After several weeks of hardships under the sun and the rain, 11 practitioners
from Toronto and Montreal participating the SOS! Global RescueWalk arrived at
the Capital Hill, Ottawa on September 27. They received a warm welcome from
congresspersons, professors, the Ottawa city council, non-governmental
organizations, and student organizations, as well as Falun Gong practitioners
and supporters.

Mrs. Balmier, congresswoman and vice Chairwoman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, hosted the ceremony. She praised the practitioners' spirit and their appeal to the Chinese government to stop the persecution of Falun Gong. Mrs. Balmier was so deeply touched by the courage of the practitioners that, several times during her speech, tears filled her eyes and she was choked with emotion. She also especially praised those Canadians that support Falun Dafa.

Canadian Congressman Shapiro said that the persecution of Falun Gong is State terrorism.

Canadian Congressman Geoffrey highly praised Falun Gong's principle of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance and said that Falun Gong practitioners are model citizens.

Congressman Reid was deeply disturbed by the Chinese government's persecution of Falun Gong and appealed to China to stop persecuting Falun Gong at once and free all of the detained practitioners, including Lin Zhenli, the husband of Canadian citizen Li Jinyu. Mr. Reid had made positive efforts to free Ms. Zhu Ying and Professor Zhang Kunlun.

Congresswoman Julia giving an interview after her speech

Congresswoman Augustine giving a speech.

Congresswoman Julia and Congresswoman Augustine and Congressman Shapiro talk with practitioners participating in the SOS RescueWalk.

Canadian Women's Association vice-Chairwoman delivers a speech in support of Falun Gong.

The Student Government President gives a speech and donated custom made T-shirt to practitioners participating in the SOS RescueWalk.

An Ottawa City Council member talks with practitioners.

A representative of the Canadian Falun Dafa Association is giving a speech. He appealed to the Prime Minister, that when he visits China next month, to uphold justice and safeguard the peace and, on behalf of Canadian citizens, to condemn the nationalized terrorism adopted by Jiang Zemin and his regime.
Representatives of the walkers tell the audience the goal of the SOS RescueWalk and about their experiences during the walk.

Canadian citizen and artist Li Jinyu presents her new oil painting to the Prime Minister's Office. She is appealing to the Prime Minister to demand, when he visits China next month, that China stop persecuting Falun Gong at once. Li Jinyu's husband, Lin Zhenli, is a "Prisoner of Conscience" as termed by the Canadian Amnesty International organization. His jail term was extended by six months without due cause after he had served an 18-month term in a labor camp.
At 1:45pm, five representatives of practitioners, including Zhang Li and Zhu
Ying, presented representatives of the Prime Minister's Office the copy of 96000
signatures on a letter appealing to the Prime Minister to help stop Jiang
Zemin's brutal persecution of Falun Gong. In the past two years, more than
100,000 Canadians have appealed to the Canadian Government to help stop Jiang
Zemin's savage persecution of Falun Gong by signing the appeal letters. Zhang
Li's husband was sentenced to three and a half years in jail because he mailed
out Falun Gong truth information. Zhu Ying was secretly detained for 33 days in

Over 150 practitioners from Eastern Canada participated in the celebration. Walkers from Toronto sent out righteous thoughts. The day, forecast rainy, turned out to be a sunny one.
Falun Gong representatives and several members of the Congress speak at the
press conference in Congress Hall appealing to China to stop persecuting Falun

Reporter interviewing the host of the ceremony, congresswoman Balmier.

Practitioners meet honored guests, vice Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the Netherlands. They asked for detailed information about the current situation in regards to the persecution in China. Practitioners gave them a thorough introduction. Practitioners also thank them for their support of Falun Gong during the Foreign Minister's visit to China in February 2001.
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Category: April 25 Events