The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- May 20, 2008

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Over a Dozen Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in Benxi City, Liaoning Province

  • On April 23, 2008, Benxi City Police Department in Liaoning Province arrested local Falun Gong practitioners during a well-coordinated operation. Some officers claimed that the order was from the provincial government.

  • Ms. Xu Shuqin Sentenced to Four and a Half Years by Zunhua City Court

    On April 24, 2008, Zunhua City Court in Hebei Province sentenced the six Falun Gong practitioners, including Ms. Xu, who was illegally sentenced to four and a half years.

  • The Incidents of Falun Gong Practitioners from Shandong Province, Being Persecuted before the Olympics

  • With the pretext to "Welcoming the Olympics," the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in Shandong Province has intensified.

    Over a Dozen Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in Benxi City, Liaoning Province

    On April 23, 2008, police officers from Benxi City Police Department in Liaoning Province arrested local practitioners during a well-coordinated operation. Some officers said that the order and the list of names were from the provincial government.

    At 10:00 p.m. on April 23, 2008, Ms. Wang Xiuyan was arrested at her sister's home by officers from Beitai Police Branch, Pingshan District, Benxi City. They also searched Ms. Wang's home.

    Between 10:00 and 11:00 p.m. on April 23, 2008, a dozen officers from Jinshan Police Station, Mingshan District, Benxi City, knocked on the door of Mr. Zi Lidong, who is in his 30s, and pretended to be plumbers. Mr. Zi's family told them to wait until the following day. The officers started to pound on the door until they broke it. Mr. Zi jumped from the third floor to escape. Unfortunately he injured his chest, hip, and leg, and was sent to the hospital for an operation. The police confiscated his computer, printer, and truth clarification materials.

    Between 9:00 and 10:00 p.m. on April 23, 2008, officers from Cuidong Police Station and members from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Community Committee broke into Mr. Jiang Mingyu's apartment. They arrested Mr. Jiang and confiscated his truth clarification materials.

    The police arrested Ms. Yang Guizhen, Ms. Cui Yulan, Ms. Wang Chunyan, and Ms. Zhou Yonghui and confiscated three notebook computers, two CD burners, two high speed printers, 70 boxes of paper, and more than 10 boxes of discs. The details are still under investigation.

    On the night of April 23, 2008, the police arrested Mr. Li Yi from Dongming area and confiscated his computer and printer.

    On the night of April 23, 2008, the police arrested Ms. Duan, a veteran practitioner, at her home in Dongming area and confiscated her truth clarification materials.

    On the night of April 23, 2008, the police went to the homes of Ms. Ma and her daughter, as well as Mr. Zhou, who lives in the Zhuanshan Bridge area, and arrested them and confiscated two notebook computers, three printers, and printer paper.

    On the night of April 23, 2008, police officers from Dongxing Police Station arrested Mr. Gao Yudong and confiscated a notebook computer, a DVD player, and 14,200 yuan.

    At 10:00 p.m. on April 23, 2008, Ms. Huang Zhenxia was arrested at her home. Also arrested was Mr. Gao Xiaofeng.

    Between 10:00 and 11:00 p.m. on April 23, 2008, a dozen police officers from the Qianjin Police Station arrested Ms. Cui Wenlan, who lives in the Xibozi area.

    Around 10:00 p.m. on April 23, 2008, officers from Dongming Police Station arrested Ms. Huang Jing and confiscated her computer and printer.

    On April 25, 2008, Mr. Liu Jie was arrested by officers from the Niuxingtai Police Station.

    On April 24, 2008, Mr. An Min and his wife from the Benxi County Gaoguan area were arrested.

    Chinese version available at

    Ms. Xu Shuqin Sentenced to Four and a Half Years by Zunhua City Court

    On April 17, 2008, six Falun Gong practitioners, including Ms. Xu Shuqin, were unlawfully tried by Zunhua City Court in Hebei Province. The court appointed one lawyer for each practitioner for a mock defense. On April 24, 2008, after the court session, Zunhua City Court illegally sentenced the six practitioners, including Ms. Xu, who was given four and a half years in prison. She has already appealed to the Intermediate Court in Tangshan City.

    Xu Shuqin was born on July 3, 1955. She teaches at Wanfuzhuang Primary School, Xingwangzai Township, Zunhua City. Her husband, Lu Zhaozeng, is the head the of the motor pool of Shirengou Iron Mine in Zunhua City, which is affiliated to Tangshan City Steel and Iron Corporation.

    Ms. Xu started practicing Falun Gong in early 1998. Her sicknesses, including rheumatoid arthritis, lumbar sacralization, lumbar muscle degeneration, periarthritis of the shoulder, myoma of the uterus, sensitivity in the hands to cold water, periodic inability to even lift a bowl, long-term poor appetite, etc., all gradually disappeared. She no longer gets fatigue when she works. Ms. Xu strictly adhered to the principle of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance" and was praised by her family, friends and colleagues.

    But Jiang's regime started persecuting Falun Gong in July 1999, and misfortune subsequently arrived.

    On January 1, 2000, for possessing one exercise cassette tape, she was locked up in the Shirengou Police Station for three days and had two thousand yuan extorted from her

    On January 25, 2002, for distributing truth-clarifying materials, she was detained by the Xisanli Township Police Station in Zunhua City. Four and a half months later, she was transferred to Zunhua City Brainwashing Center for over a month and had four thousand yuan extorted from her.

    After being released, Ms. Xu was taken to Zunhua City Brainwashing Center again for forced "transformation" by the head of the countryside central school because a Falun Gong book was found in her drawer. She was detained there for over three weeks.

    Her stipend was withheld between January and June 2002.

    In August 2004, her employer again wanted to send her to Zunhua City Brainwashing Center, claiming that she was not "transformed" well enough. After learning of this, she left home and remained homeless until October, 2004, when she returned home from Baoji City, Shanxxi Province. Her stipend was discontinued during that period.

    In late 2004, Ms. Xu's employer again sent her to Zunhua City Brainwashing Center, using the excuse that she was not "transformed" well. When she was on her last breath after holding a hunger strike for seven days in the brainwashing center, her family was ordered to take her home and pay five thousand yuan in bail. Since then, she has not been allowed to return to work and her stipend has also been stopped.

    In January 2007, administrators from her school told her to come to work and promised to give her a stipend. But they did not keep their promise and she was not allowed to return to work. Only after Huang Xiaoming, the head of the Xingwangzai Township Central School, and Qian Zhenjie, the head of the Wanfuzhuang Primary School, were transferred was she able to return to work and receive her pay, from January 2007 to April 2007.

    On the afternoon of October 1, 2007, Ms. Xu and other Falun Gong practitioners, including Zhang Mengxia, Li Liping, Zhao Fengxia, Zhang Yuehua, and Wang Cuihua, drove to Qingdongling Resort in Zunhua City to distribute truth-clarifying materials. They were taken into custody by officers of the Qingdongling Historic Relic Management Office and the local police station and have since been held in Zunhua City Detention Center.

    Chinese version available at

    The Incidents of Falun Gong Practitioners in Shandong Province, Being Persecuted before the Olympics

    With the Olympics drawing near, more incidents of arrests and torture-caused deaths of Falun Gong practitioners are emerging. Thirty-four practitioners were recently arrested. It was reported that they were directly related to a secret document distributed by personnel from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Politics and Law Committee.

    Insiders divulged that this committee had secretly released a document entitled "Suggestions about Vindicating Society's Stability and Insuring the Safety of the Beijing Olympics." They distributed it to 40 provincial level CCP Political and Judiciary Committees and 610 Offices.

    The text states that, beginning in March 2008 and lasting through September 2008, a campaign must begin to make it mandatory to "Determine and neutralize conflicts with concentrated manpower," "Tighten the handling of overseas reporters who report on the Olympics in China," and "Tighten the handling of the Internet and short cell phone messages." The document also stressed the need to "Strictly prevent and suppress" Falun Gong.

    With the pretext to "Welcoming the Olympics," the persecution of practitioners in Shandong Province has intensified.

    Thirteen Practitioners in Mengyin County, Shandong Province, Arrested and Three Sentenced to Forced Labor

    Since March 24, 2008, many officials have committed criminal acts. They include Ju Peng, head of Jiuzai Township 610 Office; Mengyin County 610 Office agents, including Wang Wei; and officers from the Jiuzai Police Station. They acted under orders from Li Baoyun, head of the County 610 Office, and Zhang Yong, head of the County Police Department 610 Office. They arrested practitioners under the pretext of "Maintaining the Olympics." On April 24, agents from the 610 Office arrested 13 practitioners in Jiuzai Villiage.

    On the morning of March 24, 2008, Ju Peng and officers from Mengyin County Police Department and from the 610 Office broke into practitioner Mr. Zhao Shenju's home and searched the premises. They arrested Zhao's wife and detained her at Qinan Detention Center, where she was held for four days. They demanded a bribe of 6,000 yuan for her release.

    On the morning of March 25, Ju Peng and six other officers from the county police department and from the 610 Office intruded into practitioner Mr. Ma Fumin's home and ransacked it. They first took him to the Jiuzai Township Yard and then held him in a metal cage at the Mengyin Detention Center for a month. He was subsequently transferred to the Mengyin Lockup and imprisoned. He has since been sentenced to three years of forced labor and was mistreated in Wangcun Forced Labor Camp.

    On the morning and afternoon of March 27, Ju Pen and two other police officers went to practitioner Guo Changde's home. They found some Falun Gong materials and a satellite receiver being used to watch New Tang Dynasty TV programs. They confiscated the TV and other personal belongings, arrested the couple, and held them at the county 610 Office. They declared that the couple would be sentenced to three years of forced labor. That afternoon, Guo Changde's son paid the officers a 20 thousand yuan bribe to have his parents released.

    On the morning of April 7, these same people broke into Mr. Xu Zhidong's home, arrested him and his wife, Li Qiuhong, and ransacked their home. They confiscated a DVD player and two TVs. Mr. Xu was sentenced to two years of forced labor and is being mistreated at the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp. Ms. Li Qiuhong was held in Yinan Detention House, and the police refused the family's requests to visit her.

    On April 9, 2008, Jiuzai Police Station officials and others from the county police department and from the 610 Office went to practitioner Yang Xincai's home and arrested him and his wife, Ju Fanglin. Mr. Yang was sentenced to two years of forced labor and is being held Wangcun Forced Labor Camp. Ms. Ju is still in Yinan Detention House.

    Mr. Ju Xinlian, 66, a retired teacher, is from Yinjia Village, Jiuzai, Mengyin County. He was arrested at noon on April 15, 2008.

    At about 3 p.m. On April 17, they also apprehended Mr. Ju Dianxin, 49, a teacher at Jiuzai Elementary School.

    Ms. Song Zengrong was arrested at 8:30 a.m. on April 18. She is 51 and from Yinjiawa Village, Jiuzai. Ju Peng extorted 2,000 yuan and an uncertain amount for a "living fee" from her and promised that they would release Song ten days later, he was still locked up and might be held in Yishui Detention House.

    On April 18, 2008 Mr. Zhang Yubao was also held. He is one of more than 40, and he is from Lianwangya Village, Jiuzai.

    On the afternoon of April 20, Ms. Pi Xiuyin from Lian Wangya Villiage, Jiuzai, was apprehended. She is one of 50 and might be held at the Yishui Detention House.

    Eight Practitioners Arrested in Yishui County

    On March 1, 2008, police from the Yishui County 610 Office and from the Domestic Security Division held practitioners Mr. Su Jixiang and Ms. Liu Zhumei. On March 2, people from the local government ransacked the home of Mr. Su and Ms. Liu. They confiscated a computer, which Ms. Liu had borrowed so her son could study. He Faju, Ca'an Street Administration Party secretary, climbed over the wall with a borrowed ladder and entered Su Jixiang's home. With no one at home, he searched the home and left everything a mess. The persecutors declared they would smash the gate. Su Jixiang and Liu Zhumei were eventually detained for one month and have since returned home.

    At about 8:00 p.m. on March 1, the police arrested practitioner Ms. Li Xiuyin from Zhangjialouzi Village, Yishui County, as she distributed truth clarifying materials in Nanduo Village. They searched her home the next day. Ms. Li's husband works away from home. An eleven-year-old child and a five-year-old child remained at home with no one to care for them.

    Practitioner Ms. Huang Chenmei from Yaodianzi of Yishui County was arrested. Six or seven officers from the Yaodianzi Police Station and the Comprehensive Control Office participated in the arrest. They also ransacked her home.

    Practitioner Ms. Zhang Yuzhi from Jizi Village, Yaodianzi, was held and her home was also thoroughly searched, including her safe.

    Wang Guirong from Qianwen Village, Yishui Count,y was also arrested that same day by police officers and those from the Comprehensive Control Office. Huang Chenmei, Zhang Yuzhi, and Wang Guirong are now in Yishui Detention House.

    At eight o'clock on the morning of April 14, 2008, several officials arrived at practitioner Ms. Gao Shouxiang's home, including He Naijun, the head of the Birth Control Office, and group Party secretary Liu Zhaoxiu. Accompanied by several others, they invaded the practitioner's home and demanded to know her daughter's whereabouts. They returned to her home with police officers at about nine o'clock, stating that they had found her self-installed satellite dish and would dismantle it. Upon searching her home they found some truth-clarifying booklets and discs, so they took her into custody. She is now in Yishui Detention House.

    On April 19, 2008, practitioner Ma Shaoli, a teacher at Liuzhuwu Elementary School, from Yangjiazhuangzi Village, Yishui County, was held at Longjiaquan Elementary School. People from Longjiaxiang Comprehensive Control Office are responsible for depriving her of her freedom.

    Five Practitioners from Yinan County Arrested and Three Sentenced to Forced Labor

    On March 3, 2008, local police arrested practitioner Mr. Ren Shuquan from Anti Village, and his home was ransacked. They confiscated 7,900 yuan in cash, a recorder, and a satellite receiver that was used to watch NTDTV programs.

    On March 3, 2008, Anti Town deputy town head Zhang Changwen and Nuanquan Village Party secretary Dai Henkun arrived with local police and ransacked Ms. Zhang Meilan's home in Nuanquan Village and arrested the couple. Her husband has returned home, but Ms. Zhang is still in Yinan County Detention Center.

    On March 4, 2008, six county police department agents, along with agents from the 610 Office, broke into Mr. Liu Chenggui's home in Niu Wangmiao Village,Yinan County, and attempted to arrest him. No one was at home. Following the Chinese New Year, Mr. Liu had gone to Qingdao to work. The authorities sent someone to monitor his home every day. One week later, Feng Shangcun, the Party secretary of Dongbaishi Village in Mamuchi Town, reported him to the authorities. On March 11, police caught up with Liu Chenggui at Qingdao and took him to the Yinan County Detention Center. On March 12, eight people, including Niuwangmiao Village Party secretary Zhang Shenjin, head of the Mamuchi Town Police Station Guo Jin, and police officer Li Wei, broke in to Mr. Liu 's home. They confiscatedhis Falun Gong books, a satellite receiver, a DVD player, and other personal belongings. Then they forced his father to sign a list. When the Party secretary pointed out that 5000 yuan cash was not listed, police station head Guo Jin felt guilty and dared not admit that they had taken 5000 yuan from Liu's home. He lied, saying the money was taken from other people. The police have now changed all the locks on Mr. Liu' home.

    To rescue her father, Mr. Liu's daughter went to the detention center and the police department on March 25 and 26 to plead for her father's unconditional release. Her requests were denied.

    On March 27, Mr. Liu's wife, daughter, and other relatives went to the county police department to request his release again and were driven out. His wife and daughter clarified the truth about Falun Gong to police and were arrested.

    Practitioner Mr. Ren Shuquan's family took him home on April 4, 2008. He was sentenced to two and a half years of forced labor, but was told because of health reasons he could serve the sentence outside the labor camp. Ms. Zhang Meilan from Nuanquan Village in Yinan County was sentenced to one year of forced labor and sent to the Jinan Women's Forced Labor Camp on April 10. Her family demanded that the police set her free.

    Mr. Liu Chenggui was sentenced to two years of forced labor on April 10. His family was not notified.

    Mr. Liu Yongjin and Ms. Zhao Xiuyin from Linyi City Arrested

    On February 5, 2008, Mr. Liu Yongjin, 37, delivered truth clarification materials by motorcycle through the Linyi County Shuitian Bus Station and was stopped for a check by agents from the Lanshan Police Station. They arrested him for carrying a truth clarification DVD. We have since heard that Mr. Liu was secretly sentenced and sent to the Jinan Men's Prison.

    Practitioner Ms. Zhao Xiuyin from Lanshan District is about 70 years old and lives in the residential district of the agriculture school. Around tomb-sweeping day she distributed truth clarifying materials at the "Silver Commercial Center" in the northern part of Linyi City, and someone reported her. She has since returned home.

    Mr. Wang Jinxiao from Linshu County Arrested

    Mr. Wang Jinxiao, 69, was formerly the deputy secretary of Linyi County Office and head of the Senior Citizens' Work Committee. He is honest and kindhearted. He has practiced Falun Gong for many years and always conducts himself according to the principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." He helps neighbors, colleagues, friends, and relatives out of the goodness of his heart and is regarded as a good person. On January 24, 2008, as he accompanied his granddaughter to school, he wrote "Falun Gong is good" on a power pole and was arrested. He is now in Linshui County Detention Center.

    In early March 2008, people from the Procuratorate issued a warrant for Mr. Wang's arrest on charges of "subversion." This was because copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party were found in his home.

    Wu Guangyou and Zuo Shandong from Yancheng County Arrested

    On the evening of March 19, 2008, practitioners Wu Guangyou and Zuo Shandong from Qianxiaodianzi Village in Yancheng County were arrested. Another practitioner, Wu Shaoxia, decided to leave home to avoid further persecution. The next day they went to her home again. Her non-practitioner daughter was arrested and later released. They took a motor-tricycle and truth clarification materials from her home.

    Ms. Feng Jinfang from Lunan County Sentenced to One Year of Forced Labor

    On March 5, 2008, Chen Xin from Lunan County 610 Office arrested practitioner Ms. Feng Jinfang, in her 40s, while she was working at her wholesale business. They ransacked her home and held her in Lunan County Detention Center. She was taken to the Shandong Women's Forced Labor Camp for a one-year term of forced labor.

    Ms. Gao Xiaolan and Mr. Xu Mingliang from Fei County Arrested

    Ms. Gao Xiaolan from Fei County was reported and arrested by personnel from the Yezhen Police Station on April 7, 2008, as she distributed truth clarifying materials at Shangye Town, Fei County. She is now being held in Fei County Detention Center. They found Mr. Xu Mingliang's phone number on her cell phone and then arrest him.

    Fei County 610 Office head Chen Weidong and a police officer broke into Ms. Gao's home to ransack it. Since this foul deed was publicized on the Clearwisdom Web, Chen was trying to find out who did it.

    Chinese version available at