The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- June 15, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • Liaoning Practitioner Arrested - Her 16-Year-Old Daughter Threatened and Harassed by Police

  • Four Cases of Missing Falun Gong Practitioners in Shandong, Hubei, Lioaning and Guizhou Provinces

  • Exposing the Persecution Crimes in Baimalong Women's Forced Labor Camp in Hunan Province

  • Wusheng County Police Continue Arresting Falun Gong Practitioners

  • Ms. Zhang Yan and Ms. Zhang Yuanhang Arrested

  • Qingzhou City Police Recently Arrest Eight Falun Gong Practitioners

  • Additional Persecution News from China – May 30, 2006

  • Liaoning Practitioner Arrested - Her 16-Year-Old Daughter Threatened and Harassed by Police

    Ms. Lin Haiqing, 38, lived at Xinhui supermarket of Chaoyang City. In March 2006, policemen from the Xiangyang Police Station arrested her while she was clarifying the truth about Falun Gong. Her home was ransacked, and the police confiscated a Falun Gong book and one thousand yuan. On May 20, Lin Haiqing was sent to Shenyang City. After she was arrested, police from the Xiangyang Police Station extorted 50 thousand yuan from her family, yet she was not released.

    Lin Haiqing's daughter, Wang Yue, 16, is a student of the Third High School of Chaoyang City. At around 3:40 p.m. on May 21, 2006, a policeman from Xiangyang Police Station called her and wanted her to send a 500 yuan fee, for transporting her mother to Shenyang City. Wang Yue refused the request. The policeman said, "Wait for me, I am coming to your home." Wang Yue and her father were at their home (her father is a supervisor for contract workers at another place). He asked Wang Yue to hide, but she refused. After a while, two policewomen and a policeman arrived. They asked Wang Yue if she practiced Falun Gong. She answered, "Yes." They said, "You will come with us later." In addition, they threatened Wang Yue's classmate that if she practiced Falun Gong, she should also go with them. Her classmate said, "Why should I go with you, I haven't done anything wrong." The policewomen and policeman wanted to take the computer from Wang Yue's home. Wang Yue's father said, "If you want to take the computer away, return the 50 thousand yuan." They said, "The money has all been spent by People's Police." They handcuffed the 16-year-old Wang Yue and took her to the Xiangyang Police Station. Given no choice, Wang Yue's father brought 500 yuan to bail out his daughter in the evening.

    Wang Yue's father had to go to away to work, so he sent her to her aunt's home. The police arrived there and threatened her aunt's family. Wang Yue's relatives were so scared that no one was willing to help her. Her father could only reserve a room for her at Chaoyang Friendship Hotel at a cost of 80 yuan per day. Still, the police would not give up, and a policewoman was arranged to follow and monitor Wang Yue. Under the threats and harassments from the police, Wang Yue had no way out. On May 27, she went to Daling River and even considered suicide, as her only way to escape the unreasonable pestering of the police. Fortunately, her classmates and their family members found out and rushed there to stop her. (Note: Suicide is against the principles of Falun Gong. Practitioners need to cherish their lives, in order to complete their missions of clarifying the truth and saving people.) After that, the police still did not stop harassing her. They forced her to disclose all the people she has contact with. As of May 29, Wang Yue has not gone to school for several days. Currently, the police are investigating Wang Yue's contacts and classmates. A plainclothes policeman from Xiangyang Police Station has been arranged to monitor Wang Yue and collect Wang Yue's information from the security guard. The police intend to further persecute Wang Yue.

    While one police officer was harassing Wang Yue, he (or she) broke her cell phone and removed the calling card, then installed it in his (or her) own cell phone.

    Four Cases of Missing Falun Gong Practitioners in Shandong, Hubei, Lioaning and Guizhou Provinces

    Ms. Ding Yan Missing Since 2000

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Ding Yan was an employee of Longwangzhunag Radio Station in Laiyang City, Shandong Province. She went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in 2000, and has not been heard from since.

    Ms. Liu Yaya Missing Since 2001

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Yaya, 24, lived in the Seventh Group, Guanmiao Village, Zhengchang Town, Xiantao City, Hubei Province. She graduated from the Jinmen City Petroleum Chemical Engineering School in Hubei Province, and worked in Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province in 2001. She called her home in May 2001, while on her way to Beijing to appeal, but hasn't been heard from again.

    Ms. Zhao Lixuan

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhao Lixuan lived in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, and her original home was at the Chemical Engineering New Eight Block, Huludao City, Liaoning Province. She left home to appeal in Beijing in October 2001, but never returned. Her family has looked for her in every prison in the Northeast region, but has not found her.

    Mr. Fan Zhiqiang Missing Since 2002

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Fan Zhiqiang, 35, an office worker employed by the Maocaopu Mechanical Parts Factory in Guizhou Province, had to leave home in 2002 to avoid being arrested, but has been missing ever since.

    Exposing the Persecution Crimes in Baimalong Women's Forced Labor Camp in Hunan Province

    The 7th Group of Baimalong Women's Forced Labor Camp is a team specialized in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. It includes three teams. The 1st Squadron detains practitioners who are imprisoned for the first or second time. The 2nd Squadron detains practitioners who have been imprisoned for the first time and who have been "transformed" by force. The 3rd Squadron is a strictly controlled team.

    No matter which team they are in, practitioners are all under strict surveillance and close management. Every action and movement—eating, using the restroom, using the sink, taking a shower, etc—are all strictly controlled. The guards arrange for criminal drug-addict and sex offender inmates to monitor each practitioner around the clock.

    Practitioners are forced to perform slave labor. Those who refuse are berated on the spot, forced to stand for extremely long periods of time, and not allowed to use the restroom, drink water, or take a shower. Moreover, their terms in the labor camp are extended. Practitioner Ms. Hu Xiaoxian was released only after her term had been extended by more than four months; Ms. Lei Jianli has not yet been released even though her term is past due; and Ms. Duan Xiaoying was detained several more months after her term expired. Ms. Zeng Liping was supposed to be released in October 2005, but she was imprisoned for several more months. She was not released until she had become very weak after a two-month hunger strike. Ms. Zhu Guilin’s term was increased by several more months. Ms. Sui Yuxiang, Ms. Lu Yuzhu, and Ms. Liu Juhua were not released after their terms had expired. They were inhumanly force-fed when they went on hunger strikes.

    My term was to expire on April 23. They transferred me to the 1st cell in the 3rd Squadron on March 28, where there were three evil people on duty. As soon as I entered the door, they impatiently wanted me to write a guarantee statement, which they had already composed in advance. They demanded that I write a copy without leaving out one word and without changing one single character. When I paid no attention to them, they started to beat me, claiming that it was a demonstration of their authority. They also forced me to watch many brainwashing videotapes. I did not open my eyes, so then they hit me again. At first they hit me with their hands. Lei Xiaoling, a wicked woman, said that her hands had become too sore from beating me. Then they used plastic shoes to slap my face, eyes, ears, and mouth. As a result, my upper lip was hugely swollen, and my ears were bleeding. Having beaten me, the evil woman Li Ying again demanded that I write the guarantee, saying that I should do so if I wanted to avoid more torture. She said that this was just the beginning, and that there had been no one so far who hadn’t written the statement after she entered this room. I paid no attention to her. Then she forced me to squat down onto a fixed floor brick to watch a videotape full of fabricated lies. The brick was just a little over 30 centimeters (12 inches) in size. I was not allowed to step beyond a drawn line, and I was supposed to crouch there with my hands on my knees, or be beaten. I was wounded all over yet I was not allowed to speak out. I asked them, "Why do you beat me?" Li Ying said, "You don’t know what ‘attack team’ means, do you? (i.e. "to make you surrender by ruthlessness, beatings, and force.) No one would know if someone was killed here." They forced me to kneel down. I requested to stand for a while. Lei Xiaoling said, "You are not allowed to stand. I know you can stand. Some (of you practitioners) can stand for several hours. If you’re afraid of squatting, write (the guarantee) quickly." I said that force couldn’t change people's minds. Li Ying said, "(We) do not want your heart but just your surface. It’s all unimportant, no matter whether you write it voluntarily, or we force you by holding your hand to write, or we write by fabricating lies."

    People brought to No. 3 Team of the Seventh Division for persecution often changed. The police frequently brought practitioners imprisoned in Teams 1 and 2 to Team 3 to severely persecute them. Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Juhua was under "intensified" persecution there three times. Each time she left, her face was covered with wounds. The length of intensified persecution varied from twelve days to several months. As soon as I got out, an older woman, Ms. Yang Sanchun, who was 68 years old, was confined in the No. 1 room. Li Ying told me that as soon as one person leaves, another steadfast one comes in. She said that the room always had someone in residence.

    Because of its policy of "educate, influence and save," the labor camp has deceived many everyday people. Seen from the surface, the guards did not beat people, and they didn’t get involved in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. In reality, they planned, controlled, and manipulated all the evil deeds. Sometimes practitioners’ fingers were bundled together with a string and were then rubbed with a very rough stick, which made the fingers bleed a lot. Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhou Xiaohong was tortured like this. Several people held her hand to write the "three guarantees." The guards forced Ms. Hu Xiaoxian to sit on the building floor in the wind during the cold winter at temperatures of 3 to 4 degrees (Celsius) below zero (25-27° F). In the summer at temperatures as high as 40 degrees (Celsius) (104° F), seven Falun Gong practitioners were laid out on the ground to be exposed to the baking sun. Among them was Ms. Li Jumei. As a result of forced-feeding, Ms. Zeng Liping’s front teeth were knocked out in 2004. Boiling water was mixed with gruel at temperatures of 80 degrees (Celsius) (176° F) and poured onto the face of Ms. Jiang Meilan. In 2004, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Hu Dongxia from Xiangtan had her foot broken. After she became disabled, her family strongly requested her release on bail for medical treatment.

    Ms. Zhou Aihua suffered inhumane tortures. She was beaten with a small stool until the stool broke. She was injured all over. They held a long coffee table right on top of her head and pinched her throat with their hands. Six or seven people held her hand and forced her to write the three statements. She complied as a result of this brutal, inhumane treatment. The guards secretly directed murderers to torment practitioners, frequently adopting the party’s "false, wicked and violent" measures. They used deceit, pretending to be ignorant, as if they didn’t know about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. In order to flatter the guards, the inmates that had committed murder persecuted practitioners with high-pressure, just to gain a little personal profit. When persecuting Ms. Zhou Aihua, guard He Yulian said, "Do whatever you can to her as long as you don’t kill her." Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Qing was persecuted until she was mentally traumatized, but they still beat her mercilessly every day.

    Here, I am exposing the inhumanity and brutality in Baimalong Women's Forced Labor Camp. What I saw and know is just a tip of the iceberg. There are still many more Falun Gong students who have been wounded, crippled, or killed. So far the exact number is not known. There are many Falun Gong practitioners suffering from the evil persecution every day.

    Falun Gong practitioners illegally imprisoned in the seventh Division currently include: Ms. Liu Muhong, Ms. Lei Jianli, Ms. Zhu Guilin, Ms. Jiang Xinghua, Ms. Liu Xueqin, Ms. Liu Yuwei, Ms. Liu Juhua, Ms. Lu Yuzhu, Ms. Wang Manyu, Ms. Zhou Aihua, Ms. Wen Huiying, Ms. Yang Sanchun, Ms. Duan Xiaoying, Ms. Li Qing, Ms. Li Jiaju, Ms. Liu Kaihua, Ms. Wang Jianyun, and Ms. Sui Yuxiang. (There are others whose names are unknown.)

    Wusheng County Police Continue Arresting Falun Gong Practitioners

    [Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of]

    On April 24, 2006, practitioners Ms. Chen Tianxiao, Ms. Duan Hua, and Ms. Guo, employed by the Wuzhong School of Wusheng County in Sichuan Province, were reported when they were clarifying the truth and delivering flyers. The police arrested them immediately. Now each of them has been sentenced to two years of forced labor. On May 19, 2006, practitioner Mr. Shao Changming, a teacher at Shiziyan Elementary School, was reported. He was arrested by the Wusheng County 610 Office National Security Agents. He is now detained and being tortured at the Wusheng County Detention Center.

    Recently, there have been meetings of groups and teams at different levels all over the countryside in Wusheng County. Village residents are not allowed to accept any truth clarification materials. They have also been threatened that if anyone is discovered accepting Falun Gong truth materials, he or she will be punished just like the Falun Gong practitioners.

    Each middle and high school student in Wusheng County has been forced to do homework slandering Falun Gong since May 2006. At Huaying City Xikou High School in Guang'an City, each student is forced to join the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) or else he or she is not allowed to stay in school.

    Ms. Zhang Yan and Ms. Zhang Yuanhang Arrested

    [Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of]

    On May 29, 2006, policeman Shan Tianchun from Huaide County Department, along with several dozen other police officers from the Daling Town Station, broke into Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Yuanhang’s store and arrested her. Her elder sister Ms. Zhang Yan was there and tried to persuade them not to do so. She was also arrested. The two sisters are currently detained at the Gongzhuling City Detention Center. Reportedly they will be facing trials by officials from the CCP Gongzhuling City Political and Judiciary Committee.

    Qingzhou City Police Recently Arrest Eight Falun Gong Practitioners

    [Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of]

    At around 9:00 a.m. on May 11, 2006, Zuo Hengfa (male) and other police officers from the Qingzhou City and Tanfang Town Police Station, arrested five Falun Gong practitioners from Tanfang Town. They include Ms. Liu Yongmei, Mr. Wang Yiqing and Ms. Sun Aiying from Tanfang Village, Mr. Zheng Yushan from Lijiazhuang Village, and Ms. Li Xiuqin from Sunjialou Village. On the afternoon of May 24, 2006, Zuo Hengfa and other policemen again went to Ms. Zhang Ruiyun's house at Gongyin Village, Tanfang Town and arrested her. At 6:00 a.m. on May 26, 2006, Zuo Hengfa arrested Mr. Li Yongzhou from Beifu Village and another female practitioner from Shiqiao Village.

    Additional Persecution News from China – May 30, 2006

    1. [Jilin Province] Mr. Wang Jianmin Illegally Detained at the Siping - Prison Term Extended

    The term of Falun Gong practitioner, Mr. Wang Jianmin, who was illegally detained at the Siping Prison, Jilin Province, has expired. However, the prison and the 610 Office colluded to continue the persecution of Wang Jianmin, and did not allow his spouse to take him home.

    2. [Jiangxi Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Jiang Lanying Has Been Missing for Almost Ten Months Since August 1, 2005

    3. [Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Shang Xiping Facing Illegal Trial

    It was recently learned that related departments in Hegang City will hold an illegal trial of Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Shang Xiping, Ms. Liu Liping, Ms. Yang Yongying, Mr. Hu Guijie and Mr. Zhao Guiyou. They have been detained at the First and Second Detention Centers in Hegang City.

    4. [Zunhua City, Hebei Province] Zhang Fengling and Three Other Falun Gong Practitioners Illegally Arrested

    At 9:30 on May 13, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Zhang Fengling, Ms. Huang Fengqin, Ms. Jia Yuying, Ms. Zhang Xiulan of Yaoziling Village, Zunhua City, Hebei Province were distributing truth-clarification materials at Donggou Village. They were reported by someone in Donggou Village and arrested, and then their houses were illegally searched without a warrant and their property was confiscated. The practitioners are illegally detained at the Brainwashing Center of Zunhua City.

    5. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Zhou Ruiying and Others Illegally Detained

    On May 25, 2006 Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhou Ruiying was arrested by the Dafangshen Police Sub-station in Ganjingzi District, Dalian City. In the afternoon of May 26, her home was illegally searched without a warrant, and Master’s photos and Falun Gong books were confiscated. At the same time, Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Kong Qingchun and Mr. Song Lixin were also illegally arrested, and their Falun Gong books, computers and printers were confiscated.

    Practitioner Mr. Liu Xianzeng, a teacher at Songjia School, Wan Town, Dalian City, was taken away about 20 days ago. His whereabouts are unknown.

    6. [Nanle County, Henan Province] Li Tiange Severely Persecuted and is Unable to Walk

    On April 26, 2006, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Tiange was illegally arrested at home and taken to the Nanle County Detention Center. Fifteen days later, she was transferred to Qingfeng County and detained there. As a result of being severely tortured, Ms. Li cannot walk. She is still illegally detained in Qingfeng County.

    Yao Jinfeng, Jindegu Township Police Substation of Nanle County: 86-13513905080 (Cell)

    7. [Maoming City, Guangdong Province] Mr. Ke Jingji and Two Other Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted by the Thermoelectric Factory

    Mr. Ke Jingji, Ms. Li Fengdi and Mr. Wei Jinjiang are employees of Maoming Thermoelectric Factory. They were illegally arrested and sentenced to prison terms of seven years, ten years and two years, respectively.

    8. [Qiannanzhou, Guizhou Province] Falun Gong Practitioners Ms. Liu Futao and Ms. Suo Zhengming Illegally Persecuted

    Ms. Liu Futao, forty-two years old, is a doctor at a school clinic in Dushan County. Ms. Suo Zhengming, forty years old, is a teacher at an elementary school in Dushan County. On May 7, 2006, they distributed truth-clarification materials at Kuiwen’ge, Tuchang, Dushan County. Unfortunately, they were arrested by the local police. They are illegally detained at the Dushan County Detention Center. The authorities have blocked information about them and their family members were not allowed to visit them.

    9. [Leshan City, Sichuan Province] Falun Gong Practitioners Mr. He Yuanchao, Mr. Li Huabin and Mr. Zhang Guangcai Illegally Detained at Wumaping Prison

    10. [Guiyang City, Guizhou Province] Ms. Zhang Zhonghui Arrested

    On May 24, 2006, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Zhonghui, over 60 years old, was arrested by the police when clarifying the truth of Falun Gong at the People’s Square in Guiyang City

    11. [Xianghe County, Hebei Province] Falun Gong Practitioners Ms. Wang Guixiang and Mr. Wang Jianming Persecuted

    At 10:00 a.m. on October 20, 2005, several policemen from the Police Department and 610 Office in Xianghe County, Hebei Province broke into the house of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Guixiang in Jiaozhuang Village. They illegally confiscated an audio recorder, cassettes, Falun Gong books and other personal belongings of Ms. Wang. At the same time, they tried to arrest Wang Guixiang. To avoid being arrested, Ms. Wang Guixiang was forced to become homeless and destitute. Her whereabouts are unknown.

    Shortly afterwards, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Jianming, an employee of a Chinese Medicine Hospital in Xianghe County, was illegally arrested from his workplace and taken to the Xianghe County Detention Center. He has been unjustly sentenced to 10 years in prison.

    12. [Shandong Province] Mr. Zhang Ruxian and Ms. Li Hua Taken to Brainwashing Center

    Falun Gong practitioners and married couple Mr. Zhang Ruxian and Ms. Li Hua, retired employees from Shengli Oil Extraction Factory of Shengli Oil Field, went back to their hometown and clarified the truth of Falun Gong. Unfortunately, they were reported by someone and were taken back by the unlawful officials of Shengli Oil Field in the middle of May 2006. At present, they are illegally detained at a brainwashing center at Shengli Oil Field.

    13. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] On May 28, 2006, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Guiying Arrested by the Longgang Police Department

    14. [Mei County, Guangdong Province] Around May 27, 2006, Mr. Chen Jinchang Taken to Brainwashing Center in Meizhou City

    15. [Hulunbei’er City, Inner Mongolia Province] Over Thirty Falun Gong Practitioners Illegally Arrested

    On March 27, 2006, more than 30 Falun Gong practitioners from Zhalantun District, Hulunbei’er City, Inner Mongolia Province were illegally arrested by police. At present, 13 of them are still detained at the Nantou Detention Center in the Zhalantun District, and three of them were illegally detained at the A’rongqi Prison.

    16. [Weihai City, Shandong Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. He Shuxia Illegally Sentenced to Two Years of Imprisonment

    On April 30, 2006, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. He Shuxia from Weihai City gave change to some customers with money bearing the characters reading, "Falun Dafa is Good" in her own cake store. As a result, she was reported by someone and then was illegally arrested by the police from the Xilaotai Frontier Defense Police Station of Weihai City. Ms. He Shuxia was illegally sentenced to two years in prison and was sent to Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in Zibo City, Shandong Province on May 26.

    17. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Wang Huiqing and Ms. Guo Zhaohua Arrested

    In the evening of May 23, 2006, Falun Gong Practitioners Ms. Wang Huiqing and Ms. Guo Zhaohua from Lushun City, Liaoning Province went to the "New Village of Salt Works" in Longtang Town and distributed truth clarification materials. Unfortunately, they were illegally arrested by security personnel there and then they were transferred to Lushun Detention Center.

    18. [Shanghai City] Two Falun Gong Practitioners Illegally Arrested

    On May 24, 2006 Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Dong Xiangru and Ms. Wang were arrested because they distributed truth-clarification materials in Shanghai. They were taken from their homes in Shanghai, and their homes were ransacked. Many truth-clarification materials were confiscated. The practitioners are currently detained at the Laodongyue Detention Center in Hangzhou City.

    Ms. Dong Xiangru’s son, who is also a Falun Gong practitioner, worked in Shanghai. Several years ago he was sentenced to four years’ imprisonment.

    19. [Honghu City, Hubei Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Tang Fangqiong Sent to Wuhan City Women’s Prison

    Ms. Tang Fangqiong is a Falun Gong practitioner from Honghu City. Since the local 610 Office and police arrested her from her home on September 7, 2005, she was detained in the Honghu Detention Center for half a year. In the middle of February 2006, she was illegally sentenced to four years of forced labor. In the middle of this May, she was sent to the Wuhan City Woman’s Prison and subjected to brutal brainwashing.

    20. [Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province] Lu Jianwen Persecuted

    On December 2, 2005, in the Fourth Elementary School of Jing’an Town, Doumen District, Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province, Ms. Lu Jianwen was reported to the local 610 Office by the school principal because she gave cards with the words "Falun Dafa is good" printed on them to the students. She was arrested at 11:00 a.m. that morning.

    On March 9, 2006, Ms. Lu Jianwen was illegally sentenced to three years’ imprisonment. On April 20, she was sent to the Woman’s Prison in Guangzhou City and persecuted further.

    21. [Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province] Supplementary Information on the Persecution of Chen Wen and Two Other Falun Gong Practitioners

    In the afternoon of March 28, 2006 police officers from the Daishan Police Station broke into a truth-clarification materials production site and arrested Ms.Chen Wen, Ms. Zhang Shujun and Mr. Chen Xiangyang. All the equipment and the bankbook were confiscated.

    On March 29, Ms. Chen Wen and Ms. Zhang Shujun were taken to a hotel in Daishan and tortured. They were handcuffed and hung up from the barred window, with their feet off the floor. The guards tortured them for about 36 hours, including grabbing their feet and pulling their legs in opposite directions. Both practitioners were injured. Police officer Deng Xiangyang also hit Ms. Zhang Shujun’s toes with a stool, injuring her toes and causing loss of feeling her feet.

    22. [Jieyang City, Guangdong Province] Falun Gong Practitioners Ms. Yuan Yinying and Ms. Lin Yanping Detained for More Than Four Months

    On the night of January 12, 2006 the police illegally arrested Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Yuan Yinying and Ms. Lin Yanping from Jieyang City, Guangdong Province. Their homes were searched and their property was confiscated. The practitioners been detained in a detention center in Jieyang City for more than four months. Currently, Ms. Yuan has developed high blood pressure and Ms. Lin has become very weak due to torture.

    23. [Beijing City] Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Lu Xiangyun Arrested

    On March 18, 2006, Ms. Lu Xiangyun, a Falun Gong practitioner in her fifties, was illegally arrested and has been detained in the Chaoyang Branch of the Beijing Police Department.

    24. [Zibo City, Shandong Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Li Aiying Arrested

    The police arrested 65-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Aiying from her home on May 26, 2006. Her home was searched and her property was confiscated. She is currently detained at the Fujia Detention Center in Zhangdian District, Zibo City, Shandong Province.

    25. [Beijing City] Twelve Falun Gong Practitioners from Tsinghua University Arrested

    Since March 2006, about one dozen Falun Gong practitioners from Tsinghua University, including Mr. Xu Yan, Mr. Huang Weishen, Ms. Cai and Ms. Qiu Shuxiang, have been arrested one by one.

    26. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] The family of Mr. Zhang Yijun Arrested

    On May 27, 2006, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Yijun’s family was arrested. The truth-clarification material production site was destroyed.

    27. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Wang Xiaoyan Arrested by the Chunhai Police Station

    In the morning of May 27, 2006, officers from the Chunhai Police Station waited outside the home of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Xianyan from Dalian City and arrested her when she left for work. About 10:00 a.m. that day, her home was searched and her property was confiscated, including a computer, two printers, a portable hard drive, a cell phone, a dozen of Falun Gong books, 21 cassettes, some truth-clarification materials and printing supply materials. At 7:00 p.m. on May 27, Ms. Wang was sent to the Yaojia Detention Center in Dalian City.

    Back in January 2001 Ms. Wang was sent to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp and tortured for several months. Later, she was released on medical bail. Due to the persecution, Ms. Wang was forced to become destitute and homeless for a period of time.

    28. [Dalian, Liaoning Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhi Lianmei Detained in the Yaojia Detention Center for Almost a Year, Detention Center Refuses to Release Her

    29. [Jiyuan City, Henan Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhao Lingzhi Arrested and Taken to the Shibalihe Forced Labor Camp in Zhengzhou City

    In April 2006, 36-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhao Lingzhi from West Shuitun Village, Yaqiao Township, Jiyuan City, Henan Province, was arrested and later illegally sentenced to a year’s imprisonment. On April 26, she was sent to the Shibalihe Forced Labor Camp in Zhengzhou City.

    30. [Tianjin City] Mr. Liu Yongjiang and Three Other Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested

    On May 24, 2006 Mr. Liu Yongjiang and Ms. Song Xiuhua from Dajianchang Town, Wuqing District, Tianjin City and two other Falun Gong practitioners whose names aren’t known were arrested while they were clarifying the truth and distributing truth-clarification materials. Their homes were searched and their property was confiscated.

    31. [Jiangsu Province] Suining County Court Illegally Tried Falun Gong Practitioners Chen Juan, Wang Meili, Tong Xiaohong and Shen Guiying

    On January 28, 2006, local 610 Office personnel and the police arrested Jiangsu Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Chen Juan, Ms. Wang Meili, Ms. Tong Xiaohong and Ms. Shen Guiying from their homes. In the middle of May, the Suining County Court illegally tried and sentenced each practitioner from three to five years’ imprisonment.

    32. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Jiao Meishan Transferred to the Lianmeng Road Police Station

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Jiao Meishan was illegally detained and persecuted in the Second Detention Center in Shijiazhuang City, after he was arrested on March 3, 2006. The Procuratorate of Xinhua District once tried to illegally sentence Mr. Jiao.

    33. [Zibo City, Shandong Province] Falun Gong Pracitioners Including Mr. Zhang Jingyi Arrested

    In April 2006, married couple Mr. Zhang Jingyi and Ms. Rong Ruihua from Xibi Village, Tangshan Town, Huantai County, were illegally arrested by the police in Tangshan Town.

    Seven Falun Gong practitioners from Ximacun, Huantai County, were arrested.

    Ms. Ma Ling, a practitioner in her thirties, works in the Chinese Medicine Hospital in Huantai County. Officers from the county police department arrested her. A truth-clarification materials production site was destroyed.