The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- August 31, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Wang Guili Sent to Harbin Women’s Prison While Unconscious

  • Ms. Wang Bing Spits Up Blood After Being Force-Fed at the Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp

  • Incidents of Violence in Qinghai Province Women's Forced Labor Camp

  • Persecution of Practitioners from Zhalantun City, Inner Mongolia

  • Three Practitioners Die as a Result of Persecution in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, Hebei Province and Hunan Province

  • Lanzhou Practitioner Su Anzhou Loses His Wife and Son During the Persecution

  • Mr. Liu Zhenli Arrested in Tumen City

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Wang Guili Sent to Harbin Women’s Prison While Unconscious

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Guili, 47, lived in Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province. She started practicing Falun Gong in 1998. Ms. Wang went to Beijing to appeal and clarify the truth in February 2000. Plainclothes police officers unlawfully arrested her in front of the Bureau for Letters and Calls in Beijing and sent her to the Jiamusi City Liaison Office in Beijing. Officials from the Yonghong District Police Department in Jiamusi City took her back later on. She was held in a detention center for over a month. The persecutors extorted her family for between 3,000 and 4,000 yuan.

    Ms. Wang Guili returned to Beijing to appeal in December 2000 and was once again arrested by a group of police officers before reaching Tiananmen Square. Ms. Wang was put in a big metal cage at the Tiananmen Police Department. The cage was already filled with Falun Gong practitioners ranging in age from four-year-old children to elderly practitioners in their 80s. The practitioners were forced to stand from morning until late at night. The police officers constantly threw newly-arrested practitioners in the cage and also kept sending practitioners who were held in the cage to other places. They never provided any food or water.

    Ms. Wang Guili was one of those held at the Dongcheng District Detention Center in Beijing. The police officer kept threatening her in the car on the way. Ms. Wang was stripped naked and body-searched at the Dongcheng District Detention Center. She was forced to sleep on a bare bunk bed without a quilt or other bedding. She went on a hunger strike to protest the detention and was transferred to another police department in Beijing. The police interrogated and tortured her day and night. They coerced practitioners to tell their names and addresses. The police made Ms. Wang bend over at a 90-degree angle, with her hands behind her back. In addition, they also put wooden stools on her back and arms for several hours. Ms. Wang lost consciousness. About eight police officers persecuted her. Ms. Wang was later sent to the Jiamusi City Liaison Office in Beijing.

    Ms. Wang Guili was reported on November 22, 2001 when she was distributing truth-clarification materials. A group of officers from the Songjiang Police Station in Jiamusi City took her to the police station and handcuffed her to a metal chair all night and sent her to a detention center at dawn. Officers from the Songjiang Police Station also ransacked her home and took four Falun Gong books and Teacher’s pictures. Wang Guili held a protest hunger strike at the detention center. She was released about two months later when she was on the brink of death. During this period, Chen Wanyou from the National Security Group of Jiamusi City Police Department deceived Wang Guili’s family into writing a guarantee statement by falsely promising to release Ms. Wang, but they actually continued to detain her. They lied to the family and said, "Wang Guili refused to go home."

    Zhao Zhiming and two other officials from Jiaxi Police Station in Yonghong District, Jiamusi City broke into Wang Guili’s home on the evening of April 9, 2002. Zhao Zhiming said, "This is the new police chief, Zhang, and the other man is the political head." Zhang asked Ms. Wang Guili, "Do you know Chang Yulong? He has been promoted to a Bureau head and wants to see you." Chang Yulong was an employee at the Youyi Candy Factory in Jiamusi City. Wang Guili’s daughter was sleeping at the time of the police break-in, and her husband was at work. Ms. Wang said that she should notify her husband before leaving with the police, but the police said, "No, that’s not necessary. It will only take two to three minutes." They took Ms. Wang Guili to the Yonghong District Police Department. The police knew that they had no reason to arrest her and yet sent her to a detention center after midnight without going through any due procedure. Group head Shi took more than 100 yuan in cash from Ms. Wang’s pocket when sending her away.

    In the more than ten ensuing months during which time Ms. Wang Guili was held at the detention center, the procuratorate interrogated her twice. Ms. Wang stated the facts. The police said to her, "We will report it to the government." However, the police fabricated charges against her and illegally sentenced her to four years in prison without any procedure or signature. They sent her to Harbin City Women’s Prison on January 15, 2003.

    Ms. Wang Guili was in very poor health when she arrived at Harbin Women’s Prison. She could not take care of herself and had to be carried into a vehicle. During the physical examination, the doctor at the prison said, "I can’t detect your blood pressure; let’s just write 50. We have orders from above that the deaths of Falun Gong practitioners are counted as suicides." Ms. Wang Guili was unconscious the whole day and found herself lying on a table when she came to.

    Ms. Wang Guili recalls persecution at the prison:

    We were watched around the clock, including during restroom visits at night. Four criminal inmates constantly monitored us. We sat on a piece of cardboard on the concrete floor each day. I could not stretch my legs and I could not double-cross them to do the meditation exercise. Once I finally crossed my legs, but the guards immediately found out. Six of them surrounded me and slapped my face. They dragged me into a cell and handcuffed me to the bed frame. I could neither squat nor stand.

    The guards at Group 7 often beat people. One time, right after I closed my eyes, official Lin Jia came over and hit and kicked me and forced me to stand. They often go through everything in the cell, mostly targeting Falun Gong practitioners. Lin Jia even once took my note-papers, envelopes and stamps.

    We were forced to sit on small hard stools inside the cell in the summer of 2003 and were forbidden to have a pad. The room was poorly ventilated. I developed a widespread rash on my buttocks. It hurt so much that I felt as if I were sitting on needles, leaving me no choice but to stand up.

    We were not given coats or heavy pants in the winter when we stayed inside the cells at all times. One morning, they suddenly called us out. The guards wore steel helmets and held electric batons. They ordered us to go into the wilderness and exposed us to freezing cold weather. The prison is built within a large pit and the temperature there is normally several degrees lower than at ground level. We shook in the cold weather. When I recited Falun Gong articles, Lin Jia snuck up to me and listened to me, and she threatened me when I went to the restroom at noon, "Will you recite it ever again?" Some practitioners were so chilled that they could not walk, and other practitioners lost consciousness. We were forced to stay out for over a dozen days.

    One time when I was picked during roll call, I said, "Falun Dafa is good!" Group Leader Kang called me over after the roll call. The guards had already prepared ropes. Kang said to them, "Tie her up for good!" They tied my hands behind my back and hog-tied me. I cannot describe the pain. They left me in a washroom for three days and three nights. I was so exhausted, yet I could not sleep due to the pain. I was extremely weak. My physical condition was never normal during the time I was held at the detention center. My endocrine system was in disorder, so I did Falun Gong exercises every morning. One day Lin Jia talked to me and said that Kang had spoken to her regarding my doing the Falun Gong exercises. I related my poor health to her. Lin Jia said, "You’ve been here for a long time. Who in your family still cares about you?" I said, "When my family members come to see me, you lie to them and tell them that I don’t want to see them, which has created huge misunderstandings between us. So many Falun Gong practitioners’ families have been broken up from your persecution!" Even to this day, I have been unable to bridge the gap between my family and myself, a gap the guards created.

    Falun Gong practitioners were allowed to make outgoing phone calls for the first time in 2004. When it was my turn, Lin Jia refused to let me use the phone because she feared the resulting communication between my family and me. She would not let my family see me and forbade me to write letters. Lin Jia tried to isolate me from my family and destroy my will, in order to "reform" me.

    The prison subjected Falun Gong practitioners to forced blood tests in 2005, which must have had something to do with live organ harvesting.

    Ms. Wang Bing Spits Up Blood After Being Force-Fed at the Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Bing is illegally detained at Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp. Inhumane force-feeding administered by police guards has severely damaged Ms. Wang's stomach, causing her to spit up a large amount of blood.

    At around nine o'clock on April 23, 2006, policeman Li Yanbo of the National Security Group in Qian'an County, Jilin Province, and policeman Li Dongyang of the Dabusu Town Police Station, led seven or eight policemen to illegally confiscate belongings from Ms. Wang Bing's house. The police took items worth over ten thousand yuan, including a computer, a printer and a cell phone. They then took Ms. Wang away and illegally detained her at the Qian'an County Detention Center.

    In order to protest against their illegal actions, Ms. Wang Bing went on a hunger strike. On April 30, the head of the detention center, Yi Fenqian, along with several policemen, took Ms. Wang to the emergency room of Qian'an County Hospital. Doctor Song Lijun force fed Ms. Wang by inserting a tube into her nose. Her nose started bleeding after the force-feeding. At around 4:00 a.m. on April 30, with no consideration for Ms. Wang's health and without informing her family, the Qian'an County Police Station illegally transferred Ms. Wang to the Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp.

    Policeman Wei Dan, of the First Group of the Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp, forced Ms. Wang to write the three statements. He forbade her from sleeping,tied her onto a death bed, and tortured her, causing terrible chest pain. Ms. Wang frequently vomited blood. Ms. Wang's body is currently very weak. Her stomach was severely damaged after the force-feeding. Nonetheless, the forced labor camp continued to carry out the force-feeding seven more times, resulting in Ms. Wang spitting up a large amount of blood. She was later sent to the Changchun City Forced Labor Hospital. A doctor told Ms. Wang that she spit up blood because her stomach was severely damaged.

    When Ms. Wang's family visited her, she was very weak. She would sweat after saying only a few sentences. Ms. Wang formerly weighed more than 65 kilograms, but now after three months of torture, she weighs less than 40 kilograms.

    When Ms. Wang's mother tried to go to the hospital to see her, the doctor at the hospital said that she must first have the approval of the forced labor camp. When Ms. Wang's mother rushed to the forced labor camp, the head of the camp, Mr. Yue, did not permit her to see her daughter with the excuse that she did not bring her residential record.

    The current situation of Ms. Wang Bing is unknown.

    Dabusu Town Police Station in Qian'an County: 0438-8767459

    Li Dong Yang: 13943864798 (Cell)

    Incidents of Violence in Qinghai Province Women's Forced Labor Camp

    Below is a Falun Gong practitioner’s testimony based on her personal witnessing of inhuman tortures that took place in the Women's Forced Labor Camp of Qinghai Province. It is published to expose the criminal conducts of the guards in the labor camp and to appeal to all to help end the ongoing persecution in China.

    Qinghai Province's Women's Forced Labor Camp (also called Women's Drug Rehab Labor Camp) is located at No. 62 Bayidong Street, Xining City, Qinghai Province. Xiang Jianmei is the camp supervisor and under her direction, camp guards brutally tortured Falun Gong practitioners. So far, four female practitioners have been tortured to death.

    1. Ms. Li Guixiang’s Lower Jaw Dislodged by Forced Feeding

    In September 2003, Li Guixiang, a practitioner in her thirties, was taken on stage at the labor camp by female guards Xiang Jianmei, Zhang Wenjing, and Duan Hairong, along with Chen Qinghua, the camp doctor. They had planned to set an example of Li Guixiang to intimidate other practitioners by publicly torturing her. The guards ripped out Li’s hair and shouted at her, "Are you Falun Gong practitioner or not?"

    When Li Guixiang replied firmly, "Yes," the guards used several electric batons to shock her in different places. Not long after, Li’s clothes were scotched and her exposed skin was burned and sizzling. The air was filled with odor from the burns. The meeting site was like a scene from hell and the grim guards who were jumping back and forth were like ghosts in hell. Many detainees silently shed tears. Others buried their heads and could not stand to watch the inhuman scene.

    Li Guixiang, unable to bear the torture and humiliation, jumped out from the second floor (Note: her action was not in accordance with the teachings of Falun Gong. Fellow practitioners please do not harm yourself or commit suicide while facing any torture or humiliation). Li’s lumbar spine was shattered. The guards ordered several female inmates to carry Li Guixiang back to her bed without any medical care. Li Guixiang kept doing the Falun Gong exercises and her health miraculously recovered. After some time, she could walk slowly leaning against the wall. The guards still cursed and humiliated her regularly.

    To protest the persecution, Li Guixiang went on a hunger strike, so the guards started force feeding her. When Li refused to cooperate, camp doctor Chen Qinghua dislodged her jaw. The cruel act was unbearable to watch.

    2. Grinning While Torturing

    Female guard Zhang Wenjing once cuffed sisters Miao Maolin and Miao Qing together, back to back. Zhang Wenjing kicked them, when they weren't stable standing. The two of them fell to their knees. Then several female guards shocked their necks and backs with electric batons, and their heads hit the floor from the electrical shock. The two sisters lost consciousness and vomited foam. Satisfied, the guards burst into laughter.

    3. Ms. Ji Guangxiu Wounded by Electric Batons

    Practitioner Ji Guangxiu, 64, is from rural Qinghai Province. She was illegally arrested while clarifying truth about Falun Gong in Qinghai Province and was sentenced to forced labor camp. She was shocked with electric batons when she refused to wear name tags associated with the camp. Female guard Xiang Jianmei shouted "If you do not transform, you are not allowed to use the bathroom and you will have urine and feces in your pants. You will be given only one small steamed bun for each meal."

    Xiang Jianmei ordered other female guards to punish the practitioners who refused to give in by forcing them to stand in military training position for long periods of time. The practitioners were forced to march in military style and to sit on small wooden benches in a rigid position without moving for long periods.

    4. Ms. Rong Xianglian’s Skin Burned by Electric Baton

    One evening, female guard Xiang Jianmei summoned over-60 year-old Rong Xianglian, to "chat" in her office. Ms. Rong ignored Xiang Jianmei's defamation of Falun Gong, and instead Rong Xianglian clarified the truth about Falun Gong. Xiang became furious and dumped a cup of boiling water on Rong Xianglian’s face, then slapped her over forty times. Rong’s face and nose bled and her face became swollen.

    Xiang Jianmei did not stop there. She took off her coat and asked the labor camp doctor Chen Qinghua to "talk" to Rong Xianglian. In the presence of the camp director Xiang Jianmei, Chen Qinghua took the electric baton and shouted, "Tonight I will find out whether you are made of incorruptible material or not." It was winter at the time, and Rong’s clothes were ripped into rags, with holes left from the electric baton shocks. Her exposed skin was burnt everywhere, including ears, face, hands and arms.

    5. The Female Guard Used a Knife to Threaten a Practitioner

    Once a female guard ordered practitioner Li Yueping to her office. The guard took out a knife and walked around and threatened Li Yueping, who paid no attention. The guard became angry, knowing it was useless. She took out an electric baton and shocked Li Yueping.

    Practitioners who refuse to give in were treated with "special help, care and chatting."

    6. Female Guards Without Any Sense of Humanity

    Once at lunch time, after the Women's Forced Labor Camp killed practitioner Tan Yingchun, guards stood in front of the gate to the dining hall to admonish the camp detainees, "Although a ‘Falun Gong’ died, it won’t make a difference. Killing a ‘Falun Gong’ is just like stepping on an ant. We will still enjoy normal salaries and our bonuses……"

    When physical torture failed, the guards refused family visits, instigated drug-addict and prostitute inmates to watch practitioners around the clock, forbade practitioners to talk with others, cuffed them behind their backs, locked them up in solitary cells, forced them to do intensive long-hour manual labor, disallowed use of the toilet, and deprived them of sleep. They also forced Falun Gong practitioners to kill poultry, knowing that killing is against Falun Gong teachings. Any practitioners who refused to kill fowl had their detention terms extended.

    Persecution of Practitioners from Zhalantun City, Inner Mongolia

    Mr. Zhou Jingguo is a Falun Gong practitioner from Zhalantun City, Inner Mongolia. He went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and was deported by police officer Zhang Yong from Zhalantun City. He was "illegally detained" for fifteen days. In 2001, officer Zhang Yong sent a crew to Dalian to arrest this practitioner. In 2004, Mr. Zhou Jingguo went home to visit his family, and a local policeman found him. More than ten police cars blocked the door of his home. Suddenly it began to snow, although it was a sunny day. Mr. Zhou managed to escape there.

    Ms. Wang Chunyan, another practitioner from Zhalantun City, went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in 2001. She was deported and detained by policemen from Zhalantun. Afterwards, she was sent to a forced labor camp in Tumuji for one year. The guards dragged her around an athletic field and she was beaten severely.

    Practitioner Mr. Yu Zhenjie is from Zhalantun City. In 2001, he was detained at Nantou Prison in Zhalantun City. After his release, he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and cried out "Falun Dafa is good!" on Tiananmen Square. He was beaten by policemen on the square, deported by Zhalantun police and sent to Zhalantun Detention Center. Since then, there has been no news about him.

    Ms. Meng Huiling, a practitioner from Zhalantun City, was illegally arrested and sent to a brainwashing center in 2001. Other practitioners arrested at the same time were Chen Deli, Xii Shufang, Lu Mingzhi, Wei Yuhai, and Wei Guofu. After she returned home, the local police continually harassed and threatened her. On March 27, 2006, her home was ransacked by fourteen policemen led by Ding Shaowei. Items used to clarify the truth were confiscated, and she was sent to Arong Flag Detention Center. She went on a hunger strike for over ten days to protest. Afterward she was transferred to Nantou Prison in Zhalantun. She remains in detention.

    Practitioner Mr. Zhao Jianchun of Zhalantun City was arrested by policeman Piao when Mr. Zhao went to Nianzi Mountain in 2001 to distribute truth clarification materials. He was detained in Zhalantun for fifteen days. After that, policemen in Zhalantun repeatedly went to his home to harass and threaten him. After several months, he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, but was stripped naked and shocked by Beijing policemen with electric batons after they threw water on the ground. He was taken back to his hometown by Zhalantun officers and sent to a forced labor camp in Tumuji for two years. Only after he was released did he discover that his wife had been sentenced illegally for distributing truth clarification materials. His daughter, Xiaohong, was forced to find work to support herself.

    In 2002 Ms. Chen Qiulian and Ms. Zhou Liru, both practitioners from Zhalantun City, were distributing Falun Gong materials together. They were arrested and taken to Haila’er Detention Center. Ms. Zhou Liru was persecuted to death. Ms. Chen Qiulian was sent to the Number One Women’s Forced Labor Camp in Huhehaote City. She is still in detention.

    Practitioner Mr. Wang Zhichen is from Chengjisihan, Inner Mongolia. In 2001, he went to Nianzi Mountain to distribute materials with more than ten other practitioners. They were all detained. The police in Zhalantun believed that he was the leader. After fifteen days, the other practitioners were released, but not Mr. Wang. During that time, he recited Master’s scriptures, spread Falun Gong, and clarified the truth. The police beat him severely, and he lost control of his bodily functions. To keep him from clarifying the truth, they stuffed his mouth with dirty things. They also forbade his family from seeing him and spread rumors that he was insane. He was then sent to a forced labor camp in Tumuji.

    In 2001 Ms. Xi Shufang, a practitioner from Zhalantun City, went to Nianzi Mountain to appeal for Falun Gong. She was taken away and detained for fifteen days. In 2001, she was sent to the brainwashing center. Afterwards, local policemen went to her home to harass and threaten her. She has had to leave home and live in a rural area to avoid further persecution.

    Practitioner Ms. Lu Mingzhi is from Zhalantun City. In 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and was brought back by police officers from Zhalantun. She was then detained at Nantou Prison in Zhalantun City for fifteen days. Afterwards, policemen went to her home to harass and threaten her. Her aged father-in-law and mother-in-law were terribly frightened. In 2001, Ms. Lu was sent to a brainwashing center. She was arrested on March 27, 2006, but has been released.

    Three Practitioners Die as a Result of Persecution in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, Hebei Province and Hunan Province

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Dusheng, in his 60s, was born in Hubei Province. He was a retiree from the security department of the former Kashi City Sixth Transportation Company in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region and lived in Kashi City. His pension was too small to make ends meet, so he worked as a doorman at the Fourteenth Elementary School. He started practicing Falun Gong in 1997. His home was ransacked after 1999 when the persecution began. The police took away his Falun Gong books and some materials which he had brought from his Hubei hometown and had cost him more than one thousand yuan. The police threatened him, extorted money from him, and demanded that he write a report every day at the police station. His wife also watched him closely to prevent him from contacting other practitioners. The Fourteenth Elementary School administrators did not know the truth about Falun Gong and were afraid he would make things difficult at the school, so they fired him. Mr. Li Dusheng, deeply hurt both mentally and physically, died in 2003.

    Practitioner Ms. Yu Ruilan, 60, lived in Qiji Village, Xin'an Town, Zhengding County, Hebei Province. She was harassed multiple times for refusing to give up her Falun Gong practice. After the 2003 Chinese New Year, she was detained for two weeks in Zhengding County Detention Center by the county Chinese communist party (CCP) officials. She was incarcerated in a brainwashing center for one month in Zhengding County. Due to the long term harassment and mistreatment, Ms. Yu suffered high blood pressure, which severely damaged her health. Around October 1, 2005, the village security head, Zhang Qingyu (gender unknown), and town officials went to Ms. Yu Ruilan's home and took away her exercise tapes and Falun Gong books. Ms. Yu was deeply disturbed by this unfair treatment and became very sick. She died on November 5, 2005.

    Practitioner Ms. Xiao Ruoying was a campus clinic doctor employed by Hunan Province Economic Institute. Her employer, who was the security office head, along with 610 Office agents in her hometown, arrested her. She was tortured to death within six months. The local police said that she died of cancer. Her husband, one of the officials in charge of the institute in the Hunan Province Business Bureau, divorced her under pressure. Details are yet to be investigated.

    Lanzhou Practitioner Su Anzhou Loses His Wife and Son During the Persecution

    Ms. Geng Cuifang, in her forties, and her husband Su Anzhou had traveled to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in late December 2000. After Ms. Geng was sent back to Lanzhou City, Su Anzhou was unlawfully incarcerated at the Pingantai Forced Labor Camp. Geng Cuifang was arrested and held at the Xiguoyuan Detention Center in Lanzhou City, and was released in October 2001. During that period of time, her 16-year-old son was left home alone and had a very difficult time in his daily life.

    Early in the morning on June 13, 2002, Su Anzhou had just left his home when he was forcibly seized by a group of policemen who were hidden outside of his home. Policemen then banged on the door and tried to force Ms. Geng Cuifang to open it. Geng Cuifang refused. Confronted with increasing pressure from the police, Ms. Geng Cuifang jumped from the 6th floor to escape further persecution, but died from the fall. After she had fallen, the police didn’t care whether she was alive or dead. They grabbed the key to her home from her clothing and went inside to search her home. They confiscated two bank deposit certificates, rings, other jewelry and some cash. They then hurried to get away and left Ms. Geng Cuifang’s body out in the hot sun.

    In August 2002, vicious police officers arrested Falun Gong practitioner Su Anzhou again. Using his alleged participation in tapping into a cable TV program as an excuse, they illegally sentenced him to 20 years. Su Anzhou is now imprisoned at the Dasaping Jail in Lanzhou City.

    Geng Cuifang’s son was less than 18 years old when all this happened. His mother had just died, and his father was imprisoned. His life became unstable and he had no place to call home. He was later diagnosed with late-stage lung cancer and died around August 5, 2006.

    Su Anzhou follows "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" and simply wants to be a good person. The Jiang regime's oppression made him lose his family. Within four years he had to suffer the loss of his wife and go through tremendous agony in prison. Now he is faced with another tragedy, losing his only beloved son. Heaven’s principles will not tolerate such horrible crimes committed in persecuting Falun Gong.

    Mr. Liu Zhenli Arrested in Tumen City

    [Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of]

    At 5:00 p.m. on August 10, 2006, policeman Li Jinyou (over 40 years old), from Yuegong Street Station in Tumen City, Jilin Province, along with other policemen, broke into Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Zhenli's house. Mr. Liu, a resident of Qushui Village, is over 60 years old, and has been practicing Falun Gong for many years. Mr. Liu's house was ransacked and he was arrested.

    On September 9, 2001, some people from the 610 Office, as well as policemen from Tumen City, deceived Mr. Liu and other practitioners. These practitioners were forcibly sent to a brainwashing class. Mr. Liu Zhenli was then taken back to the detention center. Ordered by Cui, the chief of the Political and Judiciary Committee, policemen beat Mr. Liu's leg, causing a fracture.