The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- June 13, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • A Mother-in-law Rudely Mistreated by Qianxi County Public Security Bureau When Demanding Her Daughter-in-law's Return

  • Force Feeding in Jinchang Detention Center

  • I was Tortured by Methods of the Tiger Bench, Electrocution, "Dragged by Five Horses" and Hanging

  • Non-Practitioner: Appeal for the Release of My Mother, 69 Year Old Ms. Wang Ruoe

  • 38 Practitioners Arrested in the Bajiazi Town, Yanbian Area

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Zhou Wanfu from Liaoning Province Kidnapped

  • Persecution Leaves Two More Elderly Parents Uncared For

  • The Persecution of Ms. Wang Mingzhen in Sichuan Province

  • Ms. Zheng Lihua Held Beyond Term at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp

  • A Mother-in-law Rudely Mistreated by Qianxi County Police Department When Demanding Her Daughter-in-law's Return

    On the evening of May 13, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners from Qianxi County, Hebei Province including Chuai Cuijun, Wang Xiuhua, Zhang Guilan and a driver were reported to the police when they were handing out Falun Gong materials in Yuhuzhai Township. They were arrested by policemen from Yuhuzhai Township namely, Zhao Yanjun, Cai Lingyu, Zhang Shukui, and Wang Aijun, and detained in Qianxi County Police Department.

    The policemen, including the team leader, Zhu Zhengang, used force to extort "confessions" until 2:30 am. Because of the Falun Gong practitioners' righteous thoughts, they were able to resist. Zhu attempted to start with the driver, and he instigated the other policemen to slap the driver in the face. He also handcuffed the driver's hands behind his back and suspended him by the cuffs. As a result, the driver had several cuts and injuries to his arms. The police also searched the practitioners' homes.

    On May 14, 2006, Chuai Cuijun's mother-in-law went to the Police Department to look for her daughter-in-law. Six to seven policemen, led by Zhu Zhengang, dragged the old lady, snapping off two buttons from her clothes. The policeman named Wang Wei used his shoulder to push the old lady's chest. The policeman named Wang Yinguang shoved her, and as a result, the old lady was nearly rammed into the wall. Several policemen yelled and uttered threats, saying they would detain her if she did not go. The old lady's chest was still painful several days after she returned home.

    Force Feeding in Jinchang Detention Center

    On January 2, 2001, the Jinchang City Police Department launched a combined action plotted by Wang Youxiang and Wang Mingfang of the Political Security Section to illegally arrest dozens of Falun Gong practitioners, Most of them were women. On the same day, those practitioners were centralized and detained in the detention center in Jinchang City and were threatened that they would be sentenced to forced labor. The practitioners initiated a hunger strike to protest the illegal persecution. Wang Duoming, the CCP's Political & Law Secretary of Jinchang City, then stated, "It does not matter what kind of method is used to force-feed them, even if death occurs."

    Over a three-day period, many people suddenly turned up at the detention center to persecute these practitioners. Each person was taken to the office individually and held down on the ground. With both hands and both legs tightly pulled in four directions and someone seated on her stomach holding her head and nose, the practitioner could not move even a little bit and had difficulty breathing. Then a dilator was placed in the practitioner's mouth, through which they forced a mixture of powdered milk and white flour. Twenty to thirty minutes later, the practitioner was almost suffocated, and the white mixture covered her face, neck, hair, and clothing, which quickly froze due to the low temperature.

    Grievous yelling echoed throughout the detention center. Ms. Hou Youfang was one of those force-fed with the white mixture. One person involved in her force-feeding was a former student of hers, who did not dare to face his teacher so hid behind the door.

    I was Tortured by Methods of the Tiger Bench, Electrocution, "Dragged by Five Horses" and Hanging

    I am a 64-year-old resident of Yi'an County, Heilongjiang Province. I practice Falun Gong and live according to the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," so I have been arrested, detained and tortured on numerous occasions ever since the Jiang regime began the brutal persecution of Falun Gong on July 20, 1999. These torture methods include being "dragged by five horses" (1) in five different directions, electrocution, tiger bench and being hung by the handcuffed wrists for long periods of time,,,,,,,, etc. The following is a brief summary of the persecution that I have suffered due to the evil regime.

    1. Arrested Numerous Times for Practicing Falun Gong

    Immediately after July 20, 1999, I was illegally detained for fifteen days because I practiced Falun Gong. On October 6, 2000, I was illegally detained for another fifteen days for participating in activities to appeal for Falun Gong.

    On August 15, 2001, I went to Beijing to clarify the truth and was arrested and taken to the Beijing Inspection Station. I was verbally abused by the police and beaten. I was also shocked with electric batons. My righteous thoughts helped me to escape and I was forced to live away from home for a year to avoid further arrest.

    In 2002, I was arrested once again in Daqing City while clarifying the truth. I was tied up using metal chains and handcuffed by the police. The magnificence of Falun Gong manifested when the handcuffs, metal chains and windows miraculously opened. I jumped down from the second floor and walked out of the evil den, unscathed.

    2. Officers from the Tiefeng Police Department Pulled Me By Using the Five Horses Torture Method and Subjected Me to Electrocution

    On the 17th of a certain month in 2002, I was once again arrested by the police and taken to Yi'an County Police Department. Two policemen from Tiefeng District Police Department in Qiqihar City subjected me to physical interrogation. On the second day, I was taken to the First Team of the Criminal Police in Tiefeng District Police Department. They started torturing me to obtain their so-called evidence. My hands were handcuffed behind my back. A leather belt was hooked onto the handcuff and I was hung up in the air with the tip of my toes barely touching the ground. I was also made to sit on the tiger bench and subjected to the torture method of being "dragged by five horses" in different directions - both my hands were inserted into the metal hole at one end of the tiger bench and handcuffed. Eight or nine policemen then pulled my body in different directions with brute force, causing severe pain. In the afternoon, I was subjected to electrocution. Both my hands were cuffed behind my back and I was tied to a chair. Two wires were tied to my thumb and connected to the power supply and I was shocked with a strong electric current. The policemen also slapped my face countless times and both my eyes turned purple with bruises.

    3. Police at Anshun Road Precinct Force Fed Me Alcohol and Subjected Me to the Tiger Bench Torture

    On the 19th, the police took me to the First Police Station in Qiqihar City to force me to submit to their physical interrogation. The criminals persecuting me included the Station Chief Yan as well as people from Tiefeng Police Department's Political Security Section. Less than two days later, policemen from the Anshun Road Police Station in Longsha District, Qiqihar City took me out of the room and interrogated me. I was handcuffed upside down and tortured with the tiger bench while two policemen force fed me with alcohol. There were also loud noises from the policemen torturing other Falun Gong practitioners from inside the room.

    4. I Was Hung Up by Police Officers From the Longsha Police Department

    The following day, three police from Longsha District Police Departmentook me out of the room and hung me up. My hands were handcuffed and I was suspended from metal rings attached to the wall. My legs were tied up with rope and then three policemen pulled up the rope and I was left hung up like this for an entire day, until around midnight, after which I was returned to the detention center. Due to this barbaric torture, I was unable to hold anything with my hands or tend to my daily activities for six months.


    (1) "Dragged by five horses" - Similar to "Five horses splitting the body" - The limbs are pulled in four directions until very tight, then the practitioner is beaten, making him feel pain like body is being split into parts. See illustration on /emh/articles/2005/3/9/58287.html.

    Non-Practitioner: Appeal for the Release of My Mother, 69 Year Old Ms. Wang Ruoe

    For practicing Falun Gong, my 69 year old mother, Ms. Wang Ruoe, was abducted by officers from the Yucai Street Police Station in Shijiazhuang City on September 6th, 2005 and sent to a brainwashing center called the "Legal Education Center of Hebei Province". Resisting their attempts to brainwash her, she went on a hunger strike and was brutally force-fed. This caused her tremendous mental and physical suffering. On December 9th, 2005, she was transferred to the Shijiazhuang's No.2 Detention Center. Since December 28th, 2005, my mother has been confined in Cell 134 of Shijiazhuang City's No. 2 Detention Center and so far it's been more than 8 months.

    My mother was usually taken care of by our family members. For more than 8 months, she has suffered immense mental stress in the poor living environment of the detention center, which has caused her adverse physical conditions on several occasions. We are constantly worrying about her safety. Some officials promised to release her but they failed to act, using various excuses, time and time again.

    What harm did a 69 year old lady cause anyone by practicing Falun Gong to improve her health, cure illnesses, and trying to behave well? How can a senior citizen forbear for so long and so much, to be abducted, interrogated, brainwashed, detained, and illegally arrested? I hereby demand that the leaders of various governmental departments in China consider my mother's situation and release her as soon as possible.

    My mother is a retiree from the Shijiazhuang Chemical Fertilizer Plant and her dormitory is at the plant's living area, Room 28-1-101. For decades, mother worked hard and was willing to bear many responsibilities and received favorable comments from her co-workers. She had been in poor health due to various illnesses until she started to practice Falun Gong in 1996. Soon her illnesses disappeared and mother experienced the magic effects of Falun Gong. She went the extra mile to discipline herself according to Falun Gong's guiding principles "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." Meanwhile her mental situation also improved as she became more optimistic and more willing to help others and was frequently praised by the neighborhood committee. She would give away her best clothes for donations in every disaster, and was on the top list for contributing the most money. She also donated an exercise machine, a gift to her from us, to the neighborhood committee for local people to use. Thus the neighborhood committee chairman commended her for being "totally unselfish."

    Seeing mother's happiness and good health, we felt it was fortunate for our family to be free from worry and we were so grateful to Falun Gong for giving mom a happy life in her old age. As her son, of course I was glad to support her in practicing Falun Gong.

    After the ban of Falun Gong in July 1999, we were concerned about mother's involvement and worried about her possibly being arrested. Therefore we reminded her to be careful. However, we certainly did not have a solid reason to try to stop her from believing in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and behaving as a good person. The defamatory propaganda on TV about Falun Gong was obviously false. (We knew that from witnessing the changes in our mother). Falun Gong is really good for her health and practicing it is the only activity she does in her old age. So we can only support her choice.

    Even now we cannot understand why the government keeps arresting Falun Gong practitioners and imposing illegal sentences on them. The principle of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" that Falun Gong promotes is really good for the nation. Furthermore, doesn't the constitution provide freedom of belief, freedom of speech, freedom of association and freedom of assembly?

    Because of her firm belief in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" and for telling the truth, officers from the Yucai Street Police Station of Chang-an District in Shijiazhuang City in the darkness of early morning entered the plant living area on September 9th, 2005. The police climbed over a fence, forced open a window, broke into her dorm and took away my mother by force to be interrogated, brainwashed and detained.

    During the brainwashing session, her advanced age was disregarded, and the "Legal Education Center" personnel denied my mother sleep while forcing her to write the so-called "Three Letters". It was beyond her ability to endure and under pressure my mother did copy the "Three Letters". But then she felt regretful and tore up the copies, declaring her refusal to give up her faith. Mother then started a hunger strike that lasted from October 4th until October 10th, when she was put under forced feeding. For that period of time, she was not allowed any visitors. Being moved around to various places, my mother has been illegally detained for more than 8 months. We are concerned and worried about her mental and physical condition, as she has been through more hunger strikes, forced feedings, and judicial persecution.

    Thus, I hereby call upon all related departments and personnel to immediately release my mother, Ms. Wang Ruoe!

    Appellant: Yu Guangda (Son of Ms. Wang Ruoe)

    Telephone: 86-311-86044296
    Resident Address of Ms. Wang Ruoe: Dorm 28-1-101, Chemical Fertilizer Plant, Yuejin Road, Shijiazhuang City

    38 Practitioners Arrested in the Bajiazi Town, Yanbian Area

    Thirty-eight Falun Gong practitioners were illegally arrested by the police from the Bajiazi Forestry Bureau Police Station, the Bajiazi Town Police Station, and the Helong City Police Station. Thirty of them are imprisoned in Helong City. Eight of them are imprisoned at the Bajiazi Town Police Station.

    Among them are: Li Longchun, Zhang Yanchun, Wang Yanchun, Wang Mingshen, Fang Xuemei, Liu Jun, Yao Jingling, Hong Mei, Sun, Cong Yafang, and a couple whose last name is Wang. Other practitioners' names are unknown.

    In March, official Wu Guanzheng visited the Yanbian Area. In mid-May, government official Jia Qinglin came to the Yanbian Area and demanded that more practitioners be persecuted. According to the latest information, the Yanbain Area Public Security System, which includes the Politics Security Department, National Security Group, and Politics and Law Department, had a meeting. They secretly decided to persecute all the Falun Gong practitioners in Yanji City whose names are on their list before June 15. Also, they will check all the rental houses for a month.

    Falun Gong Practitioner Zhou Wanfu from Liaoning Province Kidnapped

    Mr. Zhou Wanfu, around 50 years old, was illegally arrested by police from the Lingbei Town Police Station. He is being imprisoned in the Second Detention Center of Lingyuan City.

    When Mr. Zhou went to Lingbei Police Station to apply for an ID card for his daughter, he was illegally detained by police chief Liu Junchen and Li Xinhai. He was then illegally sent to the Second Detention Center of Lingyuan City.

    Zhou Wanfu, a divorced Falun Gong practitioner, lived a poverty-stricken life. Because he lives in a secluded area, the Lingyuan police were able to illegally arrest him several times without anyone knowing. It was only after his release that others came to know about his arbitrary arrest and release from detention.

    Li Xinhai of Songzhangzi Township, Lingyuan City is around 42 years old and lives in the Jianxing Section of Lingyuan City. He is a field officer for the Lingbei Police Station. During the 6 years of relentless persecution of innocent Falun Gong practitioners, Li Xinhai took a lead role in the arrest of Falun Gong practitioners. He was notorious for beatings, confiscation of Falun Gong practitioners' property, detention, torture, and sentencing, as well as brainwashing and sending practitioners to labor camps. He took part in many cases of arrest and persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. He personally initiated many surveillance and spying operations to find out where and when Falun Gong practitioners practiced the exercises, and seized the opportunity to threaten and extort money from them.

    Liu Junchen was appointed as Chief of the Xiaochengzi Town Police Station in Lingyuan City. During his tenure as Chief of the Xiaochengzi Police Station, he conspired with others to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. They used deceit, illegal arrests, fines, surveillance, and confiscation of personal property against Falun Gong practitioners. Over a period of four years, they were directly responsible for the persecution of over 100 Falun Gong practitioners. The numbers of people who encountered harassment and personal harm was around 200. Around 400 to 500 people were indirectly affected. Around 110 people were arrested, detained and sent to brainwashing centers. They were also responsible for sending 13 people to labor camps, and sentencing two people to hard labor (Liu Dianyuan for 7 years, Zheng huihai for 4 years). Many had their family's property confiscated several times, countless Falun Gong books and materials were taken away, and practitioners were fined up to ten thousand Yuan.

    Persecution Leaves Two More Elderly Parents Uncared For

    Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website, the Chinese version of

    Practitioners Ms. Li Shujuan and Feng Renjun were temporarily living in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. On May 12, 2006 they were posting truth clarification materials at a train station about the crimes of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners in the Sujiatun Concentration Camp. Someone reported them to the authorities, and officers from the People's Police Station on Northern Road in Chengdu City illegally arrested them. They are currently being held at the Pi County Detention Center.

    Ms. Li Shujuan's father is 85 years old, incapable of leading an independent life. Li Shujuan has been taking care of him for over five years. He has great difficulty living without his daughter's care.

    The Persecution of Ms. Wang Mingzhen in Sichuan Province

    Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on

    On July 4th, 2000, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Mingzhen from Panlian Town, Miyi County, Sichuan Province went to Beijing to appeal for justice and clarify the truth about Falun Gong. She was illegally arrested and detained in a police station near Beijing. On July 9th, she was transferred to the liaison office of Panzhihua City of Sichuan Province in Beijing, and was picked up by her relative. After Ms. Wang was back home, she was forced to attend a brainwashing session and was further persecuted. The party secretary, Yan Jiqing, and the mayor of the town, Wang Zhengming, ordered Chen Youjun to handcuff Wang Mingzhen, and kept her standing without sleep and food overnight. The next day, Ms. Wang had to pay a fine of 200 yuan before she was released.

    On January 3, 2001, while Wang Mingzhen was working at a farm, she was arrested by Yang Zihua, Zhou Lin, Li Xuesong, and another police officers from the Political Security Section of the Panlian Town Police Station. Her home was also illegally ransacked. Wang Mingzhen was illegally detained for 16 days and was fined another 200 yuan.

    On September 9th, 2002, Wang Mingzhen was arrested by police officer Gang Qin from Panzhihua City and Xianwen Rao from Miyi County, near the Miyi Train Station. She was sent to the Political Security Section and was forced to "confess". Yang Zihua and Zhou Lin from the Political Security Section took turns interrogating and beating Wang Mingzhen. Ms. Wang was handcuffed for five consecutive days and was not allowed to sleep. On September 13th, in the afternoon, she was transferred to the Detention Facility of Miyi County and was subjected to more persecution there.

    Ms. Wang started a hunger strike on the third day of detention, to protest the persecution. Then they forced Ms. Wang onto the death bed, and her hands, head, and feet were all restrained by two inmates named Bao and Zhao. Prison Doctor Chen Qingqiang injected her with unknown substances.

    Yang Zihua, Zhou Lin, Li Xuesong, and Yao Xianwen took turns interrogating Ms. Wang. She refused to talk and was beaten mercilessly.

    In January of 2003, Ms. Wang was forced to stand still because she was practicing the Falun Gong exercises. Zhu Chenglong, the head of the detention facility, used a fang-like baton to hit Wang Mingzhen's buttocks and thighs mercilessly. Ms. Wang suffered great pain but continued to do the exercises. The on-duty supervisors (Zhu Chenglong, Lin Hai, Fu Wenhui, He Wanfa, and Peng Yongchun) then handcuffed Ms. Wang with her arms behind her back and hung her up in the air under a steel door by the handcuffs. Only her toes could reach the floor. She was hung in this position around the clock, and finally her body became totally numb. In addition, Ms. Wang was not allowed any food or water, and she was not allowed to use the restroom. This torture went on for five consecutive days.

    In March, 2003, Wang Mingzhen was force-fed with a feeding tube while on a hunger strike.

    Ms. Wang has been illegally detained in the facility for eight months.

    Ms. Zheng Lihua Held Beyond Term at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp

    Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zheng Lihua, 53 years old, lived in Goumenzi Town, Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province. In 2003 she was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor. Her sentence expired on April 24, 2006, but she has so far been held beyond term for over a month. The labor camp authorities have made up various ruses and refused to release her.

    Ms. Zheng was persecuted for a long time in the 2nd Station of Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. She was forced to make products for export. In 2006, Zhao Jinghua, a group head, extended Ms. Zheng's sentence six times within six months, for a total of two months.

    Ms. Zheng's husband visited the labor camp three times but group head Zhao Jinghua refused to let him meet with her.

    Zheng Lihua's daughter, Cheng Ling was only 17 years old when the authorities sentenced her to seven years in prison. Ms. Zheng is still being held at the Liaoning Province Women's Prison. (See /emh/articles/2003/12/9/42987.html)