The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong -- August 22, 2008

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Mr. Tan Zhiyang, Thirty-Six Years Old, Dies with Knife-Scar on Lower Back
  • Mr. Tan died in February, 2008, two days after being released from serving four years of a five year prison term.
  • Ms. Wang Zhixian Has Been Detained in a Mental Hospital and Is on the Verge of Death
  • This 61 year old was detained for talking about the persecution of Falun Gong in a public park. Her family observed obvious signs of torture and drug overdose, before she was sent to a mental hospital.

    Mr. Tan Zhiyang, Thirty-Six Years Old, Dies with Knife-Scar on Lower Back

    Mr. Tan Zhiyang, unmarried, was hired as an engineer by Xiangxiang City Livestock and Aquaculture Bureau in Hunan Province. He was born on September 26, 1972 in Dongkouba Village, Shizhu Township in Yueshan Town, Xiangxiang City, Hunan Province. He was graduated from Changde City Normal College in June 1999. In March 1999, Mr. Tan began practicing Falun Gong. After the persecution started in July 1999, he had to leave his job. He was detained nine times: three times in the Honglun Detention Center in Xiangxiang City, once in the Qilipu Detention Center in Xiangtan County, once in the City Police Dog Training Center, twice in the Xiangtan City Detention Center, once in the Xinkaipu Labor Camp, and the last time was in the Wuling Prison in Changde City.

    In July 1999, Mr. Tan's home was ransacked, and he was detained for ten days. In March 2000, he went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong, and he was detained for 45 days. He went to Beijing again in 2000, but he was illegally arrested along the way, and detained for another 45 days. His mother Ms. Yang Xianglan, in her 60s, is also a Falun Dafa practitioner. On the night of January 18, 2001, police arrested his mother, detained her for three months, and extorted more than 600 yuan from their family.

    In March 2001, Mr. Tan Zhiyang traveled to Xiangtan County to avoid being arrested at home. However, he was forcibly taken to the Yuntang Police Station in Yuhu District and detained in the Qilipu Detention Center, where he was cruelly tortured. Officer He Guoping (male) burnt Mr. Tan's chin and private part with a cigarette lighter. After being detained for over two months, he was sentenced to two years of forced labor and imprisoned in the Xinkaipu Labor Camp.

    In November 2002, upon being released from forced labor, he wrote a solemn declaration denouncing the forced brainwashing. He submitted it to his employer in front of a 610 Office worker. Officer He Guoping immediately detained him for 15 days, during which police cuffed his hands behind his back in the tightest setting for two whole days.

    In February 2003, when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agents tried to arrest Mr .Tan and take him to Xiangtan Brainwashing Center. He was forced to leave home again to avoid this round of brutal persecution. He had no place to stay, and sometimes he had to stay overnight in the mountains while police were constantly harassing those at his home.

    On May 14, 2004, the police arrested Mr. Tan at his rental house in Gongmoxin District, Xiangxiang City. The police first detained him in the Xiangxiang City Detention Center, then sentenced him to five years in prison. He was tortured until he was injured all over his body, his lower back showing an incision-like wound, and he almost died. On February 17, 2008, the Prison Administration notified Mr. Tan's family to pick him up. Only two days later, on February 19, 2008, he died at the young age of 36. His family visited him one month before his death. He told them his lower back felt very uncomfortable, and he had many injuries.

    After his tragic death, the Xiangxiang City 610 Office threatened his family not to reveal any information about his death, saying they would punish them by putting them in prison for "revealing State secrets." There are people following the family everywhere and closely monitoring their activities. His mother and father were forced to leave home.

    Ms. Wang Zhixian Has Been Detained in a Mental Hospital and Is on the Verge of Death

    Falun Gong practitioner Wang Zhixian, 61 years old, lived in Tiedong District, Anshan City. She was illegally arrested by police officers from the Tiedongyuan Police Station on June 6, 2008 after they were notified that Ms. Wang had been clarifying the truth about Falun Gong to people in Anshan Eryiqiu Park. Ms. Wang was detained at Mingyueshan First Detention Center. She was tortured by Anshan City Police for three days, and her mouth was severely injured and bleeding.

    On the evening of June 19, Ms. Wang Zhijian was on the verge of death. The Detention Center notified Ms. Wang's family to visit her at Tangjiafang Mental Hospital. Her family members noticed that Ms. Wang had lost consciousness and that her body was all black and blue. She could not move one of her arms.

    Ms. Wang did not regain consciousness during the ten days her family was there. Her family suspects her condition is the result of an injection of an unknown substance.

    Ms. Wang has been moved to the Mental Rehabilitation Center at Shengoushi Qiquzhuanban.