The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- January 2, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Ms. Cao Aihua from Xinjiang Autonomous Region Died as a Result of Torture; Her Family Asks for Justice in Vain

  • Calling to Rescue Mr. Yu Xinhui from Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province

  • Mr. Liu Junhua's Life in Imminent Danger as a Result of Abuses at Jiamusi Prison in Heilongjiang Province

  • CCP Authorities in Jilin Province Try to Frame Falun Gong Practitioners in Court Trail

  • The Persecution Incidents at Maojiashan Forced Labor Camp in Chongqing City

  • Ms. Cao Aihua from Xinjiang Autonomous Region Died as a Result of Torture; Her Family Asks for Justice in Vain

    On November 1, 2006, Ms. Cao Aihua from Aksu City, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region was arrested and taken to the Women's Forced Labor Camp of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corporation. When her husband visited her at the forced labor camp and brought some daily necessities, Ms. Cao told him that the guards in the labor camp had beaten and sworn at her. Her husband had to return home in a rush to deal with an urgent family matter, but only a few days after he returned home, he was informed that his wife had died on November 13.

    Ms. Cao Aihua's remains are not at a funeral parlor yet. Her husband said that he and his family asked for her remains. When cleaning his wife's body, he found a large injury on her back. He believes that his wife died after suffering injuries as a result of severe beatings.

    Ms. Chao Aihua's husband, son and younger brother demanded that the authorities punish the people responsible for her death. However, staff from the forced labor camp and the procuratorate show no interest in this murder case. After what happened to Ms. Chao was exposed, the guards from the Xinjiang Women's Forced Labor Camp have tried to keep their crimes hidden.

    Currently, in addition to dealing with the tragic death of a loved one, Ms. Chao's family is being pressured severely by the Chinese Communist Party. They dare not receive phone calls, and there are no lawyers who dare to uphold justice for them. They call on the international community for help regarding the beating death of Ms. Cao.

    Chinese version available at

    Calling to Rescue Mr. Yu Xinhui from Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yu Xinhui, 39 years old, lived in Tianhe District and began practicing Falun Gong in 1994. He was arrested by the Haizhu District 610 Office agents in Guangzhou City in June 2001 and was held at Huanghua Road Detention Center. The persecutors sent him secretly to the Chatou Detention Center in Baiyun District in October 2001. His family was prohibited to visit him. Then, late in 2003, Mr. Yu was sentenced to six years in prison and was held at the 3rd of Ward Sihui Prison in Guangdong Province.

    Two prison heads, one guard and six inmates at that prison tortured him physically and abused him psychologically in an attempt to "reform" him. They didn't give Mr. Yu enough food for three months, deprived him of sleep, and otherwise tortured, beat and verbally attacked him to try to coerce him to renounce his belief. This gross abuse made Mr. Yu Xinhui experience difficulty walking. He also suffered from severe abdominal pain, insomnia, vomiting and inability to keep food down.

    Guangdong Province Judicial Bureau and Hunan Province "610 Office" agents encouraged the guards to torture Yu Xinhui and other Falun Gong practitioners in December 2004 by promising the guards promotions.

    Yu Xinhui never wavered in his belief in Falun Gong. Although he was extremely weak from the abuse, the prison authorities escalated the persecution, calling it "treating his illness." They sent him to the prison hospital, where they injected him with various types of painkillers, anesthetic drugs, and other substances in massive doses. Yu Xinhui experienced bowel and bladder difficulties, blurry vision and enlarged pupils from the involuntary drug overdose.

    Six years of abuse under the persecution have left Mr. Yu Xinhui emaciated. His family confronted guard Liang Dachen and another guard at Ward 3, "Who will take responsibility if Yu Xinhui dies in the prison?" The two guards said to them coldly, "The prison won't take any responsibility for his death."

    Yu Xinhui's family asked prison authorities early in 2006 to release him because they wanted him to have a thorough medical examination, but Executive Section Chief Qu claimed, "Yu Xinhui's condition is only a second-degree illness instead of first-degree illness" and refused to release him.

    Yu Xinhui's abdomen was swollen in early 2006 and he vomited blood in July and August 2006. The medical staff at the prison claimed that Yu Xinhui was lucky he didn't die at the prison.

    Chinese version available at

    Mr. Liu Junhua's Life in Imminent Danger as a Result of Abuses at Jiamusi Prison in Heilongjiang Province

    Mr. Liu Junhua, a practitioner from Jiamusi City, was arrested on the evening of April 8, 2002 by officers from the Nanwei Police Station in Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province. He was sentenced to ten years in prison by the Dongfeng District Court in Jiamusi City. Mr. Liu is being held in the Jiamusi Prison for persecution.

    In order to protest against the unlawful arrest and detention, Mr. Liu has been on a hunger strike since December. He has been tortured to the brink of death, and his life is in imminent danger. He was sent to the Lianjiangkou Prison Hospital for continued persecution.

    Chinese version available at

    CCP Authorities in Jilin Province Frame Falun Gong Practitioners in Court Trail

    On the morning of December 6, 2006, Party members in Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province, illegally tried nine practitioners including Ms. Xiang Lijie, whose husband is in Taiwan, at Liaoyuan Detention Center. The trial lasted less than two hours.

    During the trial the judge and the prosecutor stopped the defendant practitioners from uttering a word. Before the session, the relevant department in charge clearly ordered the defense lawyers to only negotiate the duration of prison terms for the Falun Gong practitioners. The defense was prevented from pleading not guilty, and during the session the defense attorneys were under intense pressure, resulting in their not saying a thing. This is an example of a so-called "fair trial" under Communist Party rule.

    Although Chinese law clearly stipulates that all cases, except those involving national secrets, should be tried publicly, this session was held in a detention center where even unauthorized policemen are not allowed to freely enter and exit. The public have no way to enter such a place, and thus they have no way to be present at the trial. The only spectators in this court session were police officers. This is an example of a "public trial" under Communist Party rule.

    Nine of the practitioners were illegally arrested between spring and summer of this year. These practitioners were not in good physical condition after being detained and tortured for six months. One of them, unable to walk by himself, was dragged into the courtroom. Seven practitioners, including Xiang Lijie, Zhao Yan and Zhang Shunhong, firmly denied their illegal sentences.

    Practitioner Ms. Xiang Lijie was arrested on April 25, 2006. Her husband is in Taiwan. The police department and the 610 Office in Liaoyuan have refused to issue her a return visa to Taiwan, which meant that she and her husband have had to live apart for many years. She made her living doing jobs for 300 yuan per month. Beginning in July 1999, Ms. Xiang was detained and sent to forced labor camps because she went to appeal. When she was incarcerated she was beaten and electrically shocked. In 2004 when she went to apply for a visa to return to Taiwan, Li Bin of the National Security Team slapped her face in front of her family because she did not give up practicing Falun Gong.

    The nine practitioners in Liaoyuan City were given the following sentences on the night of December 15, 2006:

    Xiang Lijie, 11 years; Liu Duansheng, 9 years; Liu Quanxing, 8 years; Zhao Yan, 7 years; Liu Xiangzhuo, 5 years; Luan Aijun, 4 years; Zhang Shunhong, 4 years; Lu Chunyun, 3 years; Wang Xiangren 3 years.

    Chinese version available at

    The Persecution Incidents at Maojiashan Forced Labor Camp in Chongqing City

    Since it began in July 1999, the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners at Maojiashan Forced Labor Camp has never stopped. The following is a list of the most recent persecution incidents:

    1. Guards forced practitioners to memorize Rule 23. If the practitioners disobeyed, they had to write out Rule 23 ten times after 10:00 p.m., the usual bedtime. They were forbidden from sleeping if they didn't finish. Practitioner Ms. Wu Shuhuei refused to either memorize or copy the rule, resulting in a guard slapping her face, causing her mouth to bleed. Many other practitioners and criminals witnessed this.

    2. In August 2006, guard Yang Yang from the 1st Team physically abused practitioner Ms. Yang Xiaolan for not memorizing the rule. Ms. Yang was forced to stand still and was forbidden from sleeping. She was forced to copy the rule for the entire night. Additionally, since it was in the heat of summer, the guards forbade her from taking a shower. The guards in the team were also involved in torturing other practitioners. Some older practitioners became dizzy from the mistreatment. This kind of mistreatment continued for two weeks.

    3. Guard Wang Lu verbally abused 67-year-old practitioner Ms. Wang Minghui. Ms. Wang's arm was broken from being hung up at a detention center and she now has to live with an assistant. The police not only refused to have her treated, but also sent her to the forced labor camp and continued torturing her. Because her name is the same as the Chinese name for the Falun Gong website (, guards often verbally abuse her and ask her why she changed her name to Minghui.

    4. Guards Zhao Yuanyuan, Hu Xaioyan and Chen Yanyan tortured practitioner Ms. Chen Tingfen. She firmly refused to comply with the evil persecution, so she was locked in a small cell. Guards forbade her from taking showers for several months. They permitted her only a scant quantity of water for brushing her teeth and washing her face. In the meantime, guards Zhao Yuanyuan, Hu Xiaoyan and Chen Yanyan incited the criminals called "prison monitors" locked in the same cell with her to beat her. We could frequently hear her crying and yelling. Guards also sent "collaborator" Liu Yoxai to torture her. Liu would check her critique report and the report would be forwarded to the guards' leader only if Liu was satisfied.

    5. Guards Tan Qinyue, Hu Xaioyan, and Chen Yanyan physically tortured practitioner Ms. Wang Aihua who had been sent there in July 2005. Ms. Wang was forced to stand still for several hours, and squat, jump like a frog and stand on one foot. They incited criminal Liu Chenling to burn her back with candles and forbade Ms. Wang from reporting this abuse.

    Different methods were used to torture practitioners. Guards Chen Yanyan and Hu Xaioyan told the criminals to do anything to make Falun Gong practitioners give up Falun Gong by signing a guarantee statement. They also forced Ms. Wang to reveal other practitioner's names. Ms. Wang Aihua is still under a close supervision.

    6. Police have not been able to "reform" the practitioners who have been locked in small cells for a long time, and so prevent them from sleeping until 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. They are forced to get up at 5:00 a.m. to write a daily self-critique report. They cannot sleep if the report is not finished.

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