The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- August 29, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Torture Deaths of 2,932 Falun Gong Practitioners in the Past Seven Years Confirmed

  • An Appeal Letter from Wang Bo's Grandmother: Look for My Daughter, Liu Shuqin, and Her Family

  • Practitioner Mr. Liu Shijun Died as a Result of Being Tortured in Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province

  • Exposing the Jiangbei Brainwashing Center in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province

  • Over Sixty Male Falun Gong Practitioners Are Detained in Suihua City Forced Labor Camp

  • Mr. Xiao Zhiqiang, 60, Illegally Sentenced to Six Years' Imprisonment

  • Twenty-Three Falun Gong Practitioners Employed at the Shengli Oil Field Arrested in 2006

  • The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Li Yukun and Others in Zhucheng City, Shandong Province

  • Mr. Zhao Xiliang Still In Illegal Detention

  • Torture Deaths of 2,932 Falun Gong Practitioners in the Past Seven Years Confirmed

    The Chinese Communist Party and Jiang Zemin's regime have persecuted Falun Gong for seven years, ever since July 20, 1999. During this period, their policies of "ruin their [practitioners'] reputations, cut them off financially and destroy them physically," "beating them to death is nothing and will be counted as suicide," and "do not identify the body [of a practitioner who is tortured to death] and cremate it immediately" has resulted in huge numbers of Falun Gong practitioners who persist in their belief losing their jobs, being deprived of an education, being forced into exile, and having their families torn apart.

    The CCP and Jiang's regime has resorted to the most wicked and barbaric methods in the history of mankind to abuse Falun Gong practitioners, both physically and mentally. They use over 40 different methods of torture including long-term sleep deprivation; electric shocks to the mouth, chest, armpits, breasts, and private parts with multiple high-voltage electric batons; basement detention; water dungeon; handcuffing behind the back; hanging up by hands cuffed behind the back; the Tiger Bench; Stretching Bed; sexual assault; whipping with leather belts and copper wire; beating with steel bars, spiked rods, and bamboo sticks; force-feeding with pepper water, concentrated salt water, and human feces through industrial plastic tubes; and injection and forced ingestion of nerve-damaging drugs.

    In the past seven years, incidents of Falun Gong practitioners being disabled and killed through torture have occurred frequently in China. Despite a strict information blockade by the CCP, the torture deaths of 2,932 Falun Gong practitioners have still confirmed been through civil channels. Among these victims, 54.57% were female, 56.96% were over 50 years old, and an average of 34 practitioners died every month.

    The cases occurred throughout 31 provinces, cities and autonomous regions. Among them, 393 practitioners lived in Hebei Province, 359 in Heilongjiang Province, 353 in Liaoning Province, 346 in Jilin Province, 292 in Shandong Province, 175 in Sichuan Province, 144 in Hubei Province, 105 in Henan Province, 92 in Hunan Province, 80 in Beijing, 69 in Chongqing City, 67 in Guangdong Province, 53 in Neimenggu Autonomous Region, 48 in Gansu Province, 41 in Tianjin City, 41 in Jiangxi Province, 39 in Anhui Province, 39 in Guizhou Province, 24 in Jiangsu Province, 22 in Shanxi Province, 21 in Xinjiang Autonomous Region, 15 in Shanghai, 14 in Fujian Province, 14 in Yunnan Province, 12 in Guangxi Autonomous Region, 9 in Zhejiang Province, 5 in Qinghai Province, 4 in Hainan Province, 3 in Ningxia Autonomous Region, 1 in Tibet. The area of residence for the other 20 practitioners are yet to be verified.

    The violence against female Falun Gong practitioners is beyond description. According to the "Falun Gong Human Rights Report" by the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), few female practitioners were spared of the humiliation of being stripped naked, and sometimes this treatment was long-term. They were not allowed to use sanitary napkins during their menstrual period, they were sexually assaulted, raped or threatened with sexual violence, and their chest and private parts were direct targets of beating and kicking. Police and guards not only ordered inmates to persecute female practitioners, they also raped or gang-raped female practitioners, shocked their vaginas with electric batons, stabbed the inside of their vaginas with a hard toilet brush, striped them naked, and threw them into male cells. One female practitioner who barely escaped from a labor camp said, "The extent of the evil there is beyond imagination."

    The CCP widely uses nerve-damaging drugs to abuse Falun Gong practitioners. The WOIPFG and China Mental Health Watch jointly published an investigative report in May 2004 that points out the CCP's persecution of healthy, normal Falun Gong practitioners with psychiatric treatments. The report says mental hospitals in at least 100 provinces, cities, counties, and districts in China participated in this persecution, which directly resulted in the mental breakdown, disability, or death of several thousand practitioners. During the seven-year genocide against Falun Gong, the CCP's harvesting of living practitioners' organs represents "a grotesque form of to this planet." Yet this evil has been taking place consistently throughout China in the past several years.

    The Minghui/Clearwisdom website published reports on the CCP's stealing Falun Gong practitioners' organs on December 22, 2000. Three witnesses stepped forward in March 2006 and stated that harvesting of organs from living Falun Gong practitioners is taking place in CCP's concentration camps, prisons, labor camps, hospitals, and other places, and their bodies are subsequently cremated.

    On July 6, 2006, David Kilgour, the former Canadian Secretary of State in charge of Asia Pacific Affairs and a Member of the Canadian Parliament, along with David Matas, an international human rights lawyer, published the results of their independent investigation, "Report Into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China," which concludes that the allegations that the CCP is harvesting living Falun Gong practitioners' organs are true, and they also called it "a grotesque form of to this planet."

    Taking into consideration this newly exposed crime, the actual number of Falun Gong practitioners killed by the Communist regime far exceeds 2,932.

    The torture deaths of another 16 Falun Gong practitioners were verified in July 2006. Among them, seven were women; eight were over 50 years old; twelve died between January and July 2006, and six died in July 2006. The victims lived in six provinces and cities. Two practitioners lived in Liaoning Province, two in Sichuan Province, two in Neimenggu Autonomous Region, two in Beijing and two in Chongqing City. One practitioner lived in Heilongjiang Province, one in Hubei Province, one in Shandong Province, one in Guangdong Province, one in Hunan Province, and one in Tianjin City.

    According to statistics published on the Minghui/Clearwisdom website, at least 92 torture deaths of Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China were verified between January and July 2006.

    Ms. Gao Huifang from Sichuan Province Arrested on June 29, 2006, and Murdered on the Same Day

    Ms. Gao Huifang, 48 years old, lived in Longchang County, Neijiang City, Sichuan Province. She was reported on the morning of June 29, 2006, when she was clarifying the truth near Lishi Town Train Station in Longchang County. Police from the Longchang County Police Department arrested her. She was killed later that same day. At present, Mr. Yu Ziming, a practitioner and the only one who knows the truth about Ms. Gao's death, is being held in police custody and could be killed at any time. Officials from Longchang County Police Department said that it is impossible for them to let Mr. Yu leave alive.

    Longchang County police agents claimed that Ms. Gao Huifang had jumped off a building and died. When her family questioned the cause of her death, the policeman on duty dared not meet with the family. When he later did meet with the family, he was sweating profusely with anxiety. When the family requested an autopsy, the report said everything appeared normal, except that her hip bones were fractured. If she had fallen from a building and died, there should have been evidence of trauma, bruises, and internal bleeding, not merely hip fractures.

    On the day of Ms. Gao's cremation, Longchang County Police Department dispatched more than 20 vehicles to patrol the grounds. Martial law was enforced at the crematory for the whole day. The crematory workers said that they had never before seen anything like it.

    After the persecution of Falun Gong began, Ms. Gao Huifang was sent to a mental hospital three times and had been injected with nerve-damaging drugs. Her head and face became swollen and disfigured. Her family could not recognize her even up close. Ms. Gao was eventually sent to the Nanmusi Forced Labor Camp in Zizhong, Sichuan Province. Following her release she lived in exile for several months.

    Middle School Teacher Mr. Sun Peichen in Heilongjiang Province Released on Brink of Death; Passed Away 20 Days Later

    Mr. Sun Peichen, 47, was a teacher at Yinglan Middle School, Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province. He refused to give up Falun Gong, so the Communist regime repeatedly persecuted him. He was tortured to the brink of death at the Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp, was sent home on June 7, 2006, and died 26 days later, on July 3, 2006. The following are the details of his story.

    Mr. Sun had previously been held under administrative detention for 15 days because he refused to give up his belief. He was detained again on January 16, 2000, for 100 days.

    The police arrested Mr. Sun on May 21, 2001, at work. He was held at the Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp for a year. The conditions were very bad. His whole body developed scabies due to the damp environment, and he could not stand up or take care of himself. He went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution and was barbarically force-fed. He was savagely tortured many times.

    Mr. Sun was arrested again on May 26, 2004. Participating in the arrest were Jia Lin, Qiao Lijun, and others from Dalianhe Town Police Station. He was taken from Hongxing Village to Dalianhe and then sent to Yilan Detention Center. Qiao Lijun beat him often on the way to the detention center. While Mr. Sun was detained there, Qiao Lijun reeked of liquor as he rushed into the prison cell three times and beat Mr. Sun, leaving him bleeding from his nose and mouth. His chest, abdomen, and head sustained serious injuries, and he lost consciousness many times. After not eating or drinking for 18 days, he was extremely weak but was still sent to the Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp for a three-year term. He was brutally beaten at that camp many times by group head Ji and inmate Dong Hebin.

    One of the methods they used to torture practitioners included "pushing" and "separating." "Pushing" is where someone sits on the practitioner's back and pulls his arms up behind his back as far as they will go, which makes the joints crack. "Separating" is pulling the legs in opposite directions as far as they will go.

    On Easter morning 2005, practitioners Mr. Sun Peichen, Li Qingrong, Zhang Fengtian, and Xu Guoxiang shouted loudly at the dining area, "Falun Dafa is good!" Zhao Shuang and other guards forcibly removed all of Mr. Sun's clothes. Zhao Shuang wrapped his hand in a plastic bag, grasped Mr. Sun's testicles, and crushed them. He then straddled Mr. Sun and tortured him with the "pushing" and "separating" method. Another guard shocked him with an electric baton. When the two became tired, they took a break and then shocked Mr. Sun's testicles and other sensitive body parts with electric baton(s) again. After that, Zhao Shuang continued to apply the "pushing" and "separating" torture to Mr. Sun until he (Zhao) was exhausted. The guards then forced the naked Mr. Sun to criticize himself in the workshop where other practitioners were working. Practitioner Mr. Song Guohua couldn't stand to watch the abuse any longer. He stood up and tried to stop it but was immediately dragged away. He was also stripped naked and repeatedly shocked with electric batons. After being tortured with "pushing" and "separating," one of his legs was severely injured.

    On April 12, 2005, guard Zhao Shuang and others again tortured Sun Peichen. They stripped him naked, shocked him continuously with electric batons, held him down on the ground, and violently dug their elbows into his chest and back. They also kicked his chest and back with the heels of their boots. They tortured him with "pushing" and "separating" and also pinched him and forced him to squat. They again crushed his testicles. Guard Zhao Shuang also wrapped Mr. Sun's penis in a bag. Zhao Shuang grabbed it and pulled Sun Peichen's whole body upwards by his penis.

    Guards at the Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp also forced Mr. Sun and other practitioners to do slave labor. The practitioners were permitted only two or three hours of sleep per night. The guards frequently used "resisting management" as an excuse to wantonly beat and verbally assault the practitioners, shock them with electric batons, or force them to sit in metal chairs. Zhao Shuang said, "It is alright, so long as we do not kill them. Even if we kill them, we just need to fill out a form and claim it was a 'natural death.' Besides, the labor camp has a death quota."

    The brutal persecution left Mr. Sun with a whole mouth of loose teeth, terrible chest pain, and difficulty breathing. He was painfully thin. He had become bedridden and barely able to breathe. The labor camp hastily sent him home on June 7, 2006. Mr. Sun Peichen died 26 days later on July 3, 2006.

    Mr. Liu Wenzhong from Neimenggu Had Money Extorted from Him and Was Tortured to Death

    Mr. Liu Wenzhong was 52 years old and owned a department store in the Songshan District of Chifeng City, Neimenggu. Mr. Liu started practicing Falun Gong in June 1999. He had suffered from hepatitis, cystitis, and kidney stones. The hospital could not treat him. All of his illnesses disappeared without any medical intervention three days after he started practicing Falun Gong.

    After the persecution began in July 1999, Liu Wenzhong persisted in reading Falun Gong books, doing the exercises and "clarifying the truth." Jia Aichen, head of the Songshan District 610 Office and officers from Songshan District Police Department and the National Security Group extorted money from him and illegally detained him many times.

    Officers from the Songshan District National Security Group and the local police station broke down the door and windows of Mr. Liu's store and arrested Mr. Liu, his wife, and two of his employees. They took them to the No. 1 Songshan Police Station and interrogated and tortured them for a whole night. They then held these four people in solitary confinement for a whole day. The following night they were sent to Yuanlin Road Detention Center. Liu Wenzhong's wife was released the day after the police extorted several thousand yuan from her.

    Mr. Liu's department store, valued at more than one million yuan, was forced to close, which resulted in a great economic loss (estimated at 800,000 yuan). This also affected many local people. More than 20 employees who worked at the store lost their jobs.

    Liu Wenzhong was sentenced to three years of forced labor and was sent to the Wuyuan Forced Labor Camp in Gubameng, Neimenggu. During his detention, the police extorted over 40,000 yuan from him. He was also forced to do intensive labor. Because he refused to "reform" he was beaten and subjected to tortures, including forced standing and solitary confinement. As a result, he was mentally traumatized and physically tormented.

    Mr. Liu was released from the labor camp on October 26, 2004. Before he even got home, however, he was arrested again by Chifeng City 610 Office agents and sent to a brainwashing center. After he was released, the police monitored and harassed him. He passed away on July 9, 2006.

    A call for conscience, a call for an end to the persecution

    Seven years have passed. Falun Gong practitioners were and still are being barbarically persecuted by the Communist regime simply for being good people and living by the principles of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. The persecution itself poses a challenge to human nature and conscience, and it's an insult to morality. It's a tremendous tragedy for the Chinese people as well as for mankind as a whole.

    During World War II, the German Nazis massacred Jews and used their bodies as raw materials to make various products in concentration camps. After the German concentration camps were exposed, the silence and hesitation of the international community allowed the crimes to continue for another two to three years, during which time another 2.5 million Jews were killed. After World War II, the international community vowed, "Never again."

    Sixty years later, the Communist regime has exceeded the Nazis in terms of brutality in its persecution against Falun Gong practitioners. What has made it possible for the Communist regime's crimes to exist? It is worthy of reflection and consideration on the part of each one of us that lives in this special historic era.

    During this most cruel and evil persecution of the past seven years, Falun Gong practitioners have persistently clarified the truth to the world with great compassion and tolerance. They have exposed the evil and called for conscience. They want to tell people: during this important historic period of the battle between righteousness and evil, each one of us can avoid danger and enter a bright future by supporting Truth-Compassion-Forbearance, by supporting the cause of innocent people, and by upholding justice. Let us together stop this " to this planet" with acts of courage, justice, and conscience.

    Chinese version available at

    An Appeal Letter from Wang Bo's Grandmother: Look for My Daughter, Liu Shuqin, and Her Family

    I am 86 years old. My daughter lives in the Tan'gu Residence Area in Shijiazhuang City. My daughter Liu Shuqin works at a bank. My son-in-law Wang Xinzhong works at the Shijiazhuang Railroad Bureau. My granddaughter Wang Bo just graduated from college. These three family members were recently arrested again by police because they practice Falun Gong. They have all been brutally beaten. Since 1999, they have not had a peaceful life. I cannot count how many times they have been arrested. By now, more than 20 days have passed but their whereabouts are still unknown.

    Not long ago, I heard that those who practiced Falun Gong were sent to a secluded place after they were arrested; they were injected with a kind of medicine which caused them to fall into a coma; their organs were taken out and sold to hospitals for making money; their bodies were thrown into a boiler stove and burnt; and their families did not get any information about them. It makes me so worried. I ask other members of my family to take me out to find my daughter and her family. I want to find them even if I have to risk my own life.

    Before my daughter's family started to practice Falun Gong, they all had poor health. My daughter and her husband often quarreled and used the arguments as a reason for divorce. They did not listen to our mediation. After practicing Falun Gong, the family lived in harmony and everyone had good health. My granddaughter was also enrolled in the Central Music College, an elite college in China. I felt very happy for them.

    However, such a peaceful life was only enjoyed for a couple of years. The police started to arrest Falun Gong practitioners. My daughter told me that the requirement of practicing Falun Gong is being a good person according to the principle of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance" and practicing Falun Gong has healing effects. How can the police treat those who practice Falun Gong as bad people and arrest them? Doesn't it turn right and wrong upside down? In my daughter's family, one was arrested one day and another was arrested another day. The persecution was endless. I worry about them every day.

    Now, it is worse. All three members of my daughter's family have been arrested. At the beginning, the police department admitted that they handled the case and arrested my daughter's family. They said I could talk to their chief for further information. But, in these last two days, they have denied the things they said before and claimed that my daughter's family were not there. In my daughter's family, there are three lives! Plus me, the total is four lives. Can it not be said that human life is at stake? Someone should handle this case, shouldn't they? And the police should inform the family after they arrest someone. More than 20 days have passed and they have not informed us. We went to the police department and asked for information, but they did not tell us the real situation. They kept changing their words. The police should not lie. They should be responsible when human lives are at stake. My daughter's family have disappeared, and we are very worried.

    My granddaughter, Wang Bo, was sent to various labor camps for three years just because she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. Her bright future was ruined. After my granddaughter was released, she looked very different. She was depressed and unhappy. She was not willing to see people. That bubbly, vibrant and lovely Wang Bo disappeared. At such a young age, she was arrested, interrogated, tortured and "transformed" forcibly. She suffered a lot. She was detained in several places and terribly upset. In labor camps, Wang Bo's mind collapsed a couple of times. One time, she attempted suicide by cutting her wrist. Fortunately, she was found in time.

    Everyone has parents and children. I ask the police, please do a good thing, show mercy to me, an 86-year-old woman, release Wang Bo and her parents and allow them to come home soon.

    Chinese version available at

    Practitioner Mr. Liu Shijun Died as a Result of Being Tortured in Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province

    Mr. Liu Shijun, born on January15, 1963, was a practitioner in Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province. He worked in the Seafood Department of Jixi City. He lived in the Power Plant Dormitory in the Jiguan District of Jixi City. His ID number was 230302196301155030. He graduated from Heilongjiang Province Seafood School, majoring in freshwater foods. He passed away on March 3, 2005. He was 42 years old.

    Mr. Liu Shijun

    In 1994, Mr. Liu Shijun suffered from cirrhosis of the liver. At that time, he was told that his condition was too serious to be treated and that he would die. Due to his illness, he had trouble even walking on his own.

    Mr. Liu started to practice Falun Gong in 1996. Several days after he started to practice Falun Gong, his health began to improve. His liver cirrhosis gradually healed after 15 days, and he became a healthy person again.

    On July 20, 1999, the persecution of Falun Gong started. Mr. Liu was detained in Dongfeng Police Station in the Jiguan District of Jixi City. In August, he went to Beijing in order to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong. Policemen illegally arrested and tortured him. They forcefully kicked him in the back, and he was in great pain. In September, policemen from Dongfeng Police Station went to Beijing to escort Mr. Liu and another practitioner, Zheng Wenguang, back to their housing quarters. Mr. Liu and the other practitioner were not allowed to wear a coat or winter pants. They came back wearing thin clothes and slippers. They were detained in the No.2 Detention Center in Jixi City for 81 days. During their detention, Liu Shijun experienced terrible pain in his liver and could not even stand up.

    In the detention center, policemen from the Jiguan District took Mr. Liu to a special disciplinary unit and forced him to do hard labor. For example, he had to dig a vegetable storage bunker, clean roofs, and clean pig sties. After his release, local policeman Han Junqiang, members of the Residential Committee, and managers at his workplace often harassed him by phone or went to his home and threatened him. This made it impossible for him and his family to lead a normal life.

    In the summer of 2000, Liu Shijun, his wife and their one-year-old daughter were forced to become homeless to avoid harassment. During this time when the family moved from place to place, he had to do various odd jobs in order to survive. However, he was reliable and respected by those who worked with him.

    On March 3, 2005, Mr.. Liu suddenly began throwing up blood. He passed away three days later on March 6.

    Recently, with the support of Mr. Liu's relatives, his daughter was able to go to school, but his wife and daughter are still struggling to survive.

    Chinese version available at

    Exposing the Jiangbei Brainwashing Center in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province

    It has been confirmed that the full address of Jiangbei Brainwashing Center is: Zhangyongjitun, Liming Village, Songbei District, Harbin.

    Although the brainwashing center set up by the city 610 Office appears decent from the outside, it is actually the site used to detain Falun Gong practitioners

    This brainwashing center was built with the hard-earned money collected from the general populace by the Chinese Communist Party. It is used to persecute practitioners who follow the principles of "Truth, Compassion, Tolerance." On June 12, 2006, Luo Gan, Zeng Qinghong, and other perpetrators came to Harbin. Since that time, the 610 Office in Harbin has escalated the torture against practitioners and held many brainwashing sessions. They take turns holding the brainwashing in different regions of the city. Each region assigns the task of arresting practitioners to street committees, which in turn assigns the task to local communities. The officials in the local communities then coordinate with security offices to plot the arrests of certain practitioners. They first deceive the practitioner, saying that he needs to come for a meeting. If he refuses, they will drag him to the Jiangbei brainwashing center.

    In the brainwashing center, practitioners are deprived of their freedom and human rights. Each practitioner is watched by one staff member from the community and another from the street committee. They eat and live in the same room as the practitioner. Each practitioner who is sent to the brainwashing center will cost his street committee 5,000 yuan. (The street committee gets money from the government, which collects taxes from the general populace. In other words, they take money from people to torture them.) Practitioners are forced to watch DVDs attacking Falun Gong and write an article afterward. The personnel from the city 610 Office or area 610 Office will have "conversations" with them in attempt to "transform" them. After writing that article, they also have to write the so-called three statements and materials denouncing Falun Gong. If the officials don't agree with the written materials, the brainwashing session is extended.

    The officials in this brainwashing center include:

    Song, male, over 50 years old, around 1.7 m (5 ft. 7 in.) tall. He is in charge of food and other aspects of daily living. He is affiliated with the 610 Office.

    Xu, male, over 30 years old, around 1.9 m (6 ft. 3 in.) tall, fair skinned and wears glasses. He is a high-ranking official. He is in charge of "transforming" practitioners. He is also affiliated with the 610 Office.

    Zhang Wei, male, over 40 years old, from the south. He speaks with a southern accent, is around 1.8 m (5 ft. 11 in.) tall, and is also a high-ranking official. He is in charge of transforming Falun Gong practitioners. He is affiliated with the Nangang area 610 Office.

    Others involved include a policeman that guards the gate and is in charge of measuring blood pressure in the morning and evening, a female nurse that takes pulses, and another woman that always accompanies the nurse and may be a secretary. Besides those individuals, there are others hired to cook and clean, etc. The thugs from the city and area 610 Offices willfully waste the hard-earned money collected from people. Every one of their meals is very elaborate with many dishes. Sometimes they even sing Karaoke during the meal. Judging from the brand new renovations and smell of the building interior, this brainwashing center was newly built, maybe last year. At present, no one is in the brainwashing center. Both gates are closed and only one old man guards the gate.

    Chinese version available at

    Over Sixty Male Falun Gong Practitioners Are Detained in Suihua City Forced Labor Camp

    In early 2006, more than 30 male Falun Gong practitioners were detained in Suihua City Forced Labor Camp. In early March, another thirty-plus practitioners were transferred from Qiqihar City, Hegang City and Daqing City Forced Labor Camps. At the moment over 60 male practitioners are detained here.

    Suihua City Forced Labor Camp strictly monitors the practitioners who were recently sent in. Whether the practitioners go to wash their faces, brush their teeth or use the toilet, they are watched at all times. They are not allowed to talk about anything related to Falun Gong under any circumstances, and are forced to sing a song before having meals. If practitioners refuse to sing, they are dragged into the office to be pressured or even brutally beaten. The period for strict monitoring is three months, during which time they are not allowed to be visited by their families. Among these practitioners, some have been strictly monitored for more than three months, but because they refuse to cooperate, they are still strictly monitored and persecuted. Guard Gao Zhonghai is the team political head, and Diao Xuesong is the chief of the sub-team. In March 2006, two practitioners who had just arrived at the labor camp refused to sing, so Gao Zhonghai and Diao Xuesong hit and kicked them and shocked them with electric batons.

    The forced labor camp forces practitioners to do slave labor. Sometimes they are forced to work overtime, until 7:00 p.m. or 8 :00 p.m. They start to work at 7:30 a.m. and work without a lunch break until evening, becoming totally exhausted. Eventually, because practitioners protested, the labor camp changed the time to quit for the day from 7:00 or 8 :00 p.m to 5:00 p.m. Diao Xuesong, deputy team leader; Liu Wei, deputy leader for the sub-team; Wang Wei; and guard Jin Qingfu once tortured a practitioner with electric baton and kicks because this practitioner refused to do the slave labor. This practitioner had been seriously injured before and did not recover until he practiced Falun Gong. He was unable to do heavy work, and these policemen brutally beat him simply for this reason.

    When there is no slave labor to be done, the practitioners are forced to sit on small, square stools. They are not allowed to move and have to sit for as long as 11 hours at a time, which makes them very weak and exhausted. The non-practitioner prisoners here are also very brutal. They force practitioners to take showers in cold water and pour cold water over the practitioners. As long as the practitioners refuse to cooperate, they beat them. Seeing this, leader Diao Xuesong said, "It's not a problem to pour several basins of water on such adults; pour more to cleanse them."

    When the justice department of the province came to the Suihua City Forced Labor Camp to inspect, practitioner Mr. Wang Zhiqian tried to appeal but was forcibly stopped by the other prisoners. After that, deputy team leader Liu Wei, political head Gao Zhonghai, and Diao Xuesong brutally beat and shocked him with electric batons. Several parts of his head were injured.

    Practitioner Mr. Li Yequan from Daqing City was sent to forced labor in September 2005 and was detained in a local forced labor camp. In March 2006 he was transferred to Suihua Forced Labor Camp along with other practitioners. Mr. Li was on a hunger strike the entire time he was detained, requesting unconditional release. He was on a hunger strike for several months, until May or June 2006, after he was transferred to Suihua City Forced Labor Camp, and was extremely weak. Still, political head Gao Zhonghai and sub-team leader Diao Xuesong and another policeman shocked him with electric batons and burned his skin with cigarette butts, just because he refused to be strictly monitored. The methods they used to torture him were very brutal. During his hunger strike, he was force fed repeatedly.

    Diao Xuesong acknowledged to the practitioners in person that since the persecution began on July 20, 1999, 19 practitioners have died as the result of persecution by this forced labor camp.

    Chinese version available at

    Mr. Xiao Zhiqiang, 60, Illegally Sentenced to Six Years' Imprisonment

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Xiao Zhiqiang is an employee at the Gas Company in Xiangtan City. He has also worked as the principal of an elementary school. Since beginning to practice Falun Gong in 1996, he has been illegally arrested twice from his home, imprisoned, sentenced, and detained numerous times simply because he refused to give up practicing the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance." He has suffered relentless persecution by the Communist Party over the past seven years and is currently imprisoned in Chenzhou Prison.

    On October 11, 1999, while doing the exercises at his regular exercise spot, Mr. Xiao was arrested and detained for 15 days by Xiangtan City Police Department for "disrupting social order."

    In December of 1999, after traveling to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong, Mr. Xiao was imprisoned by his workplace superiors, who demanded that his son "look after him" for a month. In February 2000, he was sent to a detention center for persecution.

    On April 15, 2000, Mr. Xiao was arrested again. A trial was held on July 5, 2000, and he was sentenced to three years of imprisonment. Mr. Xiao refused to sign his name on the sentencing document. He was detained at the Sanjiaoping Detention Center, where he was persecuted for more than 20 months. On November 7, 2001, he was transferred to Chishan Prison in Yuanjiang, Hunan Province for further persecution.

    At Chishan Prison, Mr. Xiao was subjected to forced labor. He was made to weave mattresses, make bulbs, etc., and would be handcuffed and hung up if he refused. He refused to wear prison clothes and resisted "transformation" at every turn. Because he refused to learn the prison regulations, do prison exercises, report numbers, line up in prison teams, squat, etc., he was hung up and force-fed many times.

    On January 4, 2002, when the entire prison staff was engaged in work, Mr. Xiao refused to participate in the slave labor. On January 11, while he was doing the meditation outside a garage, a prison leader saw him and shouted, "Cuff him up!" A few criminal inmates rushed over and hung him up on top of a bicycle shed. He was ruthlessly punched in the eye for not wearing the prison uniform by a criminal inmate Liang, who was brought over by a guard. He was dragged from the bed to the floor and his left arm was brutally stepped on. An inmate said, "If he doesn't release his hand, I will break his arm!" Mr. Xiao's arm turned purple and his eyes became very sore.

    On March 6, 2002, Mr. Xiao refused to participate in slave labor again and was hung up outside by criminal inmates under the direction of guard Li Feiwen. It was a very cold day, with very strong north winds blowing. Mr. Xiao's hands became swollen from the handcuffs. At night, he was taken in and handcuffed to the corridor in a garage.

    On April 25, 2002, Mr. Xiao Zhiqiang and Ms. Xiao Huisheng went out into the open to practice the exercises. The moment they walked out the door, Ms. Xiao Huisheng was brutally beaten by criminal inmates until her face was swollen and purple. Then she was hung up on a window frame. Mr. Xiao Zhiqiang was hung up on a window railing. Three days later they were force-fed by the guards. They were handcuffed behind their backs and pinned onto the ground facing up. Four or five criminal inmates grabbed each practitioner's limbs and torso, while another grabbed the victim's nose very tightly and pried open his or her mouth with a metal spoon. Then a bamboo stick that had one end cut into a sharp point was inserted, and rice soup diluted with mineral water was poured through the hollow bamboo stick. It was very hard to breathe, and food often got into the victims' windpipes. The practitioners coughed very badly as they could barely breathe. Their throats were severely wounded by the stabbing and they were unable to swallow even water for four or five days.

    On May 23, 2002, Mr. Xiao resisted forced labor again. A re-education leader dragged him out of bed and handcuffed him onto the window railings. Two days later, guards directed criminal inmates to hang Mr. Xiao from the basketball hoop. A rope was tied between his handcuffs and thrown over the basketball hoop, allowing only his toes to touch the ground. He was monitored by criminal inmates 24 hours a day. At night he was secured to the bed with his hands crossed above his head and cuffed to the metal railing at one end, making it impossible for Mr. Xiao to turn or move his body at all.

    On July 18, six tonnes of chili was imported into the prison for processing. The laborers had to work more than ten hours a day cutting off the chili stalks. While the criminal inmates had a fixed quota, Mr. Xiao Zhiqiang had to work as long as he was told to do so. Mr. Xiao began resisting the slave labor persecution by refusing to collect raw materials, so he was handcuffed up in a dense bushy area to be bitten by mosquitoes. One morning, seeing that Mr. Xiao was not wearing prison clothes, criminal inmates began using wooden sticks to beat his legs until they finally got tired and Mr. Xiao's legs had both become swollen with injuries. At this time, the prison guards gave the criminal inmates an idea: drag Mr. Xiao on the ground using the garbage truck. Mr. Xiao was then handcuffed to a car and dragged around before being dragged to their work area in the rain via another car. Mr. Xiao's entire body was drenched. He suffered this inhumane torture many times in Chishan Prison.

    In 2003, Mr. Xiao was released, but his workplace refused to pay him his pension, claiming that, as a labor camp convict, even his residency registration was to be revoked. In March 2004, during a Communist Party conference, dozens of policemen from the 610 Office arrived at his home and seized Mr. Xiao. They took him to a brainwashing session held in Wujia Gardens in Xiangtan, where he was imprisoned for a month.

    At the end of 2004, while shopping for vegetables at the marketplace, Mr. Xiao was once again arrested by personnel from the Xiangtan 610 Office and "illegally imprisoned" in a detention center. A list of fabricated crimes was concocted and Mr. Xiao was sentenced to three years of imprisonment. In 2005, he was transferred to Chenzhou Prison for further persecution. At the prison, Mr. Xiao constantly shouted, "Falun Dafa is good!" He was imprisoned in a small cell for three months. He has also suffered numerous inhumane tortures.

    For refusing to give up his belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," Mr. Xiao Zhiqiang has been twice sentenced for a total of six years of illegal imprisonment. He has never admitted to being a criminal and is truly innocent. For resisting slave labor and persecution, he has suffered many tortures, including brutal beatings, force-feedings, and being hung up.

    Chinese version available at

    Twenty-Three Falun Gong Practitioners Employed at the Shengli Oil Field Arrested in 2006

    Case 1. Mr. Li Xiaodong was sent to the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in Shandong Province. Mr. Li was an employee of Xianhe Oil Factory in Shengli Oil Field. Since he practices Falun Gong, 610 Office personnel from Xianhe Oil Factory and Shengli Oil Field arrested and sent him to a mental hospital affiliated with the Shengli Oil Field. He was beaten with electric batons and injected with unidentified drugs. He later lost his job and had to make a living delivering goods.

    Case 2. Ms. Sun Yanxia, 27 years old, was illegally arrested and sent to a brainwashing center at the Material Supply Department in Shengli Oil Field, because she clarified the truth of the persecution by sending short messages via cell phone. Ms. Sun refused to cooperate, so the police had to release her. On April 14, 2006, with help from Zhao Xiucheng, a teacher at Shengli College of China University of Petroleum, Dong Ning, a policeman from Beingbei Branch of Binghai Police Department, arrested Ms. Wang Yumei, who is Sun's mother and a Falun Gong practitioner employed at the Oil Factory at the Shengli Oil Field.

    Case 3. Mr. Sun Yanxia (a different individual than the one above; the Chinese characters of their names are different), a police officer of the security team at the Oil Factory and a Falun Gong practitioner, was arrested. Responsible for the arrest were the chief of the Security Team and policemen from the Bingbei Branch of the Beinghai Police Department. He was sent to a brainwashing center and his home was later searched.

    Case 4. Mr. Han Xinyi is a 60-year-old retired employee from Yingzi Village of Fujiazhen Town, the Zhangdian District in Zibo City. Police arrested Mr. Han when he handed out truth-clarifying materials. He was sentenced to two years of forced labor and is incarcerated in Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in Shandong Province.

    Case 5. On January 25, 2006, Dongying District Court in Dongying City sentenced Mr. Zheng Ruihuan and Ms. Liu Yinglan, husband and wife, to five years in jail. They were sent to Jinan City Prison. Mr. Zheng and Ms. Liu are from Tangshan, Hebei Province. They decided to leave home because of the persecution and came to the Shengli Oil Field. Policemen from the oil field arrested them on July 8, 2006, and sent them to the Binghai Detention Center for six months. Policemen tried all means to get evidence to sentence them to jail but failed.

    Case 6. Jia Mingyao was arrested. Detailed information is not available.

    Case 7. Police arrested Ms. Zhang Yuhua, a 70-year-old Falun Gong practitioner and retired employee of the Huanghe Company at the oil field. Police from the Bingbei Police Branch arrested her as she was handing out Falun Gong materials. The officials demanded her family to pay 10,000 yuan to bail her out. She was re-arrested the night of February 17 and sent to a brainwashing center.

    Case 8. Police from Bingbei Police Branch arrested Zhao Ruizhen on February 20, 2006. Zhao Ruizhen, whose house was searched and a computer confiscated, was sent to a brainwashing center.

    Case 9. At 9:00 a.m. on March 1, 2006, Huantai County Court in Zibo City, Shandong Province, tried Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Yu Desheng, Mr. Zhang Ziquan, Mr. Wang Mingyun, and three other practitioners from Zouping. Mr. Yu Desheng was sentenced to three years of forced labor in 2000 and had been imprisoned in the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in Shandong Province. Mr. Zhang Aiquan was a traffic police officer in the Binghai Police Department. He was fired for practicing Falun Gong. He was sent to his wife's workplace, the Dongxin Oil Factory of the Shengli Oil Field. Dongxin Oil Factory officials later sent him to the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp. Mr. Wang Mingyun was an employee of the Dongxin Oil Factory who has been persecuted for practicing Falun Gong. He is now unemployed.

    In May 2005, policemen from Huantai County Police Department came to the Shengli Oil Field twice. With policemen from the Binghai Police Department, they arrested Mr. Zhang, Mr. Wang, and Mr. Yu. Police searched their houses and took away cars, computers, and cash. Agents from the Huantai County Police Department tried to force them to sign criminal evidence documents, but they refused. The court thus lacked evidence to sentence them.

    Case 10. On April 11, 2006, police from the Bingxi Police Branch arrested Mr. Liu Daying, a 70-year-old Falun Gong practitioner. He was sent to a brainwashing center. Acting as arresting officer was Wang Jichen, the chief of the Political and Security Section.

    Case 11. People from the Security Team at the Xianhe Oil Factory arrested Ms. Wei Shuying, a Falun Gong practitioner and employee of the Xianhe Oil Factory, at work. She was sent to a brainwashing center at the Shengli Oil Field.

    Case 12. In May 2006, Mr. Zhang Ruxian, a retired employee, his wife Li Hua, and his daughter Zhang Min, who is an employee of the Shengli Oil Field, were arrested. Police arrested them when they were handing out Falun Gong materials. Mr. Zhang Ruxian and Ms. Zhang Min were jailed in a brainwashing center at the Shengli Oil Factory. Ms. Li Hua was sent to the Shengcai Hospital on June 2 because of heart disease.

    Case 13. On April 13, 2006, Ms. Zhang Yili, a Falun Gong practitioner and a retired employee of the Xianhe Oil Factory, was reported and arrested when passing out copies of the "Nine Commentaries on Communist Party." She was jailed in a brainwashing center at the Shengli Oil Field for two months.

    Case 14. In June 2006, Mr. Zhu, a Falun Gong practitioner and a retired employee of the Gudao Oil Factory, was arrested. Detailed information is not yet available.

    Case 15. On June 26, 2006, Dong Ning, chief of the National Security Team from the Bingbei Police Branch, and Yang Hongjin, manager of the Jing'an Company in the Shengbei Community, led a couple of policemen to break into Mr. Yue Guomin's house. Mr. Yue was an employee of the Jing'an Company. They took away computers and Falun Gong books, arrested him and sent him to a brainwashing center, where he started a hunger strike to protest the persecution. He was violently force-fed, following which he felt extreme stomach pain. On June 29, his practitioner wife, Ms. Zhou Aifen, asked police to send him to a hospital, but Dong Ning arrested her, too. She is jailed in a brainwashing center at the Shengli Oil Field. Their middle school daughter is now home alone.

    Case 16. On July 12, 2006, Ms. Liu Junlan, a family member of a Shengli Oil Field factory worker, was arrested. The arresting officer was Dong Ning, as in the case above. People have since lost contact with her.

    Chinese version available at

    The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Li Yukun and Others in Zhucheng City, Shandong Province

    In 1999, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Yukun and others from Qianliangtai Village, Guojiatun Town, Zhucheng City, Shandong Province, went to the Weifang City administration. This happened when they heard that Jiang Zemin was going to ban Falun Gong. So they went to higher level authorities after the local government ignored their appeal. Mr. Li Yukun and another practitioner took a train from Weifang City to Beijing. The night of their arrival in Beijing, CCTV, the radio, and other media broadcast lies to slander the founder of Falun Gong. The persecution had begun.

    Mr. Li returned by train the next day at noon. The practitioners who had gone with him were arrested in the morning. After he got home, government officials took Mr. Li to the village Party Committee. They tried to coerce him to write a statement to renounce Falun Gong. They wouldn't let him go home. His family brought him food. All the practitioners in the village were arrested, and only those who wrote "guarantee statements" were released. They were forced to hand in their Falun Gong books. Other practitioners went home. Mr. Li Yukun was the only one still held in the government office.

    Persons from the town Party Committee and from the police department pressured him. They surrounded his house at night and harassed him late at night. His wife was scared. She went to the village Party Committee and subsequently almost suffered a nervous breakdown. Li Yukun was adamant and said, "If something happens to my wife, you will take the responsibility!" He didn't study the principle of Falun Gong very much, however, and wrote a guarantee statement against his better judgment. The police started monitoring his residence from then on, fabricated charges against him, and tried to arrest him.

    Before the wheat-sowing season, police officer Cao Jinhui led a few people to ransack Li Mr. Li's home. They took him to the police department. Cao Jinhui and two other people savagely beat him the next morning and again in the afternoon. They sent him to a custody center at dusk. The three officers, including that same Cao Jinhui, went to the custody center and beat him in the center's office for more than one hour. Cao Jinhui struck Mr. Li Yukun to the ground and hit his head and face with a broom until he broke it. He grabbed Mr. Li's hair and yanked out a large fistful. Persecutor Cao screamed, "I'll make sure to peel off several layers of your skin and make you shed a few pounds. I let you off the hook too easily last time, because I didn't beat you when you came back from Beijing. I hadn't received instructions then; now, nobody cares if I beat you to death!" Cao Jinhui beat Mr. Li Yukun until his eyes became bloodshot and his eye sockets were black and blue. The bruises remained for about 20 days.

    Mr. Li Yukun was held at the local administration building after release from the custody center. His family sent him food and he was forbidden to go home. The Party officials harassed him daily until he went home. He lost more than his personal freedom.

    Through discussions with other practitioners, Li Yukun realized that it was not correct to write a guarantee statement and that he should nobly do things a practitioner is supposed to do. One day, Qin Jie, head of the police department, and Chen, secretary of the Political and Judiciary Committee, called him to the village Party Committee. They inquired if he had had contact with other Falun Gong practitioners during the past few days. He said, "No one contacted me, but it's impossible for me to stop practicing Falun Gong, because my health would fail if I stop practicing." The two officials immediately flew into a rage. The police watched him even more closely afterwards.

    In 2002, when the [local] persecution was most severe, Mr Li Yukun, along with fellow practitioners Guo Jinlan, Cao Peixiu, Cao Huifen, Wang Guiyun and Wang Airong rode bikes to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. The police inspected people at intersections, bridges, and many other places. The six practitioners had no choice but to take detours to avoid the police. They often slept in fields. It was very hot in July, but they managed to get to Beijing. They were arrested the next day and taken to the Weifang City Liaison Office in Beijing. Sun Juwu led a group of officers who arrived in a vehicle from Guojiatun Town to fetch the practitioners. Sun Juwu beat Mr. Li immediately after he arrived at the liaison office and also hit his head.

    They took the practitioners overnight to Guojiatun Town, arriving at dawn. Qin Jie and others used various types of tortures, including shocking Li Yukun's head with electric batons. They forced him to lie face down on the ground and then hit him with rubber clubs down his back all the way to his ankles. His entire back, buttocks, and the backs of his thighs and calves turned black. He rolled on the ground, screaming in pain. Police officer Qin Jie also used great force to kick Mr. Li's head, face, chest, collarbone and other body parts with his hard boots, and then he ground his calves with his boots.

    It was very hot. They forced the practitioners to stand outside in the nearly 40 C [104 F] heat. They didn't give the practitioners water and forced them to put salt in their mouths. They savagely beat whoever refused to eat salt. They kicked and hit the practitioners all over their bodies.

    In the afternoon, Qin Jie and others took Mr. Li Yukun to the conference room at the town Party Committee. Qin Jie said, "I'll make sure to beat you to death." Cao Jinhui arrived at noon and started beating Mr. Li immediately. After Cao Jinhui was exhausted, he forced Mr. Li to stand outside in the sweltering heat.

    He beat Li Yukun again in the afternoon and asked who had told him to go to Beijing. Mr. Li gritted his teeth and refused to cooperate with Cao Jinhui, who beat him for a whole afternoon. Cao sent Mr. Li to a detention center near dusk. Right after Li Yukun got into the car, police officer Qin Jie took out a pagoda tree branch about 0.5 m [1.6 ft] long and 10 cm [3.9 inches] and stabbed at Mr. Li Yukun's chest with it. He dodged the stick and it rammed into his arm. When the stick was pulled out, his arm was left with a crescent shaped wound, which became infected a few days later. He also had two infected wounds on his collarbones, two infections on his calves, and his legs had turned black from beating. Someone told his family that Li Yukun's legs were broken from beating, and the inmates asked him, "Old man, what did they use to beat you so severely?"

    The crescent shaped mark on Li Yukun's arm after officer Qin Jie crushed the flesh. The mark is clearly visible six years later.

    Several days later, Mr. Li got to know the inmates and clarified the truth to them. One inmate said, "Old man, I think you are the only good person in here." The swelling on Mr. Lin's legs didn't go down even after a month at the detention center.

    The marks near the collarbones are the result of infected wounds (later healed) after officer Qin Jie kicked Mr. Li with hard boots. The marks are clearly visible six years later.

    It was later heard that Qin Jie led some people to pick Li Yukun up at the detention center. Qin Jie pointed at a man who was Mr. Li 's classmate and asked Li Yukun whether he recognized the man. When Li Yukun said yes, Qin Jie flew into a fury because Mr. Li was still clear-headed. Qin then jumped up and kicked Li Yukun. He held Li Yukun at the village Party Committee and sent people in groups of two to take turns monitoring him. He forced Li Yukun to work during the day. Qin Jie went to Mr. Li's village to check on him in the morning, afternoon, and evening each day, and proudly announced that his bonus for the year was secure [because Li Yukun could not leave the village to appeal for Falun Gong].

    During that time, eight Falun Gong practitioners from Zhucheng City went to Beijing to appeal, six of them from Guojiatun Town. Qin Jie wanted to severely persecute these practitioners. Mr. Li Yukun was prevented from getting a temporary job to make a living. The six practitioners from Guojiatun Town not only couldn't work, their families were each fined 8,000 yuan.

    Mr. Li didn't cooperate with the officials. Four generations of his family lived in a small, three-room house. He said to Qin Jie, "You should sell my house, because you have almost driven my family insane: they sleep with their clothes on, especially my mother, because you come to harass me all the time at night. My mother is so frightened that she gets scared at any car that she sees in the street. There are so many cars in the street, she gets increasingly frightened." His 81-year-old mother was frequently harassed. She had a stroke in 2004 and lost the ability to take care of herself. She also developed neurasthenia and cannot sleep at night.

    This is not an isolated case in Zhucheng City; it is widespread throughout the country.

    The Chinese Communist Party persecutes practitioners using various methods, and the persecution is escalated on so-called "sensitive days."

    The persecution peaked in the spring of 2001. Mr. Li Yukun's son worked as a Public Relations person at a factory. Mr. Li took his son to Qingdao City to meet with one of his former business partners. They could not return the same day. When Li Yukun got off the train the next day at Pengwangqiao, he was immediately taken to the police department and savagely beaten. Officer Qin Jie kicked out two of his front teeth and scraped his mouth with a filthy rag until blood oozed from his mouth. Qin Jie then hit Mr. Li's head with a wooden stool until it shattered. He stomped on Li his head with his hard boots and tortured him with all types of tactics. The reason he gave for beating Mr. Li was that he did not find Li Yukun at home, and Li Yukun was not allowed to leave home. He also harassed and intimidated Mr. Li's relatives at their homes.

    Qin Jie and other officials tortured Mr. Li until the next evening and tried to coerce him to write a guarantee statement. He firmly refused. They sent him to the Zhucheng City Detention Center in the evening.

    Qin Jie kicked out two of Mr. Li Yukun's front teeth, then he smacked his head with a small wooden stool. After the stool shattered, he stomped on his head with his hard boots.

    Mr. Li Yukun returned home from the detention center one month later and was again placed under long-term surveillance. The police and Party officials often tricked him into appearing at the police department and village government and held him for a few days each time. Qin Jie also said to Mr. Li, "Others have committed suicide. Why don't you do it, too? You should quickly kill yourself! We'd feel much better if you committed suicide."

    Qin Jie and the village Party officials also fabricated charges against him in order to further persecute him. Qin Jie divulged this while beating Mr. Li,who cannot figure out to this day how the officials came up with the false accusations.

    Mr. Li Yukun is deprived of his personal freedom due to long-term surveillance.

    Chinese version available at

    Mr. Zhao Xiliang Still In Illegal Detention

    Mr. Zhao Xiliang, a Falun Gong practitioner in Laishui County, Hebei Province, who was arrested on July 26, 2006, is still in illegal detention. During the past seven years, Mr. Zhao was arrested several times and sentenced to a total of four years of forced labor.

    After July 20, 1999, the CCP launched a campaign to persecute Falun Gong. On October 6, 2000, Mr. Zhao rode his tricycle past the Loucun Township police station in Laishui County. The police arrested him. His tricycle, registration document, and cash were confiscated. He was sent to the custody center and then transferred to the detention center for further persecution for 18 months and three days.

    On May 20, 2000, he was illegally arrested again and taken to Baoding Forced Labor Camp for three years for brainwashing. After he was in the forced labor camp for some time, a Notice of Forced Labor was finally issued. The time he had already spent in the camp did not count toward his forced labor term. Mr. Zhao has experienced beatings, corporal punishment, insults, and torture. Guards Li Dayong, Li Shuwen, Wen Jianwe, and others also forced him to write the Four Statements (similar to the Three Statements) to renounce Falun Gong, which have since been declared null and void.

    At about 11:00 a.m. on July 26, 2006, Zhao Xiliang was arrested once again from his home by Wang Fucai, the director of the610 Office of Laishui County, and Dai Chunjie from the Political Security Section of Laishui Police Department.

    Mr. Zhao's family was very concerned about his safety since they had already witnessed countless times the inhuman persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. On July 27, 2006, Mr. Zhao's wife and his two nieces, Hongbao and Hongyu, went to the police department and asked for his unconditional release since he had not done anything wrong. However, Dai Chunjie, the head of the Political Security Section, Laishui Police Department, did not respond to their requests. Instead, he directed his subordinates to beat the lady and the two youths, giving them bloody mouths and noses. Then they were all arrested. The two children were released after a 300 yuan bribe was paid for each child.

    Mr. Zhao's wife was terribly grieved and indignant. Not only could she not save her husband but she herself had lost her freedom. She began to spit up blood. She was released on August 4, 2006, only when she was near death.

    Mr. Zhao Xiliang is still in detention and has been on a hunger strike to protest the illegal persecution.

    Chinese version available at