Image for article Government VIPs from Many Countries Sign A Petition to Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong

On the evening of the 28th, several Falun Gong practitioners attended a large dinner banquet with VIPs from different countries including the Canadian Prime Minister. They introduced Falun Gong and the truth of the persecution. Canadian Prime Minister Chrétien graciously accepted a letter from Falun Gong practitioners. The letter asked Canada and the international societies to pay attention to, and help stop, the persecution of Falun Gong.

Image for article Ms. Susie Taylor Proposes a Rally Calling for the Release of Zhao Ming

According to the news from England, following the proposal by Ms. Susie Taylor, the University Students' Union at Trinity College is preparing a rally that will soon take place in Dublin. The theme of the rally will be "Release Zhao Ming".

Image for article Comments on the Xinhua News Agency Editorial,

(An Abridged Translation)

On October 9, Xinhua News Agency (the Chinese state media/by translator) published an editorial "Whoever goes against the trend of history will be exterminated" in which Falun Gong was charged with several so-called crimes. I would like to comment on this editorial.

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