The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- July 9, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • After Being Missing Six Years, Wang Xiangshang Returned Home and Died at the Door

  • The Eighth District of Harbin Women's Prison Brutally Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners

  • The Illegal Arrest and Interrogation of Mr. Gao Feng by the National Security Bureau

  • Five Falun Gong Practitioners Framed by Xiangyang District Court Severely Tortured

  • A Summary of the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in the Changshou District, Chongqing

  • Letter to the Vice-President of the European Parliament Concerning the Participation of Volkswagen Group China in the Persecution of Falun Gong

  • After Being Missing Six Years, Wang Xiangshang Returned Home and Died at the Door

    At 2:00 p.m., June 16, 2006, Mr. Wang Xiangshang suddenly appeared at the door of his home and fell to the ground. His mother kept calling his name. Mr. Wang looked at his mother with wide open eyes, filled with tears. He died without saying one word. When he died, this 38-year-old man only weighed about 25 kg [55 lbs].

    Because he practiced Falun Gong, Mr. Wang was forced to leave home to escape the persecution. For the past 6 years, his family members had no idea where he was. After being missing for 6 years, he suddenly appeared at the front door of his home. But why was he near death? How did he arrive at the door? This has to be investigated!

    Mr. Wang Xiangshang, 38, was an employee at Yuzhou City Power Plant in Henan province. In October 2000, the secretary of the factory's law enforcement office, Zhang Xizhong, called Mr. Wang to his office. He demanded that Mr. Wang renounce Falun Gong. Mr. Wang refused. He was arrested immediately and taken to Yuzhou Detention Center by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members Zhang Guanlin and Xia Yuxiao of Yuzhou City. During the detention, the factory canceled his work contract.

    Mr. Wang went to Beijing to clarify the truth and appeal for Falun Gong. Xia Yuxiao and others actively persecuted him. They waited in front of his home and tried to catch him. Mr. Wang was forced to become homeless and lost contact with his family for 6 years.

    Mr. Wang Jinghua, father of Wang Xiangshang, was a retired employee of the Yuzhou Bureau of Education and practiced Falun Gong also. After the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999, Mr. Wang Jinghua went to Beijing to clarify the truth and appeal for Falun Gong. He was illegally arrested by police and taken back to his hometown. Because of the CCP's brutal persecution, the senior Mr. Wang passed away in December 2000. He was 74.

    Since July 20, 1999, police from the Yuzhou Police Station, headed by Deputy Director Li Jinliang, Director of Political Security Zhang Guanlin and Political Instructor Xia Yuxiao, persecuted local Falun Gong practitioners inhumanly. Practitioners were often beaten and insulted. These wicked people confiscated family property, put practitioners in detention centers and forced labor camps, and sentenced them to prison. Shang Shuichi, a physical education teacher at Wuliang Middle School in Wuliang Town, Yuzhou, was persecuted to death.

    Preliminary research indicates that at least 13 Falun Gong practitioners were illegally sentenced to prison, at least 28 were taken to forced labor camps, about 260 suffered illegal detentions, and practitioners were fined hundreds of thousand yuan by officials in Yuzhou City. Innocent Falun Gong practitioners and their family members were greatly harmed both mentally and physically. Many families were broken up, and often, untimely death resulted because of the persecution.

    The Eighth District of Harbin Women's Prison Brutally Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners

    The guards from Harbin Women's Prison brutally persecute Falun Gong practitioners. The following persecution facts were provided by practitioners who were illegally detained there.

    Since 1999, the Eighth District of Harbin Women's Prison have never stopped persecuting us. Our assigned tasks in the workshop continued to grow. At that time, Hou Xueping, the director of the Eighth District, sent practitioner Ms. Zhang Yanfang to a "small cell" (1) every night, and picked her up in the morning to continue to work. This abuse lasted for a month.

    In early 2003, to stop the persecution against Falun Gong, Ms. Lu Yinhua refused to work. Zheng Jie and Zhang Chunhua dragged her on the ground until she almost suffocated. They handcuffed her, refused to let her wear thick cotton pants, and forced her to sit on a cement floor for as long as a month. On March 8, 2003, they tortured Lu Yinhua with "Hanging up from Behind" (2). She was hung up without her feet touching the ground. Within just one hour, Ms. Lu Yinhua was sweating all over, and she started to convulse. Her wrists were broken and her hands were swollen for more than three months.

    Between June and July of 2003, Zheng Jie tortured Ms. Lu Yinhua and Ms. Gao Jiafu by forcing them to squat, then "Hung them up from Behind" and slapped their faces. They kicked the women's heads with their leather boots. They hung the practitioners in the workshop office with their mouths sealed by tape. The torture lasted for 11 days. Ms. Lu was later locked in "small cell" for more than 80 days.

    On August 15, 2003, when Ms. Ma Shuhua was transferred to the Eighth District, she could barely walk. Gui Nana organized other inmates to tie her with rope, seal her mouth with tape, then drag her to the "chicken house," where she was tortured with electric batons and dragged by several inmates as they ran. At night, they put Ms. Ma on the cement ground and did not allow her to sleep. For 11 days, her feet were swollen and bloody, and the blood glued her socks to her feet for more than half a month. After her socks were taken off, her toenails came off... Her feet were dark blue and there were holes where the nails had been.

    On September 5, 2003, Zhang Chunhua ordered inmates Wang Fengchun and Zhao Yan to tie Ms. Zhang Yanfang with rope. They punched her feet with their fists and did not allow her to sleep. They broke two of her front teeth. On the second day, Zhang Chunhua brought several dozen inmates to the chicken house in front of the male cells and started another round of brutal torture. The guards and inmates worked together. Each of them held a torture tool. There were electric batons, wooden boards, bamboo poles, and iron rods. They circled the practitioners and forced them to run in a circle and beat everyone passing them as they ran by. Some inmates were not willing to cooperate and were consequently beaten by the guards. At night, they ordered the inmates to strip off Ms. Zhang Yanfang's clothes and beat her with wooden sticks and shoe soles. On the second day, they used electric batons to shock her. There was no uninjured skin left on Ms. Zhang's body. Then they rubbed salt on her, making her experience excruciating pain.

    On September 6, 2003, Zheng Jie called Ms. Wang Aihua to his office. Zheng Jie tied up her and did not loosen the bonds until Ms. Wang lost consciousness. After she recovered, he tied her again. He also forced her to squat continuously for three days. On the fourth day, Ms. Wang's legs could not bend at all. Her feet felt like they had been pierced by needles. Zheng Jie ordered inmates to drag her as they ran and to beat her on the back with electric batons. Her shoes were lost during the drag-and-run. Her heart could not stand this torture and she almost passed out. Then they hung her on a window frame. At 3:00 p.m., they took her back to the cell and made inmates watch her. Whenever she moved or closed her eyes, the inmates beat her. Ms. Wang was not allowed to sleep for the whole night. On the second day, they ordered her to write the Three Statements but she refused. They used four sticks to beat her face, stabbed her with toothpicks, then washed her with salty water. She was tortured until her whole body was a bluish color and she passed out. Finally she was locked in a "small cell."

    In September 2003, during the "chicken house run," Ms. Jie Shuying could not keep up, so Xiao Lin slapped her on both cheeks, making her very dizzy. Afterwards, she was severely kicked, which caused her to experience breathing difficulty for the following six months. Zhang Chunhua dragged Ms. Jia into a room and slapped her around a dozen times. Ms. Jia still has hearing problems as a result. Wang Fengchun used needles to stab Ms. Jia's feet until both of her feet lost sensation. Then they hung Ms. Jia from a window, using their knees to pound on her private parts, making her cry out in agony. Four or five male guards dragged Ms. Pu Shuying to the male prisoner's building and hung her on a window frame. Wang Fengchun and Huang He thrust wooden sticks into Ms. Pu's private parts. They used their hands to pinch the inner side of her thighs and other parts of her body. The handcuffs cut deeply into her flesh. Even now, she still has scars. Four of her toenails came off as a result of the beating.

    Zhu Yuhong beat Ms. Zhou Chunlan with handcuffs and jabbed her back and waist with her knees. Ms. Zhou felt immediately that she could not move her back any more. This 58-year-old woman was persecuted so terribly that she could not help crying out. They also handcuffed her and hung Ms. Zhou on a window for a whole night. The next day, they dragged her to the running field. If she refused to run, they would beat her or shock her with electric batons. The abuse was brutal and inhuman. Guard Wang Jinnan ordered inmates to seal Ms. Wang Yanpin's mouth. Then they used electric batons to shock her chest, legs, and knees. After they got tired, they hung her up and did not allow her to sleep for 11 days. Even when she went to the bathroom, they did not release the handcuffs.

    Gui Nana told Wang Wei to seal Ms. Wang Jianping's mouth and hung her upside-down for half an hour--until Ms. Wang passed out. Then she ordered inmates to continue beating her. Afterwards, they hung her up again, then beat her once more. The torture lasted for more than ten days. Ms. Wang Jianping had injuries all over her body and she was mentally disordered.

    Ms. Wang Shuling and Ms. Du Yuling were not allowed to eat during the day and not allowed to sleep at night. The torture made them mentally disordered. Ms. Du Yuling, persecuted until she wanted to die rather than continue to live, jumped from a building [Editors' note: the teachings of Falun Gong strictly forbid taking life, including one's own. While such measures are never advocated, they underscore the extreme brutality of the persecution.]. Taken to the hospital, Ms. Du was diagnosed an arm fracture, fractures of the seventh and eighth neck bones, and a rib fracture. Even under this circumstance, the guards still refused to release her.

    Wang Fengchun and Wang Wei continuously beat Ms. Xu Youqin and Ms. Li Caiying for more than ten days, causing Ms. Xu pass out, and Ms. Li to become mentally disordered.

    Once, guards Gui Nana and Xiao Lin ordered us to sing. When we refused, they started to beat us. At that time, Ms. Zhang Shuqin lost three front teeth due to the abuse.

    In the middle of September, Ms. Li Yushu, Ms. Guan Yingxin, Ms. Zhang Shuzhe, Ms. Wang Hongjie, Ms. Ding Wu, and Ms. Tian Guiqing were beaten. Ms.Tian and Ms. Guan were force-fed drugs multiple times. During the force-feeding, they were given an overdose of salt. The feeding tubes were not pulled out until one week later. The tubes were blackish after they were pulled out.

    On September 11, Zhang Chunhua deceived Ms. Zhao Xin and Ms. Liu Liping into going to the "running field." Inmate Song Libo sat on Ms. Zhao, and guard Niu Tianyang kicked her in the mouth with his feet. Ms. Zhao started bleeding immediately.

    In December 2003, because they refused the forced labor re-education, Ms. Han Ying, Ms. Yan Huijuan, and Ms. Wang Xiuli were made to squat with both hands cuffed. Inmates used needles to jab Ms. Yan all over, and beat and kicked the practitioners. Ms. Han had heart episodes due to the torture.

    On the seventh day of the first month of the Chinese Lunar Calendar in 2004, the head of the prison directed several people to drag Ms. Feng Xiujuan, Ms. Han Ying, Ms. Lu Yinhua, Ms. Wang Xiuli, Ms. Zhou Chunlin, Ms. Yan Huijuan, Ms. Du Jinlan, Ms. Lan Hongying, and Ms. Li Xiuying to the third floor of the workshop for refusing the forced labor re-education. They sealed the practitioners' mouths, beat them with their fists, kicked them, and pounded their heads on the ground. Then three practitioners were handcuffed together. Their thick cotton pants were stripped off and they were forced to sit on the cement floor. They bodies were nearly frozen with the windows open, and they were violently force-fed. The force-feeding tubes made their noses bleed, but the force feedings did not stop.

    On March 2, 2004, Zhang Chunhua put Ms. Li Xiuhua, Ms. Liu Liping, Ms. Zhang Shuzhe, and Ms. Ding Yu into "small cells." After they were beaten, they were handcuffed and then force-fed. Even when they slept at night, their handcuffs were not loosened nor were the force-feeding tubes pulled out. After half a month, the tubes were finally pulled out, but the handcuffs remained tight. Ms. Li Xiuhua kept vomiting and stomach juices came out of her mouth and nose. Ms. Liu Liping, Ms. Zhang Shuzhe, and Ms. Ding Yu were locked in the same cell and handcuffed to a Tiger Bench. They were not allowed to go to the restroom, so they were forced to soil their pants. The practitioners were restrained like this for more than five months.

    On March 10, 2004, Zhang Chunhua stripped more than 10 practitioners naked. They were hung up with ropes from 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. until they started to bleed.

    On March 13, 2004, Zhang Chunhua handcuffed and hung 66-year-old Ms. Wang Xiuyue from a bunk bed. After three hours, she passed out and lost control of her bodily functions. She was taken down but still handcuffed to the bed.

    On September 9, 2005, jail guard Zhou Xiaoli took away four undergarments from Ms. Zhang Yanfang, who reported this to jail director Liu Zhiqiang. In response, Liu put her into a "small cell" and had her beaten. Even guards from other districts said: "The Eighth District is too much." To stop these illegal acts, all the practitioners in the district started a hunger strike, asking that Ms. Zhang Yanfang be brought back. Zhang Chunhua ordered people to force-feed practitioners.

    On December 29, 2005, Zhang Chunhua brought accomplices to Ms. Yan Huijuan's cell. She stripped off Ms. Yan's pants and beat her mouth, saying, "I am beating you now, you can report it to wherever you like!"

    On December 31, 2005, nine people held a hunger strike. The jail force-fed them with lots of garlic and chili, severely damaging their stomachs and intestines so that the victims vomited blood. Beginning January 17, 2006, Liu Zhiqiang moved criminal inmates from the Ninth District to the Eighth District, forcing them to persecute practitioners. They put Ms. Jia Shuying and Ms. Li Xiuhua into "small cells" with their mouths sealed with tape. The rest of the practitioners were handcuffed to the ground for 24 hours a day and beaten again and again. The cells were sealed with newspaper and the monitoring devices were turned off so that there would be no witnesses. The brutal persecution still continues to this day.


    1. "small cell" - A small cell is a room of less than three square meters. It has no window, no bed, no water, and no toilet. A victim is locked in a small cell for months, having to eat, sleep, and excrete in the same small area. Since the height of the room is less than 1.5 meters, one cannot stand straight. To exacerbate the agony, the guards often handcuff the victim in the small cell door so the victim cannot sleep for many days.
    1. Hang up from Behind - With both hands tied or handcuffed behind the back, the victim is hung up by the arms or the handcuffs, with both feet off of the ground or just touching the ground. Both hands and arms will soon lose feeling and go numb from lack of blood circulation. Countless Falun Gong practitioners have suffered this brutal torture. Some have even been hung up for several days.

    The Illegal Arrest and Interrogation of Mr. Gao Feng by the National Security Bureau

    On May 21, 2006, Vice-President Edward McMillan-Scott, MEP of the European Council, met with practitioner Mr. Cao Dong in China. Shortly after, Mr. Cao Dong disappeared. Rumors are that authorities arrested him. At 6:00 p.m. on May 26, five male and one female plainclothes police officer, and a woman from the local neighborhood center broke into and ransacked Cao Dong's home. They also arrested practitioner Mr. Gao Feng, who was at Mr. Cao's place at the time. Below is an account of how Mr. Gao was illegally arrested and secretly detained.

    1. Mr. Cao Dong's Home Illegally Ransacked

    On May 26, at approximately 6:00 p.m., five male and one female plainclothes police officer and a woman from the local neighborhood center broke into and ransacked Mr. Cao's home - Room 704, Unit 3, Baozhuzi Alley, Zhaojialou, Beijing. Without presenting a warrant, they ransacked the home and forced practitioner Gao Feng to squat in a corner of the room.

    They confiscated Falun Gong books, Teacher's new articles, truth clarification materials, a copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, two removable hard disks, one MP3 player, Mr. Cao Dong's identification, photos, receipts, two containers full of blank CDs, his wedding pictures, rolls of films, and more. They also body searched Gao Feng, and confiscated his MP3 player, a radio, identification card, address book, 2,000 yuan, and keys. They even took off Mr. Gao's shoes and his belt. The woman from the neighborhood committee fingerprinted the inventory list. The woman asked for a copy, but the leader of the group refused her request.

    While the others were searching the place, the leader of the group interrogated Mr. Gao, using various tactics. He asked about his relationship with Mr. Cao, how they knew each other, about his previous sentencing, where the Falun Gong materials came from, why he came to Beijing, on which train, how he and Mr. Cao Dong keep in touch, what they do when they see each other and if they talk about things that happened in prison, and what they think of Falun Gong now. He also asked if Mr. Gao knew Yang Xiaojing and what she was up to, and what Mr. Cao said to him before he left. He also told Mr. Gao that Mr. Cao was in serious trouble, and was especially interested in finding out if he knew any overseas practitioners, and practitioners Cao Kai, Wang Zhigang, Wang Zhiqiang, or Yang Moufang. He threatened Gao Feng that since they had found a copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, he could be sentenced to four years in prison. And since he had been arrested several times before, he would be sentenced to a longer than normal term. He wanted to know, since Mr. Gao had once written the three "guarantee statements," why he had not learned his lesson. He even tried to force Mr. Gao to slander Falun Gong, so he could be sure that Mr. Gao had been "transformed."

    Instead of following their unreasonable demands, Mr. Gao told them that Falun Gong improves people's health and moral character. Then he refuted what the evil party media had published about Falun Gong.

    The people searched the place for two hours, and took a lot of pictures. In the end, they forced Mr. Gao Feng to sign and fingerprint a "Subpoena Notification" and arrested him.

    2. Taken to an Unknown Place

    When Mr. Gao walked out of the Mr. Cao's home, the officials surrounded him and forbade him from shouting. He was also not allowed to look over his shoulder. One of the officers forced him to lower his head, took away his eyeglasses and ordered him to close his eyes, all the way to the police van.

    After about an hour, they arrived at a place surrounded by high walls and electric wires. One could see armed police changing guards frequently and hear military training nearby and the barking of dogs. There seemed to be an airport nearby, as on the May 29 and 30, airplanes were heard taking off every five or six minutes, as if some cargo was being taken away quickly. At other times, the noise of airplanes was heard infrequently.

    3. Secret National Security Bureau Base (May 26 - May 31)

    Mr. Gao Feng was taken for interrogation to a room which held three beds and a washroom. He was shackled to the chair in the outer room. This was Room 103, where people wore plainclothes and did not address each other by names. A young man with glasses was called Chen, and a tall person with a tanned face was called Zhao. Mr. Gao overheard this when they were whispering in the hallway. When Mr. Gao asked for their names, they refused to answer and changed the subject.

    Mr. Gao immediately went on a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention and persecution. Eight males and one female interrogated him around the clock. At first, he was not allowed to sleep. As soon as he dozed off, he was ordered to stand up. He was then allowed to sleep until dawn of May 28. He had only had slept four times, and only for a brief period, during the past days.

    On the evening of May 29, a nurse came to check on Mr. Gao. Afterwards, she whispered in the hallway about taking him to Tianjianju (Tiantanhe) for forced feeding. Four people were in the car with him. They forbade him from opening his eyes, and covered his face with a big hat. On the road they shouted at him constantly to do exactly as they said or they would shackle him. They used Gao Feng's money to buy salt, sugar, milk, and sesame paste. One of them said to him, "You can be assured that this is not poison." After about an hour, they arrived at a secluded hospital. He could only see a few people. Two nurses, two male doctors and four national security guards held his arm. The female nurse was very brutal. She forced the tube into him without lubricating it. The tube became stuck halfway down. She pulled it out and pushed it roughly down to the stomach again.

    Mr. Gao Feng felt dizzy, sick and his stomach was in pain. He was sweating profusely. At first, they could not get the liquid into him. Then they diluted it further and used two injectors to force-feed him. Mr. Gao Feng felt very uncomfortable after being force fed. He was sweating profusely and almost died. After over an hour of torture, they relented. They said, "Didn't we tell you that it would feel like hell? It would be better if you eat on your own. We are trying to protect your life for humanitarian reasons. We cannot let you die of hunger. We did not want to do it. But we have no choice."

    4. Intimidation and Temptations Used Simultaneously

    Chen, the young man, was the most vicious. He used different tortures to intimidate people. He used torture methods on their face, mouth, fingers and he also kicked the practitioners. He did not allow Gao Feng to stretch or cross his legs, and deprived him of sleep. As soon as Gao Feng fell asleep, he forced him to stand up. They used all kinds of tactics, trying to tempt or intimidate practitioners. Every time the sound of armed police pulling the rifle bolt was heard, he would say, "Did you hear that? High walls, electrified wire, guns, they are not here for nothing. You'd better think about it. As long as you tell us everything and explain to us about the people whose names are in your address book, you can go home." He repeated this fifteen times during the few days there. Then, he would say, "Do you know who is locked in there? They are gang members, murderers, and very wicked prisoners. If we lock you up with them, you may get beaten up and lose a leg or arm. You may not able to see your parents again. You are decent looking, therefore someone may take a liking to you and rape you. Isn't this all about the address book? Do not take any responsibility for Cao Dong. Just explain everything about these people to us."

    Another person looked as if he was the leader of the group. He was in charge of filling out forms. He told Gao Feng to stand up and listen to him in respect for the law. He mentioned that in the end they would send him home and put him under "house arrest." He also said that they would take one step at a time in treating him. He yelled at practitioners, and forced Mr. Gao to stand for two hours. When Gao Feng spoke of the principle of karmic retribution, he became furious and stopped Gao Feng from speaking. He threatened Mr. Gao that the books and materials found at Cao Dong's home could be said to have belonged to him, and that even though he refused to sign their documents, they could still convict him. Gao Feng replied, "What you said does not count. I do not acknowledge what you have done." The interrogator got very angry, "Stop saying the word 'acknowledge.' You should know better. You decided that you would not eat or drink, and we didn't make you. We offered you water and food. You decided not to eat. You are asking for trouble. We have to force-feed you. I know it feels horrible, but we have no choice."

    A number of people came to tell him about the regulations of the place. When Gao Feng slept, they shackled one of his arms to the chair. There were two double beds in the other room. The curtains were drawn most of the time. Occasionally they were opened, but then shut right away, as if they were afraid that Gao Feng may see what was inside. They also talked about keeping blades and other items from sight. It seemed that the man had just come from interrogating Mr. Cao Dong. Gao Feng also overheard that two "patients" had been sent to the hospital.

    5. Cao Dong Very Close By

    On May 31 at noon, two police officers, Zhao Hui and Zhao Genxi, from Anning District Police Department, Lanzhou City came to conduct the interrogation. Zhao Hui was one of those responsible for taking Gao Feng to Gongjiawan Brainwashing Center, from the Lanzhou Prison when his term was up. (Xia, Long, and Cui from the local 610 Office were others who were responsible for the aforementioned persecution of Gao Feng.) Zhao Genxi's interrogation techniques of Mr. Gao were very vicious. Gao Feng refused to answer. He still kept taking notes and tried to force Gao Feng to sign. Zhao Hui was present and took part in the persecution of Mr. Gao. They asked whether or not Gao Feng was still practicing Falun Gong and what he thought of Falun Gong. Mr. Gao said, "You don't have to ask any more of these questions. Don't try to trick me. I will not sign anything. I do not acknowledge all this."

    At 3:00 p.m. in the afternoon, Gao Feng was handcuffed and a hat put on him, and he was driven away by Chen Moumou and another man. When they left, Gao Feng heard them saying something about taking Cao Dong's clothes to Cao. It suggested that he was also jailed nearby.

    Mr. Gao Feng was taken to the seventh compartment of a sleeping car in the No. 75 train. On the train, his right wrist was handcuffed to the bed, and when he slept, one of his feet was shackled to the bed and covered with a jacket so no one could see. They half-heartedly offered Gao Feng something to eat and drink, but he refused. When the train attendant saw Mr. Gao's pale gums, he asked if he was vitamin C deficient. Gao Feng showed them the handcuffs and told them that he had not drunk and eaten for 5-6 days. He also told them the truth about Falun Gong. People nearby were listening and the plainclothes police did not say anything.

    6. Mr. Gao Feng Forced to Become Homeless

    On June 1, in the afternoon, they arrived in Lanzhou City. Han, from the National Security Group of Anning City, was waiting in the police van. He was swearing all the time, cursing Teacher, Falun Gong, and the practitioner. As soon as they arrived on the third floor of the police station, Gao Feng was forced to sit on the tiger bench. Han said to him, "You Falun Gong people are all the same, you refuse to eat, drink or sign. Let me give you some medicine. Haven't you "transformed?' Why did you talk to the National Security Bureau people about Falun Gong? Those high above all know. Did you get us into trouble? What did you go to Beijing for?"

    After a while, Xia the party secretary from the Anning 610 Office came and moved the tiger bench, leaving him and Gao Feng alone. Xia offered Mr. Gao some water, but he refused and said that he would drink after he was released. This person was instrumental in sending Gao Feng to the brainwashing center last time. In the end, Han forced Gao Feng's sister to sign the papers, withheld 2,000 yuan, his identification card, MP3 player and a radio, and refused to give a receipt. They also demanded 1,000 yuan from his sister and called it "a warning." Han also threatened that if "anything else happened" they would take Mr. Gao's hometown residency permit, keep him at the "station" for six months, and fine him 12,000 yuan.

    Gao Feng is now homeless.

    Five Falun Gong Practitioners Framed by Xiangyang District Court Severely Tortured

    On June 13, 2006, the Xiangyang District Court in Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province, illegally tried five Falun Gong practitioners for remaining firm in practicing "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance." The practitioners are Ms. Liu Liping (from Daqing City), Mr. Shang Xiping (from Huanan City), Mr. Yang Yongying, Ms. Hu Guijie and Ms. Zhao Guiyou. While detained in the First Detention Center in Hegang City, the five practitioners were cruelly and inhumanely tortured by Xiangyang District Police Department.

    Ms. Liu Liping was forced by Chang Qizhi and his cohorts from Xiangyang District Police Department to suffer the iron chair torture. She was handcuffed with her arms behind her back and her feet were beaten violently with a bamboo stick. She fainted several times due to the brutal torture. During the court proceedings, Ms. Liu Liping tried to expose these inhuman acts, but was stopped by the judge.

    Mr. Yang Yongying showed the court the scars on his shoulders. There was no doubt that the scars were caused from being tortured during interrogation. Although it had been almost a year, and many of the wounds had already healed, the scars were still visible. This is a clear sign of the severity of the persecution.

    Mr. Shang Xiping was interrupted many times during the court hearing by the police and others while he was trying to present the facts about being tortured during the interrogation. His knee-cap was severely injured, and he was unable to walk for three months. The depraved policemen who participated in the persecution were afraid that they would be have to bear responsibility for Shang Xiping's disability. On May 26, 2006, they took him to a hospital in Hegang City for an X-ray. The X-ray showed that his knee-cap was injured.

    Ms. Hu Guijie used to be healthy, but now she is disabled and cannot walk normally. Her illnesses became worse because of the torture. Her high blood pressure was 260-270, and her low blood pressure was 150-160. The prison doctor monitored Ms. Hu's condition every day, as he did not want to be responsible for her condition.

    Ms. Zhao Guiyou did not say a word during the entire court proceedings. She had no facial expression and responded slowly. Those who were present at the court were concerned that she could not speak normally. One can tell from the expression in her eyes that she was seriously persecuted.

    A Summary of the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Changshou District, Chongqing

    Falun Gong practitioners who died as a result of torture:

    Ms. Peng Chunrong was a 36-year-old farm worker in Duzhou Town. Huang Zhengqiao, the CCP secretary, Cheng Yi, the town head, Tang Xianming and other lawless officials illegally arrested her and sent her to Duzhou Town Brainwashing Class. She died as a result of torture four months later.

    Ms. Gao Shumei, 62 years old, was illegally detained in the Chuanwei Factory for one month. She passed away in 2005.

    Ms. Yu Xianmei went to Beijing to appeal in 2000. She was arrested and sent to the Chongqing City Liaison Office in Beijing where she fell from a building and died.

    Ms. Zhang Sufang, 54 years old, was a farm worker in Qingfeng Village, Gelan. She was arrested and detained in June 2000 and later sent to the Chongqing City Women's Forced Labor Camp. She was abused and mistreated until she was on the brink of death. Ms. Zhang was sent home in August 2001 and passed away from numerous physical injuries.

    Mr. Zhang Haiming, about 70 years of age, was a retired forest worker in Heilongjiang Province. He passed away in December 2005.

    Falun Gong practitioners whose whereabouts are unknown due to persecution:

    Mr. Wang Yong, 28 years old, worked at a petroleum bureau. He was persecuted for a long time and disappeared. His current whereabouts are unknown.

    Mr. Qin Wenbin, 29 years old, worked at the Chuanwei Factory. He was detained for one month and then left home to avoid further persecution.

    Mr. Zhang Hetang was a farm worker in Dalinwan, Hexing. He disappeared after he went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong.

    Falun Gong practitioners illegally sentenced to forced labor and labor reeducation:

    Mr. Cheng Yiquan, 47 years old, worked at Chuanwei Factory. He was sentenced to two years of forced labor.

    Mr. Cheng Huatang, 63 years old, was a peasant in Duzhou Town. He was sentenced to one year in prison in October 2000 and was twice extorted out of "fine" money.

    Mr. Bai Jun, 30 years old, was a Ph.D. student at Chongqing University. He was sentenced to three years of forced labor.

    Ms. Zhang Siyu, 62 years old, was a retired worker from Chuanwei Factory. He was sentenced to four years of labor reeducation.

    Mr. Zhao Zhirong, 59 years old, worked at the Chuanwei Factory. He was detained twice and sentenced to three years of labor reeducation.

    Ms. Yu Banglian, 43 years old, was a teacher at the No. 2 Changshou Middle School. Her home was ransacked in 2005, and her computer and other belongings were taken. She was sent to a labor camp.

    Ms. Wang Gaizhi, 54 years old, worked at the Chuanwei Factory. Her home was ransacked on June 30, 2005. Her computer(s), printer(s) and other belongings were taken, and she was sentenced to one year of forced labor.

    Ms. Zhao Hongxiu, 48 years old, worked at the Chuanwei Factory. She was twice sentenced to two years of forced labor.

    Ms. Yang Daqun, 62 years old, is a retired worker from Chuanwei Factory. She was sentenced to two years of forced labor.

    Ms. Tang Guoqin, 46 years old, worked at the Chuanwei Factory. She was twice sentenced to two years of forced labor.

    Ms. Wang Jinshu, 59 years old, is a retired worker from Chuanwei Factory. She was sentenced to two years of forced labor.

    Ms. Huang Zhonglin, 59 years old, worked at the Chuanwei Factory. She was twice sentenced to two years of forced labor and was fined 5,000 yuan.

    Mr. Chen Zongyun, 54 years old, was a farm worker in Taiping County. His home was ransacked twice; he was held in a brainwashing center for one month, illegally detained for one month and held in a labor camp for 18 months.

    Ms. Li Lianhui, 38 years old, was detained for two months and held in a labor camp for two years.

    Ms. Huo Yuanli, 66 years old, is a retired teacher. She was sentenced to two years of forced labor.

    Ms. Zhou Hualan, 56 years old, is a retired teacher. She was detained twice and held in a labor camp for three years.

    Ms. Huang Shuhua, 58 years old, lived in Fengcheng Town. She was detained for three months and then sentenced to two years of forced labor.

    Ms. Wang Min, 42 years old, lived in Fengcheng Town. She was detained for one month and placed under home surveillance for one year.

    Ms. Chen Xiaohui, 34 years old, was subjected to brainwashing and sentenced to one year in prison.

    Ms. Zhang Huilan, 55 years old, was a teacher at a school affiliated with the Shizitan Electric Plant in Changshou. Her home was ransacked. She was detained, subjected to brainwashing and extorted for 5,000 yuan in the guise of a fine. Ms. Zhang was also held in a labor camp for one year and later in a mental hospital. She suffered a nervous breakdown from the persecution.

    Ms. Zhang Sufang, 55 years old, is a retired worker from the Shizitan Electric Plant in Changshou. Her home was ransacked and she was sentenced to one year of forced labor.

    Ms. Liao Shulan, 58 years old, lived in Shengtian Village, Duzhou. She was detained for four months and held in a labor camp for one year.

    Mr. Chen Zhongwen, 62 years old, is a farm worker in Xianhua Village, Sanping Township, Duzhou. His home was ransacked twice. He was held in a brainwashing center for one month and a labor camp for 18 months.

    Ms. Huang Zhenglan, 40 years old, is a farm worker in Bake Township, Duzhou. She was detained twice in December 1999 and was sentenced to four years in prison in 2000. She was sent to a labor camp in July 2005.

    Ms. Kong Fanhui, 54 years old, is a peasant in Duzhou Town. She went to Beijing twice in October 1999 to appeal for Falun Gong. She was extorted for 5,000 yuan and held in a labor camp for two years. After she left the labor camp, Changshou District 610 Office agents held Ms. Kong at the district Party school and at the Duzhou Town Court Brainwashing Center for two years.

    Mr. Li Chunyuan, 56 years old, lived in Duzhou Town. He is a doctor and representative at the People's Congress. He was held at the Xishanping Labor Camp for two years where he was brutally tortured. He sustained some broken ribs from the beatings. After his release, Changshou District 610 Office agents held Mr. Li at a Party school brainwashing center for a long time. After he went home, the agents sent people to watch him at his home and to harass him.

    Mr. Cheng Jianbo, 37 years old, lived in Group 5, Duzhou Village. He was sentenced to one year of forced labor in August 2000. He was sentenced to three years in prison in August 2002, and four-and-a-half years in prison in July 2005.

    Mr. Zhang Quanmin, 40 years old, lived in Huiqiao Village, Duzhou. He was sentenced to 18 months of forced labor in October 2000, and another 18 months of forced labor in 2004. He was also extorted out of money in the guise of fines.

    Mr. Yang Dingchan, 44 years old, lived in Group 5, Duzhou Village. He was sentenced to one year of forced labor in October 2000 and was extorted for money.

    Ms. Zhang Xiuyun, 46 years old, lived in Jinjia Village, Gelan. She was detained twice, arrested on September 28, 2005, and sent to the Chongqing Women's Forced Labor Camp to be held for one year.

    Ms. Chen Xiaohui, 45 years old, worked at the Chongqing Ferroalloy Factory in Chongqing. Her home was ransacked twice. She was detained for one year and held in a labor camp for one year.

    Ms. Wu Suhui, 44 years old, is an employee from the Food Bureau in Changshou City. Ms. Wu was sentenced to four years in prison.

    Ms. Chen Yonghe, 30 years old, graduated from the Institute of Chemical Technology. He was twice sentenced to three years in prison. She was held at the Deyang Prison in Sichuan Province and at the Dongyin Prison in Dianjiang, Chongqing. Officers from the Changshou Police Department broke her left leg when beating her while arresting her.

    Mr. Liu Weizhong, 40 years old, worked at the Shizitan Electricity Plant in Changshou. He was fired and sentenced to two years of forced labor.

    Ms. Feng Ping, 39 years old, worked at the Changshou Chemical Plant Hospital. She was fired and twice sentenced to two years of forced labor.

    Ms. Wang Qin, 32 years old, worked at the Changshou District branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank. She was detained for 15 days and held in a labor camp for two years.

    Ms. Gao Yunxia, 40 years old, worked at the Changshou Crop Bureau. She was detained twice, has 5,000 yuan extorted and was sentenced to five years in prison.

    Ms. Zhou Bijun, 36 years old, worked at the Changshou Chemical Plant. She was detained twice, extorted out of 5,000 yuan and sentenced to four years in prison.

    Ms. Yu Xiurong, 38 years old, lived in Fengcheng Town. She was twice detained, had 5,000 yuan extorted from her and was sentenced to four years in prison.

    Ms. Liu Xuelian, 58 years old, lived in Fengcheng Town. She was sentenced to three years in prison.

    Ms. Gao Yunqing, 60 years old, lived in Fengcheng Town. She was sentenced to two years of forced labor.

    Ms. Ye Jinhua, 57 years old, worked at the Coal & Building Materials Co. She was held in a labor camp for one year and extorted out of 5,000 yuan.

    Ms. Yin Shuqin, 62 years old, worked at the Chongqing Ferroalloy Factory. She was sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison.

    Mr. Li Benran was held in a labor camp for one year and subsequently monitored for a long time.

    Mr. Gao Xiaobo, 37 years old, worked at the Changshou Car Repair Factory. His home was ransacked. He was detained for 60 days and held at a labor camp for 19 months.

    Mr. Xiang Ruiqiao, 40 years old, lived in Huanglian Village in Duzhou Town. His home was ransacked twice. He was detained twice and held at a labor camp for one year.

    Falun Gong practitioners not named above who were detained, had money extorted from them in the form of fines, had their homes ransacked and were subjected to brainwashing:

    Ms. Xu Fengrong, 31 years old, was a farm worker in Gelan. She was detained for 45 days and then sent to a brainwashing center.

    Ms. Huang Xueming worked at the Changshou Mechanical Factory. She was illegally detained for 30 days and held at a brainwashing center for two months. The lawless officials took 5,000 yuan from her.

    Mr. Zhou Haijian, 49 years old, is a farm worker in Longhe Village. He was detained for 30 days.

    Ms. Zhang Shanghua, 56 years old, is a farm worker in Shengtian Village in Duzhou. She was detained for 60 days and extorted for 5,000 yuan.

    Mr. Li Benji was extorted out of 5,000 yuan.

    Mr. Wang Maosheng was extorted out of 5,000 yuan.

    Ms. Xiang Sumei, 64 years old, worked at the Changshou Light Industry Bureau. She was detained for 15 days and twice extorted for money.

    Ms. Li Sufang, 63 years old, lived in Group 10 at Duzhou Village. She was detained twice.

    Mr. Deng Zhongcheng lived in Yandong Village, Gelan. He was detained once.

    Mr. Liu Chunwen lived in Yandong Village, Gelan, and was detained for 45 days.

    Ms. Zhang Li, 36 years old, lived in Group 5, Duzhou Village. She was detained for three days.

    Mr. Wang Shanyu, 53 years old, was a teacher at Shuanglong Middle School in Changshou. Following his release from detention, he was sent to work in the boiler room at an elementary school.

    Ms. Wang Xiulan, 46 years old, lived in Shuanglong Township. She was detained for one month.

    Mr. Lei Dengcai, in his 60s, is a retired worker from the Chuanwei Factory. He was arrested many times and sent to a brainwashing class.

    Ms. Zheng Youmei, 57 years old, is a retired worker from Chuanwei Factory. She was detained twice.

    Mr. Chen Zhiyuan, 30 years old, works at Chuanwei Factory. He was detained for one month.

    Mr. Zheng Yueliang, 64 years old, is a retired worker from Chuanwei Factory. He was detained for one month.

    Ms. Zhao Xuemei, 49 years old, works at the Chuanwei Factory. She was detained for one month.

    Ms. Tao Chunhua, 61 years old, lived in Yujiawan, Fengcheng Town. She was detained for one month and held in a brainwashing center for two months.

    Ms. Liu Qing, 50 years old, lived in Yujiawan, Fengcheng Town. She was held in a brainwashing center for three months.

    Ms. Gao Yang, 28 years old, is an official at the Changshou District Trade Union. She was detained twice and extorted out of 5,000 yuan.

    Mr. Yu Guanghe, 74 years old, is a retired worker from a medicine company. He was held at a brainwashing center for more than one month.

    Ms. Che Guohua, 58 years old, was detained for two months and held in a brainwashing center for more than two months.

    Ms. Su Xiaolin, 27 years old, works at the district crop bureau. She was detained for two months and held in a brainwashing center for more than three months.

    Ms. Yu Xianglan, 30 years old, lives in Fengcheng Town. She was detained once.

    Ms. Zhang Feng, 28 years old, was detained for one month and held in a brainwashing center for two months.

    Ms. Wang Minghui, 58 years old, is a retired worker from the Chongqing Ferroalloy Factory. She was detained for one month and held in a brainwashing center for three months.

    Mr. Xiong Jun, 40 years old, was detained for one month and extorted out of 10,000 yuan.

    Ms. Ran Congju, 64 years old, had her home ransacked.

    Mr. He Fawen, 40 years old, was detained for 15 days.

    Ms. Li Shufang was extorted out of 5,000 yuan.

    Ms. Wang Yan was detained for one month and extorted for 5,000 yuan.

    Ms. Gao Shuqing was detained for one month and extorted out of 5,000 yuan.

    Mr. Wang Yong, 28 years old, is a farm worker in Group 7 at Duzhou Village. He was taken to a brainwashing center and held there for six months.

    Ms. Zhang Derong, 36 years old, is a farm worker in Huiqiao Village, Duzhou. She was held in a brainwashing center for three months.

    Mr. Huang Zexun, 54 years old, lives in Duzhou Town. His home was ransacked three times and he was detained for nine months. He was sentenced to three years in prison, but served his sentence outside of prison.

    Mr. Jiang Heqing, 57 years old, a farm worker from Shengtian Village, Duzhou, was detained for three months.

    Mr. Peng Chaojun, 60 years old, is a farm worker in Xianhua Village, Sanping Township, Duzhou. He was detained for one month and held in a brainwashing center for one month.

    Ms. Peng Lirong, 34 years old, is a farm worker in Sanping Township, Duzhou. She was held at the Changshou County Party School Brainwashing Class for more than one year.

    Mr. Zhu Bohe is a farm worker from Qian Village, Gelan. He was detained once.

    Ms. Luo Shuhua is a farm worker in Qinanqiao Village, Tiantai Township. She was held in a brainwashing center for more than 40 days.

    Mr. Chen Mingju is a teacher at Gelan Middle School. He was detained for seven days.

    Mr. Wang Peisheng, 64 years old, from Luowei Village, was detained for three months.

    Ms. Jie Sulan, 48 years old, works at Shuanglong Middle School and was detained for one month.

    Ms. Yu Shuqing, 65 years old, is a retired teacher from the No. 2 Changshou Middle School. Her home was ransacked, she was detained for 15 days and extorted out of 5,000 yuan.

    Ms. Chen Dingrong, 71 years old, a retired worker from the No. 7 Chongmian Factory, had her home ransacked. She was detained for 30 days and she was extorted for 5,000 yuan.

    Mr. Tian Zhikun, 72 years old, is a retired official from the Changshou District Marketing and Supply Cooperation and the former president of Changshou District Marketing and Supply Cooperation Trade Union. His home was ransacked. He was detained and held in a brainwashing center.

    Mr. Zhang Bensan, 54 years old, works at the Chuanwei Factory. His home was ransacked and he was detained for one month.

    Mr. Zhang Jihe, 56 years old, works at the Chuanwei Factory. His home was ransacked and he was detained.

    Mr. Xu Xingming, 61 years old, is a teacher at Gelan Middle School. His home was ransacked.

    Ms. Qiu Shaohua, 57 years old, from Xinshixiang Village, had her home ransacked. She was detained for one month and held at the Xinshi Brainwashing Center for four months.

    Mr. Zhang Qingming, 59 years old, from Xinshixiang Village, had her home ransacked. She was detained for one month and held at the Xinshi Brainwashing Center for four months.

    Ms. Xu Fengqun, 34 years old, from Gelan Town had her home ransacked.

    Mr. Liu Zhiming, 39 years old, from Jiaojia Town, disappeared after officers from the Duzhou Police Department arrested him in September 2005.

    Mr. He Boshu, 57 years old, from Xingfuhua Village, Duzhou Town, had his home ransacked twice and he was detained in a detention center for one month.

    Mr. Guo Yongan, 38 years old, from Sanhao Village, Duzhou Town, had his home ransacked twice and he was detained for one month.

    Mr. Yuan Boshou, 65 years old, is a retired worker from Duzhou Town Livestock Station. His home was ransacked twice and he was detained for one month.

    Mr. Zhang Zhongming, 32 years old, from Lingfeng Town, had his home ransacked twice. He was held in a detention center for one month and was later held in a district Party school for one month.

    Ms. Wei Hongzhao, 62 years old, from Lingfeng Town, had his home ransacked twice. He was held in a detention center for one month and was later held in a district Party school for over a year.

    Ms. Luo Zhimei, 55 years old, from Shuanglong Town, had her home ransacked twice and she was detained in a detention center for one month. He was later held in a district Party school for over a year.

    The following individuals, all from Taping Township, Duzhou Town, were incarcerated in a brainwashing center at the Taiping Township office for one month:

    Mr. Zhou Zhongliang, 56 years old, from Baofeng Village.

    Ms. Zhou Shuhua, 70 years old, from Shengli Village.

    Ms. Han Xiaoqun, 40 years old, from Xianhua Village. She suffered a nervous breakdown from the persecution.

    Ms. Xiang Fuxian, 60 years old, from Xianhua Village.

    Ms. Chen Xiaoqin, 40 years old, from Xianhua Village.

    Mr. Luo Sumei, 62 years old, from Xianhua Village.

    Mr. Ke Fude, 60 years old, from Xianhua Village.

    Practitioners who were held at other places:

    Ms. Che Yunqing, 58 years old, from Duzhou Village Duzhou Town, was held at the district Party school brainwashing center for one month.

    Ms. Guo Yunqing, 55 years old, was detained in the police department.

    Ms. Yang Hanying has been followed, watched and otherwise persecuted for a long time.

    Mr. Yin Jiaqing, Ms. Xiang Jinyu, Mr. Deng Chengen, Ms. Han Shurong, Ms. Li Benfang and other practitioners had their homes ransacked.

    Changshou District police officers in Chongqing:

    Wang Dailu: secretary of the Political and Judiciary Committee

    Police Department personnel: Wang Daocheng, Qiu Changliang, Xiang Quanlin, Zheng Suyun, Yang Shulin, Shi Maochi, Tao Jingzhong (died from retribution for his misdeeds)

    Duzhou Police Department personnel: Li Zheng, Huang Zhiyong, Che Kui, Su Luwei, Yuan Bibo, Zou Yong, Jiang Dayou, Li Benrong, Yang Jian

    Court: Zhao Rong, Zhao Zhixuan, Zhu Xingshu, Fu Xueying

    Duzhou Town Party Committee and Duzhou Town government: Tang Xianming, Cheng Yi, Ren Deyuan

    Letter to the Vice-President of the European Parliament Concerning the Participation of Volkswagen Group China in the Persecution of Falun Gong

    Mr. Edward McMillan-Scott MEP,
    Vice-President of the European Parliament
    Room 14E102, European Parliament
    Rue Wiertz
    1047 Brussels

    To the Honorable Edward McMillan-Scott, Vice-President of the European Parliament

    Your Excellency,

    First of all, I would like to express my sincere respect to you for your recent upright public comments on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s persecution against Falun Gong.

    As the family member of a persecuted Falun Gong practitioner employed by Volkswagen in China, I am writing to you in order to ask you to pay special attention to the disgraceful behavior of Volkswagen in participating in the CCP regime's persecution against Falun Gong, and ask you, as a politician of stature, to provide help to these persecuted people.

    Located in Changchun, Jilin Province, FAW-VW was established in 1991. With an annual output capacity of 660,000 cars and 360,000 engines, it is considered to be one of the most prosperous firms in the northeast region of China. According to the company's website, "out of more than 6,000 employees, no one in FAW-VW voluntarily leaves the company." But between 1999 and 2003, at least ten employees who practice Falun Gong were dismissed for refusing to give up their belief. The ten cases are as follows:

    Mr. Ren Yue-Qiang: Dismissed in the summer of 1999 for reading a Falun Gong book in his dormitory.

    Ms. Deng Hong, Ms. Tian Yan and Ms. Li Hai-Feng: Made a peaceful appeal in Beijing, and told the public about the facts regarding Falun Gong at Tiananmen Square in October 2000, but were arrested and sentenced to two years of forced labor. They were dismissed by FAW-VW in December 2000.

    Mr. Li Rong-Ze and Ms. Li Ming-Xia: For making an appeal in Beijing and distributing information about the facts of Falun Gong to the public, they were sentenced to three years of imprisonment. They were dismissed by FAW-VW in December 2000.

    Mr. Jiang Wan-Chen: Arrested for giving out information about the facts of Falun Gong to the public and sentenced to one year of forced labor; dismissed by FAW-VW.

    Mr. Wang Yong-Qing: Arrested for giving out information about the facts of Falun Gong to the public in the fall of 2001; he was sentenced to 4 years of imprisonment and dismissed by FAW-VW.

    Mr. Wang Jian and Mr. Jiang Long-Sheng: In March 2002, they were arrested at work and on the way back home from work, respectively. They were sentenced to three years of imprisonment and one and half years of forced labor, respectively. They were then dismissed whereupon by FAW-VW.

    FAW-VW has consistently denied the fact that the dismissals of the aforementioned employees were an immediate consequence of their practicing Falun Gong. They only told the families about dismissal decisions verbally and took precautions to do nothing in written form. They deliberately shirked their responsibility on those decisions.

    On December 19, 2003 and January 27, 2004, The Epoch Times reported on Shanghai Volkswagen's illegal treatment of job seekers in China. According to the article, the company refused to consider hiring job seekers if they were unwilling to sign a statement promising not to practice or support Falun Gong.

    Unfortunately, Volkswagen headquarters in Germany either have heard nothing of these scandals at the Volkswagen company in China or have kept silent deliberately. China is already Volkswagen's second largest market outside of Germany. Volkswagen's presence in China has grown steadily and it is predicted that 2007 sales in China will reach one million cars. The benefits for China letting in investment from Germany and other western nations, at the cost of sacrificing natural resources and providing cheap labor, were not only limited to bringing technology that would create social wealth for Chinese people, but more importantly, accelerating the Chinese democratization advancement and giving Chinese society a window to values the rest of the world holds dear, such as human rights. As the largest car manufacturer in Europe, Volkswagen should take on the moral responsibility of promoting universal values instead of bending to pressure from the Chinese authorities.

    During World War II, Volkswagen's production was switched to armaments. About 20,000 forced laborers, prisoners of war, and later, concentration camp prisoners, worked at the plants. In September 1998, in recognition of the above mentioned behaviors at that time, Volkswagen AG established a humanitarian fund on behalf of the laborers forced to work at Volkswagen during World War II. Furthermore, a memorial in remembrance of these forced laborers is currently being established in Wolfsburg, with contributions from present-day Volkswagen employees. It is a part of a sentiment often expressed among western nations following atrocities committed during World War II came to light: "Never Again," meaning that a state-sponsored genocide like the one committed against Jews should never be repeated. Sadly enough, we are witnessing similar things happening in China today.

    Your Excellency, as the first Western politician of stature to have met with persecuted Falun Gong practitioners in China and publicly exposed the persecution against them, your visit to China and your ensuing actions give the Chinese people hope for change in the foreseeable future. You spoke frankly to the international community about what you saw and commented in a straightforward manner on the inhumane, irrational, and monstrous nature of the CCP's tyranny, leaving no room for other officials to remain silent and for the giant corporations reaping benefits to pretend ignorance. It is also very important to let every European citizen know what kind of detestable things are happening in an influential European enterprise like Volkswagen in China.

    By reason of your prominent position and your honorable character, I ask you, for the sake of humanity and conscience, to pay attention to the facts of severe human rights abuses taking place in European companies in China. I hope you can:

    1. Urge the German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel to immediately stop Volkswagen China from participating in any form of persecution against employees who practice Falun Gong.

    2. Urge the CEO of Volkswagen Dr. Bernd Pischetsrieder, to investigate the persecution happening in Volkswagen China, look into the current living and health conditions of those dismissed Falun Gong-practicing employees, let them resume their employment and compensate them accordingly.

    3. Let German citizens know what Volkswagen is doing in China.

    4. Pay attention to an ongoing labor dispute lawsuit against FAW-VW brought by Ms. Li Hai-Feng.

    Thank you for everything you have done for the Chinese people.

    With great respect,

    The family member of a persecuted employee of FAW-VW
