Recently More Than Two Thousand Appealing Practitioners from Shan-dong Province Have Been Escorted Back from Beijing
January 18, 2000
In recent months, more than two thousand appealing practitioners from Shan-dong Province have been escorted back from Beijing. Several days ago, several groups of practitioners from Ji-nan City of Shan-dong Province were escorted back from Beijing. Each of them was required to pay a fine of 5,000 Yuan (about half of the annual salary of an average employee). All of them were detained in a hotel. All the expenses were covered by practitioners themselves. In addition, some practitioners were directly sent to the detention center for criminal detention, waiting for possible sentence.
Also, Ji-nan police forced each of the contact people of Falun Gong to pay 2,000 Yuan to cover the "expenses" for holding thoughts-transformation classes. Under this harsh situation, there are still many practitioners have resumed group practice of exercises and group study of Falun Gong books. More and more practitioners are standing out to protect Falun Dafa with kindness and endurance.
Six Practitioners from Da-qing Sent to Forced Labor Camp for Writing an Appealing Letter to Chinese President Jiang Ze-min
January 17, 2000
284 practitioners from Da-qing City of Hei-long-jiang Province signed an open letter to president Jiang to require him to rescind his wrongful decision to crackdown on Falun Gong and stop large-scale persecutions against peaceful Falun Gong practitioners. Six practitioners including Wang Bin and Wang Tian-you were sent to labor camps in the last week for drafting the letter.
Professor of Si-chuan University, Hong Ji-rong, Was Sentenced to Three Years of Forced Labor for Writing an Appealing Letter to Mr. Annan
January 18, 2000
Practitioner Ms. Hong Ji-rong, 62 years old, a professor of Si-chuan University was sentenced to three years of forced labor by the Chengdu City police because his suspected involvement in drafting and signing "an appealing letter to United Nations Secretary Mr. Annan from Practitioners in Si-chuan Province".
Nine practitioners from Si-chuan Province have been sentenced for reporting the truth of Falun Gong to Chinese government and international human rights organizations such as the United Nations. We appeal to the international community to pay close attention to the Chinese communist government's barbaric violations of human rights. In fact, they are violating the basic human nature because the only thing that Falun Gong practitioners want is to be good people.
In addition, six practitioners from Shuang-liu County of Si-chuan Province who had gone to Beijing to appeal were given criminal detention and waiting for possible sentence. They were Jiang Hong, a teacher in Hua-yang Middle School, Zhou Zhu-qing, an Engineer in the103 Airport, Sun Chun-fan, Xiang Meng-hua, which was Representative of People in Shuang-liu County and Xie Xia, who was a teacher in Hua-yang Professional High School. In addition, Xiang Meng-hua's certificate of real estate and certificate of residence were confiscated. It was said that they would be sentenced before the Chinese New Year (February 5,2000).
Also, Li Zhi-jie and other practitioners were transferred from Jiu-ru Village detention center to Lian-hua Village detention center for the criminal detention because they refused to sign their names on the pledge promising that they would not practice Falun Gong. Zhang Ai-li was directly sent to Jiu-ru Village detention center for criminal detention for reading "Zhuan Falun" (the main text of Falun Gong) in the transformation class. Li Ying-xiang and other practitioners have already been sentenced.
Many Practitioners from Shan-xi Province Went to Beijing to Appeal
January 17, 2000
Practitioners from many places of Shan-xi Province such as Xi-an City,Bao-ji City, Xian-yang City, Yan-an City, Cai-jia-po and Yan-liang etc went to Beijing to appeal during last December.
Some of them were arrested for holding up Falun Dafa banners on the Great Wall. Some of them went to the appealing offices to appeal and were then taken away by the Shan-xi liaison office after they registered in the appealing offices. Some of them went home after they found that the government did not want to listen to their appeal. However, the local police arrested them and have detained them up to now right since they got home. During the half a month of detention in Beijing, they studied and practiced Falun Gong together in jail. A practitioner said, in Beijing, although he had to suffer some physical tortures, he felt very happy to be able to study and practice Falun Gong together with other fellow practitioners and to detect his own shortcomings. Half a month later, they were escorted back to their hometowns and were then detained for another half a month in their hometowns. They were not allowed to be visited during the detention. Everyday, they were forced to undergo "re-education" and wrote their repentance. Practitioners refused to write the repentance. Later, some workplaces even wrote the repentance for the practitioners and required the practitioners to sign the repentance in order to get them out of the detention center. However, the practitioners still refused to sign on the repentance. Now some of them have been released, while some are still under custody in their workplaces and were not allowed to go home.
Category: Accounts of Persecution