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Reuters: China Jails Six for Falun Gong Web Activity -Group

December 24, 2001 |  

Sunday December 23 3:00 AM ET

BEIJING (Reuters) - China has jailed six academics for downloading material on the banned spiritual movement Falun Gong and distributing it over the Internet, a Hong-Kong based human rights group said.

Beijing's Number One Intermediate Court sentenced the six Falun Gong practitioners, including four graduate students at the prestigious Tsinghua University, the Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy said in a statement seen on Sunday.

The six received separate jail terms of three to 12 years [...] the group said citing relatives and a fellow practitioner at the university.

The court was not reachable for comment.


The human rights group did not say if the six jailed were accused of acting together but said they included husband-and-wife Tsinghua scientists Liu Wenyu and Yao Yue. The six were detained between January and April.

Yao, who studied microelectronics, received a 12-year sentence while husband Liu, who studied thermal energy, was jailed for three years, the group said.

Nine other Tsinghua students or teachers who have been arrested for activities related to Falun Gong remain untried, it said.

Thirty-two Tsinghua University academics overseas have sent an open letter calling on Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji and Vice President Hu Jintao, both alumni of the university, to stop Beijing's "suppression and persecution of Falun Gong,'' it said.


The group says more than 1,600 followers have died as a result of abuse in police custody or detention centers.
