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Lincolnshire Echo: Long Haul in Bid To Stop Persecution

November 15, 2001 |  


Friday, Oct. 5, 2001

This week people in Lincolnshire were asked to sign a petition to stop the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. The peaceful form of meditation, similar to Tai Chi and Yoga, was banned in 1999 under the [party's name omitted] regime. Falun Gong practitioners from Lincoln have joined a campaign spearheaded by Mo and her one-year-old daughter Minghui. Mel West spoke to them...

Between September 10 and October 4, little Minghui visited 52 British cities.

The 20-month-old toddler saw St. Paul's Cathedral in London, the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff and this week, Lincoln's own castle and minister.

But for Minghui and her mother Mo, the trip is far more than just a cutural holiday.

For them, their journey is a plea to local dignitaries, the county's councillors and members of the public.

They and other Falun Gong practitioners from across the country are hoping to raise awareness of the brutal treatment endured by 70 million people in China.

They want to let people know about Falun Gong and ask for Western support in fighting the torture and abuse enforced by the Chinese authorities.

By the time their journey ends, they will have travelled 1,840 miles, and will have asked more than 500 councillors to sign a petition to stop their family being seperated.

In three week's time, Mo's student visa will expire and she and her husband will be expected to leave their home in Scotland and return to China.

The couple, who live in Dundee, hope to get permission to stay in Great Britain and will fight for the right not to be sent home.

But if the 29-year-old mother of one is forced to go back to China, she will have to leave little Minghui behind. The Chinese embassy in London has refused to register the little girl and will not issue her with a passport-simply because her mother is a Falun Gong practitioner.

"The embassy will not recognise Minghui-which makes her a stateless person," said Mo.

"This is just because I will not denounce my belief in Falun Gong.

"When I was eight months' pregnant, I was kicked and beaten in China for practising Falun Gong. This campaign aims to win back the legal status of my baby Minghui and raise the plight of Falun Gong children in China."

Mo was imprisoned for seven days after being caught [doing] Falun Gong exercises in China.

"There are 70 million people who [do] it and the Chinese government hates people meeting in large groups. It sees Falun Gong as a threat.

"I was punched and kicked all over my head and shoulders and told to leave the country," she added. "At the time all I wanted to do was get away.

"But when I went to the embassy to get my daughter's name on my passport, I was told to write a statement renouncing Falun Gong.

She added: "When I told them I wouldn't do it, my passport was snatched from me. When I got it back there was a big red stamp across the page inserted for Minghui saying cancelled.

"It means that she can never leave this country and never visit her family in China. It also restricts myself and my husband-how can we travel without our baby?

"People might wonder why I don't stop Falun Gong, after all, there are other ways to exercise. But to me it's more than that. It's something I believe in, it changes my life and I should have the freedom to choose the form of exercise."

"We are not harming anyone, so why are we being hurt?"