News and Events from around the World -- June 5, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Hokkaido, Japan: Parade and Rally Held to Promote Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and Expose the Persecution

  • Melbourne, Australia: Rally Calls for Quitting the Party

  • Hokkaido, Japan: Parade and Rally Held to Promote Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and Expose the Persecution

    June 2, 2007 was a sunny day in the City of Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. Falun Gong practitioners held a rally and parade to disseminate the good messages of Falun Dafa's Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and expose the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) nearly eight years of brutal persecution of Falun Gong. This was the first time that the practitioners held such a large-scale activity introducing Falun Dafa and clarifying the facts in the City of Sapporo.

    Falun Gong practitioners do the exercises early in a park in Sapporo, Hokkaido

    Parade attracts attention from passersby

    Parade attracts attention from passersby

    In the early morning, practitioners gathered in Datong Park for a group practice and group study of Falun Gong teachings. At 1:15 p.m. a rally began. A Falun Gong practitioner and associate professor of a university pointed out in his speech that two practitioners passed the eleven-plus examination, but because they practice Falun Gong, the Chinese Consulate in Sapporo exerted pressure on the school authorities, who canceled their matriculation, depriving them of their right to study in Sapporo. This is one more piece of evidence proving that the CCP has extended its persecution outside of China.

    The coordinator of the Japan Falun Dafa Association pointed out that there also occurred an incident in Kyushu where Falun Gong practitioners were denied participation in a festival celebration due to pressure exerted by the local Chinese Consulate. He called upon people from all walks life in Japan to be take note of this matter and not allow the CCP to continue its persecution of Falun Gong. Two more Falun Gong practitioners, Yang Guiyuan and Zhang Yanhui, also recounted the persecution that they and their family members had suffered for practicing Falun Gong. They called upon people to see clearly the CCP's evil nature, and quickly quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations, breaking away from the CCP to embrace a beautiful future.

    After the rally, a parade set off from the park in the downtown area and marched on busy streets. The parade procession was led by a float bearing the words "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." Behind the float were handsome waist drummers, and the rounds of drum beats touched passersby. Next were a group of practitioners holding banners reading "Falun Dafa Is Good," "The World Needs Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," "CCP: Stop Killing Falun Gong Practitioners," "The CCP Evil Specter Has Been Uprooted" and other banners. Many passersby carefully read the contents of the banners, and looked surprised. People read truth-clarifying materials from practitioners while looking at the banners, and showed great concern. Elegant celestial maidens were at the end of the parade procession, and many people took pictures of them to capture the beautiful moments.

    Passersby reading "Introduction to Falun Dafa"

    The reporter noticed that two young Japanese ladies had been attentively listening to the speeches at the rally, and followed the parade procession for its entire route. They told the reporter that they are university students who have a great interest in traditional Chinese culture, and have also learned something about the persecution of Falun Gong by the CCP, so they especially came to take part in the activity.

    A journalist from a magazine agency "Finance Circle in Sapporo" said that he had learned about the persecution of Falun Gong and understood that only the CCP can do such a thing.

    When an older woman, who lived in Shenyang China for ten years when she was young, saw the parade procession, she kept praising, "Wonderful, Marvelous." She also excitedly greeted practitioners in Chinese and felt quite sad after listening to practitioners talk about the persecution of Falun Gong.

    The parade lasted for two hours. Afterwards, Falun Gong practitioners went to the front of the Chinese Consulate in Sapporo for more activites that expose the evil nature of the CCP.

    Chinese version available at

    Melbourne, Australia: Rally Calls for Quitting CCP

    As of July 2, 2007, more than 22 million Chinese people have quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the related organizations. To support the withdrawals and call upon more people to quit the party, the Service Center for Quitting the Party in Melbourne held a rally at the city plaza. After the rally, the attendees had a parade along the business area, which attracted many people. Some Chinese students quit the Communist Party organizations at the rally.

    The parade

    Ms. Ling, a representative from the Service Center for Quitting the Party, Mr. Michael Smith, a representative from the Falun Dafa Association, Ms. Leigh Smith, a representative from the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in Australia, Ms. Dai Zhizhen, Ms. Jan Becker, a famous Olympic Games swimmer, and Ms. Wu, a Falun Gong practitioner who escaped to Australia not long ago, gave speeches to expose the evil nature of the CCP and witness the trend of quitting the party.

    Chinese Students Quit the Communist Youth League at the Rally

    Signing names to support the withdrawals

    Many Chinese students were attracted to the rally. They stopped and listened to the speeches and talked to volunteers from the service center. A couple from Guangdong decided to quit the Communist Youth League with names "Blue Sky" and "White Cloud." Another couple from Fujian read all the display boards at the rally and also quit the Communist Youth League.

    The CCP is Condemned

    Learning the facts of the CCP's brutality

    Ms. Dai gives a speech

    In her speech, Ms. Dai Zhizhen told the attendees of her family's experiences being persecuted. Her husband was tortured to death because he refused to renounce Falun Gong. Her sister-in-law was sentenced to three years, because she publicized the news of his death. Her father-in-law passed away shortly after his son's death due to depression. Since Ms. Dai and her daughter had Australian passports, they were able to escape to Australia. She appreciates the Australian Government's help, and she hopes that more people will help to stop the persecution.

    After Ms. Dai's speech, Pilet, who is a law school student, said that he would like to attend the parade. He said with tears that Ms. Dai's speech reminded him of his mother. He agreed with Ms. Dai's words, that our power will be stronger if more people know the facts of the persecution.

    Pilet said that he knew about the persecution in China. He said that the rally is a good way to let more people know about the persecution. He attended the parade later.

    Ms. Jan Becker, a famous Olympic Games swimmer, gives a speech

    Ms. Jan Becker attended the Japan Olympic Games in 1964. She expressed that she felt responsible to tell people about the human rights issues in China before the Olympic Games 2008. She said that everyone has a common understanding that genocide and the Olympic Games conflict. The CCP always lies, but now more and more people in the world are recognizing its evil nature.

    Ms. Wu had been jailed by the CCP twice, for three months each time. She was force-fed and tortured. In 2005, she got a chance to read the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and quit the CCP.

    She told the attendees that she has convinced 80 people to quit the party since 2005. She called upon everyone who quit the party to tell their families and friends to quit the party too. She said that when more and more people quit the party, the CCP will not be able to maintain its power.

    Mr. Huang, a researcher from New York, watched the parade. He is visiting Melbourne for a research project. He was born and grew up in the USA, but said that he knew about the CCP's brutality. He was interested in the rally and parade. He stated that no government, except for the Chinese, would allow such a large-scale persecution to occur in their own country.

    After the parade, Mr. Liu, who immigrated to Australia from Hebei, China, told the reporter that he supports this movement which tries to wake up people and help them to recognize the CCP's true nature. He said, "The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party is very profound."

    Re-enactment of the organ harvesting

    Westerners Support the Withdrawals

    Michael listened to every speaker. He told the reporter that quitting the CCP is a wise choice. He said that the communist powers are disliked by most people in the world and no one in Australia likes them. He expressed that the characteristics of the communist parties are despotic rule, violence and lies.

    He said that he has read the materials about organ harvesting. He was shocked, and this was one of his motivations to listen to the speeches. He said that the CCP was not quantified to hold the Olympic Games 2008, if the allegation of the organ harvesting is true. He also stated that he would like to learn more facts about the Falun Gong and the organ harvesting.

    He thanked the volunteers from the service center when they gave him a copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, and he graciously signed his name on the petition to condemn the CCP's persecution.

    Tourists were Attracted to the Parade

    The parade attracts many people

    The rally attendees held a parade in the business area. Many people were attracted to it, and many took photos and videos. A lot of Chinese people also watched the parade.

    Many Chinese came to watch the parade when it proceeded through the Chinatown. Some accepted truth-clarifying materials. The speakers gave their speeches again in Chinatown, calling upon the Chinese to recognize the evil nature of the CCP. Many Chinese people listened to the speeches.

    Chinese version available at