) 86-454-6685495(Home) 86-13512614678(Cell)

    Chinese version available at

    Voice of a 14-Year-Old Non-Practitioner Girl: Please Help My Family, Torn Apart by the Persecution

     I am 14 years old. I have one brother and one sister. My parents started practicing Falun Gong in 1999. My mother used to suffer from numerous illnesses, but she became very healthy after practicing Falun Gong. She was able to do all the house chores and heavy work in the field. My father, who used to very irritable, became kind and approachable. I enjoyed a happy family life and felt I was the luckiest girl on earth. All of these changes took place because of Falun Gong, and I cannot express my gratitude to Teacher Li with words.

    The profound principles in Zhuan Falun inspired awe in me. Although I don't practice Falun Gong, I am able to do as stated in the book when I am with classmates at school. I am a good student in my teachers' eyes, not only because I get top grades in all my classes, but, more importantly, I am kind, modest and understanding toward others. Falun Gong brought tremendous changes to my family and me. Falun Gong was also a blessing for our whole village.

    On July 20, 1999, the massive persecution of Falun Gong began. I was confused and traumatized by the overwhelming number of arrests, incarcerations and other forms of persecution. We wanted to step forward and tell people the facts. In January 2002, my parents and I went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. We went to Tiananmen Square and tried to clarify the truth to government officials, but the police officers screamed, "Freeze! Are you Falun Gong?" We didn't answer their question. They started to bombard us with lies from the media. They tried to arrest us and put us in police cars. We escaped after overcoming many difficulties. After this trip I realized that the Chinese people don't have the right to speak.

    My parents persisted in their belief. In April 2002, the head of the Fangxia Police Department and a group of police officers broke into our home and arrested my father when he was still in bed. They sent my father to the Beixiaoyi Brainwashing Center. Falun Gong practitioners held there are forced to watch videos that slander Teacher and Falun Gong. Because they know that Falun Gong practitioners are not supposed to drink alcohol, they force them drink. The practitioners are also forced to curse Teacher. To resist the persecution, my father held a hunger strike. Several people tried to force him to watch a Falun Gong-slandering video and my father refused. They then repeated those lies and tried to drill them into my father's head. They charged my father 300 Yuan a month. My father truly didn't want to give up his belief, so he left when he finally got a chance.

    The perpetrators who persecuted Falun Gong practitioners at the brainwashing center are: Lu Qiping, secretary from the Laicheng District Political and Judiciary Committee, Zhang Zuokui, Political and Judiciary Committee head, Liu Min, Political and Judiciary Committee deputy head, Zheng Bo from the Political and Security Division, Song Zhenhua from the procuratorate, Tian Wei from the Judicial Bureau and court police officer Lu.

    On the afternoon of the day my father left the brainwashing center, the police came to our home and ransacked it. I was shocked and speechless. Officers Li Zhengyi and Li Lunde from the Fangxia Police Department committed another crime against us. They couldn't find my father and left, complaining. They came to my home once every few days and looked everywhere for my father. I was extremely frightened every time they came. Their domineering and unscrupulous attitude revealed the true face of the "Party official," from the top down. My father was compelled to go into exile, and my mother cried all the time. She was exhausted from working in the fields. I could not afford to pay my tuition. How could I possibly ask mother for money?

    Late at night on August 9, 2002, perpetrators from the Fangxia Police Department again raided our home and searched for my father. I really couldn't stand their lawlessness any longer, but there was nothing I could do. Between the time my father left home and August 2004, perpetrators from the Laicheng District 610 Office and from the Fangxia Police Department never stopped harassing and intimidating my family.

    In the winter of 2002, my brother passed the physical exam to become a soldier, yet the Fangxia Police Department personnel forced my brother's rejection because my father practices Falun Gong.

    In January 2005, police found and arrested my father while he was working in Jinan City. He was held at the Tianqiao District Police Department for four days and was then held at the Liuchangshan Detention Center for eight months. He was then sentenced to nine years in prison. The verdict statement said, "If [the defendant] does not agree with the verdict, [he] can appeal to this court or directly appeal to the Jinan City Intermediate People's Court within two to ten days after the verdict has been issued." We didn't receive the verdict statement until more than one month after it was issued.

    Head judge Wang Yong, jury members Dong Shaojia and Zhao Yuanliang and secretary Yu Wenjun held this trial.

    A few days ago my mother, my brother and I went to visit my father. The guards stood by us and didn't allow us to say any "compromising words." My father only said, "At the detention center I held a hunger strike and they tied me to the Dead Person's Bed [The four limbs of the practitioner are stretched out and tied to the four corners of an icy-cold metal bed. The practitioner cannot move at all. Neither is he allowed to get up to eat, drink, or go to the bathroom. This torture lasts from several hours up to more than a dozen days and causes severe damage to the practitioner both mentally and physically. See illustration on

    /emh/articles/2004/12/15/55600.html]." He cried. I can't imagine how cruel the torture was. I am about to lose my education because I can't afford the tuition. I really want to go to school! I really miss the environment when we could practice Falun Gong freely, before July 20, 1999.

    I hope all kind-hearted people can show concern for scarred children and families in China like me. Please extend a helping hand to end this unprecedented and cruel persecution. This is the voice of a teenage girl, from the depth of her wounded and struggling soul!

    Chinese version available at

    Several Falun Gong Practitioners Disabled from Beatings at the Jiamusi City Labor Camp

     Many Falun Gong practitioners are illegally incarcerated at the Jiamusi City Labor Camp. Wang Qi, Niu Yuhuan, Meng Xianjie, Tong Li, and Han Guixia were severely injured and disabled due to the beatings they suffered at the hands of the guards. Wang Qi was paralyzed for several months and the perpetrators still refused to release him. The labor camp doctor said, "Wang Qi is not ill."

    In late February 2005, practitioners Wang Qi, Niu Yuhuan, Fan Xiaohua and several others wrote public announcements and gave them to the guards. Guards Li Xiujin, Sun Limin and others brutally beat the practitioners. Niu Yuhuan suffered a heart attack during one beating. She still has not completely recovered and she is unable to sit up. Despite her condition, she was forced to go to the workshop. She could not work, so she lay on the concrete floor. The perpetrators ordered someone to hold her and make her sit up.

    In mid-June, guard Li Xiujin verbally abused Niu Yuhuan. Because Niu Yuhuan could not sit up and had to lie down, Li Xiujin ordered inmates to handcuff her to the Tiger Bench They pulled and tugged on her and insulted her when she could not sit up straight. When they didn't torture her, she usually remained on the floor.

    On March 2, practitioner Wang Qi, Fan Xiaohua and Meng Fanli were called forth and beaten. Fan Xiaohua had blood coming out of her mouth after the beating, and her legs were injured from being kicked. Wang Qi cannot walk even now and cannot take care of himself.

    Some male guards were assigned to shock the practitioners with electric batons and beat and kick them. Li Xiujin directed and participated in the beating. Practitioner Wang Qi has been bedridden for several months, yet the guards force him to do aerobic exercises on a daily basis. Guard Liu Yadong pressured the inmates to force Wang Qi do the exercises, and they would curse at the inmates if they didn't follow orders. He Qiang, head of the Administration Section, and division head Wang Xin lied to Wang Qi and told him, "We'll let you go when you can walk."

    As a result of torture, practitioner Meng Xianjie was extremely weak and vomited constantly for a very long time. When his family asked to see him, the guards forced them to curse the founder of Falun Gong before they were granted the meeting. In order to resist the persecution, Meng Xianjie held a hunger strike for close to 20 days and was force-fed by the guards. The inmates dragged him down the stairs all the way to the cafeteria.

    Falun Gong practitioner Tong Li was handcuffed to the edge of a bed in a "forced backbend" position [This is a very painful form of torture in which one arm is reaching down the back behind the head and the other hand meets it from the lower back. The two hands are cuffed together to cause unbearable pain] and could not walk after the torture. The labor camp authorities unlawfully extended her term to further persecute her. In August 2003, Tong Li refused to write a weekly inmate report. Guard Liu Yadong called her to the office and savagely beat her, and also kicked her and banged her head against a desk, the edge of a bed and the closet, until her body was covered with injuries.

    In June 2004, the practitioners refused to write a "homework assignment" given by the labor camp authorities. Subsequently, the perpetrators at the women's division shocked the practitioners with electric batons, police batons and subjected them to the "forced backbend" position. Because Tong Li shouted "Falun Dafa is great;" guard Liu Yadong slapped her face repeatedly, until she lost hearing in her left ear.

    On May 1, division head Li Xiujin beat and kicked practitioner Han Guixia from Hegang City and ordered inmates to drag her into a storeroom. She was handcuffed to a bed and had become extremely weak from long-term torture. On May 28, she fell down the stairs and sustained a head injury. She had a severe headache and could not sleep well for three days.

    On June 23, practitioner Han Guixia was held at Team 7, Division 7 of the Jiamusi City Labor Camp. She appealed to Li Xiujin, but her request was denied. Instead, Li Xiujin beat her. She hit Han Guixia's head with a bottle full of hot water. The bottle broke and the hot water spilled on a bed. Han Guixia had just ended her menstrual period prior to the beating, but it returned after the beating and lasted for a month. Li Xiujin forced her to sit on the Tiger Bench and forced her to work despite her head injury.

    On March 2, practitioner Gao Cuilan refused to sign a "guarantee statement". Guard Liu Yadong kicked her and dragged her to an empty room, and then handcuffed her to a bed and ordered the male inmates to beat her. On March 4, although Gao Cuilan could not straighten her back from the beating, Liu Yadong beat her again and kicked her. Liu Yadong screamed, "Right now is the 'Strictly Controlled Period.' I can beat and curse you as I wish." On June 10, because Gao Cuilan refused to write the weekly inmate report, Liu Yadong slapped her face repeatedly until blood came out of her ears. Guard Zhou Jiahui hit Gao Cuilan's hands until they swelled. Liu Yadong led inmates Zhang Yu and Liu Hua as they physically forced Gao Cuilan's hand to sign a guarantee statement.

    One practitioner refused to sign a guarantee statement and was brutally beaten by a group of male guards. She was beaten a second time and was severely injured. She could not lie flat and she lay on the cold concrete floor daily for nearly two months. Her menstrual period continued for several months, yet the labor camp doctor insisted that she was fine. She could not walk. Practitioner Xu Xianghua refused to write the "homework assignment." Team head Guo Qinhui grabbed her by the hair and repeatedly banged her head against a bed and the wall.

    On March 5, because practitioner Zhao Xiuyun said a few words to an inmate, guards Liu Yadong and Guo Qinhui dragged her to the office and beat her with police batons until her whole body was black and blue and she was in severe pain. The guards also attempted to make her admit fault, but she refused. The guards then handcuffed her in a metal chair and threatened they would handcuff her for four days if she refused to admit fault. They verbally abused her and left her in the handcuffs until midnight.

    One day in May, Liu Xiujin beat practitioners Fan Xiaohua and Zhao Lixia during a drill. Li Xiujin often used all kinds of excuses to beat the practitioners at will. In April, Li Xiujin slapped Wang Xiuyun's face while cursing at her. On March 2, Li Xiujin beat practitioner Chen Ping when trying to force the practitioners to sign a guarantee statement.

    On July 10, group head Guo Qinhui and guard Sun Hui falsely claimed that the practitioners didn't clean up and refused to let the practitioners use the restroom. The practitioners waited until 7:00 a.m. the next day. While they were taking turns using the restroom, it started to rain, and Sun Hui forced the practitioners to wait [in the rain] until the restroom was empty before allowing them to go back to their cell.

    Practitioner Cao Xiuxia said to her family on the phone, "We are being 'strictly controlled' and we are forced to sit on stools." Guard Zhang Xiaodan immediately cut off the phone call and denied all family meetings for all Falun Gong practitioners. Practitioner Song Guizhi passed out on her way to the cafeteria, and guard Zhou Jia said it was because other practitioners didn't help her. Zhou Jia forced all practitioners to stand in the sweltering heat and also insulted the practitioners.

    In October 2003, practitioners were forced to work nonstop for the entire morning. A few minutes after they returned to their cells, guard Chen Jing shouted in the hallway, "Hurry up, division head He Qiang said you must work!" Practitioners Zhang Xiaogeng, Ma Cuihong and Li Xiaohong refused to work. Chen Jing tried to drag Zhang Xiaogeng. Zhang Xiaogeng said, "What are you doing?" Chen Jing raised her hand and was about to strike Zhang Xiaogeng, but Zhang Xiaogeng grabbed her hand and said, "No beating is allowed!" The practitioners outside the room saw it and shouted, "No beating!" Chen Jing ran outside and beat and kicked the practitioners. She beat practitioner Huang Bin to the ground and didn't stop until she was exhausted.

    There is no law at the labor camp, as the will of the guards and their judgments take the place of law. They extend the term of anyone they do not like and use a wide variety of excuses to extend the practitioners' terms. Some of their excuses are: the practitioners put something in the wrong place; they didn't report to the guards before leaving the room; they talked while walking; talked back to the guards; read Falun Gong articles; didn't work hard, or their "attitude was wrong." The guards did anything they wished.

    Many practitioners had their sentences extended for refusing to "reform." Practitioner Fei Jinrong had her sentence extended by more than 130 days; practitioner Cao Xiuxia had her sentence extended by 58 days; practitioner Gao Cuilan had her sentence extended by 54 days; practitioner Zheng Yingchun had her sentence extended by 50 days; practitioner Tong Li had her sentence extended by 45 days; practitioner Ma Xiaohua had her sentence extended by 35 days; practitioner Zhang Yufen had her sentence extended by more than 30 days; practitioner Li Ping had her sentence extended by 30 days; practitioner Song Yuzhi had her sentence extended by more than 20 days; practitioner Su Yanhua had her sentence extended by 18 days; practitioner Yan Xihua had her sentence extended by 18 days; practitioner Bao Lixia had her sentence extended by 15 days; practitioner Gao Chengnu had her sentence extended by 8 days; practitioner Zhang Xiaogeng had her sentence extended by 7 days and practitioner Kang Aimin had her sentence extended by 7 days.

    Chinese version available at

    610 Office Personnel in Changyi City Have Arrested More than 30 Falun Gong Practitioners Since April 2005

     Personnel from the Changyi City 610 Office and police department have stepped up the arrests of Falun Gong practitioners since April. More than 30 practitioners have been arrested; more than a dozen of them were sentenced to forced labor. Some practitioners had to leave home to avoid arrest.

    In April, personnel from the City's 610 Office and from the police department arrested and sentenced five practitioners to forced labor, including practitioner Mr. Fan Lincheng. In May, over a dozen practitioners, including Mr. Fang Xide from Zhangling Town, were arrested and eight of them were sentenced to forced labor. In June, practitioner Ms. Song Mengzhen was put into a forced labor camp. In July, six practitioners including Ms. Ma Guizhen, Gao Heping, and Ms. Tang Ruifen were arrested and their houses were ransacked. In August, police attempted to arrest practitioners Mr. Sun Xueming, Liu Ruiyun and Dong Meifen, but failed.

    At around 9:30 a.m. on August 11, 2005, led by personnel from the Taibaozhuang Village Police Station and Zhong Molin, the village party secretary, Changyi City "610" personnel went to practitioners Sun Xueming and Liu Ruiyun's homes to arrest them. Neither was home, so the arrest attempts failed. At noon, they broke into Sun Xueming's home and arrested Sun's sister, who was helping Sun with housework. At present, Sun Xueming, his wife Bao Ruixia and Liu Ruiyun are no longer living at their home. Their whereabouts are unknown.

    During the night of August 22, 2005, practitioner Dong Meifen, in her 30s, from Xinan Village, Yingma Town who had lived away from home for over two years, went back home to see her family. At 6:00 a.m. the next morning, six officers from the town police station surrounded her home. Ms. Dong left from a backdoor and escaped.

    Related phone numbers: (Country code: 86. Area code: 536. Do not dial area code before cell phone numbers)

    Chen Xiaodong, a policeman in the Changyi City 610 Office: 7212226 ext. 6281 (Office)
    Chen Baifeng, Changyi City Party Committee Secretary: 7219998, 7217899, 13605363517 (Cell)
    Ma Yueqi, mayor of Changyi City: 7112766, 7613099, 13806361878 (Cell)

    Chinese version available at

    Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Liang Zhu'an from Hubei Forced into Exile and Recently Arrested Again

     Persecution compelled 59-year-old Ms. Liang Zhu'an from Xiantao City, Hubei Province into exile. She went to Liupanshui City in Guizhou Province, more than a thousand miles away from home, to make a living. Around September 3, 2005, she was again arrested by persons from the Liupanshui Police Department. According to our sources she is now imprisoned at the Wuhan Brainwashing Classes in Hubei Province.

    Lawless officers from the Liupanshui Police Department arrested Liang Zhu'an without any legal procedures. They ordered the Xiantao City Xiliuhe Town Government to take Liang Zhu'an back to Hubei Province. Before leaving they didn't even allow her to pick up a change of clothes. It is reported that Liang Zhu'an was taken back to Wuhan in Hubei Province on September 7, 2005 and is being held in a brainwashing center. Her story follows:

    Ms. Liang Zhu'an is a villager from the No.2 Group in Xuguang Village, Xiliuhe Town, Xiantao City, Hubei Province. In the past she suffered from severe anemia, stubborn nerve function symptoms, pleurisy, and severe internal and external rheumatic symptoms. In the hottest summer weather she needed to wear winter clothing, like a knit shirt or even a cotton-padded jacket. She was susceptible to wind and often went to a hospital. The doctor said, "Your case is too complicated; we don't have any means to treat you." Early in 1997, Liang Zhu'an encountered Falun Gong. She was completely convinced by its profound principles. Through diligent practice, a month later all of her illnesses were gone and her relationship with neighbors and relatives gradually improved and became more harmonious.

    In July 1999 after the persecution began, Liang Zhu'an remained steadfast in practicing Falun Gong. Lawless officials from the area imprisoned her on several occasions. On September 23, 1999, while she was on the road, Zhang Changding, a department chief from the Xiantao City Police Department, saw her. He is in charge of persecuting Falun Gong. Zhang instructed Xiliuhe Police Station personnel to arrest Liang, and they imprisoned her at Xiliuhe Birth Control Office for 15 days. Liang Zhu'an was forced to sleep on the concrete floor wearing only one set of clothing. She was mosquito-bitten all over her body, with some patches festering and oozing pus. Liang Zhu'an's husband could only send her a meal through a small hole in the wall and could not see her in person. The police saw that her physical symptoms were becoming severe. They were afraid of assuming responsibility, so they reluctantly released her.

    On April 24, 2001 Liang Zhu'an was arrested and taken to brainwashing class at the Xiantao City's Hewan Chemical Fertilizer Factory. During the month there she suffered brutal torture and was forced to watch videos slandering Falun Gong. If she refused to watch she would be beaten and verbally abused. Under the brutal pressure she was tortured into a muddled state of mind.

    On July 6, 2001, Liang Zhu'an posted truth-clarifying flyers in Wuhan, and police waiting there arrested her. Then she was transferred into the Xiantao City No. 1 Detention Center. Again she was secretly sentenced to two years of forced labor. When she was sent to Shayang Labor Camp, her examination showed she had high blood pressure and heart disease. The labor camp refused to take her. After getting back, the police department perpetrators extorted 8,000 yuan for her release.

    In October 2001, while she was already quite weak, persons from the 610 Office and from the Political and Security Division again sent Liang to the Xinlirenkou 7th Brainwashing Center for further persecution. Ruthless tortures had left no untouched skin on her body. She was eventually released.

    In the afternoon of December 17, 2003, a group of people suddenly broke into Liang Zhu'an's home, arrested her and took her to the Wuhan Brainwashing Center. Zhang Guanghuai from the Xiliuhe Police Station heavily slapped her face three times and threw a heavy punch to her chest, knocking her breath out. She almost fainted. In the brainwashing center, Liang Zhu'an could not get out of bed. A dozen people dragged her and beat her. Liang Zhu'an shouted, "Falun Dafa is great." They gagged her with dirty rags and commenced another round of beatings. It was another month of torture before she was released.

    Liang Zhu'an's son Zhang Jianbo was a Zhejiang Industrial University graduate student. In August 1998, when he went home for summer vacation, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor and was preparing for brain surgery. His mother asked him to read Zhuan Falun. When he read up to Lecture Four he felt the turning of a Falun, and his brain tumor disappeared. Since then he has practiced Falun Gong.

    While he was studying for his Master's degree in computer science in September 1999, officials imprisoned him for three-and-a-half years because he refused to give up Falun Gong. Zhang Jianbo's student status and resident status were groundlessly cancelled. He is without any residency status to this day.

    On March 28, 2004, lawless police officers arrested him when he was distributing Falun Gong truth VCD's to people. He was sentenced to two years of forced labor. He has been imprisoned in the Shiliping Labor Camp in Zhejiang Province ever since.

    Liang Zhu'an's weak and ailing husband is left at home alone.

    Relevant phone numbers for Xiantao City:
    Xiantao City Police Department Chief Li Xinhong 86-728-3491183 (Office)86-728-3222552 ext. 2222 (Office)86-728-3222552 ext. 2666 (Home)86-728-8883110(Cell) 86-13307223110(Cell)
    Xiantao City National Security Division Chief Peng Bangting 86-13907225799(Cell)
    Xiantao City National Security Division Director Zhou Guohuai 86-13886989869(Cell)
    Xiantao City National Security Division Vice Chief Li Youwen 86-728-8889500
    Xiantao City Political and Legal Committee Secretary Zhou Yiqun 86-728-3491205 (Office)86-728-3319913 (Home)86-13307223418(Cell)
    City Party Secretary Ma Qingming 86-728-3491106 (Office)86-728-3225848 (Home)86-13307227868(Cell)
    Mayor Chen Jixue 86-728-3491115 (Office)86-728-3205375 (Home)86-13907223785(Cell)
    Vice Party Secretary Wang Deyi 86-728-3491035 (Office)86-728-3252488 (Home)86-13307226688(Cell)
    City 610 Office 86-728-3491091
    Xiantao City 610 Office head Chen Dehua 86-728-3491159
    Deputy Chief Wang Yang 86-728-2722044 (Home)86-13707229588(Cell)

    Chinese version available at

    Falun Gong Practitioners Wang Hongfen from Shandong Province and Zhao Guiqin from Jilin Province Disappeared in 2000

    Practitioner Wang Hongfen from Weihai City, Shandong Province disappeared in 2000

    Practitioner Ms. Wang Hongfen, in her 30s, is a resident from Weihai City, Shandong Province. In 2000 she went to appeal for justice for Falun Gong in Beijing. She was arrested and fined 3,500 yuan. Local officials and police often harassed her and incited her husband to beat and abuse her.

    In June 2000 she disappeared. Her whereabouts are unknown.

    Please provide information about her if you have any.

    Practitioner Zhao Guiqin from Nantunji Village, Dongfeng County, Jilin Province disappeared in 2000

    My new neighbor told me the other day that her aunt, Zhao Guiqin, a resident from the Yongxing No.8 Group, Nantunji Village, Dongfeng County, Jilin Province practiced Falun Gong. Around February 2000 she and two female practitioners from the Houshi Group went to appeal for justice for Falun Gong in Beijing.

    There has been no information about her since then. Her family sent people to find her and reported this to police, but they got no answers.

    Zhao Guiqin is around 47 years old. Her husband is Xiang Yonghao. They have a 14-year-old son. Detailed information is under investigation.

    Chinese version available at

    Brief News from China - September 6, 2005

    1. [Qujing City, Yunnan Province] Practitioners Including Ms. Huang Xilan Were Illegally Arrested

    On July 24, 2005, ten practitioners from Qujing City were arrested. They are: Ms. Huang Xilan, Mr. Wang Yuping from the Textile Mill, Rao Xi from the Finance and Trade School, Ms. Zhang Xiuying from the vegetable company, two practitioners from the Yunnan Provincial No. 4 Construction Company, and Ms. Zhao Qiongmei from the Coal and Construction Company. They have been illegally sentenced to forced labor camp.

    2. [Shandong Province] Practitioners Including Mr. Shao Xirong Were Arrested

    On August 29, 2005, Mr. Shao Xirong and Xiu Renzi from Dabohu Village, Houjia Town, Wendeng City, Shandong Province were arrested by the local 610 Office and their homes were searched.

    On September 1, 2005, Ms. Jiang Guixiu from Zhaoyuan City Shoes Factory was arrested.

    The relevant phone numbers:

    The 610 Office: 86-535-8242287

    Hou Yunxian, the Director of the 610 Office: 86-535-8258610

    Jiang Weihua, the Deputy Director of the 610 Office: 86-535-8221659 (Home), 86-13805456026 (Cell)

    Feng Shugui, the Deputy Director of the 610 Office: 86-535-8215200 (Home), 86-13853581989 (Cell)

    Lin Tao, the Team Leader of the Special Team: 86-13953500555 (Cell)

    Song Shuqing, the Head of the Linglong Brainwashing Class: 86-535-8364552

    3. [Chongqing City] Ms. Duan Zaiying from the Banan District Was Arrested and Sentenced to Forced Labor Camp

    Ms. Duan Zaiying, 56 years old, started cultivating Falun Gong on October 1998. In April 2004, she was forced to leave her home. At 5:00 p.m. on August 24, 2005, she was arrested when she was clarifying the truth at the Caiyuanba Railway Station in Chongqing City and detained in the Railway Public Security Bureau's No. 1 Detention Center. On September 2, she was sentenced to one and a half years in a forced labor camp.

    4. [Zhucheng, Shandong Province] Ms. Li Zhifeng and Ms. Li Ai'xiu Again Arrested

    In the afternoon on August 31, 2005, Ms. Li Zhifeng was picking up her child in front of the school gate and Ms. Li Ai'xiu was picking peanuts at her own peanut farm when both of them were once again arrested. Ms. Li Ai'xiu was released, after she was fined 5,000 yuan, since she did not pass the physical examination.

    5. [Xinyang City, Henan Province] Mr. Shi Deli Was Arrested and Detained

    Mr. Shi Deli from Shihe District of Xinyang City was arrested by the police on August 4, 2005, for clarifying the truth. He is still being illegally detained.

    6. [Heilongjiang Province] The Jiamusi Police Extort Fines from Practitioners

    Ms. Li Shuqing was arrested by the Jianguo Road Police Substation in February 2002. She was rejected by the detention center after she was sent there. She was released after her family was fined 1,500 yuan.

    Ms. Yang Li was reported to the police for clarifying the truth and was arrested by the Jianguo Road Police Substation on March 14, 2001. The police extorted 500 yuan from her.

    Ms. Hu Yunzhen was arrested by the police in November 2000 and was fined 1000 yuan by the Qianjing Public Security Sub-bureau.

    Hao Ping's home was searched by four policemen of the Jianguo Road Police Substation. Later Hao was sent to the detention center for 40 days. Hao was sentenced to two years at a forced labor camp. On the day Hao arrived, Chen Wanyou from the 610 office extorted 6,000 yuan from him. Hao Ping was then sent directly to the police substation, where he was illegally 2,000 yuan. In total, Hao was defrauded out of 8,000 yuan.

    7. [Jilin Province] Ms. Luo Ying's Family Was Arrested

    Ms. Luo Ying from Jilin City, her practitioner husband Lao Song, and her practitioner son Song Lijun were arrested by officers from the Gaoxin District Police Substation led by Liu Jun. This occurred at 3:00 p.m. on September 1, 2005.

    8. [Donggang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Sun Juan Was Arrested by the Qianyang Public Security Sub-Bureau of Donggang City

    On August 29, 2005, Ms. Sun Juan from Donggang City was arrested by police from the Qianyang Public Security Sub-Bureau of Donggang City. She is now being illegally jailed in the Donggang Detention Center.

    Wen Xiaodan, the Head of the Qianyang Public Security Sub-Bureau, Donggang City:

    86-415-7162068 (Office), 86-13941516333 (Cell)

    9. [Hubei Province] Ms. Peng Ruiling, A Doctor from the Radiation Department of the Women and Children's Health Center Was Arrested, and Her Whereabouts Are Still Unknown

    Ms. Peng Ruiling, a doctor from the Radiation Department of the Women and Children's Health Center, was arrested at her workplace by the Hubei Province 610 Office on September 5, 2005. Her current whereabouts are unknown.

    Hubei Province Women and Children's Health Center: 86-27-87884730

    The Security Section: 86-27-878666442

    10. [Renqiu City, Hebei Province] Practitioners Including Ms. Li Caihong Are Being Held at the Detention Center

    Ms. Li Caihong, from Section Five of the Huabei Petroleum Management Bureau of Renqiu City, was reported to the police by the cleaning workers when she was clarifying the truth to them in her residential area. Currently she is being jailed at the Detention Center of Huabei Petroleum Detention Center.

    Li Hongzhou, Director: 86-317-2721620, 86-13582678296 (Cell)

    Zhang Lujun, Director of the Detention Center: 86-317-2729969, 86-13582678350 (Cell)

    The Reception Office of the Detention Center: 86-317-2770593, 86-317-2770594, 86-317-2770595.

    11. [Wuhai City, Inner Mongolia] Several Practitioners from Haibowan Were Arrested

    Mr. Yang Zhiyuan and his wife Ms. Mu Hongxia from Haibowan in Wuhai City were arrested on August 5, 2005, after their home was searched. Two seniors over 70 years old now have no one to take care of them at home. The couple has three children, including two-year-old twins, who have no one to take care of them.

    Mr. Gui Zhiyu and his wife Ms. Yi Xiping had their home searched by 11 policemen on August 6, 2005. They were arrested. They asked Ms. He Runlan for help to take care of their family. As a result, the police also arrested Ms. He and ransacked her home.

    Nine other practitioners, including Ms. Peng, Mr. Niu Yuzhong, Mr. Guo Suoli and Lao Yang, were arrested. They are being detained at the Haibowan Detention Center in Wuhai City.

    Chinese version available at