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Exposure of Mainland China's false news report

February 07, 2000 |  

My name is GuangHua Li, 37 years old. I am currently employed as a lecturer at the Department of Foreign Language of Foreign Language Institute in affiliation with AnHui Normal Institute. I am also a firm believer of Falun Dafa. Not long ago, I was deeply astonished by the false news report about me published by major newspapers including AnHui Daily and People's Daily. To ensure a correct understanding of the facts, a clarification to the public must be made.

January 11, 2000, AnHui Daily published an article titled "Walk Out of The Falun Gong Mud" on its front page. There were three points in that untruthful article. 1. I declared renouncement from Falun Gong illegal organization. 2. I did not care about the quality of my teaching while I was a practitioner of Falun Gong, and the teaching quality has been improved after I was transformed. 3. I did not give much attention to scientific research, but after being transformed I published two papers. I must point out that these are simply NOT facts.

First of all, I have been a determined Falun Dafa practitioner and I will be a Falun Dafa practitioner for the rest of my life. There never existed the issue of my renouncing Falun Dafa, let alone I was transformed and re-educated.

Secondly, I have always been conscientious and responsible for my teaching career. As a result, I have earned public praise among the students. Being responsible for one's job is a requirement for practitioners of Falun Dafa. Besides, since I have never stopped practicing Falun Gong, the issue of difference before and after the so-called "transformation" has never existed.

Thirdly, in the second half of 1999, I had two papers published on academic journals. But they were written and submitted in the first half of 1999. Both publications carried the dates when my papers were received. They can be used as evidence. The issue of publishing papers as a result of the transformation does not exist.

Of course, it is necessary to point out that on July 22, 1999, under tremendous political pressure, I made statements on TV and newspapers that I would "separate from Falun Gong illegal organization", "will no longer take responsibility as the main contact person of the WuHu city Assistant Center". However, shortly after I made these statements against my will, I realized that I made mistakes before pressure. Therefore, when the local police station and city public security department made contacts with me in later days, I clearly told them that I had always been practicing Falun Gong. Strangely, there was no reaction to my positive attitude towards Falun Gong. What is difficult to understand is that the propaganda office of the party committee in my school, motivated by their own political interests, without making me aware of the situation, fabricated a false news report with a reporter from AnHui Daily based on the irresponsible remarks by the school officials that recklessly distorted the facts. With the fact that I had always been practicing Falun Gong with determination, they could still make up such a story of how I was transformed. What a ridiculous thing in the world!

It is a great pity that a report with such distortion of facts was published on the Party newspaper, and was even reprinted on the well-known newspapers like the People's Daily. I can't refrain from asking, what kind of people they are who could disregard facts, confuse black and white, right and wrong to defame Falun Dafa? Where is the work Ethics of news media workers in China? Is there any authenticity in the circle of news media in China?

In order to prove to the people of the world the greatness of Falun Dafa and to eliminate the sufferings that the evil force has caused to Falun Dafa practitioners using my name, I came alone to Beijing in the Chinese traditional New Year's Eve to appeal. As long as the damages to Falun Dafa practitioners caused by the false news report could be recovered, I am willing to sacrifice my life for it.