The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong -- January 2, 2008

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Li Zhengling Blinded and in Precarious Health in Deyang Prison
  • Mr Li has shown obvious and continuing signs of deteriorating health on the few occasions his family has been allowed to see him. Requests for medical care or a medical release have been denied.

  • 610 Office Agents Arrest Highly Regarded Computer Teacher in his Classroom in Wanyuan City, Sichuan Province

  • Li Zhengling Blinded and in Precarious Health in Deyang Prison

    Mr. Li Zhengling, 43 years old, used to live in Gulin County, Sichuan Province.

    Mr. Li Zhengling is a kind, honest man. On the morning of October 26, 1999, he was arrested by Xingmin District Police Station in Xishui County and Taiping Town Police Station in Gulin County when he was attending Falun Gong group exercises at Taiping Bridge. He was then illegally detained at the Xishui County Prison.

    Xishui County Police Department, Xingmin District Police Station and Taiping Town Police Station tried to extort 8,000 yuan from Mr. Li Zhengling's family in order to release him, but Mr. Li's wife didn't have the money. Three days later, the police officers took Mr. Li Zhengling to the Tucheng Township and sentenced him to three years in a forced labor camp without any following legal procedures. Mr. Li was imprisoned in the Qingzhen Forced Labor Camp, where he suffered persecution. Later they extended his term by two more months.

    Mr. Li Zhengling was released in December 2002. He got involved in the coal business at Taiping Town. On December 28, 2004, six police officers from the Gulin County Police Department, led by head of the Criminal Police Team Zou Qiang, ransacked Mr. Li Zhengling's home and took him to the Gulin County Detention Center.

    In July 2005, detention center officials notified Mr. Li Zhengling's family that he was in critical condition. When his family members came to the detention center, they saw that Mr. Li Zhengling's entire body was swollen. He had injuries on his face and mouth. He was unable to urinate on his own and was using a catheter. He could not recognize people, yet the prison told his family members that since he was getting better, they could not release him.

    On August 8, 2005, Communist Party officials sentenced Mr. Li Zhengling to five years in prison and sent him to Deyang Prison in Sichuan Province.

    In October 2007, when Mr. Li Zhengling's family went to Deyang Prison to visit him, they saw that he was disfigured and emaciated, and he was blind. He could not take care of himself. When his family members requested to have him released on medical grounds, a prison warden replied,"He has not been 'transformed', so he cannot be released."

    610 Office Agents Arrest Highly Regarded Computer Teacher in his Classroom in Wanyuan City, Sichuan Province

    On March 15, 2007, Zhao Chenghua from the 610 Office of Wanyuan City, Ye Xudong from Domestic Security, and other officials from these two units went to the Career Training College of Wanyuan City. They asked the school to cooperate with them to arrest one of their computer teachers, Mr. Xiong Zhengming, a Falun Dafa practitioner. Esteemed by both his colleagues and the parents of his students, Mr. Xiong even used his own money to help the less fortunate students in his class. He was arrested while he was teaching a class. Both students and teachers adamantly protested Mr. Xiong's arrest but to no avail. Zhao Chenghua from the 610 Office, Ye Xudong from Domestic Security, and the school Party Secretary, Li Shuman, arrested him and then broke into his room and took away some of his belongings, including his computer. He was sentenced to a year and a half of forced labor and taken to the No. 2 Detention Center of Wanyuan City. On December 3, he was transferred. Mr. Xiong's whereabouts are now unknown.