As the Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year) was approaching, the city police force was on their guard. They were closely watching all activities and detaining people they suspected of being practitioners of Falun Gong. However, Falun Dafa practitioners successfully hung up about one hundred banners in the morning, afternoon and evening of January 23, 2001 (Chinese New Year's Eve). Their actions amounted to a loud voice crying out against the cruel persecution. The following photos show the banners.
Truth-disclosing materials like those shown in the above picture can always be found on the main streets of our city. As soon as police tear them down, Dafa practitioners will put them up again. It is impossible to count how many times they have been taken down and put back up again. This is a photo that I took on the afternoon of January 23, 2001 (Chinese New Year's Eve).
This young practitioner wrote "Falun Dafa is good" with her colored pens and hung it up in a cold, snow covered park on the afternoon of the Chinese New Year's Eve. Many people would see the banner when they walked in the park on the first day of the New Year.
A Practitioner from Mainland China