The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- July 5, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Mr. Yuan Yuqi in Jilin Province, 68, Died as a Result of Persecution

  • The Persecution I Suffered at My Workplace, in a Detention Center, and in a Mental Hospital

  • Brief Summary of Conditions Surrounding Some Falun Gong Practitioners in Sihui Prison, Guangdong Province

  • Dentist Li Yongquan from Inner Mongolia Framed and Sentenced in Beijing

  • Practitioner Ms. Shan Zhiying in Beijing, 65, Arrested for the Third Time

  • Exposing the Wrongdoings of Policeman Zhao Kejun from the Gaobeidian City Police Department

  • More Than Thirty Police Officers Arrest Falun Gong Practitioner Xie Hongying and Her Husband

  • Mr. Yuan Yuqi in Jilin Province, 68, Died as a Result of Persecution

    In the middle of May 2006, police officials from the Lushuihe Police Department and Baishan City Politics & Law Committee and the 610 Office went to Mr. Yuan Yuqi's home and asked him if he was still practicing Falun Gong and what were his views about the book, Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. In addition, they pressured him to renounce Falun Gong. Seven years of continuous pressure and brutal persecution caused severe physical and psychological harm to Mr. Yuan, finally resulting in his death on June 13, 2006.

    Mr. Yuan Yuqi, 68, lived in Lushuihe, Baishan City, Jilin Province. He started practicing Falun Gong in 1998, and became healthy and optimistic. However, since July 1999, Mr. Yuan had been arrested eight successive times due to his truth clarification efforts.

    Below are some experiences that Mr. Yuan shared in his own words just before his untimely death.

    In the spring of year 2000, when he was distributing informational materials near the railway gate, he was arrested by Liu Zhenquan of the Lushuihe Forest Police Department and was taken to the Political Defense Section. He was handcuffed to the central heating pipe overnight and released the next morning.

    On April 18, 2001, Yuan Yuqi went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, where he was taken to the Xicheng Police Station in Beijing. The director asked for his name and his address, which he refused to reveal. Two police officials then came in and began torturing him. One of them kicked Mr. Yuan to a distance of two or three meters away. This caused him to fall down on the ground and another police official then trampled him on the chest. His left chest became like a shrunken balloon at that moment. Mr. Yuan immediately thought that since he was a Falun Gong practitioner, he would be fine. Then as he slowly stood up, his shrunken chest immediately swelled. After he went back home and got medical help the X-rays showed that three of his ribs were broken. The doctor informed him that if the broken ribs did not resume to the right position, they could puncture his lungs and be fatal.

    Some fellow practitioners who had gone with Mr. Yuan to Beijing were also beaten by the police. Mr. Yuan stood on a chair and tried to stop them by saying loudly, "no beating of Falun Gong practitioners!" One policeman hit his head using a handcuff, producing an eight-centimeter-long opening on his head, with his blood streaming from his face.

    When he was taken back to his hometown, he was still detained in the the Fusong Detention Center and was set free after Gu Xiandou, the director of the Fusong Police Department, and Zhang Aimin at the Political Defense Section extorted almost 30,000 yuan from his sons and daughters.

    In May 2001, Yuan Yuqi was again forcibly taken to attend a brainwashing class, where an attempt was made to illegally transform him for five whole days, and where they tried to force him to write a "guarantee letter" which was obviously rejected by him.

    In August 2001, when policeman Jiang Qiuli at the Dongshan Police Station went to Mr. Yuan's home, he found some truth materials, and reported this to the police department. As a result, Mr. Yuan was arrested and taken to the Fusong detention center. Two months later he was transferred to the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp in Changchun City for further persecution. Upon his refusal to "transform", he was forced to sit on a bench for a long time and made to take a shower with cold water in winter. He also developed scabies in his rectum and could not walk as usual.

    Mr. Yuan finally passed away after enduring endless brutal torture and vicious persecution for many years.

    The Persecution I Suffered at My Workplace, in a Detention Center, and in a Mental Hospital

    Since July 20, 1999, when the Chinese Communist Party started to persecute Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioners, I went to Beijing three times to appeal for Falun Gong. I wanted to speak up for Master and Falun Gong, but I was illegally arrested. I suffered much inhumane mental torment and physical torture at the local police station, in the detention center, at my workplace, in a mental hospital, and in a labor camp.

    I was arrested in December 1999 and sent to a police station where I was detained for two days. They handcuffed one of my hands to the heating radiator. They did not give me a receipt for the money they extorted from me. As I persisted in my practice of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance I was once again sent to the local detention center. Li Feng from the Xingxuejie Police Station locked me up. I was deprived of my personal freedom for 14 days at the detention center, being locked up in a dirty, small house. I was not given any food or water and was forbidden to go to the bathroom.

    I was also unlawfully confined to my workplace for four days. I was suspended from my job and not allowed to go home. As a result my son was left at home alone, without anyone to take care of him. No one took care of his meals or took him to school. My husband works on a train. After returning home from work there was no one to prepare meals for him. Furthermore, my workplace leaders constantly threatened him.

    As I was repeatedly locked up for extended periods of time I suffered much mental and physical damage and suffered heavy financial losses. I knew I did not do anything wrong for persisting in my practice of Falun Gong and my belief in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," so I went on a protest hunger strike. That led to additional persecution by people from my workplace, including Li Shaomin, Cao Yonghua, Geng Yujun, Chen Jindong, Bai Shufen, Guo Xiumei and Liu Xiaru. I was sent to the No. 5 Zibo City Mental Hospital by Bai Shufen, Liu Xiaru and my family members who feared implication. I was grossly abused at the mental hospital.

    I continued to go on a protest hunger strike, but doctors and nurses at the mental hospital cruelly tortured me. They force-fed me and shocked me with electric batons. Manager Zhao shocked me with electric batons three times. Another male doctor also shocked me with electric baton three times. They force-fed me unknown medications, injected me with unknown drugs, and further shocked me with electric batons. This abuse was carried on for almost two months. As a result, I became mentally disordered and temporarily lost my ability to speak and was overcome with fear. It took me a long time to recover after my release.

    After I was released, Li Shaomin and Geng Yuhua from my workplace harassed me over the phone. Li Shaomin threatened my husband and demanded that my husband give up his job to monitor me. My husband could not withstand the pressure and torment. He left our son and me. I was then not allowed to go to work for half a year and earned no income, making finances tight for my son and me.

    The third time I went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, I was sent to the Wangchun Forced Labor Camp. The labor camp chief, police officer Li Shaomin, Guo Xiumei, and Li Feng from Xingxuejie Police Station were responsible for sending me.

    At the Wangchun Forced Labor Camp, we practitioners went on hunger strike to protest the persecution. A male guard beat a practitioner badly. I shouted, "It is illegal to abuse people." The labor camp chief then urged four to five guards to shock my face with electric batons. My face was swollen for seven to eight days, and the yellow pus took a long time to clear. The guards handcuffed both my hands to the door and windows. They also used electric batons to shock a lot of practitioners. Two practitioners were hurt so badly that their limbs were red and swollen. They could not put on their shoes. Another practitioner was handcuffed to the door and windows for many days. Her legs became heavy and swollen. The police also handcuffed her to the "Death Bed" for many days. Another practitioner was beaten so hard that her face and ears swelled very badly. She could not even open her eyes.

    The above is what I witnessed and I experienced. Today I would like to expose the evil crimes of the persecution for the purpose of eliminating the evil and bringing the persecution to an end.

    Brief Summary of Conditions Surrounding Some Falun Gong Practitioners in Sihui Prison, Guangdong Province

    There are two detention sites for Sihui Prison in Guangdong Province. They are Jiguang Site and Luotang Site. Right now, dozens of male Falun Gong practitioners are held in both sites. They are separated into 18 wards and a special ward, which was established in early 2004. The sole purpose of the special ward is to persecute Falun Gong practitioners.

    Despite the terrible conditions, incarcerated practitioners still follow Falun Gong's requirements and are very kind towards everyone. Their reputation of goodness is well known in the prison. All the inmates know that Falun Gong practitioners are good people, and many of them eagerly asked to learn Falun Gong. The inmates clearly know who is at fault, because the guards have abused them for a long time. One group head, a criminal, closely followed the guards' orders and often mistreated Falun Gong practitioners. Once, he couldn't help it and said in a sincere voice, "You Falun Gong practitioners are truly magnificent!" A new guard who has not yet been polluted by the vices of the prison said to a Falun Gong practitioner in private, "It's political persecution to detain you guys."

    Details of some practitioners held in Sihui Prison:

    Mr. Liu Xifeng came from Northeast China. He graduated from Northeastern Normal University and worked as a teacher in Shenzhen City. He was awarded the title "Outstanding Teacher" by the Shenzhen City government, but was arrested many times for his belief. In September 2002, he and his wife were arrested at the same time. His wife was sent to a labor camp and tortured to death. Liu Xifeng was sentenced to ten years in prison and was sent to the Sihui Prison in December 2003. He held a long-term hunger strike and refused to wear the prison uniform, so he was forcibly given infusions and shackled. Later, he was barely able to walk and grew very weak.

    Mr. Tantai Dongdong lived in the Chaoyang District of Beijing. He graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing and worked at Shenzhen City Sculpture Research Institute. After he was taken to the Sihui Prison he refused to wear the prison uniform. A dozen guards beat him, breaking three of his ribs and injuring his buttocks, which didn't heal until two months later. He almost lost the ability to speak.

    Mr. Fan Chenyu lived in Wangcheng, Changsha City, Hunan Province. He was sentenced to seven years in prison. The persecutors transferred him from the Haizhu District Detention Center in Guangzhou City to the Sihui Prison in January 2003. He refused to wear the prison uniform and refused to squat in front of the guards. A dozen guards beat him. The same day he arrived at the prison they sent him to the Strictly Controlled Group. Nearly one month later he was sent back to the "regular" ward where he did the Falun Gong exercises every day at noon. He gave his food and clothes to the inmates, who said, "Falun Gong practitioners are truly great!"

    In March 2003, he covered his ears when the slandering propaganda was played on TV. The group head tortured him. Once, during a so-called study session in the hall, he did the Falun Gong exercises. The group head grabbed him by the collar, dragged him dozens of feet and threw him into an office. This group head later received retribution; he was found to have committed serious crimes. Practitioner Fan Chenyu refused to cooperate with photo shoots, and refused to squat during prison exercises and when talking with the guards. Once when a slandering program was played on TV, he refused to watch and he refused to call numbers during evening roll call. Guard Liao grabbed his collar, dragged him for more than 30 feet and threw him in the office. Fan Chenyu's forehead was injured from the beating. He was locked onto a metal chair. Four inmates were assigned to watch him. He was sent to the Strictly Controlled Group the next day. He was locked in solitary confinement for nearly two years. His legs were swollen and he was on the brink of a nervous breakdown when he came out. He sometimes made strange noises and he almost completely lost the ability to speak.

    Mr. Zhang Yuhui was sentenced to ten years in prison. He was taken to a police department from a detention center in March 2001 and was tortured for seven days and seven nights. The police demanded to know who was backing his truth clarification efforts. He was tortured on the Tiger Bench, hung up and beaten, among other forms of brutality. After he was taken back to the detention center he was forced to maintain the "flying an airplane" position [the limbs are spread open; with hands and feet fixed to a cross-shaped piece of wood]. The guards said he was "stirring up trouble" and sent him to the Sihui Prison in December 2002. He was barbarically tortured in the Strictly Controlled Group and later the Special Group.

    Mr. Lin Yang lived in Fujian Province and was a graduate student at Tsinghua University. He was arrested in Zhuhai City in December 2000 and went on a hunger strike the day of the arrest. In 2001 he was tortured with the "flying an airplane" method at least three times, for a long period each time, in the 1st Detention Center in Zhuhai City. He often did the Falun Gong exercises at the detention center and refused to cooperate with the guards, even when they yelled at him. Several inmates carried him outside the cell while he stayed in the cross-legged meditation position, and then he was brutally tortured. He was transferred to the Sihui Prison in November 2002. Lin Yang has always remained determined. He was released in June 2004.

    Mr. Huang Kui earned a Master's degree from Tsinghua University. He lived in Northeastern China and was arrested in Zhuhai City in December 2000. While being held in the 2nd Detention Center in Zhuhai City, he was forced to work at least 16 hours each day. He was forced to make artificial flowers, crack nuts, and string together small light bulbs, among other tasks. He was given only two meals a day. In the winter the skin on his fingers cracked. The work was very difficult, and yet he would receive extra work or be forced to work at night if he didn't finish the assigned work on time. Huang Kui went on a hunger strike several times in a detention center and was transferred to Sihui Prison in late 2002 for further persecution. In March 2004, Huang Kui and Zhuang Wenshu (from the same ward) held a hunger strike and a work strike. It was the second hunger strike for Zhuang Wenshu. He was sent to a hospital for force-feeding. He was also forced to wear very heavy shackles. The guards held a conference and forced Huang Kui and Zhuang Wenshu to kneel before several hundred people, while the officials shocked them simultaneously with more than ten electric batons. After the meeting, the two practitioners were not allowed to talk to anyone. At the beginning of October 2004, the officials isolated Huang Kui and sent four inmates to watch him around the clock. They recorded his every move. Later, at least eight inmates watched him and forbade him to go downstairs. They locked him in a small room and mistreated him all day long. Beginning in 2005, they deprived him of sleep as much as they could and brainwashed him on a daily basis until he left the prison in December 2005.

    Mr. Tian Jianshui lived in Fujian Province and has an associates degree. He was arrested in Zhuhai City in December 2000 and sentenced to five years in prison.

    Mr. Ye Weixiong graduated from high school and worked as a pastry cook in a bar. He was sentenced to three years in prison for making truth clarification materials. He was first held in the Tianhe Detention Center. The guards ordered a detainee sick with tuberculosis to spit phlegm into Ye Weixiong's mouth while screaming, "Didn't you say you Falun Gong practitioners never get sick?" They also ordered syphilis patients to sleep next to Ye Weixiong.

    Mr. Huang Desheng was first held in the Yuexiu District Detention Center in Guangzhou City. He was sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison and was released when the term had expired in June 2005. He was diagnosed with leukemia after he was taken to the prison, and the prison authorities mistreated him, and he was deprived of sleep for a long time. His mother Zhou Guichan was a volunteer assistant at the Yuexiu District Falun Gong practice site in Guangzhou City and had been sentenced to forced labor.

    Practitioners Lin Gang, Wu Yongjin and Yu Xinhui were each sentenced to five years in prison. They were first held in the Dongshan District Detention Center in Guangzhou City. Lin Gang has an associates degree and worked as a manager at the White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou City. In October 2003 a guard ordered Lin Gang to squat before him, and Lin Gang refused. A dozen guards beat him and sent him to the Strictly Controlled Group. Wu Yongjin had studied fine arts.

    Mr. Liang Xiaoying used to work at the Kaiping Land Bureau in Guangdong Province. His home phone number is 86-750-2211084.

    Mr. Wen Jianmin was a former judge at the Shantou Intermediate People's Court in Guangdong Province.

    Mr. Sun Zhongwen is a Hong Kong citizen. He was arrested at the Longgang Customs Port and sentenced to seven years in prison. His home phone number is 852-24734727.

    Mr. Zhang Yucang is a Hong Kong citizen. He was arrested along with Sun Zhongwen.

    Mr. Gao Dandi graduated from the Beijing Agriculture University. He worked in Guangdong Province. He and his wife jumped out the window to escape from a brainwashing class. He was later arrested again.

    Mr. Chen Shuxue worked at the Zhuhai City Labor Bureau. He distributed flyers at the Zhuhai City government and was sentenced to three years in prison, during which time he was barbarically tortured. His legs swelled so badly he could barely walk. His home phone number is 86-756-2279390.

    Mr. Zhang Yuanbo and his younger brother were once held in Group 2, Ward 1 in the Sihui Prison. In 2003 the guards ordered him to copy some documents, and he refused. He was forced to squat for seven days, followed by nine months in the Strictly Controlled Group. His home phone number is 86-533-4153412.

    The guards forbade Mr. Zhan Jiabin to sleep in an attempt to "reform" him [make him renounce Falun Gong].

    Mr. Lin Zhengui used to work as a reporter for the Raoping TV Station in Guangdong Province. His home phone number is 86-768-8899879.

    Mr. Li Fengyou was the former pilot and commander of an independent aviation regiment of  PLA South China Sea Fleet. After retirement he flew commercial airplanes at Sanzao Airport in Zhuhai City. His wife is the daughter of a retired division commander from the South China Sea Fleet. He and his wife escaped from a brainwashing class in Zhuhai City. His wife was arrested in Wuhan City and Li Fengyou was sentenced to five years in prison. He was released in early 2006. Li Fengyou is very determined in his belief in Falun Gong and is very caring toward fellow practitioners. He was sent to the Special Group and placed under close watch. He was forced to sit on a small stool from 6:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. with his feet close together and was forbidden to move while sitting on the stool.

    Mr. Lin Qing graduated from Shantou Medical University. His home phone number is 86-663-8219069.

    Mr. Zhuang Wenshu graduated from the Institute of Water Conservation and Electric Power at Wuhan University. He was president of the student council and vice president of the Graduate Students' Association. After graduation he worked at the Shenzhen Audit Bureau and was one of the favorites being trained and prepared for promotion. In September 2000 he distributed flyers at the Shenzhen Hi-tech Fair and was sentenced to seven years in prison. He was held in the Futian Detention Center in Shenzhen City for a long time and held a hunger strike for more than 20 days after he received the verdict. He remained determined after he was taken to the Sihui Prison and kept very strong righteous thoughts. The guards refrained from torturing him because they felt his righteousness. In 2004 he opposed a slandering video and went on a hunger strike with Huang Kui who was held in the same ward. They refused to work. Zhuang Wenshu was forced to wear shackles weighing several pounds and was forced to kneel before several hundred people while being shocked by more than ten electric batons. He was later transferred to the Special Ward where he was forced to sit from 6:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. each day.

    Mr. Li Zhenming lived in Huilai, Guangdong Province and was sentenced to ten years in prison.

    Mr. Chao Hao graduated from Shenzhen University and was sentenced to nine years in prison.

    Mr. Zhou Lei lived in Guangxi Province. He graduated from the Computer Department of Tsinghua University in Beijing and worked in Shenzhen City. He was sentenced to 12 years in prison.

    Mr. Li Fulin was sentenced to seven years in prison.

    Mr. Yu Lian was sentenced to about 12 years in prison. He was once held in the Futian Detention Center in Shenzhen City. The inmates who shared the same cell with him said he was the nicest person they've ever come across.

    Mr. Wang Yanfa lived in Henan Province. He was sentenced to five years in prison and was transferred to the Sihui Prison from the Shenzhen Detention Center. He has been held in the Medical Ward.

    Mr. Hu Jianhua worked at the Huangpi Tax Bureau in Hubei Province after he retried from military service. He was sentenced to seven years in prison.

    Mr. Li Qiaosen is in his 70s. The lawless officials would not even spare this old man.

    Mr. Feng Wentao was sentenced to six years in prison. He has certification of Level 8 Professional English Skills.

    Mr. Yuan Hua was a graduate student at Huanan Agriculture University in Guangzhou City. He was sentenced to ten years in prison.

    Mr. Rao Chaoyuan lived in Room 401, Building 1 of Wushan Earthquake Team, Guangzhou City. He was sentenced to eight years in prison. One of his legs was permanently disabled from torture.

    Mr. Zhen Zhichao is held in Ward 1 of Luotang Site of Sihui Prison. He was sentenced to 13 years in prison.

    Mr. Liang Gang was a graduate student and was sentenced to 11 years in prison.

    Mr. Guo Yue worked at the Guangzhou City Electronics Institute.

    Mr. Chen Wusheng was a volunteer assistant at Puning County Falun Gong practice site in Guangdong Province. He had two brothers. He was sentenced to six years in prison and was released on parole in July 2003. His home phone number is 86-663-2339750.

    Mr. Guo Hangzhou was a teacher. He was released on parole in July 2003.

    Mr. Chen Xiaojun lived in Guangxi Province. He graduated from the University of Science & Technology in Beijing and worked at Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. in Zhuhai City. He was sentenced to seven years in prison.

    Mr. Yang Wen graduated from the Computer Department of Tsinghua University in Beijing. He earned a Ph.D. degree from Waseda University in Japan where he started practicing Falun Gong. He was arrested for clarifying the truth after he returned to Guangzhou City.

    Mr. Wu Shiyu lived in Guangxi Province and he was sentenced to ten years in prison.

    Mr. Zhou Xiaohui was sentenced to eight years in prison.

    Mr. He Binyan lived in Guangdong Province and was sentenced to three years in prison.

    Mr. Xu Shuhua lived in Yunfu, Guangdong Province. He was a former manager at a branch company of Cheung Kong Holdings, Ltd. He was widely popular and well liked at the company. He was sentenced to four-and-a-half years for making Falun Gong materials. He was arrested in April 2004. He was detained in the Yunfu Detention Center in Guangdong Province for nine months. His hair turned white after brutal tortures. He was transferred to the Sihui Prison in January 2005. His sister-in-laws Li Meihua and Lin Jinghong were also arrested.

    Mr. Mai Yuefa lived in Yunfu, Guangdong Province. He and his wife Chen Jiequn were arrested together.

    Practitioners Hu Guisheng, Liu Qingshen, Ding Xiangzhong, Hao Xuesheng, Huang Jinhua and some other practitioners are also held in the Sihui Prison. Also some other unknown named practitioners showed outstanding righteous acts. On March 3, 2005, one practitioner shouted, "Falun Dafa is good" while being taken to the Sihui Prison from the Tianhe District in Guangzhou City. He shouted from inside the car and after he arrived at the prison. The prison authorities were frightened and sent him back.


    Since 2004, Shang Dongping has been the new head of Sihui Prison. He sent 610 Office agents to study "tips on reforming Falun Gong practitioners" at Qinghe Prison in Beijing. He also played slanderous videos throughout the prison in March 2004. The prison newspaper was filled with slandering content, and bulletin boards throughout the prison were covered with Falun Gong-attacking articles. A Special Ward was subsequently established to savagely torture practitioners. Shang Dongping held meetings on June 3 and September 3, during which he issued orders that at least one Falun Gong practitioner must be reformed in each ward. He connected this quota to work appraisals and year-end bonuses of all prison employees. As a result, the guards stopped at no evil to persecute Falun Gong practitioners to ensure self-interest and to achieve "reform rate during detention" and "reform rate when leaving prison." At the Special Ward, a group of guards would start videotaping Falun Gong practitioners when they first arrived at the prison to "find out their weaknesses." They also ran so-called physical exams including blood tests on the practitioners and injecting what they claimed to be a Tuberculosis Fungus element on the practitioners.

    On October 4, 2004, two inmates attempted to escape from Sihui Prison because they could no longer endure the long-term torture. One inmate was killed through electrocution, and another person was arrested and taken back. This incident aborted the plan to transform Sihui Prison into a "Ministry-Level Modern Prison" within the Guangdong Province Judicial System. A series of nefarious events ensued. Two group heads received sentence extension due to their involvement in disabling inmate(s) through beating. The officials at the Medical Ward persecuted Falun Gong practitioners on a hunger strike. Later, guards at the Medical Ward were investigated for helping an inmate cheat on medical parole.

    Dentist Li Yongquan from Inner Mongolia Framed and Sentenced in Beijing

    Former dentist, Li Yongquan, from Hulunbei'er Meng of Inner Mongolia, was constantly persecuted by local police simply because he believed in Falun Gong. He was forced to go to Beijing to make a living. In August 2004, he was framed by evil people; the police detained him and beat him up. Now he is illegally detained in the Eighth Group of Baoanzhao Jail in Zalaite Flag, Hulunbei'er Meng, Inner Mongolia.

    Doctor Li Yongquan lived in Inner Mongolia Hulunbeier League, Yakeshi City. In December of 1999, he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. Just because of this, he was detained for nearly a year and a half in Yakeshi City detention center, and was sentenced to three years' imprisonment, with a suspension period of three years. After being released from jail, he worked as a dentist in the community. However, the authorities from Yakeshi City government, the 610 Office, and the police department, constantly came to harass him. Later on, they confiscated all the equipment at the clinic. Consequently, Mr. Li could no longer live a normal life. The authorities' illegal actions gave him no choice but to move into his brother's place in Anqing City, Anhui Province. Even so, the authorities from Yakeshi City 610 Office, the police department and so forth, drove him out and sent him to a detention center. At the detention center, deputy chief Li Yilong beat him severely until he was spitting out blood. Li was detained for a year. His brother and relatives went to various 610 Offices and the police department to appeal for his release. Eventually, Li's brother took him back to Beijing to make a living.

    On the night of August 31, 2004, while Mr. Li was passing by Changping Residential Area to ask for directions from an elderly lady, he saw a man drop something from his bicycle. He quickly picked up the bag and called out to the owner. However, the owner didn't hear. Li ran after him. Right at that moment, a woman named Zhang Yao came along and falsely reported to the authorities that Li was stealing. Consequently, Li was beaten to the point of unconsciousness in Huilongguan Police Station in Changping District. He was then sent to the Changping Detention Center, where he was illegally detained for 8 months.

    On January 28, 2005, Gao, the leader of the National Security Group of Yakeshi City Police Department and two other policemen went to take Li Yongquan back from Changping Detention Center. However, when the police from Yakeshi City asked for the evidence that Li was beated by policeman Chen Yunong from Huilongguan Police Station, Chen was afraid of leaving any trace of what they did. Therefore, he did not let Yakeshi City police take him away.

    Mr. Li was severely beaten during an interrogation by policeman Chen Yunong and others. His physical condition is as follows:

    1. Right side of the rib cage fractured in many places (September 14, 2004, diagnosed at Changping Hospital)
    2. Right eye, cornea injured (December 21, 2005, diagnosed at Changping Hospital)
    3. Left knee joint injured (x-ray performed; now waiting for CT scan)
    4. Infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis at the right lung (Diagnosed at the Changping Tuberculosis Protection and Cure Center on January 2, 2005)

    Due to the serious nature of the injuries, Li could only lay at Beijing Changping detention center for a year, without receiving any treatment.

    Eight months after Li was detained, Beijing policeman Chen Yunong and other police put a flyer on a door and took a picture to frame Li, and then asked Zhan Yao to lie, thus Mr. Li was sentenced for three and half years. After he was detained for 16 months in Changping Detention Center in Beijing, he was sent to the Eighth Ward of Baoanzhao Jail in Zalaite Flag, Hulunbei'er Meng, Inner Mongolia.

    Practitioner Ms. Shan Zhiying in Beijing, 65, Arrested for the Third Time

    Sixty five year-old Falun Gong practitioner, Ms. Shan Zhiying, from Beijing was arrested for the third time in a coordinated effort by her employer, the local police, and the street community office on June 14, 2006. She is detained in a brainwashing center located at Liangxiang Town, Fangshan District, Beijing. Before this Ms. Shan Zhiying and her husband left Beijing due to the persecution.

    Ms. Shan Zhiying is a retired staff member from State Northern China Electricity Engineering Company, Ltd in Beijing City. Police and her employer have repeatedly harassed her since 1999. Regarded as a 'person to watch', she has been asked to go to the local police station before each festival, holiday, or so-called 'sensitive day', and then, detained there. In 2000, upon learning that Ms. Shan's company planned to send Ms. Shan Zhiying and her nearly 70-year-old husband to a brainwash center, the couple left Beijing and went from one place to another to avoid arrest.

    Despite this, the police issued a warrant to arrest the peaceful elderly couple and searched for them throughout the country. Police were even stationed outside their relatives' house. In November 2004, the couple was arrested in their hometown in Zhejiang Province, taken back to Beijing, and sent to a brainwashing center.

    In April 2006, the couple was again arrested when they were clarifying the truth about Falun Gong in their hometown in Zhejiang Province. At a detention center, Ms. Shan Zhiying held a hunger strike and clarified the truth about the persecution to people around her. She was detained for nearly a month before she was released. While the couple was detained, Ms. Shan's employer and the police ransacked their residence in Beijing. A month later, she went back to Beijing and was arrested for the third time in a coordinated effort by her employer, the local police, and the street community office.

    Exposing the Wrongdoings of Policeman Zhao Kejun from Gaobeidian City Police Department

    Zhao Kejun, head of the 610 Office in the Political Security Section of Gaobeidian City Police Department, has been actively following Jiang's regime to oppress Falun Gong since the persecution started. The 610 Office established a brainwashing center in Bachang in 2001. They set up court in private and extorted confessions from Falun Gong practitioners, which is in violation of the Chinese Constitution. Under the full control and by order of Zhao, between 200 and 300 practitioners from Gaobeidian City were forced to attend brainwashing classes. No less than 30 practitioners were illegally sentenced or sent to forced labor camps.

    During each brainwashing session, many practitioners were bound to bench legs and were lashed with batons or rubber batons, until they were covered with bruises. One woman practitioner was continuously shocked with an electric baton for three days in the city detention center in 2000. She was also tortured with a method called "Dog Noose" for three days. While suffering from this torture, a practitioner's hands and feet were crossed and then immobilized so that the practitioner couldn't stretch his/her back. This torture is extremely vicious. An elderly practitioner was abused so severely in 2001 at the shooting range, s/he suffered a mental collapse. A woman practitioner was arrested and sent to the shooting range on April 15, 2001. Several police officers pushed her on the ground and took turns to lash her. After they had lashed her to the point that she lost consciousness, they poured cold water on her to wake her up and then continued to lash her.

    Every time they set up a brainwashing class, the 610 Office staff would also extort money from practitioners. Nobody could get out of there without paying them money. One word from Zhao would decide someone's fate -- to send Falun Gong practitioners to detention centers or even forced labor camps. So each practitioner who underwent forcible brainwashing was extorted out of huge amounts of money. No receipt was provided. One practitioner had just been fined by agents from the Tuanjielu Police Station, followed by swift arrest and being sent to the shooting range (brainwashing center). He was only set free after paying the extortion fine. Finally he was taken to the Yangmansa Police Station. According to our incomplete calculations, Zhao extorted one million and sixty thousand yuan from practitioners in the past several years from brainwashing alone. Zhao's approval was the only criteria by which anyone would be sentenced or sent to forced labor.

    In seven years of persecution, some practitioners have become disabled from torture; torture made others mentally unstable. Some practitioners' practicing will was destroyed. Some practitioners collapsed mentally. Some suffered from long-term depression due to the humiliation and eventually died.

    The Zhuozhou City rape incident was the most outrageous. The evildoings of these morally depraved policemen from Gaobeidian City were no less serious than what happened in Zhuozhou. Similar crimes and witnesses for them exist, except that they have not yet been exposed.

    It was reported that a woman practitioner went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong in 2001. She was taken back and sent to the Bachang Brainwashing Center. She was raped during an interrogation at night. Since then she has suffered from profound depression. She had not spoken for a long time and would run away from people. Not long ago, she passed away.

    Toward the end of 2005, practitioners Ms. Huang Guohua and Ms. Su Xiaohua were arrested and sent to the city detention center for distributing truth-clarifying materials. Persecutor Zhao Kejun beat them and injured their legs. Even more evil was him stripping them of their clothes and forcing them to stand on the snowy ground. Huan Guohua only wore underwear and Su Xiaohua only wore a pair of thermal pants. The two women were sent to a forced labor camp several days later.

    Five more practitioners were arrested and sent to the city detention center on June 7, 2006.

    More Than Thirty Police Officers Arrest Falun Gong Practitioner Xie Hongying and Her Husband

    [Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of]

    Falun Gong practitioner Mrs. Xie Hongying from Jiuquan City, Gansu Province was illegally arrested at around midnight on June 27 by lawless officials. Zhang Yanjiang led many officers from the Jiuquan City Police Department and detention center and drove Xie Hongying to her home and ransacked it at midnight.

    The police took Xie Hongying's husband away at around 10:00 p.m. on June 28. Their daughter is left home alone.