The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- April 4, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Mr. Wang Qibo Tortured to Death in Jilin Prison - His Body Cremated Without Consent

  • A Former Criminal Changes His Ways after Practicing Falun Gong, But Is Imprisoned Again for Being a Good Person

  • The Laishui County Police of Hebei Province Abducts Falun Gong Practitioners Cao Jiwei and Li Zhenfang

  • The Women's Prison of Heilongjiang Province Manipulates Inmates to Torture Falun Gong Practitioners

  • Mr. Wang Qibo Tortured to Death in Jilin Prison - His Body Cremated Without Consent

    Falun Gong practitioner, Mr. Wang Qibo, from Nong’an County, Jilin Province, was illegally sentenced to seven years of imprisonment in 2002, and was then illegally detained in Jilin Prison. There, he was cruelly tortured by all means and was even detained and tortured in an isolated cell for a long period of time. His mind and body were devastated. At around midnight on March 28, 2007, the prison authorities sent Mr. Wang to the Second Central Hospital of Jilin City (also the Railway Hospital of Jilin City). At around 9:50 a.m. on March 28, 2007, Mr. Wang passed away at the age of 47.

    On March 29, 2007, the prison authorities transported the body of Mr. Wang to the Huniugou Funeral Home. Mr. Wang’s family members wanted to see his body as a farewell, however the prison authorities refused to allow it. In order to cover up their crimes, the prison authorities cremated his body that morning without his family's consent. At the scene was a saloon car with the character “Judicature” on it and another police van carrying around a dozen policemen. It was believed that Liu Zhenyu, deputy director of the Judicial Department of Jilin Province was also in that saloon car.

    We hereby call upon all of the international human rights organizations and all benevolent people to pay close attention to this event and help us stop the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, and also to help rescue all the Falun Gong practitioners who are being illegally detained inside Jilin Prison. To date there have been a total of nine Falun Gong practitioners tortured to death, including Mr. Liu Chengjun, Mr. Zhang Jianhua, Mr. Cui Weidong, Mr. Wei Xiushan, Mr. He Yuanhui, Mr. Hao Yingqiang, Mr. Lei Ming, Mr. Sun Changde, and Mr. Wang Qibo.

    1. The Persecution of Practitioners Inside Jilin Prison

    For a very long time, the lawless officials of the evil Chinese Communist Party in Jilin Prison (also called Jilin Second Prison) have cruelly tortured Falun Gong practitioners who were illegally detained there. It is reported that only because Mr. Wang taught other people to practice Falun Gong inside his cell on May 30, 2005, he was brutally tortured in an isolated cell for more than two months. The prison authorities even forbid his seventy-six year-old mother and his family members from seeing him when they went to the prison on visiting days. During the entire three years of his illegal detention in Jilin Prison, his family members have been permitted to see him only four times, even under their strong appealing. On July 18, 2005, Mr. Wang’s family members went to the prison and planned to visit him. However, after they went through all of the normal documentary processes for the visit and waited to see Mr. Wang for the whole day, the prison authorities didn’t allow Mr. Wang to come out for the visit. Usually, under these circumstances, the secret behind this situation is that the Falun Gong practitioners who are going to be visited were going through the so-called “transformation” process, and thus they were seriously beaten or tortured and badly injured. In order to cover up the truth about the persecution, the prison authorities didn't allow them to see their family members. They had to deceive the family members to delay the visiting hours.

    In October 2003, in order to intensify the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, Jilin Prison set up a so-called psychological "therapy" center. It consists of more than ten small dark rooms for solitary confinement. Each room has 4 iron handcuffs bolted to the ground used to shackle the practitioner. Each room is also equipped with a stretching bed, also known as a fixing bed, used as a torture device. The practitioner is fixed and motionless on the bed with arms and legs stretched and handcuffed. Others can then torture him at will by kicking him, beating him, stepping on him, burning him with a thermos with boiling water, piercing him with needles, and depriving him of sleep. One way used to increase the pain is with the abdomen upwards, to add quilts, water bottles, wooden boards, etc. between his back and the bed. Then the practitioner's arms and legs are stretched even tighter and the wrists and ankles are gradually torn open. The practitioner can barely breathe and his face becomes pale as a sheet. This torture can cause people to die immediately. Some Falun Gong practitioners were fixed to the bed between ten days to more than two months. Some Falun Gong practitioners were tied to a bed and tortured from ten to twenty days, or even one or two months. Their bodies were devastated. Their muscles atrophied, their limbs lost their strength and they became emaciated. When they later walked, they needed the support of a wall. The cold of winter injured their hands and feet even further.

    2. The Persecution of Wang Qibo and His Family

    Mr. Wang Qibo was an employee of a credit union in Yangshulin Village, Nong'an County, Jilin Province. His wife, Sun Shiying, was an elementary school teacher. They often quarreled before they began practicing Falun Gong. Sun Shiying used to suffer from gastric ulcers and a duodenal ulcer, and long-term treatments had no effect. After practicing Falun Gong, they followed the principles of “Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance” at every turn and measure, and looked inward when encountering conflicts. Their family became more and more harmonious and Sun Shiying’s diseases were cured without treatment. The whole family lived in a peaceful atmosphere.

    When the persecution began in July 1999, since Wang Qibo organized local Falun Gong practitioners to go to Changchun to appeal for Falun Gong, the police from the Yangshulin Police Station arrested him and illegally detained him at the detention center in Nongan County for six months. On September 27, the village government staff deceived Wang Qibo, Sun Shiying, and twenty Falun Gong practitioners, and took them to the party school to receive forced brainwashing. During that time they were beaten and each was forced to sign a “guarantee statement.” Since Wang Qibo refused to sign the statement, the party secretary of the village, Ma Baolin, and head of the police station, Zhao Xichao, sent him to the detention center of Nong'an County and illegally detained him for two months. Later, Sun Shiying went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. After she was arrested she was escorted back by a local wicked person. After she was detained for twenty days, she was sent directly by the village government to the Village Party School and was illegally detained for more than ten days. She was extorted of one thousand “yuan” as a “pickup fee.” Since then, Wang Qibo and Sun Shiying were dismissed from their jobs and deprived of their source of income.

    On February 28, 2000, the police again arrested Wang Qibo, and brought him to the police station. That evening, Jiang Ximing and others brutally beat him, then sent him to the detention center of Nong'an County and illegally detained him there. Several days later Wang was transferred to the Weizigou Forced Labor Camp in Changchun, where he was persecuted further.

    On July 6, 2001, because Wang Qibo’s son distributed Falun Gong flyers, he was detained by a plainclothes police officer. Later, six to seven police officers went to Wang’s home to arrest him, but Wang refused to open the door. Police officers Wang Mingzhang and Wang Pangzi pried open the window and broke into the house. Since Wang Qibo and Su Shiying did not cooperate with the police, Jiang Xingzhou started to drag them by their hair. Wang’s second sister (non practitioner) saw that Wang Qibo was beaten and she argued with the police. She was also forcibly taken away by the police. The police confiscated all the Falun Gong books. That evening all arrested people were brutally beaten except Wang Qibo’s aunt. Wang’s second sister was so severely beaten that her eyelids became black, her lips turned purple, and she was unable to walk. On the second day they were sent to the detention center in Nong'an County and were illegally detained there. In the afternoon, the police went to Wang’s home to look for books, and ransacked the home.

    On July 13, 2002, Wang Ping, director of the Yangshulin Police Station, led the former chief of the police bureau in Guo County, named Wu, and two armed policemen to arrest people at Wang’s home. When they were questioned about the reason for the arrest, they could not answer. Instead they threatened with guns and brought Wang Qibo to the detention center at Guo County, and illegally detained him there. At the end of the year Wang was illegally and secretly sentenced to seven years in prison and he was sent to the Jilin Provincial Prison for further persecution.

    On March 12, 2003, policeman Zhang Yaming led several people who claimed to be police officers, to arrest Wang Qibo’s wife and sister. After Wang Qibo’s wife went on a hunger strike for ten days, she was released for medical treatment. Wang’s sister was sent to the Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp in Changchun City for a one year sentence. On November 12, 2003 the director of the police station, Wang Fengtang, deputy director named Leng, and policeman Zhang Yaming, once again arrested Wang Qibo’s wife Sun Shiying and sent her to the Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp for persecution. There were two school children left without care at home.

    A Former Criminal Changes His Ways after Practicing Falun Gong, But Is Imprisoned Again for Being a Good Person

    37-year-old Chen Guangwu is from Yanji City, Jilin Province. After he began practicing Falun Gong, he became a kinder, more patient person and eliminated his bad habits. Yet, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities still sentenced him to three years in prison. He is currently imprisoned in Gongzhuling City Prison's First Ward in Jilin Province. According to inside sources, the prison guards use all kinds of torture methods in order to try to force him to give up Falun Gong practice.

    At a young age, Mr. Chen lost his father, who died after being shot. Growing up under difficult financial conditions, he started to pickpocket, but was caught and sentenced to five years imprisonment. When he was released from prison, Mr. Chen was almost disabled. His hands swelled and his fingers ulcerated. He also suffered from ossein proliferation of the lumbar and cervical regions, and coughed up blood every day. He was bedridden and hardly spoke, except when he had to eat and use the restroom.

    In 1997, Mr. Chen's life changed for the better. He began practicing Falun Gong that year and found the answer to the purpose of life. His outlook on life and the world changed dramatically. Gradually, he got rid of his bad thoughts and habits, especially pickpocketing. His physical health also improved and he became more outgoing. He even started a small business selling popsicles with his mother. One time his mother unknowingly took three fake 100 yuan bills while selling popsicles. Several people told them to re-use the fake currency. Mr. Chen, however, tore up the fake money and did not even give it a second thought. His family maintained their inner tranquility even though they had lost 300 yuan.

    When the Chinese Communist Party launched the inhumane persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, Mr. Chen's family urged him to give up the practice out of fear. In their hearts, however, they knew that Falun Gong was miraculous because they personally witnessed that it was Falun Gong that helped Mr. Chen become healthier and get rid of his bad habits.

    In November 2001, Mr. Chen was arrested by the Beishan Police Station and inhumanely tortured. The vicious policemen forcibly smashed his head against a wall. They also stomped on is face with their shoes, forced his legs apart, cuffed his hands behind his back and over his shoulder, and slapped his face. He was then sentenced to one year of forced labor because he persisted in being a good person.

    After he was released, Mr. Chen made homemade fliers about all the torture methods that Falun Gong practitioners suffered. He handed them out to everyone he met, so as to inform them of the truth about the persecution, and to help them to no longer be deceived by the CCP.

    On August 15, 2004, Mr. Chen was arrested again while posting truth-clarification materials near Yanji City Police Department. In late 2004, the Yanji City Court held a secret trial to sentence him. Mr. Chen took this opportunity to clarify the truth of Falun Gong to all the court officials present. Without any legal grounds, the judge told him, "The higher officials have decided to sentence you to three years in prison. You can appeal if you think it is not fair."

    Mr. Chen appealed the sentence but was denied a few months later. The CCP officials detained him in the Yanji City Detention Center for over a year before transferring him to Gonzhuling City Prison of Jilin Province for further persecution.

    The Laishui County Police of Hebei Province Abducts Falun Gong Practitioners Cao Jiwei and Li Zhenfang

    On January 4, 2007 of the lunar calendar, Falun Gong practitioners Cao Jiwei and Li Zhenfang, who were homeless due to persecution by CCP, were stopped and searched on the road near Songgezhuang Reservoir by Loucun County Police. The officers beat them to the ground, took their Falun Gong materials and personal property worth about 3,000 yuan, along with 5,800 yuan in cash.

    Deputy Chief Wang Jinshi of Loucun County Police grabbed Cao Jiwei's hair, repeatedly slapped his face, fiercely kicked his ribs, rung his neck with a rope and stomped on his hand. According to witnesses Cao Jiwei's face and hands were covered with blood. Wang Jinshi took Cao Jiwei's shoes off and forced him to walk barefooted.

    After Cao Jiwei and Li Zhenfang were illegally arrested they were taken to Loucun County Police Station, where Deputy Chief Wang Jinshi assigned officers to torture them. They shocked Cao Jiwei with electric batons. Blue flames flashed as the strong electrical current burned his body again and again. Cao Jiwei had burns, bruises and other wounds all over his body. His eyes were black and blue, and so swollen he could barely open them.

    After being subjected to these brutal tortures, Cao Jiwei and Li Zhenfang were sent to Laishui Detention Center that evening. At the detention center a gang of officers beat them. They handcuffed Cao Jiwei's wrists together behind his back, with one arm over the shoulder and the other arm behind. He is still cuffed in that position. He is extremely weak now and can't eat or drink.

    While Cao Jiwei and Li Zhenfang were detained at the Loucun County Police Station and Laishui County Detention Center none of their family members were ever notified.

    Li Zhenfang was persecuted to the brink of death and was rendered unconscious. Because Laishui County Detention Center officials were afraid of being held responsible for his condition they sent him back to Loucun County Police Station, but the officials there were also afraid to detain him and immediately released him, however Cao Jiwei is still being persecuted in detention.

    Detention Center Officers Throw an Older Lady to the Roadside

    On January 9, 2007, Cao Jiwei's mother, who is in her seventies, learned from relatives that he was detained. She went to the detention center with her daughter-in-law, granddaughter and some other relatives, and asked to see her son, but was refused. They denied responsibility and told her to go to the police station. When she arrived at Loucun County Police Station, the officers rudely insulted her and sent her back to the detention center.

    It's nearly twenty miles from the police station to the detention center, and the poor old woman had to be helped back and forth. Passersby denounced the wicked behavior of the policemen at the detention center and helped her negotiate. The older lady looked at the high walls with tears in her eyes and said, "My son is a good man, he is filial, reasonable and honest. Why do you always persecute him like this? He and his family were persecuted and treated worse than animals. I'm so old, why won't you let my son come home and take care of me, and stop arresting him? Is it a sin to be a good person?"

    Despite her words, they showed her no sympathy and cruelly shouted at her, "Are you leaving or not? If you don't we'll drag your son out here and shock him with electric batons until he can't stand up."

    Hearing this, the older lady's heart was broken, and she cried. The cold-blooded police officers dragged her to the roadside on Route 112 and left her there. The weak old lady was left trembling on the ground in the cold. It was after nine o'clock at night. Fortunately her relatives came and took her away from danger.

    Cao Jiwei's Relatives Ask for his Release But Were Themselves Arrested

    The next day Cao Jiwei's wife, Meng Qinglian, and two other relatives went to the home of Wang Fucai, the director of  Laishui County 610 Office. They asked to see Cao Jiwei and demanded his unconditional release. Wang Fucai was angry, and he called Dai Chunjie at the Laishui Police Station, who arrested Meng Qinglian and therelatives without notifying the family. Now no one knew where they were.

    Loucun County Police Station: 86-312-4681065
    Deputy Chief Wang Jinshi, Loucun County Police Station: 86-13931247368 (cell)
    Wang Fucai: 86-312-4532190 (office), 86-312-4526973 (home), 86-13932231936 (cell)

    The Women's Prison of Heilongjiang Province Manipulates Inmates to Torture Falun Gong Practitioners

    Authorities of the Heilongjiang Women's Prison have set up a so-called transformation base. The guards manipulate inmates to forcibly “transform” Falun Gong practitioners. Eight or nine inmates besiege one practitioner and coerce her to “transform” by using all kinds of techniques such as deprivation of rest and sleep, shouting insults, corporal punishment, mental mistreatment, and various other abuses. Inmates take turns sleeping, while practitioners are not allowed to close their eyes for days at a time. Inmates even put unknown medicine in practitioners' food.

    The guards incited Jiang Yajing, Li Xue, Ma Jingping and Li Jingwei, inmates in the First Ward, to beat, insult and denounce practitioners Ms. Zhang Shuling and Ms. Zhang Liping. At about 3:00 p.m. on January 12, 2007, inmate Li Xue kicked Zhang Liping. Zhang Shuling tried to stop her, but Li Xue knocked Zhang Shuling onto the bed. Ma Jingping and Li Jingwei helped Li Xue to beat up Ms. Zhang Shuling. Ms. Zhang Liping urged Li Xue to stop, but Jiang Yajing handcuffed and then kicked her, and Li Jingwei also came over to beat her. As a result of the beatings, Ms. Zhang Shuling's face became swollen, and Ms. Zhang Liping's nose was bleeding, and her head, ears and legs were bruised.

    On the afternoon of January 8, 2007, Jiang Yajing hit Zhang Liping's mouth with a book. The book was damaged and Zhang Liping's mouth was injured. Meanwhile, Li Jingwei and Ma Jingping choked Zhang Liping's neck, and punched her mouth, which caused bleeding and injured her face and back.

    One evening in December, 2006, Li Xue beat Zhang Liping about the face and eyes with a book. Zhang Liping's eyes were beaten until tears flowed and her nose was injured. Her neck was also twisted until it was black and blue.

    Inmate Jiang Yajing also incited other inmates to beat practitioners, claiming that she had beaten and abusively criticized practitioners in 2005 and 2006 , but still got a good score. She declared that everything she did was under the instigation of the Chinese Communist Party, and that it was pointless to accuse her. She does not even have to work in the workshop. Guard Wang Shan is her direct leader. Jiang Yajing is the so-called "controlling inmate" appointed by the guards, and is extremely brutal. She constantly threatens and reprimands practitioners, and punishes them by forcing them to sit together like a chain (in this style of torture, one's chest is tightly against the back of the person in front of them. The eyes have to focus on the persons head in front of them, and the legs have to be spread apart) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

    Li Xue said, "Beating you is like giving myself a massage. We are the violence team. I even beat guard He." Jiang Yajing said rampantly, "We are assisting the government to beat you." These inmates reprimand and punish practitioners whenever they feel like it.

    On November 30, 2006, under the pretext of force-feeding, Jiang Yajing force-fed Ms. Zhang Liping with medicine and garlic. During the force-feeding Zhang Liping's mouth and teeth were forcibly pried open and were injured.

    Jiang Yajing and Li Xue took the lead in searching practitioners' belongings. They grabbed Master Li's articles whenever they found them and handed them in to the guards for credits.