Issued by Clearwisdom Net
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has persecuted Falun Gong for seven years. Facing the brutal persecution in China and the CCP's never-ending export of lies and slander to other counties, practitioners took exhibition boards to the streets during July 2005 to clarify the truth to the public and expose the CCP's inhumane persecution on a large scale.
![]() People are shocked learning about the organ harvesting atrocities |
![]() People learn more about Falun Gong after viewing the exhibition board |
1. Displaying Exhibition Boards outside Subway Stations and Supermarkets
To let more people hear about the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong in China, I always take an exhibition board along. At first, I only had a smaller sized board with a picture of Ms. Gao Rongrong's disfigured face from being electrified by electric batons for seven hours. Many people were shocked after seeing my board, because no one had ever taken such action in Singapore, and also because the persecution was so cruel.
At first, the managers at the subway did not allow me to enter the subway or display my exhibition board outside. They thought it was too political and anti-China, because my board displayed the words "Stop the CCP's Persecution of Falun Gong." They were also not sure if I needed a permit. I was once stopped at the entrance of a subway station by a manager. He thought I was promoting Falun Gong and asked me to cover my exhibition board before entering the station. I clarified the truth and told him that I was just passing through the subway station and not staying in it, so I was not using the subway station to promote Falun Gong. He took my contact information. After clarifying the truth for a while, we became friends.
Many people in Singapore are deeply polluted by CCP propaganda because it is frequently publicized by Singapore media. When I first displayed the exhibition board outside the subway station and supermarket, people would complain or ask the managers to call police. A supermarket manager told me, "I know the truth of Falun Gong, but I received complaints from other people and it's my duty to call the police." I said to him, "I understand this is your job. You can call the police and I will clarify the truth to them. And you will not be blamed by your boss." Since then, whenever I pass by this supermarket, I always display my exhibition board and clarify the truth to people. No one complains about me any more.
At crowded subway stations, we deal with many policemen. They take pictures of us and tell us to leave. We will clarify the truth and tell them that we just lean the exhibition board against the wall. We tell them that we do not block the traffic and that we do not force people to take the truth clarification materials. Then they will let us stay. Sometimes we will stay there for seven or eight hours. There were a lot of people on the Wujie Road during last Christmas and during the Parade earlier this year. The road was also blocked for the parade. A lot of people rode the subway. Over ten thousand people went through the Wujie Road subway station. We put the exhibition board on the street side and distributed materials. The police were patrolling on the street and would smile at us when seeing us. Another time we were clarifying the truth at the Navy Headquarters subway station. The policemen understood the truth but the subway station manager did not. He kept asking us to leave. We decided to leave. We feel bad that we have not had the opportunity to clarify the truth to him again.
2. Public Reaction When We Clarified the Truth at the Kuan Yin Temple and Other Places
The Singapore media reported much distorted news from the CCP over the past ten years. Many people, especially the elderly, are not aware that they have been polluted by CCP culture and have some communist thoughts. The Chinese there have a strong feeling for China, and equate the CCP with the country of China itself. Since the CCP began to persecute Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, Singapore's government controlled media reprinted many of the CCP's slanderous reports, defaming Falun Gong. That has caused many people to hold a strong bias and hatred against Falun Gong.
I remember that shortly after the persecution began, we distributed materials at subway stations. When people saw it was about Falun Gong, many of them threw the flyers into the trash can. The trash can quickly filled up. We did not want to cause extra work for the cleaners, so we removed the discarded materials. We were also very sad to find out that some people even burned, spit on or tore up our materials. Later, we delivered materials door to door. Since 2005, we decided to use exhibition board to clarify the truth to the public. It is very challenging to clarify truth to those people who are of different race, career and education, especially as some hate Falun Gong,
The Bugis Village Kuan Yin Temple is a place that we frequently visit. It has several dozen years of history. There are many shops surrounding it. It is also very easy to reach there. Therefore, the place attracts many Chinese and many street vendors, such as martial arts demonstrators, Chinese vendors and fortune tellers. Falun Gong practitioners put their exhibition board on the wooden fence next to the temple and a lot of people gathered around them immediately. Some were shocked by the brutal persecution, and some whose minds were poisoned by CCP propaganda reacted strongly. Any type of reaction may come from such a large diversified group. Some may verbally attack or insult us. Once there was a group that insulted us. Some other people thought they were going too far, then the two groups quarreled with each other and left quickly. Some practitioners were beaten, but they did not fight back. Instead, they kept clarifying truth to them. Policemen frequently stop by to ensure order.
The environment became better and better as Falun Gong practitioners continued to clarify the truth. The public began to wake up. But suddenly the police took the exhibition boards, claiming that they needed them for an investigation. Falun Gong practitioners would continue doing the exercises and clarify the truth. Sometimes the practitioners displayed other exhibition boards after the police took the first set.
We also go to Chinatown to display the exhibition boards and distribute truth-clarification materials. The minds of many Chinese people are poisoned by CCP lies. They harbor great bias and hatred against Falun Gong. Once a person took down our exhibition board and stepped on it. He kept scolding the practitioners and other people joined him too. Police came and asked them to leave. We can see that every person is touched by and reacts differently to the truth-clarification.
3. In front of the Chinese Embassy
We talked to the Commander of the Tanglin Police Divisional Headquarter before we went to the Chinese Embassy. He would not give a permit to the Singapore Falun Dafa Association, but he did not object me as an individual sitting in front of the Chinese embassy to protest the persecution of Falun Gong. Therefore, we go to the Chinese Embassy daily. The police know that we are outside the Embassy from 10 a.m. to noon daily. At first, police stopped by and talked with us. Gradually they came less and less. The cars and people that pass us can see our peaceful protest against the persecution, rain or shine.
The United Morning reported that Li Lanqing (former Chinese Vice Premier and Head of the 610 Office that was formed to persecute Falun Gong) was to visit Singapore on May 28, 2006. During that period, the police used many excuses, such as without display permit or without public entertainment permit, to take our banners away. Because they kept taking our banners, practitioners had to keep making banners. One rainy day after 12 p.m., practitioners packed the banners and were ready to leave. Plainclothes police were hiding nearby and seized the banners.
Regardless, we keep going to the Chinese Embassy. During the week when Li Lanqing visited Singapore, whenever we displayed a banner, policemen in plain clothes would come and ask us to fold it up. Sometimes they stayed there waiting for us. The police arrested us on July 12 and warned us not to go again to the Chinese Embassy. I went to the Chinese Embassy on July 20 again and was arrested. When the policemen took our exhibition boards away on May 28, they told us that they did not want to do this but they had to follow instructions from the top. We did not understand why their "top" leaders instructed them to take our exhibition boards. We just kept clarifying the truth to the policemen. After Li Lanqing's visit and a series of charges against Falun Gong practitioners and the expulsion of a Chinese Falun Gong practitioner from Singapore, we began to see what their "top" leaders were up to. Recently, their "top" leaders also instructed that no police station should accept materials about Falun Gong.
Despite all the tribulations, though, many people have come to understand the truth during our year long truth-clarification.
One person said, "I drive by the Chinese Embassy four times every day. My company is not far from it and I see you every day. It is not easy for you to do this. I know that the CCP is evil and I hope that the CCP collapse soon!"
Others said, "Every time when I am on patrol at the Chinese Embassy and see you, I feel very upset. I know what you are doing and I know what happens in China."
"I see Falun Gong practitioners in front of the Chinese Embassy. I want to quit the CCP." Chinese laborers quit the CCP and support Falun Gong practitioners.
A little girl asked, "Can I donate?" Many people wish to donate money to help Falun Gong practitioners, but Falun Gong does not accept money.
Some people said, "Falun Gong practitioners are saving China."
"Falun Dafa is good. I want to practice Falun Gong..."
More and more people whose minds were once poisoned by the CCP begin to understand Falun Gong now because of Falun Gong practitioners' continuous truth-clarification. Some support us and hope to stop the persecution. Practitioner Ms. Liu said, "We faced a lot of difficulties during this year. But, we are very delighted to see that people have begun to treat us nicer and give us support once they understand the truth. We hope more people understand the truth and stop this inhumane persecution."
To this day, this group of Falun Gong practitioners is prosecuted by the Singapore government. Chinese Falun Gong practitioners are bothered for no reason and some were repatriated to China. This is pitiful and inhumane. Singapore Falun Gong practitioners request the government to withdraw their charges against Falun Gong practitioners.