[ClearWisdom.net] January 27, 2001 - Approximately 250 practitioners gathered in Orlando, Florida today for the first large-scale English-speaking experience sharing conference. The conference was held in an outdoor amphitheater alongside the beautiful Lake Eola Park in downtown Orlando. Most of the speakers were Westerners who shared their experiences about how they have deepened their understanding of Dafa and have stepped forward to validate Dafa in their own environments.
During the conference, Master Li sent his greetings and wished the conference a great success.

Group Practice in the Morning on the Lawn
Group Practice in the Morning on the Lawn
Group Practice in the Morning on the Lawn
Presenters Reading Master's Greeting
Local People Discover Dafa
The Amphitheater in Orlando, Florida
Group Study in a Nearby Hotel in the Evening
Category: Experience Sharing Conferences