The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- July 14, 2008

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • The Police in Mancheng County, Hebei Province Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners

  • On July 1, 2008, the police in Mancheng County arrested eight Falun Gong practitioners. Ms. Wang Jinling was tortured to death in the county detention center on July 6.

    The Police in Mancheng County, Hebei Province Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners

    At 4:00 a.m. on July 1, 2008, about 60 or 70 policemen from Bailong Township Station, Shenxing Town Station in Mancheng County,  Hebei Province, set off in more than a dozen police cars. They went to Dakangxia Village in Bailong Township. The police split into eight teams and carried out the arrests of eight Falun Gong practitioners simultaneously.

    They tried to arrest Ms. Liu Lan, a shopkeeper and Falun Gong practitioner. She refused to cooperate with them and exposed their illegal behavior by shouting loudly to alert the neighbors. The villagers all came hurrying out and witnessed what the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agents were trying to do. It was summer and Ms. Liu was wearing a long nightgown. A few powerfully built police officers dragged her from her bed. They grabbed her by her thighs and dragged her on the ground. As it had been raining and the ground was wet, she was covered with mud after being dragged. Then they tried to force her into the police car. In a very loud voice she asked them why were they arresting her and what crime had she committed. The police could not answer. Due to the resistance from Liu Lan's family members and the villagers who had gathered to watch, the attempted arrest was a failure. This time the villagers very clearly saw for themselves the thug-like behavior of the CCP personnel.

    At around 4:00 a.m.., the other seven police teams attempted to arrest seven other practitioners. Some teams went the residences of these practitioners and either scaled the walls to break in or simply just barged in. They arrested female practitioners like ruffians and also ransacked homes and confiscated the practitioners' belongings. One practitioner was so shocked by the many strangers suddenly barging into her house that she fainted instantly. But these local officials who were clad in uniform, after barging in like ruffians, actually spoke like robbers: "Her television is not bad, let's take it away."

    Ms. Wang Jinling, 53 years old, was a practitioner in Mancheng Country, Hebei Province. On April 26, 2008, she went to visit her friend but was arrested by personnel from the township hall. On July 6, 2008, Ms.Wang Jinling was brutally tortured to death in the County Detention Center. Her body was covered with injuries and there was blood on the corner of her mouth.

    Chinese version available at