At the begining of November, practitioners from Sydney went to a town called Coonabarabran to introduced Dafa and explain the situation in China to the town's residents. When a little girl Sunny (Re photo) came forward to our practitioners who were demonstrating the exercises, she wanted to learn the exercises immediately. After the exercises, Sunny told her mother Veronika that she found what she had been seeking for!
In the afternoon that day, she came to our practitioners again, along with her little brother, and their mother.
Below is the letter from the mother afterwards along with some words from the little girl Sunny.
Practitioners in Australia November, 2000
Dear Vina,
We received your letter and photos today -one day after we spoke to you on the phone. The photos are BEAUTIFUL, I had tears in my eyes when I looked at them: to see my children so calm, so strong, made my heart full. Thank you SO much for those photos, I'm going to put them where we practice Falun Dafa, so if our eyes open we will see inspirational pictures.
Is it possible for me to keep the smaller of the blue books you gave me? Perhaps I'm being selfish, but it has become precious to me (I don't want to give it up to the library!) Is there any way for me to obtain another copy to give the library? Please do tell me if this is the wrong approach (not very selfless!!)
I was pleased and surprised to find the blue book contains "things" that I (and my children) am familiar with through my study of Buddha over the last 12 years. Falun Gong feels very familiar and comfortable to me, and as you saw in Coona my children feel the same.
When we spoke on the phone, I was very tired and I did not realize 'til later that you had mentioned a small group of interested people in Coona who would like to learn Falun Gong. A good friend of mine (he is my best friend's husband) works with recovering drug addicts - he is a very compassionate man - and I believe a group of them would like to learn Falun Gong exercises - this is (I think) the group that Jenny Berthet had enquired on behalf of. If the video tape and books I was given can help, I can show them to this group.
Now that we have settled into our new home I plan to read some of the blue book each day with Sinbad and Sunshine. We practiced the exercises this morning and plan to again tomorrow - and the next day. I have used the example of Falun Gong practice when I need to calm or soothe my children. They seem to be natural Falun Gong practitioners!!
As you can see, I write and write... just like I talk and talk and talk some more!! So I'll finish now, and ask Sunny to add something to this letter in the morning.
Your friend in spirit Veronika
Dear Vina,
I hope you have a happy time. I remember the three words - truthfulness, compassion and forbearance.