The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- September 3, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Falun Gong Practitioner on Hunger Strike in Pingquan Detention Center Is in Life-threatening Situation

  • Ms. Zhang Lianrong from Hebei Province Suffered Mental Collapse After Repeated Torture and Died of Unknown Cause

  • Ms. Guo Fengge Found Dead One Day after Being Released from Forced Labor Camp

  • Call for an Investigation into the Death of Ms. Yuan Suxian in Chongqing City in 2005

  • Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted at the Siping Jail in Jilin City

  • The Supplementary Information About the Persecution of Mr. Peng Xiaohui in Yueyang City, Hunan Province

  • More Details about the Sexual Abuses of Liu Jizhi and Han Yuzhi by Police in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province

  • Further Details About Mr. Xu Jishan's Being Tortured to Death in Daqing City Prison

  • Cruel Camp Medical Doctor: "I Inserted the Tube Into Your Trachea on Purpose"

  • Bankrupt Due to Persecution

  • Falun Gong Practitioners Missing from Jilin Province, Liaoning Province, Wuwan City, and Beijing

  • Wang Xiaodong Put on Trial by the Huadian Court in Jilin Province for the Fifth Time

  • Falun Gong Practitioner on Hunger Strike in Pingquan Detention Center Is in Life-threatening Situation

    On August 16, 2006, the chief of Taitoushan Police Station (in Pingquan County, Hebei Province), Wang Xuzi (male), led a group of policemen to arrest seven Falun Gong practitioners. Among these seven, four practitioners are illegally detained in the Pingquan County Detention Center, including Ms. Han Shuzhen, Mr. Yu Huanying, Ms. Yu Shumei (Mr. Yu Huanying's daughter), and another practitioner who was visiting Mr. Yu's family, whose name is not known. Mr. Yu's house was ransacked.

    This visiting practitioner refused to tell her name or address, and has been on hunger strike for more than ten days to protest the persecution. Her physical condition is very weak, and her life is in danger. The Detention Center Administration refused to release her, and strictly sealed all information about her. None of her family have visited her, since she never told her personal information [Note: due to the Chinese Communist Party's practice of implicating and severely pressuring Falun Gong practitioners' family members, local officials and work units, practitioners often refuse to give their names when they are arrested]. Guards have been force-feeding this practitioner brutally, and she is suffering every minute.

    Ms. Zhang Lianrong from Hebei Province Suffered Mental Collapse After Repeated Torture and Died of Unknown Cause

    Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Lianrong from Yangcun Township, Dingxing County, Hebei Province recovered from all her illnesses after she began practicing Falun Gong. She obtained both mental and physical health. Since the persecution began in 1999, Zhang and her family members have been constantly harassed and threatened by local CCP government officials and police. In spring of 2001, Zhang was abducted to the police station where she was tortured to the extent that she became mentally unstable and physically ruined. A few days after she returned home, she was found dead beside the Juma River near the village. More details follow:

    Ms. Zhang Lianrong, 42 years old, was a civilian from Laoli Village, Yangcun Township, Dingxing County, Baoding District. She began cultivating Falun Gong in 1997 after being stricken with headaches and heart problems. After she began cultivation, she obtained both physical and mental health, was able to treat everyone with compassion, and lived blissfully.

    However, former Chinese president Jiang Zemin and the CCP began persecuting and defaming Falun Gong and its founder nationwide using television, newspaper and other media channels. Zhang traveled to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. Authorities illegally abducted her from there. She was illegally detained for fifteen days and released after being blackmailed and fined by Zhang Weixing and Duan Pingde, Secretary and Deputy Secretary of the village Political and Judicial Committee.

    In October 2000, Zhang Lianrong was once again illegally abducted to the village government's judicial buildings where the Judicial Committee Chief Zhang Changliang and Secretary of the Political and Judicial Committee Ren Jintian, together with criminals Wang Hua and Geng Changjun beat her brutally. Zhang was slapped ruthlessly and made to stand for prolonged periods of time. She was also pressured to defame Falun Gong's founder or suffer beatings using military batons and a whip made from thick twisted metal wires. She was not allowed to eat, drink, urinate, move or sleep. In addition, she was forced to participate in physically demanding slave labor during the day.

    After being tortured for approximately ten days she was blackmailed to pay 650 yuan, including 150 yuan said to be for subscription fees for a newspaper. In fact, this money ended up in the officials' own pockets. As Secretary of the Political and Judicial Committee Ren Jintian described it, "Our superiors are bad and have forced all of us to subscribe to a bunch of useless newspapers. None of us are willing. But now that you're here it makes it much easier for us. We'll just force you to pay for us. In any case, Jiang Zemin had instructions: the policy towards Falun Gong is to "bankrupt them financially, destroy them physically, and defame their reputation ......" Yet, Zhang was only one of the sixty to seventy Falun Gong practitioners imprisoned here. About sixteen to seventeen other practitioners were fined amounts ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 yuan. Even when Ren's child became dangerously sick and had been hospitalized for several days, instead of visiting the hospital, he used these ill gotten gains blackmailed from Falun Gong practitioners to spend days enjoying himself with prostitutes in brothels and restaurants with his gang of criminals.

    After returning home, Zhang remained firm in her belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance", and practiced Falun Gong diligently. In spring 2001, Chiefs of the Yangcun Township Police Station, Guo Dingquan, and Yang Jianmin broke into her house, confiscated her Falun Gong books and audio/video materials, and abducted her to the police station. Yang Jianmin beat her up brutally and threatened her. A few days later he blackmailed 2,000 yuan from Zhang's family members. However, after trying many ways, Zhang's family was unable to raise the stipulated amount and Zhang was severely beaten, humiliated and abused by the criminals. In the end, seeing that Zhang's poor family really could not raise 2,000 yuan, they forced them to give the 1,000 yuan they had barely raised.

    Even under such circumstances, the Chief of the Township Political and Judicial Committee as well as henchmen from the 610 Office and the local police station released her home only after they harshly threatened her family members that they must monitor Zhang.

    However, Zhang had already become mentally unstable from the torture when she was brought back home. After returning home, she lost all rights as a human being. She was prohibited from studying the Fa, practicing the exercises, and suffered constant beatings and verbal abuse from her husband and mother-in-law. In summer of the same year, her family members suddenly announced that she had left home by herself. However, several days later, her body was found by the Juma River near the village.

    Some people said that she had fallen into the river and drowned herself after becoming mentally unstable from the persecution. However, the evil CCP members took her story and fabricated their own version: she had committed suicide after losing her sanity from qigong psychosis due to practicing Falun Gong. Zhang's family members were also threatened not to reveal how Zhang had been persecuted which made them fearful of telling the truth.

    After Falun Gong came under persecution on July 20, 1999, Yangchun Village CCP members and governmental officials have abducted practitioners, confiscated and destroyed Falun Gong books, stopped practitioners from going out to work, and confiscated practitioners' personal identification. Practitioners are even restricted from visiting family and friends, and are constantly abducted for no reason. Members of the judicial committee have publicly declared that, "Jiang Zemin has laid out his orders, when we persecute you practitioners of 'Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance', 'when we torture you to death we will publicly announce it as suicide, we would not check where you're from and cremate you immediately.' We would also 'destroy you physically, bankrupt you financially, and defame your reputation', etc." Ren Jintian used to beat up and whip Falun Gong practitioners ruthlessly himself. He has also forced other people to read Falun Gong-defaming books or reports every night and forced people to report on others. Those who disobeyed would be dragged into small rooms and tortured in this way: with hands cuffed behind the back, he or she would be brutally beaten using military batons or yard-long whips twisted from thick electrical wires. This would go on until all the perpetrators exhausted themselves.

    Ms. Guo Fengge Found Dead One Day after Being Released from Forced Labor Camp

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Guo Fengge lived in Xiatun Village, Henanzhai Town, Miyun County, Beijing City. On August 1, 2006, she returned home after her forced labor term ended. Her fellow practitioners saw that she was in good spirits, and greeted her. However, Ms. Guo died early in the morning on August 2, 2006, near the railroad tracks at the Miyun County Train Station.

    Ms. Guo Fengge was in her 50s. She and her family members had been severely persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Her husband, Xiao Yanhui, is the Town CCP official. He brutally beat Ms. Guo many times and threatened to divorce her many times. Ms. Guo Fengge continued to do the three things well. At the end of 2004, Guo Fengge was illegally arrested and sentenced to forced labor.

    On August 1, 2006, Ms. Guo returned home after her forced labor term ended. Her fellow practitioners saw that she was in good spirits, and greeted her. But her husband forbade her to meet with fellow practitioners. She was found dead in the early morning of August 2, 2006, at the railroad tracks of Miyun County Train Station. She had been run over by a train.

    Since Guo Fengge's husband has been very vicious towards her, it is very possible her death is related to her husband.

    Call for an Investigation into the Death of Ms. Yuan Suxian in Chongqing City in 2005

    It has been a year since the persecution death of practitioner Ms. Yuan Suxian in the Jiulongpo Area of Chongqing City. Another practitioner, Fan Defang, who was also arrested at the same time and was the person who revealed the details of Ms. Yuan's death due to persecution, has been sentenced to three years in prison. Since few people know the circumstances surrounding Ms. Yuan's death, I am reporting what I know, and I hope that international organizations will conduct further investigations.

    Ms. Yuan was about 60 years old. She lived with her husband, Dai Tangyin, who had retired from Jianshe Industrial Group in Mingzhu Village, located in the family quarters of Juanshe Industrial Group. In October 2001, she was arrested and sent to Maojiashan Women's Forced Labor Camp for a year for telling people the facts about Falun Gong. She was tortured in the labor camp and was constantly monitored after her release.

    On January 28, 2005, Ms. Yuan Suxian and Fan Defang picked up Falun Gong materials off the ground and showed them to someone, and were reported. Police from Tiaodenchang Police Station in Dadukou District in Chongqing City arrested them and put them in Dadukou Jail.

    At first, the two practitioners thought that all they needed to do was to explain exactly what had happened and they would be released. But soon the police showed them so-called "arrest warrants" and said, "You Falun Gong practitioners will be doomed if you don't give us money."

    Ms. Yuan and Practitioner Fan felt that they were innocent and should not have been arrested. They told the officials this repeatedly, but rather than listen to them, the authorities threatened them, saying that they would torture them to death. The two practitioners asked people to tell their family members what was happening, ask them to get legal help, and let them know that they needed to investigate in case the two were killed. In the meantime, they wrote to the district attorney's office to explain the situation.

    On July 29, 2005, Ms. Yuan suddenly passed out in the jail, foaming at the mouth. She died the next day in the hospital. The jail did not give any explanation to her family members regarding the cause of death. They were afraid that the family members would press for an investigation, so they gave them 5,000 yuan as a "compensation" and for "funeral costs" to keep them quiet.

    Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted at Siping Jail in Jilin City

    1. Mr. Jiang Quande, a Nongan County practitioner, was arrested and taken to Siping Jail during the 2004 New Year period. The authorities at the Siping Jail require regular prisoners to monitor Falun Gong practitioners and to assist in their attempts to "transform" them. Those who refuse are punished.

    Many prisoners were assigned to keep Jiang Quande under observation 24 hours a day. All of his words and actions were recorded. The prisoners said they were being forced to do this by the wardens, and that the wardens always checked their records. Falun Gong practitioners at the jail sometimes greet each other during work hours, but out of fear the prisoners prevent them from doing so.

    On the Chinese New Year's Eve of 2005, Jiang tried to have his New Year's dinner with Hou Qinghua, a practitioner detained in Ward 4, but the other prisoners stopped them. Jiang protested and didn't eat.

    A few days later Jiang tried to borrow a shoe brush from Hou Qinghua, and was again stopped by the prisoners. Jiang protested, and the prisoners assaulted him. A guard locked Jiang up in a small isolation cell.

    Jiang saw words attacking Falun Gong posted in Ward 4, so he removed the offensive words. Then he used ink to dye the white bars on his prison clothes and refused to say his number during roll call, so they transferred him to the Education Ward. On the way the other prisoners beat him to the ground when he resisted the persecution, and he shouted, "Falun Dafa is good!" As punishment, the guards tied him to the "Dead Person's Bed."

    In the late 2005 Jiang and Fu Hongwei were transferred to the Gongzhuling Jail.

    2. On the second day of the 2005 Chinese New Year, Zhang Keshan from Songyuan, Jilin was detained in Ward 13. Prisoner Zhang Renhua beat him because he spoke with another practitioner. Zhang Renhua bounced Zhang Keshan's head against the edge of the bed, even though at the time Zhang Keshan had a fever and was very weak.

    3. Mr. Fu Hongwei of Shulan City, Jilin was detained in Ward 12 in 2005. He refused to call out his number during roll call, so officer Yin Shoudong sent him to an isolation cell, where guards attacked him with several electric batons. He then began a hunger strike. Later he was taken to the jail hospital and force-fed.

    Seeing how Fu Hongwei was being persecuted, practitioner Li Wenbo from Meihekou also went on hunger strike, and he was taken to the office and given electric shocks.

    4. In May 2005, Mr. Zou Jihua of Changchun City was detained in Ward 8. Detention officers found Teacher's articles in his clothing and kept him in a small isolation cell for a month. His meals consisted of only one small spoonful of corn congee. He wasn't released from isolation until his mother came to visit him.

    5. Mr. Jin Xuezhe of Changchun was detained in the small isolation cell for one day in June 2004 after he was discovered to be in possession of Teacher's articles.

    6. On February 23, 2004, fifteen practitioners were transferred from the Jilin Jail to the Siping Jail, including Wang Guiming of Tonghua City, Jilin Province. Wang Guiming wrote a letter of appeal, which the authorities at the jail refused to submit. Wang went on a hunger strike and was subjected to forced feeding. On March 2006, he was detained in Ward 11. Jailers found Teacher's articles in his clothes and sent him to a small isolation cell. Officers shocked him with four electric batons, and his face was disfigured due to the torture. When Wang Guiming continued his hunger strike, detention officers sent him to the jail hospital for force-feeding and continued to torture him for a month.

    7. Mr. Liang Zhenxing of Changchun was transferred from the Tiebei Jail to the Siping Jail. As soon as he arrived, he was detained in a small cell. Later he was transferred to the Education Ward. In May 2006, he was force-fed in the jail hospital. He was shackled and cuffed to a bed, and had no choice but to relieve himself on the bed.

    8. Mr. Liu Xiaoyong of Baicheng was detained in Ward 4, and the jailers tortured him with electric batons because they found Teacher's articles in his clothes.

    9. In 2005, prisoners beat Mr. Zhen Guoming of Nongan County, who ran out of the gate of the jail. Police officers detained him in a small isolation cell for half a month.

    The authorities at the Siping Jail encourage prisoners to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. They reward prisoners who participate with reduced sentences. They force practitioners to write "guarantee letters" and repentance letters, etc. Prisoners bribe jailers in exchange for assignments to monitor Falun Gong practitioners. Some prisoners cruelly persecute practitioners for the rewards. In the Education Ward, jailers often assemble prisoners from each ward, which are excused from their regular work assignments and ordered to monitor practitioners. Practitioners are forced to sit on benches and participate in brainwashing sessions, and are restricted from using the restroom. When the practitioners are allowed to use the restroom, the prisoners go with them. They are also frequently forced to do drills and run, and elderly practitioners also receive physical punishment.

    Siping Jail: 86-434-5462211, 5462212, 5462150
    Li Wendong, Siping Jail Chief: 434-3209789 (Home), 86-434-5469002 (Office)
    Lan Lijun, Siping Jail Deputy Chief : 86-434-3526350 (Home)

    The Supplementary Information About the Persecution of Mr. Peng Xiaohui in Yueyang City, Hunan Province

    The Junshan District Police Department of Yueyang City in Hunan Province, including Jiang Renwu, Deng Hongqiu, Li Juemin, Chen Ailiang, Li Qiliang, Duan Deliang, Zhou Guoliang and Zhao Wenhua, and others illegally arrested Falun Gong practitioners Peng Xiaohui, Leng Xuehui, and Zhao Junlan on May 12, 2006, and tortured them in attempts to extract so-called "confessions."

    According to a source, on the evening of May 17, the police wrapped Mr. Peng Xiaohui's hands with a towel, then tied them and hung him up (by using a towel, wounds from the torture would be less likely to show). Policeman Zhao Wenhua burned Mr. Peng's groin with a burning cigarette. Every time Mr. Peng shouted out, the police smiled obscenely and said, "We will burn you here, where you will be embarrassed to show others."

    Policeman Zhao Wenhua burned him many times like this. He didn't stop until many blisters appeared on Mr. Peng's skin. Other police officers hit Mr. Peng Xiaohui over and over. Mr. Peng was hung up for over one hour, until he could not withstand it. They then continued their torture and interrogation. Mr. Peng Xiaohui did not acknowledge their efforts and would not put his hand prints on the so-called "evidence" as they demanded, so the police forced his hand down onto the papers.

    Around May 23, the police tied and hung up Mr. Peng Xiaohui twice.

    From May 12 to August 14, Mr. Peng Xiaohui's father went to the Junshan District Police Station Procurator Detention Center and Court many times to request to see his son. They did not allow it, and made his father go there again and again, until August 15, when Peng Xiaohui's life was in danger from a hunger strike protest. The police were afraid to take responsibility and they wanted his father to urge him to eat; only then did they allow his father to see him.

    On the afternoon of May 12, 2006, when Mr. Peng Xiaohui left his home, he was arrested by three police officers, including Li Qiliang, from the National Security Group at Junshan District Police Departmentof Yueyang City, who were waiting there watching his home. Afterwards, the National Security Group leader Peng Renwu of Junshan District Police Department led several riot police to secretly enter a practitioner's private home. They forced their way into the room, and arrested two female practitioners, Leng Xuefei and Zhao Qunlan. The entire action of arresting practitioners was led by the head of  Junshan District Police Department in person.

    Mr. Peng Xiaohui is currently imprisoned in the Huarong County Detention Center in Yueyang City, Hunan Province. The police have now submitted the confession materials they extorted by torture to the Junshan District Court of Yueyang City.

    More Details about the Sexual Abuses of Liu Jizhi and Han Yuzhi by Police in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province

    I am Ms. Jia Yanzhi, 38, and reside in Xituan Village, East Chengfang Town, Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province. On November 24, 2005, Ms. Liu Yanxia from my village and I went to Ms. Liu Jizhi's home at 8 p.m. Ms. Liu Yanxia and I raised more than 100 sheep and Ms. Liu Jizhi wanted to buy some. Therefore, we went to her home to ask her to come and select the sheep the next morning. Shortly after we sat down, we heard someone battering at the door. We were frightened, because only we three ladies were at her home. Ms. Liu Yanxia and I turned off the lights and stayed inside the room. Ms. Liu Jizhi went to open the door. Before she got to the door, a person climbed over the wall and jumped into her courtyard (he identified himself as He Xuejian at the Police Station later). Then six or seven people, more vicious than bandits, burst into her house. They ransacked the entire house and found a few books and three tape recorders. They asked Ms. Liu Yanxia and me what we were doing there. We told them that we were just visiting. They didn't believe us. Instead, they arrested all of us. At the main door, a person asked Ms. Liu Yanxia to stay there. Others asked him why. He said, "No reason. I said she stays here." Therefore Ms. Liu Yanxia stayed there.

    Ms. Liu Jizhi and I were taken to the Group Office of our village. Mr. Wang Helin, Mr. Wei Baoliang and Ms. Han Yuzhi from our village were there too. Mr. Chai Yuqiao was watching them. After a short while, Ms. Qu Wenting was also taken to the office in a car. They asked her to remain outside the car and told Ms. Liu Jizhi, Ms. Han Yuzhi and I to get into the car. We four ladies, plus He Xuejian and a driver rode in a red car, Mr. Wei Baoliang and Mr. Wang Helin rode in a white minivan to the East Chengfang Township police station.

    At the police station, they took the six of us to the on-duty office and began to interrogate us. Ms. Liu Jizhi and Ms. Qu Wenting were interrogated first and then taken out of the room. Ms. Han Yuzhi and Mr. Wei Baoliang were interrogated next. After they were taken out of the room, Ms. Liu Jizhi and Ms. Qu Wenting were taken back to the room, after being severely beaten. A tall thin policeman Li, in his twenties, wearing a pair of glasses, came in. He took me to his dormitory room and asked me to squat facing the wall, with both hands extended horizontally. Then he went out. I did that for more than ten minutes and felt very uncomfortable because of fear and exhaustion. So I started to shake and could not remain in this position. He came back and saw that. He kicked me and slapped my face with the notepad. He asked me to stand straight. Then he read a few regulations and warned me to "confess."

    Policeman Li asked me whether I practiced Falun Gong. I said no and that I only had heard of it. He asked me who told me that. I told him that one day I had a back pain so I went out to buy medicine. I met Ms. Qu Wenting and told her that I had back pain. She said that she was paralyzed for several years before and tried numerous doctors and remedies, but was not cured. Since she practiced Falun Gong, without even spending a penny, she was cured. She could even go back to work. She asked me to practice Falun Gong, too. Policeman Li asked me how long we had been in touch with each other. I answered him four or five days. He took me to another policeman who was interrogating Ms. Han Yuzhi. Policeman Li gave him my records. He read it after Ms. Han Yuzhi left the room, and then asked me, "How long have you been practicing Falun Gong?" I said, "No, I don't practice it. I just heard other people mention it." He asked me who told me about it. I told him Ms. Qu Wenting. He asked me if I knew anyone else. I said that I did not know any other people. Policeman Li then took me back to the on-duty office around 2 a.m..

    At that time, other people from our village except Mr. Wang Helin and Mr. Wei Baoliang were in the room. After a while, policeman He Xuejian took Ms. Liu Jizhi away. When Mr. Wei Baoliang came back, Policeman Li took me to his dormitory room again. He left and later he returned with Chai Yuqiao. He was playing with his computer and Chai Yuqiao started to scold me. Chai Yuqiao said, "Why on earth did you learn this [Falun Gong]? Didn't you know that our government forbids people to learn it? If your husband (Mr. Yan Fengzhong) knew this, he would be so angry that he would beat you cruelly. How could you live for the rest of your life? You don't need to see a doctor when you are sick, how can Falun Gong be so miraculous? Stop studying it. Stop practicing it. " I asked Chai Yuqiao, "Can I go home now?" He answered, "Not yet." I asked, "Then where should I go?" Chai Yuqiao said, "Go back to the room where you were." I went back to the on-duty office. The other five people were also there. Later Policeman Li took Mr. Wang Helin out.

    Mr. Wang Helin returned to the room twenty minutes later. At 2:30 a.m., police locked the on-duty office from outside and used a big stick to block the door from being opened. They kept the room's lights on and left one policeman to watch us. The rest of them went to sleep. There was only a single bed, a desk and two chairs in the room. We four ladies sat next to each other on the bed. Ms. Liu Jizhi was beaten most severely, so she lay on the bed for a while. Mr. Wang Helin and Mr. Wei Baoliang sat on the chair for the whole night.

    When other policemen came back the next morning, He Xuejian asked me and Ms. Han Yuzhi to clean the ashes from the furnace and then take the trash out. He asked us to clean the courtyard, wipe the floors of each room and wash their cars. Afterwards, we were asked to go back to the on-duty office. The policemen ate their breakfast and went out in their cars. Policeman Li stayed behind to watch us. We heard from our villagers that they went to our village to talk to other people who practiced Falun Gong before. They also had lunch at the restaurant at the entrance of the village. My husband, Yan Fengzhong, came to see me and then brought breakfasts for the six of us.

    Around 2:30 pm, the policemen returned. He Xuejian came to the on-duty office. He told Ms. Liu Jizhi, "You come with me!" We thought he was going to interrogate her. After half hour, she came back and sat down on the bed crying. Then He Xuejian took Ms. Han Yuzhi with him. Ms. Qu Wenting asked Ms. Liu Jizhi, "What happened to you? What did they ask you?" While crying, Ms. Liu Jizhi said that He Xuejian asked her whether Ms. Jia Yanzhi and Ms. Liu Yanxia practiced Falun Gong. She told him no. Then He Xuejian pushed her on the bed, tore her clothes and shocked her nipples with an electronic baton. He Xuejian kept asking her three times and she always said they did not practice. There was another policeman in the room lying on the bed, but he used a newspaper to cover his head, pretending to be asleep. She said that He Xuejian raped her in front of that policeman. He Xuejian put his fingers inside her vagina and kept moving them. Then he used a towel to wipe his fingers. She begged He Xuejian not to do it, telling him that she was even older than his mother. She said, "I said so many things, but he did not listen. He is a bastard." Then she said, "I don't want to live any more. I can't face people." She was about to knock her head against a table. Ms. Qu Wenting held her tightly in her arms. We were all shocked and cried. We asked her to take it easy. Ms. Liu Jizhi and Ms. Qu Wenting asked Mr. Wang Helin and Mr. Wei Baoliang to check about Ms. Han Yuzhi, to see that she was not in danger.

    Ms. Qu Wenting held Ms. Liu Yuzhi until she calmed down. I went to the bathroom and policeman Li stood outside watching. There I met Ms. Han Yuzhi. I asked her what He Xuejian asked her. She said, "He did not ask me anything. He started to tear off my clothes and tried to put his fingers into my vagina. I kept telling him not to do it, but he did not stop." At that time, somebody shouted to have us work in the courtyard, so she went to the courtyard. He Xuejian then told Ms. Liu Jizhi to clean the courtyard and wipe the windows; the police station Political Instructor Xing ordered Ms. Han Yuzhi to wash his clothes; they also told Mr. Wang Helin to clean the floor and Mr. Wei Baoliang to wash their cars. After the courtyard was cleaned, we were told to clean the rooms of the entire building.

    After four o'clock in the afternoon, when we were cleaning the police station, Chai Yuqiao came back. He told us that we would be OK. He talked to the party secretary of our Group, Yang Shun, and he agreed to let us go. Our families would pick us up soon. Chai Yuqiao asked Ms. Qu Wenting why he did not find anyone at her home. She said that her husband worked in Beijing. Chai Yuqiao took me to a separate room. The Political Instructor Xing was there. Xing asked me why I went to Ms. Liu Jizhi's home. I told him that we were selling her our sheep. He did not believe me. He asked me why Ms. Liu Yanxia was there. I told him that Ms. Liu Yanxia was her husband's aunt. He asked me whether Ms. Liu Yanxia practiced Falun Gong. I said that I did not know. He then asked me the name of Ms. Liu Jizhi's husband. I said I did not know (I really did not know). He was irritated, "If you kept saying 'I don't know' I will send you to the Mancheng City Forced Labor Camp!" Chai Yuqiao helped me by saying, "OK, OK, go home. Don't practice any more. Go home!"

    I left the police station and bumped into a friend on the street. He took me home on his motorcycle. When I arrived at my home, I was told that the police were coming to my house. I was so frightened that I went into hiding and did not return home that evening. The police ransacked my house but did not find anything. I did not dare to return home until 11:30 a.m. the next day.

    Later, several groups of people came to my house to interrogate me four times. I told them honestly what I knew.

    1. At 9 p.m. on November 27, 2005, two policemen from the Third Team of the Zhuozhou City Criminal Investigation Group came to my home. They were about mid-size. One was fat and in his forties or fifties. The other was in his thirties. They interrogated me for half hour.

    2. At 6 or 7 p.m. on November 29, 2005, two people from Zhuozhou City came. One fat person was Director Ma and the other was a thin tall person in his twenties. They also interrogated me for half hour.

    3. At 9 a.m., four or five days after the second interrogation, Director Ma came to my home again. He said that something was not clear and interrogated and recorded my replies again.

    4. A week (less than ten days) later, Director Ma brought two members of a "special investigations group" from Hebei Province Baoding City to my home. They both were short guys. One thin guy had an oval face and was in his thirties, carrying a black brief case. One fat guy had a round face. They asked me the details for about three hours. They left after noon, but returned within ten minutes with a camcorder. They told my husband, "We can video tape her statements so that we do not need to bother you any more." My husband said, "OK, if that's what you want." I did not agree. I said that they had written down what I had said so there was no need for video taping. They kept pestering me and I eventually gave in. I spoke about the event to the camcorder for more than half an hour. The thin guy did the recording. When they left, they told me that they would not bother me again and that I did not need to go to court because they could use the tape. Nobody came to my house since. After the first court trial, Mr. Liu Jianzeng came to my home and told me, "Your testimony (video tape) was presented to the court."

    I am a timid person by nature. After this incident that came out of nowhere, I had a severe abnormal health condition. I was afraid of meeting new people and my heart would jump really fast when I heard the noise of a car. I was very annoyed to see a telephone or cell phone. My mind would become blank periodically and I would keep worrying about things. I am not able to let go of my present mental state.

    Further Details About Mr. Xu Jishan's Being Tortured to Death in Daqing City Prison

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Xu Jishan, 41, was an employee at the Daqing Petrochemical Engineering Corporation. He was illegally sentenced to three years of imprisonment in March 2004. He was incarcerated in Daqing Prison because he handed out Falun Gong materials.

    Xu Jishan was often tortured in Daqing Prison. Criminals Wang Anhui and Guo Liyang beat him frequently. Criminal Yang Baoxiang took care of Xu's deposit card for the money that Xu's family gave him. Xu didn't have the freedom to go to the prison canteen to buy necessary items. Yang Baoxiang didn't let Xu know how much money was deposited and spent in his money account.

    Beginning May 5, 2005, the prison guards forced Mr. Xu to stand up straight for seven days without a break. They poured cold water onto Mr. Xu and soaked his coat. They also tried to subject him to the "tying the rope" torture (1). Mr. Xu shouted, "Help!" which woke everyone up, and then the abusers stopped.

    On June 5, 2005, guard Zhang Dezhi and other criminals forced Mr. Xu to write a "guarantee letter" renouncing Falun Gong.

    At 8:00 a.m. that day, criminal Pu Chong told Mr. Xu, "Would you do me a favor to write the letter? If you do it, you will avoid the torture, too." Mr. Xu said, "I can do anything but this." Pu Chong said, "OK, then. [I hope you] won't regret it later."

    At 8:40 a.m., Zhang Dezhi came to Mr. Xu's room with criminals Li Liancai, Pu Chong, Wang Anhui, Guo Liyang, Wang Hongyan, Yao Hainiu and Zhou Xiaofei. To keep the proceedings secret, they removed practitioner Zhao Yu'an, who was in the same room with Mr. Xu. They locked Zhao Yu'an in another room and assigned criminals Zhai Fugang, Wang Yanyue and Wang Minglong to watch Zhao Yu'an. They forbade anyone from entering Xu's room or walking nearby, so that no one would know of their crime of torturing Xu.

    At 9:00 a.m., criminal Wang Minlong found a piece of rope, and Mr. Xu was tied onto a wooden frame and gagged with a pair of underwear to prevent him from shouting out. Criminals Wang Anhui and Guo Liyang carried Mr. Xu to a nearby bathroom. It contained a water hose, which was used to torture Mr. Xu.

    Criminals Li Liancai, Wang Anhui, and Guo Liyang took off Mr. Xu's clothes. Then they sprayed Mr. Xu with cold water from the hose from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The water temperature was about 60o F.

    At 8:40 p.m., 10:00 p.m., and midnight, Zhang Dezhi came to the bathroom and tried to force Mr. Xu to write the "guarantee letter." Every time they removed the underwear from Mr. Xu's mouth, Mr. Xu shouted, "Help." Zhang Dezhi threatened him, "Nobody can rescue you if you don't write the letter. So why don't you do it?" Mr. Xu didn't say anything.

    At around 1:00 a.m., Wang Anhui and Guo Liyang found that Mr. Xu was dying, which they reported to Zhang Dezhi, but Zhang Dezhi didn't take any action. He went to see Mr. Xu, and left. Li Liancai, Pu Chong, Wang Anhui and Guo Liyang carried Mr. Xu out of the bathroom and ordered criminal Yang Qinghua to clean the bathroom.

    Mr. Xu was naked when he was carried out. He laid on the ground and could not move. Guo Liyang and Wang Anhui tried to make him sit up, but he could not. He could not even hold his head up. Despite this, Guo Liyang and Wang Anhui were still saying that Mr. Xu was pretending. Li Liancai and Pu Chong tested Mr. Xu's pulse and tried to push his chest to help him breathe, but it didn't work.

    Although Zhang Dezhi saw everything, he didn't send Mr. Xu to a hospital until 1:40 p.m.

    Falun Gong practitioner Li Lizhuang, who was released on July 23, 2006 helped the emergency treatment in the prison hospital. Mr. Xu had no life signs after being sent to the hospital. At 2:00 p.m. he was sent back to the prison cell. They put clothes on him. People at the prison cell didn't know until 4:00 p.m. that Mr. Xu had already died.

    Many people witnessed the whole process of torturing Mr. Xu through the door. Criminal Ying Youzeng peeked through the door and said, "These people are killing a Falun Gong practitioner. He is dying!" When they were torturing Mr. Xu, other criminals were locked in a room opposite the bathroom. The door of that room can be opened a little bit so many people peeked through the gap and witnessed the whole process.

    The witnesses include:

    (All the following are in the Sixth Prison Ward)

    Zhao Yu'an (Falun Gong practitioner), Chi Wenda (already released), Zhang Fengwen, Li Ming

    (All the following are in the Seventh Prison Ward)

    Wang Minglong, Wang Hongyan, Zhou Xiaofei, Yao Hainiu, Wu Qingquan (already released), Yang Qinghua, Ying Youzeng, Jiang Wenming, Zhang Wenping, Song Yulong, Li Hongbiao, Li Jin, Zhai Fugang, Wang Guangyue, Zhang Yonggang at the service center, and Li Lizhuang (Falun Gong practitioner, released, he lives at the Second Hospital of the Medicine University in Harbin City)

    In August 2005, Daqing Prison officials tried to cover up the truth of Mr. Xu's death. They threatened the witnesses and lied, saying that Mr. Xu died due to heart disease. Guards Zhang Dezhi, Li Fengjiang and criminal Guan Falin were personally involved in creating this ruse. They threatened witnesses Wu Qingquan, Zhang Wenping, Jiang Wenming and Song Yulong with consequences if they said anything.

    The procuratorate and the prison's criminal investigation section also threatened witnesses when they were "investigating" the case. They claimed that Wu Qingquan's given testimony was false. They incarcerated him in a solitary cell for one month, and subjected him to other punishment. They refused to record Zhao Yu'an's testimony. Confronted with such huge pressure, no witness dared to come forward to tell the truth.

    The murderers are still out of reach of the law. The coerced witnesses don't dare to tell the truth. Some witnesses were sent to other places, and some of them were released, but we believe that the truth will one day be exposed.

    The murderers involved in Xu's case:

    Guard, Zhang Dezhi

    Criminals: Guo Liyang, Li Liancai, Pu Chong, and Wang Anhui (all in the prison's Seventh Ward)


    (1) "Tying the rope" is one type of cruel torture, refers to putting a thin nylon rope around a person's neck, and then wrapping it around both shoulders from the back down to each arm, loop by loop, and then over each hand. The rope is tightened to its limit and cuts into the flesh. Both arms are forced behind the back and raised to the extreme, and then both thumbs are tied with a rope and affixed to the rope that goes around the back of the neck. The person tortured in this way is then kicked, to kneel on the floor. The rope is released about one hour later, then the person is tied up like this again a second time, then a third time.

    Cruel Camp Medical Doctor: "I Inserted the Tube Into Your Trachea on Purpose"

    1. Persecuted Four Times by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

    My name is Gao Ke and I am 52 years old. Formerly I was a teacher at Yumin Primary School in Daowai District of Harbin City. In late 1996, I began practicing Falun Gong and my old illnesses, (gallbladder stones, kidney stones, gallbladder inflammation, herniated vertebral disc, rheumatism, coronary heart disease, and elevated lipids, etc.), all disappeared. Also, because I followed the Falun Gong principles of Truthfulness - Compassion - Forbearance in my life, my interpersonal relationships with family, neighbors, and co-workers improved and became more harmonious. With the elevation of my moral standard, I became healthier and happier and wanted to shout from the bottom of my heart, "Falun Gong has saved me! Falun Dafa is good!".

    I continue to practice Falun Gong and live according to the standards of Truthfulness - Compassion - Forbearance. Thus, I have been persecuted on several occasions by unlawful arrest, searches of my home, confiscation of personal property, fines and physical abuse.

    Emaciated Mr. Gao Ke of approximately 100 pounds - dropped from his original 180 pounds

    Following the first arrest, I was illegally sentenced to serve one year at Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp in Harbin City. After an 83-day hunger strike and suffering much cruel persecution, I finally walked out of that den of evil. During the second illegal imprisonment, I held a 16-day hunger strike to protest the persecution. I was near death and spitting up blood when I stepped out of the 2nd Detention Center of Harbin City in an open and dignified way. The third time I was again sentenced to serve three years at the Changlinzi Labor Camp. While detained, I experienced the brutal persecution of "squatting on the heels" several times, sitting on a hot iron chair (more than 10 times), and shocking by electric batons. Most cruel was electric shocking with fully charged batons on my eyes, genitalia, and heart for up to 50 minutes at a time. This caused painful burns all over my body. The most vicious and violent camp staff member was the head of the 5th Group, Zhao Shuang. On numerous occasions I shouted, "Falun Dafa is good!" and was able to eventually break away from this horrible place.

    The fourth time I was brutally persecuted occurred during a recent incident at the 1st Detention Center, Daowai District, Harbin City. Below I relate an account of the persecution I experienced so as to expose the evil and stop this inhuman persecution against innocent Falun Gong practitioners.

    2. Savage Forced Feedings

    On February 27, 2006, while chatting with some acquaintances on the street, I was unlawfully arrested by the Dongyuan Police Station of Daowai District. Later that same night I was transferred to the 1st Detention Center. In order to protest this mistreatment, I went on a hunger strike. On the fourth day, savage forced feeding started.

    The camp hired three medical doctors from the outside to be on duty at the internal clinic. Two doctors were of the surname Wang and another was called Lian. The first forced feeding was performed by a Dr. Wang who had a crew cut hairstyle. I was restrained to an iron chair with my hands cuffed to the back of the chair. Several convicts restrained me while the camp doctor inserted a plastic tube the size of a little finger down my throat. This caused me to nearly suffocate, as I was desperately twisting my body due to the extremely painful suffering. With so many convicts holding me down by force, Dr. Wang did not care to remove the plastic tube until I nearly lost consciousness. Later he said, "I am a surgeon and I know how to do forced feeding very well. That time I purposely inserted it into your trachea." How could he ever call himself a doctor, who is supposed to be someone that helps others? Isn't he actually a criminal dressed in a white uniform? During the savage forced feeding, I felt I was suffocating several times and that kind of suffering is excruciating. This is one situation from my own experience that demonstrates how the CCP acts with utter disregard for the human lives of Falun Gong practitioners.

    Another camp medical doctor named Dr. Wang, who was bald, was also very wicked. On two occasions, after force feeding me, he did not remove the nasogastric tube, but left it inserted and taped it to my face. My hands were cuffed behind my back and several convicts restrained me to prevent me from moving my body. I suffered from chest pain and difficulty breathing. This suffering lasted for about six or seven hours, until I was on the verge of death inside the detention cell. This was the most severe suffering I encountered as a result of forced feeding. The other incidents of forced feeding were also terribly painful. The plastic tube inserted into the stomach through the nose usually causes damage and infection to the respiratory tract and the stomach. Every time the tube was removed, it was covered with blood. Nobody cared if the victim contracted an infection. Also, the savage forced feeding contained some unknown drugs, and I felt terribly ill after each session.

    3. Inhuman Tortures

    (Picture: Savage forced feeding caused ulcers at the corners of Mr. Gao's mouth. His mouth was injured and bleeding so much that bloodstains were on the socks that were stuffed into his mouth.)

    Inside the detention cell, I continued to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. I also continued to do the Falun Gong exercises. Therefore, the Detention Center Director issued an order that convicts were to stuff socks into my mouth to prevent me from talking. Some convicts used a rag for wiping the toilet to wrap the socks up and then shoved it into my mouth. I struggled hard to spit out the sock and kept clarifying the truth to them. Then they sent more than ten convicts to torment me. The corners of my mouth were cut and bleeding, and bloodstains were on the socks that were shoved into my mouth.

    The director instructed convicts to take turns twisting my fingers and toes with their hands to cause me even more suffering. Such a torture would occur several times a day or continuously for 7 or 8 hours.

    In cell #406, Qu Hongtao, a 30-some year old convict of Daowai District, Harbin City, frequently dug his fingers forcefully into my eyes, almost causing me to go blind. His constant digging into my eyes has caused my vision to be blurry even now. He also punched and kicked me. The center's guards usually pretended not to see it. Some might stop him but they never punished the convicts for punching or kicking the detained practitioners.

    Zhou Ping, another 30-some year old convict from Harbin City, also tortured me severely. Besides twisting and striking my four limbs, he trampled on my hands and feet. About 20 or so other convicts also took turns tormenting me. The center guards did not pay any attention to it. Furthermore, a "discipline instructor" by the name of Song often instigated convicts to persecute me. At that time I had already been on a hunger strike for 50 days. The brutal torture, in addition to the earlier savage forced feeding, made my body weight drop from 180 pounds to approximately 100 pounds.

    The emaciated condition of Mr Gao Ke placed his life at great risk

    I refused to eat or drink anything from the detention center as I continued to clarify the truth to the center guards and other detainees. I let them know about the wonder of Falun Gong, the goodness of Falun Gong practitioners, and the fact that Falun Gong has spread all over the world. Through this, they got a better understanding about Falun Gong.

    On the 60th day of my hunger strike, after innumerable inhuman tortures and savage forced feedings while near-death, I was able to walk out of there. After coming home, I learned that the national security group of Daowai District Police Department forced my family to pay bonds of 3,000 yuan for my release. Family members were afraid I might be persecuted to death and so they borrowed money to pay for the bonds. We never received a receipt from the person who took our money for the National Security Group of Daowai District Police Department. Throughout the past several years of the persecution of Falun Gong, unlawful fines or bonds without receipt have been levied many times. Illegal confiscation of valuables from my home has caused much difficulty in my family's life. On two occasions, they ransacked my home without anybody from my family being there. My family has suffered greatly from the repeated arrests, ransacking of my home, and constant harassment by the authorities.

    I hereby ask kind people of the world to please lend us your support in exposing and stopping this inhuman and brutal persecution that has continued these past seven years.

    Bankrupt Due to Persecution

    Since I began to practice Falun Gong, I have benefited both physically and spiritually. I greatly appreciate Master Li. Since 1999, after Falun Gong was persecuted and Master was slandered, we have not been allowed to speak up. I feel it is unfair. When I went to Beijing to appeal for Master and Falun Gong, I was not only tortured but also forced into bankruptcy.

    In 2001, I decided to go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. In the end, however, I was arrested. I was taken by police to our county detention center. I was shocked by electric batons. My mouth was burnt and scorched to the point of blistering. Later, I was put in handcuffs and ankle shackles and I was not allowed to move. Even worse, police broke into my house and took two cows (both were to give birth to calves within 7 to 10 days) and another young cow. They sold these cows at prices below their value. Of course, they kept the money for themselves. Who gave them the power to steal other's property?

    There is a famous Chinese saying, "Good is rewarded with good and evil will meet with retribution." Those who made profit from buying the cows very cheap when we were going through difficult times were punished to some degree. Some died of cancer, some went into a coma, and the cows ended up dying.

    After I was detained for six months at the detention center, I escaped with righteous thoughts.

    One day in August 2002, I visited a fellow practitioner's house and was arrested again. Police took me to the Xuanhua City Brainwashing Center. In winter, I was handcuffed to an electricity pole. I felt so cold the whole day and night that I felt numb all over my body--I nearly lost all feeling.

    The staff of the brainwashing center wanted me to be "transformed" but I would not comply. I want to be a good person now that I practice Falun Gong, so what is it that they want me to be transformed into? I was not released until I was detained for another three months.

    We practice Falun Gong, which is an upright practice. Master teaches us how to be good people, and to be even better people. However, I have been arrested again and again. Our three cows were our major source of income. Losing these cows has led to a direct loss of 70,000 yuan. We are near bankruptcy.

    Falun Gong Practitioners Missing from Jilin Province, Liaoning Province, Wuwan City, and Beijing

    Mr. Chi Yongwan, a practitioner from Jilin Province, has been missing for two years

    Chi Yongwan is a Falun Gong practitioner from Longjing City, Yanbian Prefecture, Jilin Province. He was accepted into Yanbian University in 1996 and began learning Falun Gong that same year. After graduation he became a teacher in Longjing High School.

    A few days before the Chinese New Year in 2004, he went out to send Teacher's latest article to fellow practitioners. He was tracked down and illegally arrested. His residence was searched and property confiscated. After this incident, he has never been heard from again.

    Mr. Zhao Jun, a practitioner from Jilin Province, went missing after he was sentenced to prison for seven years.

    Mr. Zhao Jun, about 30 years old, used to live on Wula Street in the Changyi District of Jilin City. He called his family once, two years ago, and said that he had been sentenced to prison for seven years. Since then, his whereabouts have remained unknown.

    Practitioner Ms. Dang Yanhua from Fushun City has been missing since 2003.

    Ms. Dang Yanhua, a practitioner from Fushun City, is about 50 years old. She has been missing since 2003. Since that time, there has been no news from her.

    Mr. Bao from Beijing has been missing since 2005. It is possible that he was arrested.

    Mr. Bao, a practitioner from Beijing, is more than 50 years old. He used to work at the Beijing Subway Company and lived in Jiaomendongli in the Fengtai District. The Yangqiao Police Station administers his residency. He has been missing since the end of 2005.

    Wang Xiaodong Put on Trial by the Huadian Court in Jilin Province for the Fifth Time

    The Huadian Court in Jilin Province illegally placed Falun Gong practitioner Wang Xiaodong on trial for the fifth time on August 14, 2006.

    On March 11, 2006, the policeman from the National Security Group in Huadian City Yu Jinji illegally arrested Falun Gong practitioner Wang Xiaodong. The policemen tortured him by pouring petroleum over him and using a shaking machine. They have been using all sorts of torture methods on him for over five months. During that time Policeman Yu Jinji and Yang Baolin from the 610 Office forged evidence in an attempt to bring Wang Xiaodong to an illegal trial. The Huadian City Court rejected the case four times due to insufficient evidence.

    On August 14, Wang Xiaodong's mother went to the court with the hope of seeing her son. But from far away she saw the Court Chief Wei Junying standing at the court gate looking around. When he couldn't find anything, he went inside. Seeing this, his mother took notice because last time they held the illegal trial of Wang Xiaodong secretly.

    After ten minutes or so, Wang's mother saw a man and a woman from the 610 Office standing at the court gate. She asked them, "Are you going to open the trial again?" At first the woman said, "We don't know either." Wang's mother asked again, "How come you don't know? You are from the 610 Office." After she was asked several times, the lady admitted that it was today that the court sat. She said, "We received the notice only just now." Wang's mother asked, "Can I go inside and listen?" The lady hesitated a bit and said, "We have to let you go in and listen."

    When Wang's mother went inside, the illegal trial had been in progress for quite a while. When she heard the judge announce those non-existent fabrications as his crimes, she was shocked and angered. Wang Xiaodong looked traumatized after five months of persecution.

    When the trial was to end, the judge asked as usual, "Do you admit you are guilty?" Wang Xiaodong replied with determination, " I am not guilty." In less than one hour, the trial was hastily brought to an end. Wang Xiaodong was led away through the back door. Wang's mother thought she might be able to meet her son. When she learned that her son was taken away unwillingly, she felt so sad and angry.

    At the gate of the court, Wang's mother saw the directors of the 610 Office, Zhou Jian and Yang Baolin. She questioned them loudly, "As we have no previous accounts to settle, why do you treat my son like that? " Yang answered, " We are following the procedures. Didn't we have a public trial?" Wang's mother said, " Public trial? If it was a public trial, you should let the public hear the case and let them know what crimes Wang Xiaodong committed. On March 11, 2006, he was abducted when he was carrying buckets of water home. But in the court, all the things you announced as his crimes, he had never done. Did you treat this secret trial as a public trial?" Yang Baolin and others walked away without any words.

    The policeman from the National Security Group in Huadian City Yu Jinji single-handedly plotted the persecution of Wang Xiaodong. He was listed and exposed on the "Perpetrators Column" of the Fawanghuihui net. The policeman swore at Wang's mother when he saw her. She replied, " You have done so many bad deeds. You felt uncomfortable when others mentioned your name. You tortured my son like that. Why don't you have a thought for my feelings?"

    Yu Jinji pushed her out of the door.