The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- May 5, 2008

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Falun Gong Practitioners in Jilin City, Jilin Province Arrested after Inspection of Their TV Reception

  • On April 9, 2008, four Falun Gong practitioners from Caojia Village, Gudianzi Town, Jilin City, Jilin Province, were arrested after their homes were searched. The police checked their TV signals to find out whether they received overseas satellite broadcasting.

  • Mr. Hu Linggen from Yangpu District, Shanghai City, Secretly Arrested

  • On the night of April 16, 2008, the police from Yangpu District, Shanghai City secretly searched Falun Gong practitioner Hu Linggen's home. Then the same group of police hurried to arrested Mr. Hu Linggen from his work place.

  • Senior Citizen Xie Wutang Detained in Wuling Prison in Spite of His Poor Health

  • Falun Gong practitioner Xie Wutang, nearly 70 years old and his wife were arrested on July 14, 2007 by the police from the Domestic Security team. Mr. Xie was sent to Wuling Prison near the end of January 2008. Under the CCP's illegal detention and brutal persecution, His health condition is very bad.

    Falun Gong Practitioners in Jilin City, Jilin Province Arrested after Inspection of Their TV Reception

    At around 9 a.m. on April 9, 2008, four Falun Gong practitioners from Caojia Village, Gudianzi Town, Jilin City, Jilin Province, were arrested. They are Li Yanwei and his wife Ding Qin, You Zuozai and his wife Kan Xuxiang.

    At close to noon on April 9, 2008. Yan Jilian, head of the Caojia Village Women's Federation, Wang Zhaomin, chief of the Gudianzi Town Police Station and another unidentified person searched the homes of Falun Gong practitioners one by one. When they entered a home, they first inspected how the residents received TV signals. When they arrived at You Zuozai's home, the couple was working in the field and only You's parents, who are in their 80's and 90's, were at home. After they checked the TV, the perpetrators took away several truth-clarifying CDs. When they arrived at Li Yanwei's home, only their mother, who is in her 80's, was at home. They also checked their TV signals.

    At 9 p.m. that night, Ma Yixi, head of Caojia Village and a dozen police from the Gudianzi Town Police Station and the Jilin City Police Department came to arrest the Falun Gong practitioners. When they arrived at You Zuozai's home, You did not open the door. So they just kicked the yard door and the room door open and took the couple away. They then confiscated Falun Gong books and a TV signal receiver.

    On the next day, the police searched You Zuozai's home twice. You's mother said to her neighbors, "They came four or five times in the two days, which really frightened me."

    When the police searched Li Yanwei's home, they rummaged everywhere and confiscated Falun Gong books, materials, a TV signal receiver, etc. The Li Yanwei couple was also taken away. Li's mother was left tearful and could not eat for days. When meeting neighbors, she just cried, "My son, when can you come back?"

    That night, the four Falun Gong practitioners were detained in the Gudianzi Police Station. The CCP personnel and police tortured Li Yanwei to try and extort a confession. The police beat him and force-fed him with horseradish concentrate. The next day, the four practitioners were transferred to Jilin City. Their families wanted to deliver clothes to them, but their requests were denied.

    Chinese version available at

    Mr. Hu Linggen from Yangpu District, Shanghai City, Secretly Arrested

    Mr. Hu Linggen is an employee at Shanghai Silicon Steel Sheet Factory. On the night of April 16, 2008, the police from Yangpu District, Shanghai City secretly searched his home and took him away.

    At 7:00 p.m. on April 16, 2008, a group of people broke into Mr. Hu Linggen's home. Because they were afraid other residents would see them, they drew the curtains, closed the door, and then searched for so-called "evidence." Since they did not find anything, they rushed into the room of Mr. Hu's mother, despite the family's objections. They lifted the mattress where Mr. Hu's niece sleeps. They still did not find any evidence. However, they did not give up. They presented a criminal detention warrant that they had prepared in advance to arrest Hu Linggen on a trumped-up charge. Policemen Wang Shoupeng and Ye Hao, from Yangpu District, Shanghai City, signed the warrant.

    That night, Mr. Hu Linggen was working in the factory. That same group of people hurried to Shanghai Silicon Steel Sheet Factory from his home. They deceived Mr. Hu, saying they wanted to have a "conversation" with him. It was 10:00 p.m. When Mr. Hu walked to the rear entrance of the factory, they forcibly pushed him into a vehicle they had parked there in advance. They then drove him directly to the detention center at Changyang Road, Yangpu District.

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Hu Linggen, 47 years of age, lives at Apt. 500, 3 Fengcheng Village 3, on Yanjixi Road, in Yangpu District, Shanghai. Mr. Hu was detained in a labor camp for two years, from 2001 to 2003, where he was persecuted with torture, brainwashing, and forced labor. Since going home in 2003, he has been harassed by officials from the Yangpu District 610 Office, the local police, and personnel from the neighborhood committee.

    According to the police, Mr. Hu's arrest was based on "evidence." Actually, if they really had so-called "evidence," why did they search his home, first, before arresting him? If these "law enforcers" really conducted themselves in accordance with the law, could they tell which laws Mr. Hu Linggen has violated? Why did these law enforcers "enforce the law" only at night and in secret?

    Chinese version available at

    Senior Citizen Xie Wutang Detained in Wuling Prison in Spite of His Poor Health

    Falun Gong practitioner Xie Wutang, nearly 70 years old, is from Changsha City, Hunan Province. He and his wife were arrested on July 14, 2007 by the police from the Domestic Security team. Xie Wutang was sent to Wuling Prison near the end of January 2008. Under the CCP's illegal detention and brutal persecution, Xie Wutang's health condition is very bad, and he has many ailments.

    On the evening of July 13, 2007 at approximately 11 o'clock, the police from Tianxin District Domestic Security Team surrounded Xie Wutang's home at the 12th Bureau of the Chinese Railway. The police blocked the entrance of his home, and called a locksmith to open the door. A group of police finally broke into Xie's home, searched it, and cuffed Xie Wutang and his wife immediately. Xie Wutang's hands were cuffed very tight. His wrists were bleeding, and blood covered his clothes and pants at the time. After Xie Wutang was arrested, his children called the detention center to inquire about their father's situation. A policeman told them, "This is not the first time (for him to be detained at the detention center)."

    After Xie Wutang and his wife were arrested, their children did not see them again for a long time. Xie Wutang's second trial verdict was released on November 31. December 1st and December 2nd were the weekend. On December 3, Xie Wutang's children went to the Tianxin District Court to get the verdict. They were told that the verdict had not arrived yet. On the morning of December 6, his children called again, and were told that the verdict had not reached the judge's hands yet. They pushed again, and finally they got the verdict that day. Then they went to the Changsha City Detention Center to see their father. When they arrived at the detention center, they did not see their father. The receptionist also did not know Xie Wutang's whereabouts. He only knew that two people were sent out at 4 o'clock on the morning of December 6. After Xie's children inquired in many places, they were finally told that their father had been sent to the Hengyang Prison (the police in the detention center said that two people were sent out on the morning of December 6. One was a Falun Gong practitioner who was sent to Hengyang Prison. The other was sick, and was sent to Jin City). Their children looked for all the prisons in Hengyang, but they still did not find Xie Wutang. On December 18, Xie's children visited Fu Shengwen, who is from the Tianxin District Domestic Security Team. They inquired as to Xie Wutang's whereabouts, and they also asked Fu Shengwen to return their computer and other personal belongings that were confiscated. But Fu Shengwen said all the personal belongings already belonged to the state treasury, and that they had already been auctioned. They still did not find any clue about their father's whereabouts. They had to go back to the Changsha City Detention Center. After they asked many people, finally a policeman said that he had sent Xie Wutang out on December 6th to the Second Detention Center of the Jinshi City Prison. Xie Wutang's children immediately found the telephone number of the Second Detention Center of the Jinshi City Prison, and they then called. A woman answered the phone, and she said that there was indeed such a person who now had pulmonary tuberculosis. Xie Wutang's family members were all very shocked since Xie Wutang never had any pulmonary tuberculosis before.

    The Changsha City Detention Center were afraid of being held responsible for Xie Wutang's bad health condition. They had sent Xie Wutang to the Second Detention Center of the Jinshi City Prison on the morning of December 6 around 4 o'clock. The Second Detention Center found that Xie Wutang had pulmonary tuberculosis, and they refused to accept him. The two detention centers refused to compromise for a long time. On December 20, Xie Wutang's children saw their father for the first time in a long while. Xie Wutang was sent to Wuling Prison at the end of January 2008. His children saw him for the first time in Wuling Prison on February 25, 2008. Xie Wutang told his children that he had pulmonary tuberculosis, and that he felt extremely painful in his left chest. His blood pressure was high (close to 200), and he became dizzy daily. His eyes and ears also did not function well, and his teeth had all fallen out. On March 21, 2008, his children visited him again. He said that besides the pulmonary tuberculosis and high blood pressure, his feet were also swollen badly, and both of his legs were also very weak. He even fainted in the detention center for more than an hour, and was then resuscitated. Another time the doctor injected some air into his blood vessel while injecting some medicine, which caused his body to shake very badly. Finally he was resuscitated again. His children visited him for the third time on April 11, 2008. He said that sometimes his memory was not good, and that sometimes he was even muddled-headed. He recalled that one time the doctor in the detention center injected some medicine into his body. One doctor said that Xie Wutang was too old to be injected with this kind of medicine. However, another doctor said that there was no problem. He did not know if this was the cause of his current bad health condition.

    Xie Wutang is nearly 70 years old, and he currently has many diseases. His family members are extremely worried about his health.

    Chinese version available at