Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Wang Jianguo and his wife Ms. Zhao Qiumei of Jilin City were arrested by a group of policemen headed by Tan Xinqiang from Nanjing police station on March 2, 2006. Within one month and nine days, Mr. Wang Jianguo, who was only around 30 years old, was persecuted to death at the 1st Detention Center of Jilin City. His body is at the autopsy center of Jilin City police station. Before his death, his wife was arrested again and taken to the 5th Group of Changchun City's Heizuizi Female Forced Labor Camp, where she is being persecuted.
In November 2000, Wang Jianguo was sentenced to two years of forced labor by Huanxiling Reeducation Center of Jilin city. His wife Zhao Qiumei was detained for two years at Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp in December 2001.
![]() Wang Jianguo |
![]() Wang Jianguo and his wife Zhao Qiumei |
On March 2, 2006, staff from the Nanjing local police station of the Chuanying area illegally confiscated Mr. Wang Jianguo's family's property and arrested Wang Jianguo and his wife Zhao Qiumei. They also stole personal belongings worth more than 30,000 Yuan. The police also took all the cash (about 3,200 Yuan) the couple had saved. After the Nanjing local police station arrested Wang Jianguo, they tried to extort a confession through torture, injuring his face and arms severely.
On March 10 at the noon, staff from Hadawan local police station and Jilin NationalSecurity Bureau sent three police cars to Wang Jianguo's father's house to arrest his father, Mr. Wang Shusen, because they were afraid that his father would appeal for help. They broke into his house and confiscated the family's property. Because of the repeated and continuous harassment by the local police and staff from the Jilin National Security Bureau, Wang Jianguo's parents left their home to avoid further persecution.
On March 31 Ms. Zhao Qiumei was taken by the Nanjing local police station to Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp to serve one year of forced labor. At this time, she is illegally detained at the 5th Group. Mr. Wang Jianguo was still illegally imprisoned in the 1st Detention Center in Jilin City.
In the morning of April 11, the 1st Detention Center of Jilin city called Mr. Wang Jianguo's family members and said, "Wang Jianguo was sent to the 2nd hospital for emergency procedures yesterday. The doctors were unable to resuscitate him. He died of respiratory failure..." At around noon his family members arrived at the detention center. Deputy Chief of the Detention Center Cong Maohua said that they once forced fed Wang Jianguo, but he died of respiratory failure. He also said that Wang Jianguo had other severe health problems and could not breathe well. They also had found that he had lung problems, and so on.
Wang Jianguo was actually very healthy before being arrested. He once practiced martial arts and never had any health problems. Why did he suddenly die of respiratory failure at the detention center during forced feeding? That is a clear indication that the force-feeding at the Detention Center is performed brutally and not for humanitarian reasons or to rescue his life. It is in reality a torture method to retaliate against the peaceful protesters. The feeding tube was most likely mistakenly put into the trachea, which caused the food to enter the trachea. This led to the lung infection and inability to breathe normally, causing death.
The 222nd Hospital of Jilin City wrote an Emergency Medical Treatment Medical Record of Wang Jianguo's time before his death.
After Wang Jianguo died, he was taken to the 222nd hospital of Jilin city.
The emergency medical treatment record, completed by the doctor on call, states:
(ID: 6156)
Wang Jianguo, male, 32 years old, Han Nationality, Working place address: Detention Center
Time: On April 10, 2006, 1:58 p.m.
Arrived: By ambulance
Reason for ER: rejection of diet for a month
Medical history: As per staff from the Detention Center, this patient has refused food for more than a month. After accepting advice, he ate a little porridge. His physical condition worsened and he became emaciated. He was brought to the outpatient service on the morning of April 10 for a medical examination. Director Guo examined him and he was then returned to the Detention Center for treatment. Around 1:20 p.m., the condition of the patient worsened and he had difficulty breathing. His arteries were fragile.
BP: 80/50
At 1:58 p.m. he arrived for an examination.
Physical examination: T: 0 ¡æ P: 0/minute R: 0/minute BP: 0/0mmHg consciousness: 0 Pupils: Left 4mm right 8 -10mm
Patient was sent to the emergency room at 1:58 p.m.
Physical examination: Breathing and palpitation of the patient had stopped. There was no pulse. The right pupil was 8 - 10mm, left 4mm and no response to light. The patient had no heartbeat and no breathing sound could be heard. There were no scars on his body, chest, back or limbs. O2 chest massage was performed, an electrocardiogram done, muscle injection given for emergency rescue. All resuscitation methods failed.
Preliminary diagnosis: 1. Malnutrition. 2. Respiratory failure.
Permission was given by the detention chief, not to do a CAT scan on the patient's head.
Rescue situation: The patient was dead on arrival.
Departure time: April 10, 2006 4:45 p.m.
Nurses: Zhang Lianfei
Wang Jianguo's remains are now held at the autopsy center of Jilin Police Department. Within one month and nine days, Wang Jianguo was persecuted to death during forced feeding at the 1st Detention Center of Jilin city.
Yaojia Detention Center in Dalian City
The victim is handcuffed and wears a metal ring around his neck; his feet are shackled, normally used only on death-row prisoners. Then the handcuffs, the shackles, and the metal ring are all chained together. The victim has to lean forward. The chain that connects the handcuffs to the shackles is locked. The floor ring is fixed to a metal slab in front of the feet and the metal slab is affixed to a big bed for inmates.
If practitioners shout, "Falun Dafa is good!" the evildoers gag them with towels and beat them with plastic slippers. The windows and doors are tightly closed because they are afraid visitors might hear what is going on.
The police torture practitioners and also compel other inmates to torture them. The police step on and push down hard on practitioners' chests. They beat practitioners with leather whips, leather belts, and slippers. They take away practitioners' cotton quilts. Some practitioners had to sleep for nine days without cotton quilts, clad only in a shirt, while other inmates had several cotton quilts.
Most practitioners are handcuffed and shackled. They are tied in a spread-eagle position in bed for force-feeding, with handcuffs and shackles chained together. Some practitioners are subjected to this for as long as six months.
Practitioners are tied in bed in a spread-eagle position with handcuffs and shackles that are chained together. There is a big lock on the stomach. The chains are tied to a peg.
Stripping Practitioners of Their Clothes
A practitioner found a pen when cleaning up the detention center. He used the pen to write "Falun Dafa is good!" "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance are good!" on his uniform. This figure illustrates how the police stripped off the practitioner's clothes.
Dalian City Forced Labor Camp
Practitioners are tied to an empty metal bed with three wooden slats, barely four-inches wide. The boards have many protruding spikes on them that poke into the skin, causing excruciating pain. The top board is for supporting the shoulders and head, but most of the head is still unsupported, which makes practitioners suffer.
Practitioners are handcuffed and shackled. Arms and legs are tightly tied to triangle metal frames by yellow tape. They use this torture method to make practitioners give up their belief.
The ankles are right in contact with the metal frames. It hurts a great deal. Being tied to the bed this way for a long time causes severe edema in the arms and legs. They also tape practitioners' mouths shut to prevent them from shouting.
In order to force practitioners to give up their belief, they also pour dirty water on practitioners. They force-feed practitioners with strong vinegar, garlic juice, and chopped garlic. They also put bugs on practitioners. For example, they have put big spiders into practitioners' mouths and poured urine into practitioners' mouths.
The small cage is made of steel. Practitioners are made to wear a wrestling helmet and are handcuffed. They are forced to stand barefoot in the small cage for over 20 hours every day. Some practitioners were compelled to stand for five days. Their feet were severely swollen. They torture some practitioners with several methods over and over to force them to give up their belief.
Being tied outside of a Small Cage
Being Tied outside of a Small Cage
Falun Gong practitioners are handcuffed and shackled. They are completely wrapped in plastic including the head, leaving only the eyes and nose exposed. Then a cotton hat is added to cover the head tightly. The legs below the knees are encircled with ropes tied very tightly to the cage from the back, which hurts.
The space in the back is already minuscule. A wooden board with lots of spikes on it is then added, creating a situation in which one can only stand on one's toes in front of the board. After one night of being wrapped in plastic and wearing a hat, handcuffs, and shackles, one's feet and legs become severely swollen.
One person sits on a practitioner's shoulders and pulls the practitioner's hair hard. Another evildoing person pokes toothpicks into the practitioners' fingernail beds. The third person slaps the practitioner's face with plastic slippers.
Even if the practitioners' family members deposit money in the practitioners' accounts, the practitioners are forbidden to use the money while they are confined in small cells.
Bending Down at a 90-Degree Angle
If practitioners don't give up on their belief they are confined to small cells with another inmate. They are handcuffed together. The inmate is allowed to sleep. The practitioner is not. The practitioner can only bend down at a 90-degree angle.
Dabei Women's Prison in Shenyang City
Four inmates are locked up with one practitioner. The other inmates must monitor the practitioner. There is a toilet area with a board to cover one's back. In the summer, practitioners are forced to wear a winter coat. To prevent them from taking off the coat, the front of the coat is sewn together so tightly that no one can tear it open with her bare hands. Because practitioners refuse to wear the criminal inmates' tags, the police sew numerous tags onto practitioner's coats. If a practitioner moves his or her hands, all the inmates come up and beat the practitioner. Some inmates step on the practitioners' ankles. Some practitioners had to wear a winter coat for six nights and days in the summer and got no sleep.
In the Dabei Women's Prison small cells, they used mostly murderers to monitor the practitioners and torture them. In 2002, prison director Bai himself led the murderers and guards to torture practitioners.
Feet Being Stepped on; Sitting on Small Stools
They tie practitioners using ropes around their bodies and hands. One inmate is in the front and pulls the practitioner's hair down as hard as she can; another inmate continuously stomps on the practitioner's feet. Another inmate behind the practitioner grabs the practitioner's hands tightly so that she can't move. They also gag practitioners with towels so they can't shout, "Falun Dafa is good."
They use murderers to monitor practitioners. They tie practitioners' hands and feet to a metal bed. A board is laid across the bed, with only a hole in the board for relieving oneself. When practitioners are on a hunger strike, they force-feed them corn mush with other unknown ingredients that cause vomiting and diarrhea. The murderers act as "doctors." They give toxic injections to practitioners for six days and nights. They even charge for these injections that make practitioners freezing cold. They also draw blood and poke very deeply, all the way to the bone. Because of such torture, some practitioners' electrocardiograms no longer registered a heartbeat. Some guards and inmates had tears in their eyes witnessing this. Certain practitioners were tied to the Death Bed for 20 days; some even for several months.
The guards force some inmates to torture practitioners. Two inmates step on a practitioner's ankles at the same time and poke the practitioner all over her body using toothpicks. When they get tired, another two inmates will switch with them to continue the torture.
Some practitioners were not given water for three days.
An electronic eye monitors the small cell. The four inmates watch each practitioner so as to forbid the practitioner from ever sleeping. If the practitioner does fall asleep, every inmate is fined over 100 yuan every time it happens. To avoid the fines, the inmates try hard to torture practitioners. A few practitioners in some small cells were tortured to death. Some practitioners were let out of the small cells after 15 days of torture. Certain practitioners have been in and out of small cells several times.
Torturing Practitioners Who Clarify the Truth
When practitioners try to clarify the truth, they dispatch six people to carry the practitioners, but they can't seem to pick the practitioners up. This happens often. They also gag practitioners with towels.
Masanjia Forced Labor Camp
Tying Tightly Using Towels; Pinching
When some practitioners were tortured to the brink of death, several people used a big piece of fabric to drag the practitioner. A policewoman used her thumb to hold up a practitioner's chin and another hand to pinch the practitioner's neck. The prison doctor gags the practitioner with a towel to prevent him from clarifying the truth. They send practitioners who clarify truth to small cells. Some practitioners were healthy before they were sent to small cells but when they came out, their confinement under this torture had made them comatose.
When practitioners go on a hunger strike, seven or eight guards and prison doctors work together to torture practitioners. They force-feed them on the floor. Two guards pull the victim's hands aside and step on them and twist them. One guard steps really hard on a practitioner's chest and stomach. Another guard sits on a practitioner's legs. Other guards hold electric batons. The prison doctor force-feeds the practitioner without paying attention to the practitioner's ability to breathe. The practitioner ends up having corn mush all over the head and face. The corn mush has other unknown substances mixed in.
The guards put all the force-feeding tools in the dirty toilet, including the feeding tube, which are soaked in tap water in a lunch box.
Division One of the Dalian City Police Department
Photographing a practitioner against his will
Agents from Division One of the Dalian City Police Department came to the Yaojia Detention Center to interrogate a practitioner. The practitioner refused to answer their questions. In order to take a picture of the practitioner, several plainclothes officers exchanged eye contact; then four or five of them started beating the practitioner and pushing him against the wall. Some pulled his hair, some covered his mouth, some kicked his legs, and some held his hands . They took this opportunity to take the practitioner's photograph.
On the evening of October 26, 2005, Falun Gong practitioner Yin Wenjuan from Kaiyuan City, Liaoning Province was arrested by officers from the Hongqi Police Station in Qinghe District. Her non-practitioner husband Li Yuanjun was also taken away together with her. After a period of detention, Yin Wenjuan was released and she is currently remaining homeless to avoid further persecution. Her husband was tortured to the point where he cannot take care of himself. The Hongqi Police Station police still refuses to return the couple's personal belongings, IDs and confiscated money.
On the night of the arrest, Hongqi Police Station and Qinghe District Police Department National Security Group together interrogated Yin Wenjuan. Police chief Lan Wen shocked her with high voltage electric batons. Failing to get anything from her, the police sent her to Kaiyuan Detention Center on the afternoon of the next day.
Yin Wenjun started a hunger strike on October 28 to resist the persecution, but she was force fed and chained to the bed. On November 8, the police took her back to the Qinghe Hospital surgical department, where National Security Group captain Li Meng and Hongqi Police Station instructor Liu Fang took charge of persecuting her. Because she clarified the truth to doctors and nurses in the hospital, a doctor surnamed Zhou instructed a nurse to inject her with some unknown substance, causing her to sleep for an entire day. Later she was force-fed many times. Her hands and feet were chained to the bed, and she had to use a catheter for twenty days. No matter what pressure was placed on her, she never yielded to the evil. The surgical department director did not want to take any responsibility should anything happen to Yin, so he urged the police to transfer Yin to the internal medicine department. Twenty days later, the police took Yin to the Hongqi Police Station. On December 1, she was transferred to Qinghe Second Hospital. During her detention there, she once required emergency rescue because of the damage caused by force feeding.
Yin Wenjun firmly rejected the illegal arrest, trial and sentence imposed on her. The police later sentenced her to imprisonment on parole. But she refused to sign the verdict. In the end, the police had her family take her home after she was on hunger strike for 81 days and was on the verge of death. At present, Yin is homeless to avoid further persecution.
Yin Wenjun's husband Li Yuanjun was arrested together with her and was also brutally tortured by the police. They used 7-8 electric batons simultaneously to shock him. They even stuck the batons into his mouth. As a result, Li's whole body was bruised. His hair was scorched, mouth swollen, face deformed, hands numb, and one leg limp. Even so, the police continuously tortured him. In the next several weeks, they kept beating him every time they interrogated him. Since they could not find any evidence against him, the police had to announce that he is not guilty and let him go home. The inhumane torture has caused severe damage to Li. He cannot take care of himself, he developed a heart problem, and he cannot use one of his legs. He had operations on his hands, but to this day they are still numb. He also has headaches. The police still refuse to return his confiscated personal belongings and money.
In January 2005, the staff of the First Jail Area of the Suzhou Prison in Anhui Province brutally persecuted Mr. Hu WenKui, a Falun Gong practitioner. He had burns on his body and on his feet. He is now permanently disabled.
From 6:00 p.m. January 5, 2005 to 4:00 p.m. on January 6, 2005, the prison warden, Lu Yang, of the First Jail Area Propaganda Room, and group supervisor Yu Weizhou, had the windows opened widely in 10ºC below zero (14ºF) weather, and had the electric fan turned on.
They tortured Mr. Hu Wenkui by kicking and punching him, and striking him with their elbows. They tied one of his hands to a window and tied his other hand to a rope. They then had several people pull on the rope, causing his body to be hung in the air. They struck him in the chest and on the back. They had several prisoners push him against a wall. They also sat on him. Several others pulled his legs apart as far as they could and punched his genitals. They did this repeatedly. Thus, Mr. Hu Wenkui was not able to move his legs or walk for several months. They also shocked his genitals and other places with an electric baton for more than thirty minutes. His body was covered with burns and blisters.
Lu Yang stomped on Mr. Hu Wenkui's feet over and over, causing swelling so severe that he could not fit in his shoes. During this torture, Mr. Hu fainted three times. They then used hot-water bags filled with boiling water to burn his left leg, causing deep, third degree burns, and the connective tissue around his bones died from the heat. His left leg is crippled. On his right leg, they gave him second-degree burns and did severe damage to the blood vessels. He has not recovered from this torture after over a year.
Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of
On August 13, 2005, five Falun Gong practitioners who worked at the No. 4 Chongqing Steel Factory in Sanjiang were illegally arrested and their homes were ransacked. The police took all of their Falun Gong books, Falun Gong materials, tape recorders and other things. The five practitioners were sent to the Qijiang Police Department and Qijiang Development District Detention Center, where they were tortured. One month later they were sentenced to forced labor. The practitioners and their sentences are listed below:
Ms. Zhang Huaming, 52 years old; retired employee from the No. 4 Chongqing Steel Factory; sentenced to two years of forced labor;
Ms. Xiao Shengshu, 55 years old; family member of an employee at the No. 4 Chongqing Steel Factory; sentenced to two years of forced labor;
Ms. Du Guomei, 45 years old; family member of an employee at the No. 4 Chongqing Steel Factory; sentenced to 18 months of forced labor;
Ms. Wong Guangfen, 41 years old; an employee of the No. 4 Chongqing Steel Factory. She was fired and sentenced to one year of forced labor.
Ms. Wang Yongxian, 40 years old; employee of the No. 4 Chongqing Steel Factory, sentenced to two years of forced labor; sentence carried out outside the labor camp. Her salary was reduced.
The first four practitioners are being tortured at the Maojiashan Women's Forced Labor Camp. They are forced to work for more than ten hours a day and are subjected to brainwashing.
Persecution of Practitioners in Qijiang County
Xie Qiang and Li Xiong are the two police officers who persecuted practitioners Zhang Qiyong and Mu Enyin.
1. [Tonghua City, Jilin Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Wang Guiming Tortured to the Verge of Death at Sipingshiling Prison
Mr. Wang Guiming, a Falun Gong practitioner from Tonghua City, is detained at Sipingshiling Prison. He has been on a hunger strike for several days to protest the "illegal detention". In early March, because he shouted, "Falun Dafa is great," Mr. Wang was locked into a small cell and was brutally force-fed. His face was distorted from the beatings he received. The torture he endured was very severe. Now he is at the verge of death. On March 14, Wang Guiming's family members went to visit him, but were notified that Mr. Wang was locked in a small cell and they were not allowed to see him.
2. [Fuyu County, Jilin Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Wang Enhui Forcibly Arrested -- His Wife Violently Beaten and Suffering a Mental Collapse
Mr. Wang Enhui is a Falun Gong practitioner in Dongyu Village, Yushugou Township of Jilin Province. In the afternoon of February 21, 2006, Du Dianlong, the director of the Security Group, policeman Luo Hongjian and five other policemen from the Fuyu County Police Department, Jilin Province, broke into Mr. Wang Enhui's house. They broke open the gate lock, took away truth-clarification materials, and arrested Wang Enhui. Mr. Wang's wife tried her best to block the police from arresting her husband. A tall and strong policeman beat her violently. She almost lost consciousness. After the police illegally arrested Mr. Wang, his wife was traumatized, physically and mentally. She was always in a daze, which worsened daily. On March 12, she suffered a mental collapse. Her relatives took her to Taonan Psychiatric Hospital.
3. [Heishan County, Liaoning Province] Homeless Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhang Yingdong Arrested by Heishan County Police
Ms. Zhang Yingdong lived away from home to avoid being persecuted by the Heishan County Police. The police searched for her so they could arrest her. They harassed many Falun Gong practitioners and their families in the process.
On February 9, 2006, staff from the detention center at the Heishan County Police Station took Zhang Yingdong to the Shenyang Prison, despite the fact that Ms. Zhang had not eaten for two months and was at the brink of death. She could not get out of the police van by herself. Two extremely violent and vicious guards, Yao Haitao and Jin Xianxiang, dragged Ms. Zhang out of the van and almost one thousand meters to the prison.
Ms. Zhang suddenly experienced heart disease symptoms and was on the verge of death. The prison refused to take her. The perpetrators took Zhang Yingdong back to Heishan County, and tortured her with brutal force-feeding while handcuffing her hands behind her back.
On February 10, the Heishan County Detention Center was afraid to take responsibility should Ms. Zhang die inside the detention center. On February 13, the court approved home detention. The next day, Heishan County Police Department harassed Ms. Zhang and her family and demanded that they turn over the temporary release document.
Zhang Yingdong had to leave home again even though she was extremely weak. Now nobody knows her whereabouts. Her husband is being held as hostage in the detention center where he is subjected to torture. Policeman Bi Shijun beat her husband savagely, causing him to suffer severely, both physically and mentally.
On February 15, 2006, Heishan County police searched for Ms. Zhang throughout the entire county and harassed many Falun Gong practitioners and their families.
4. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Arrested by Police at Internet Caf¨¦At noon on March 16, 2006, three policemen arrested a Falun Gong practitioner from Changchun City, while he was browsing the Internet at an Internet Caf¨¦ in District Six of the Economic Development District of Changchun (close to Weixing Road).
5. [Jilin Province] Wang Hongge Tortured Into Near Unconsciousness
Mr. Wang Hongge's family was to visit Wang Hongge in Sipingshi Prison on March 14. They understood that he was in extremely poor health. Because he had great difficulty urinating, he did not drink any water. He had a high fever and his chest and back ached very much, which was caused by swollen kidneys. Sometimes, Mr. Wang's heartbeat reached 128 per minute. At its worst, he would faint. However, Sipingshi Prison refused to negotiate with Wang Hongge's family for medical parole, stating that his condition was not serious enough.
The prison policy was that detained Falun Gong practitioners were severely persecuted, and a total information blackout was in place. They also forbade practitioners' family members from bringing essentials to detained practitioners.
6. [Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province] Three Falun Gong Practitioners Locked in Small Cells
Mr. Cui Guojun and two other Falun Gong practitioners were held in the 11th Prison District in Mudanjiang Prison. Because the authorities found Master's lectures during a body search, they were locked into small cells and tortured. The prison politics section searched all detained practitioners and took away some of the Falun Gong materials the practitioners had with them.
7. [Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province] Practitioner Zou Xiaoying Unable to Take Care of Herself Due to Severe Torture
On February 11, 2006, policemen from Mudaniang National Security Bureau and Ning'an National Security Bureau arrested Ms. Zou Xiaoying, a Falun Gong practitioner from Mudanjiang City. The police took turns interrogating and torturing her. She was held in the First Detention Center of Mudanjiang City. She is now suffering severe illness symptoms, including blood and pus in her stool. She is extremely weak and unable to stand or walk. She cannot take care of herself. However, the police refused to release Ms. Zou. Moreover, they threatened that if Ms. Zou failed to reveal other practitioners' names, she would receive a heavy sentence. If Ms. Zou were to reveal practitioners' names to the police, they would claim that Ms. Zou betrayed her fellow practitioners. The police and jailors also confiscated Ms. Zou's personal belongings including her cell phone.
8. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] The Persecution Mr. Wang Jun Suffered
On February 14, 2006, at around 9:00 p.m., Mr. Wang Jun took on a tall and thin male passenger in his taxi. The man asked Wang Jun to drive him to his home first. Later he called for Wang Jun's taxi again and asked to be driven to a public bath near Jiamusi City's Women and Children's Hospital. He spoke on his cell phone during the drive, to someone at the public bath. Upon arrival, he asked Wang Jun to wait for him. Ten minutes later, he and another person came out and got onto Wang Jun's taxi. They immediately showed their police ID. They both were plainclothes agents of the Security Group of the Jiamusi City Police Department.
They hijacked Wangjun and his taxi and forced him to go to the Xiangyang Police Station of Jiamusi City. Immediately after that, they took Wang Jun to the Jiamusi City Detention Center.
Wang Jun went on a hunger strike in the detention center to protest the persecution. The evildoers tortured him by handcuffing him to the floor with his four limbs stretched in four different directions.
9. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Ten Practitioners Taken to Suihua City Labor Camp and Tortured
On the evening of March 18, 2006, ten Falun Gong practitioner detained at Daqing City Labor Camp were transferred to Suihua City Labor Camp where they continued to be tortured.
Since the end of 2005, practitioners who were held at Mudanjiang Labor Camp, Muling City Bamiantong Detention Center, Qiqihaer Labor Camp and Hegang Labor Camp were taken to the Suiyuan City Labor Camp. Suiyuan City Labor Camp has become the main center for the authority of Heilongjiang Province to detain and persecute Falun Gong practitioners.
The ten practitioners taken to Suiyuan from Daqing were: Mr. Zhang Zhilin, Mr. Li Yequan, Mr. Bai Yufu, Mr. Li Rongguo, Mr. Zheng Hongjun, Mr. Ge Zhenming, Mr. Cao Jingdong, Mr. Hou Qingguo, Mr. Liu Zhiqiang and Mr. Liu Guozhi.
Among them, Li Yequan has been on a hunger strike since his arrest on September 23, 2005. In Daqing City Labor Camp, he was stripped naked, had his wrists handcuffed behind his back and pushed outdoors into the freezing cold for ten minutes. Sometimes, the jailors forced him to walk when he was very weak; using the excuse that they wanted him to exercise. If Li Yequan refused to walk, they would drag him and push him. Sometimes, the jailors even took his shoes away from him and he had to walk barefooted.
10. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] A Group of Falun Gong Practitioners Taken from Changchun First Detention Center, Their Whereabouts Are Unknown
On March 14, 2006, a group of Falun Gong practitioners were taken from Changchun First Detention Center. No further information as to their whereabouts is available. We hope practitioners' family members will pay attention to this matter and demand their release.
11. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Liu Lijun Held in Dalian Detention Center
Ms. Liu Lijun, a Falun Gong practitioner of Dalian City is now held in the Dalian Detention Center. When she was taking equipment to a Falun Gong materials production site, she caught the attention of the police, who arrested her. The police later ransacked her home and took away a lot of new equipment.
12. [Beijing] Practitioner Jiao Xiuge Arrested and Detained
Ms. Jiao Xiuge, 34 years old, lived in Apt. 7, Ma Village, Nanyuan Township, Fengtai District of Beijing. On February 24, 2006, local police and village officials ransacked her home at around 9:00 p.m. and took away all Falun Gong books and materials. They forcibly took Jiao Xiuge to the police station for interrogation. At 3:00 a.m., she was sent to the Fengtai District Detention Center. She has been detained there ever since.
13. [Beijing] Qianjin Prison Staff Intensify Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners
Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Liang Minghua, Mr. Zhang Yanbin, Mr. Wu Jun, Mr. Gao Jianming, Mr. Qin Wei and Mr. Xu Huaquan are firm practitioners incarcerated in Qianjin Prison. They are not afraid of the evil. They are currently being strictly monitored and persecuted. They were forced to sit on a little stool only several inches high and forbidden to move. They would be beaten and berated as soon as they moved a little. They were forced to watch videotapes slandering Falun Gong and were forbidden to use the toilet. The evildoers deprived them of their basic rights in performing body functions. The authorities also instigated many criminals to beat, berate and humiliate the Falun Gong practitioners. Practitioners are not allowed family visits.
Qin Wei, Wu Jun and Gao Jianming were illegally arrested and held in Qianjin Prison last year. The evildoers locked them in small cells to torture them. Other practitioners being held there include several practitioners from Tsinghua University: Mr. Wu Chao, Mr. Meng Jun, Mr. Wang Weiyu, Mr. Wu Yinchang and Mr. Deng Huaiying.
14. [Beijing] Three Practitioners Illegally Arrested
On March 2, 2006, three Falun Gong practitioners from the in Enjizhuan area, Haidian District, Beijing were illegally arrested. No one knows their whereabouts. The practitioners are Ms. Sun Guizhen, 63 years old, Ms. Li Hua and Ms. Li's husband.
15. [Beijing] Persecution of Liu Yanqin
Ms. Liu Yanqin is in her fifties. She lived in Apt. 501, Unit 7, Building Six, Jiajia Garden Community, Fengtai District, Beijing. On February 24, 2006, local police from the Tianjinagying Police Station and local residential committee staff members came to her home at 9:30 p.m., ransacked it and took away all Falun Gong books and materials. They forcibly took Liu Yanqin to the local police station to interrogate her. The same evening, they took Ms. Liu to Fengtai District Detention Center and detained her there.
16. [Beijing] Falun Gong Practitioner Liu Yuying Detained
Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Yuying, 44 years old, lives in Apt. 83, Ma Village, Nanwan Township, Fengtai District, Beijing City. On March 6, 2006, at around 8:30 p.m., local police from Shiliuyuan Police Station and village officials went to Liu Yuying's home and ransacked it. They took away all Falun Gong books and forcibly took Ms. Liu to the police station for interrogation. Liu Yuying was taken to Fengtai District Detention Center where she is still being held.
17. [Beijing] Retirees From the Spaceflight Science and Technology Group Persecuted
During the national congress of the CCP, several Falun Gong practitioners in the Fengtai District of Beijing endured persecution. They were: Ms. Lu Yufen, Ms. Liu Shuzhi, Mr. Xu Zhiyi, Mr. Guo Bingyi and Mr. Guo's wife Ms. Jia. Currently, Lu Yufen and Guo Bingyi, Liu Shuzhi, Xu Zhiyi and Ms. Jai are still enduring persecution in the brainwashing class.
18. [Hebei Province] Rape Victim Liu Xiuzhi and Daughter Illegally Arrested Again
On March 7, 2006, Ms. Liu Xiuzhi and her daughter were illegally arrested at around 10:00 a.m. at the Laundromat of the Air Force residential compound in Haidian District, Beijing. After the incident, the Laundromat owner suddenly disappeared. He may have relocated. Some residents in the residential compound witnessed the police van from Hebei coming in and out of the area.
19. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Licang District Court Plans to Put Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Cui Luning on Trial on March 20, 2006
20. [Rongcheng City, Shandong Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Tang Yunli Cruelly Tortured
Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Tang Yunli endured the torture of being handcuffed for 50 hours when she was held in the Detention Center of Rongcheng City, Shandong Province.
21. [Wafangdian City, Liaoning Province] Hong Zhenyan and Jiang Fuxue Kidnapped
Mr. Hong Zhenyan and Mr. Jiang Fuxue, Falun Gong practitioners from Wafangdian City, Liaoning Province were kidnapped some days ago. It was rumored that they would be sentenced in Dalian to a two-year prison term.
22. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Police Searching for Mr. Huang Yuanlong
After Mr. Huang Yunlong, a practitioner from Fushun City, published a report exposing the persecution he had endured, the evildoers were shocked. They are presently searching for him everywhere.
Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of
Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Hao Fukui, 70 years old, was illegally detained at the Dalian City Development District Detention Center. He was grossly abused under the persecution for nine months and was on the brink of death. On February 27, 2006 Mr. Hao was taken to the No. 3 Dalian City Development District Hospital. His family members Hao Yuefeng, Liu Mingwei and Mu Chunmei went to the hospital to visit him on March 1. They had an argument with the police about Mr. Hao's treatment. Following that, Hao Fukui was returned to the detention center. The three family members were detained at the district detention center.
On March 28, 2006, Chen Zhiqiang and Sun Chenggang from the Wucaicheng Police Department in the Dalian City Development District, Liu Dong, Zhang Lijun and others from the Legal Division of the District Police Department illegally arrested Hao Yuefeng, Liu Mingwei and Mu Chunmei and sent them to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. Because they were in poor condition from torture, the labor camp authorities refused to accept them. The police went to a health bureau and obtained false certificates. They used these certificates to send the three to the labor camp.