Zhao Xin, a lecturer in the department of economics at Beijing University of Industry and Business, died of torture at age 32. After practicing Falun Gong, Zhao Xin had gotten rid of her long existing heart problem and at the same time, she acquired an all-new view of life. During the brutal crackdown on Falun Gong lead by a few vicious people in power, Beijing police arrested Zhao Xin. As a result of her insistence on practicing Falun Gong, Haidein police department beat her so brutally that they caused a total loss of vision in her left eye, and fractured her 4th, 5th and 6th vertebrae. Zhao Xin was paralyzed but could not receive proper medical treatment because the University (her workplace) refused to cover her medical expenses due to the "unnatural cause" of her injury. After suffering horribly for over 6 months, Zhao Xin passed away at 6:50 pm on December 11th, 2000. Constitutional human rights were trashed by law enforcement agencies. Peaceful appealing through proper channels was viciously blocked. Practicing quietly and harmoniously lead to brutal beatings by police. Being tortured, fired, sentenced to hard labor, fined extensively, expelled form school and having personal property stolen by the police are common methods employed to deter practitioners from cultivating. Still, the practitioners' hearts adhere to "truthfulness, benevolence and forbearance", and are never shaken. These great beings have literally given their lives for the great truth of this universe. Thirty-two years of life flying by, Zhao Xin, the ninety-sixth practitioner to assist or teacher with her life, will shine as bright as the Sun. The funeral service at west Beijing concluded the last chapter of Zhao Xin's life. Police can stop those mourners from attending the memorial but the can not stop the tragic truth from being unveiled to the world. We wish that all the kind people would express concern over the on-going persecution in China. We wish all the law enforcement agencies could distinguish right from wrong. We wish Zhao Xin's spirit of being willing to die for the truth long lasts wherever the Sun shines until eternity passes.

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Category: Accounts of Persecution