New function of Civil Complaints Office
Sign on the door: Civil
Complaints Office of the State Department
Sign on the back of the chair:
Beijing Civil Complaint Office
Paper baskets: Beijing,
Heilongjiang, Shandong, Sichuan
Comment regarding the
complaint: Persecute the complainant |
Jiang Zemin's new lie
Words on top: Now is the best
period of human rights in China.
Words on bottom: The biggest
liar. |
Jailer's true words
Female practitioner: I didn't
violate the law. Why do you lock me up?
Jailer: If you refuse to
renounce Falun Gong and continue in your practice, you will never get out. |
Lies on TV
Words on the bottom: The truth
about the 1400 cases
Photographer: We will waive
your medical bill if you say the words written on the paper.
Words on the paper: I practice
Falun Gong. |