[Langfang City, Hebei Province] The Sounds of "Cosmos" [a recording of the Falun Dafa Radio program] Echoed above Langfang City Wanzhuang Labor Camp Thirty Dafa practitioners were illegally detained in Langfang City, Wanzhuang Labor Camp, when at about 10pm on March 13, 2001, the Sound of "Cosmos" resounded through the air. The broadcast had three sections and lasted about 2 hours. The sound of Dafa came down from the sky. The voice from the transmitter was broadcast a long distance via a 12.5 watt loud speaker, which could be heard far away. The villagers living close to the labor camp could also hear the sound of Dafa. The policemen searched everywhere for the source of the speaker, while the sound of the righteous universe vigorously silenced the vicious force. The practitioner who placed the speaker left safely. [China] Kind-hearted People Are Saying: "I Believe the Fa will be Rectified One Day." A patient who suffered from paralysis due to a work related injury said to a Dafa practitioner, "Please give me a copy of the Dafa truth-clarifying materials later. I believe the Fa will be rectified one day. I will collect all the materials I can get. When the day comes, I will bring them out to show you the journey you have walked through." During the Spring Festival, a group of police got on a train leaving for Beijing to arrest Dafa practitioners who would appeal in Beijing. They asked every passenger to curse Dafa and our Teacher. Those who refused were taken away. One passenger said angrily, "I do not practice Falun Gong. But since my childhood I have been taught not to curse others and I will not curse anyone today." The policemen became silent. [Jinan City, Shandong Province] Former Falun Gong Contact Persons in Jinan City will be Sentenced Since last National Day, October 1, 2000, Zhang Zhigang (male) and Cheng Huiping (female), former Falun Dafa contact persons in Jinan City, have been illegally detained. Around New Year's Eve of 2001, their arrest documents were approved. We have heard they will be sentenced soon. Due to the long-term detention, their health is deteriorating. We hope that the international community and human rights organizations pay attention to this issue. [China] Two Year-old Child Separated from Her Arrested Mother Dafa practitioner Ding Hui and her mother, Wang Zhirong, were forced to leave their home since they persisted in practicing Dafa. They were forced to live the lives of homeless people and wander about. One day they took a chance and went back home to retrieve some personal items. Unfortunately, they were forcibly taken away by local police officer Zeng Lingxiong, other police from Chenghua District and the security personnel from her work unit. The two practitioners' whereabouts are still unclear. Ding Hui's husband, the father of her child, sadly had died before the child was born. Now, the 2-year-old child is left behind without any parents. [China] People were Thirsty for the Truth: "Please Tell the Truth to More People When You Get Out." Recently, I heard that a practitioner was held in a detention center with many other 18 or 19 years old female detainees who were not practitioners. The practitioner's behavior touched them, and they began to have deeper understanding of the truth of Dafa. One of them said, "It was not our fault that we misunderstood Falun Dafa. We were daily brainwashed with the negative propaganda. How could we get to know the truth! Please tell the truth to more of the others when you get out." I was so touched by these words. We could feel that people are waiting for the truth. Meanwhile, this also helped us to realize how significant our responsibilities are. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] The Jiamusi City Education Committee Prohibited Falun Gong Practitioners from Teaching, Which Caused Two First-Rank Teachers To Lose Their Jobs In "Regulations for Turning over Enterprise-Affiliated Schools into City Education Committee Affiliated Schools," the Education Committee in Jiamusi City issued a regulation that Falun Gong practitioners were prohibited from teaching. This caused two first-rank teachers to lose their jobs. In the "examination for teachers" in this transition, there were some questions such as the following: "Discuss the damage Falun Gong is causing to society. What kind of organization is Falun Gong?" In addition, female Dafa practitioners Zhang Huiru and He Xiulan were detained for distributing Falun Dafa truth-clarifying materials. Female Dafa practitioner Fu Qiulian was inexcusably re-arrested after being released from the detention center a short time ago. [Beijing] Female Beijing Dafa Practitioner Wang Suyan was Detained and Her Whereabouts are Unclear Beijing Dafa practitioner Wang Suyan was illegally detained around the end of last February. She had gone to Tiananmen Square at least twice to safeguard and validate Dafa, and was illegally arrested at least three times. She was subjected to and passed the test in the cruelest of camps, Masanjia Labor Camp. She was determined to cultivate Dafa. The vicious "transformation" could not change her firm belief. In February, police stepped up their persecution of Wang Suyan. She was frequently brought to interrogation sessions from her home. Then, her home was ransacked. Now, she has been illegally arrested and detained, and details of her whereabouts are unclear. Additionally, female Beijing Dafa practitioner Wu Hua was illegally detained for distributing Falun Dafa truth-clarifying material in February. Her whereabouts are unknown now. Male Falun Dafa practitioner Pan Jun was arrested during the New Year Holiday. Police from the Taipingqiao Police Station in Fengtai District illegally removed him from his home, and his whereabouts are unknown. His relatives and friends inquired about him at the police station, but no one gave them a direct answer. On March 26, Li Zhanjin and more than 10 other practitioners from Beijing University and Tsinghua University [two top universities in China] were taken away from their homes to Daxing County Labor Camp for the so-called "Transformation." This is another round of persecution heaped on Dafa practitioners at Beijing University and Tsinghua University, conducted on orders by Jiang Zemin's criminal regime. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Police Beat up and Blackmailed Dafa Practitioners In January 2000, the policemen of Yingchengzi Police Station in Ganjingzi area of Dalian City brought back 5 practitioners who went to appeal in Beijing. After the practitioners had been brought back, police began to brutally torture them. They forced practitioners to stand up for 3 days and 2 nights without providing any water, meals, or allowing them to sleep. They forcibly removed practitioners' clothes and exposed them to the freezing temperatures outside. They also forced them to run. On top of that , the "authorities" illegally fined each of the practitioners 3,000 to 10,000 Yuan [US$375 to $1,800, $60 is the average monthly income in China]. Police even arbitrarily fined the practitioners who stayed at home, just to extort money from them. We don't know whether they got any receipt. In October 2000, after policemen of Yingchengzi Police Station illegally arrested female practitioner Han Jinmei, director Ma beat and kicked her, which made her lose consciousness for 20 minutes. During the Spring Festival, police illegally detained a male practitioner named Chen. The director, Ma, again beat him to the point of unconsciousness. Then he poured cold water on him to wake him up and continued to torture him for an additional 2 to 3 hours. Finally, director Ma was so tired of beating that he ached all over his own body, and could not even stand up. Afterwards he said he would never beat practitioners again. Perhaps he had already sensed the mighty power of Dafa. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] My Experience of being Excruciatingly Beaten (Note: This article was smuggled out of jail with great difficulty) During the evening of January 22, 2001, without following proper procedures, the associate director of Xijiao Police Station, Wu Jianguo and two other police officers forcibly took me away from my sister's home. At the Xijiao Police Station, Wu Jianguo led five to six officers, including Li Yong and Li Shuai, to beat me excruciatingly. They cuffed my left hand to the heater pipe, put a desk in front of me and forced me to bend over the desk, while my legs were tied to the desk. Wu Jianguo wrenched my right arm forcefully; Li Shuai beat my buttocks, waist, and thighs with a police baton so hard that I almost went into shock. Afterwards, they even gagged my mouth with a towel and beat my face with their fists. The brutal beating lasted for more than two hours. Then, after I was untied and lying down on the floor, they wrung out a towel dipped in dirty water and let it drip on my face and into my mouth. Another head, Luu, deprived me of my rights to use the toilet, eat, or drink. They handcuffed me for another two to three hours before they sent me to No.2 Detention Center in Shijiazhuang City. When I was sent to have my injuries checked, people saw that my left eye and the bridge of my nose were black and blue; the corners of my mouth were torn apart and bleeding; my oral cavity was also bleeding; large areas of bruises were found on both of my arms; my whole waist, buttocks and thighs were all covered with bruises as well; there were also large areas of bruises found on the front of my thighs and abdominal area. When I arrived at the No. 2 Detention Center, I felt rapid heart palpitations and was short of breath. My whole body was twitching and there was blood in my urine. My wrists were wounded by handcuffs and are covered with scars even now. My hands and face were swollen. [Sanhe City, Hebei Province] Beicheng Police Station Starts Another Round of Illegal Persecution Against Dafa Practitioners At 6am on March 1, 2001, the police station head, Yan Jianshu, and another two men broke into female practitioner Bai Lingxia's home and attempted to force her to sign her name on the 'summons.' Bai firmly rejected their illegal request. Then, they tried to trick her family members into signing the 'summons' for her and failed again. They tried by force to unlawfully take Bai away, claiming that this was their job. When Yan Jianshu was questioned, "Would you kill a person if Jiang Zemin asked you to do so?" he actually replied, "Yes, I would." Eventually, they failed to take Bai Lingxia away, as she strongly rejected their unlawful behavior. About ten days after Yan Jianshu and his men held up and arrested Li Caixiao and Liu Xingjun, Yan led five to six police and broke into practitioner Li Caixiao's home. They ransacked Caixiao's home illegally and grabbed two Falun Dafa music practice tapes and took those with them. Li Caixiao was not at home at the time. When he got the news, he went to the police station and tried to get the tapes back. The head, Zhao Yongkang, said, "I will arrest you and starve you for a few days in a detention center if you don't go away." In the afternoon of March 21, Zhao Yongkang brought four police officers to female practitioner Deng Xuemei's house. Using the excuse of wanting to read the water meter, they tricked Deng Xuemei into opening the door. After they went into the house, the "officers" pulled the telephone line out of the wall and questioned Deng Xuemei on her whereabouts that morning. They forcibly handcuffed her. Policemen Zhang Guoming and Zhang Qingxun watched Deng Xuemei while Zhao Yongkang, Guo Yudong and Li Jicheng searched each room and the basement. Deng Xuemei shouted, "Bandits are robbing my house!" She was then beaten severely by Guo and Zhao. The policemen grabbed all the Dafa materials and took Deng to the police station. The law violator, Yan Jianshu, even asked, "Do you know that you have broken the law?" Deng replied that she did not and started to spread the Fa to them. Policeman Li Zhixin slapped Deng on her face with both of his hands for about 40 times. After the beating, Deng Xuemei was unable to see. Tears kept running out of her eyes and the inside of her left ear was painful. Zhao kicked Dong twice as well. Deng Xuemei was forcibly sent to the detention center in Sanhe City while she was suffering from a headache, dizziness and a swollen face. Her family picked her up five days after she had gone on a hunger strike. List of names of the vicious persons who persecuted Falun Gong practitioners: Director: Zhao Yongkang Vice Director: Ai Guangliang, Li Zhixin Instructor: Yan Jianshu Policemen: Guo Yudong, Zhang Qingxun, Zhang Guoming and Li Jicheng Telephone number of Beicheng Police Station: 011-86-316-3116110 Home telephone number of Yan Jianshu: 011-86-316-31309866 [Sanhe City, Hebei Province] Police from the Yanjiao Development Zone Broke Into Residents' Homes and Arrested People at Will During the afternoon of March 29, six plain-clothes policemen from Yanjiao Development Zone Police Station broke into Dafa practitioner Xu Shaozun's house. They ransacked the house and dragged Xu Shaozun into the police car. Nobody knows where Xu has been sent. We call on people from all walks of life to pay attention to this matter and stop the illegal behavior. The person in charge of the development zone: Zhou Wenzhen Policemen who violated the law: Hao Zhongwu, Ma and Qi [China] The Conversation Between a Dafa Practitioner and a Leader Practitioner: I would like to know the reason you brought me here. Leader: Since the self-immolation incident of Tan Yihui in Hunan Province, the central government has tightened its control over people. The provincial government has gathered together "people who are in charge of Falun Gong issues" and held meetings many times. Now, I will let you know there are 2 requirements. The first requirement is that you should stay at home; second, you must ask permission before you leave home. You need to give me a clear answer right now whether you can live up to these requirements. Practitioner: First let me tell you that Tan Yihui is not a Falun Dafa practitioner. His father left home years ago. Tan Yihui suffered from mental illness. Therefore he could not practice Falun Dafa. As early as 1994, Master Li had clearly stated, "A person with mental illness or with a family history of mental illness cannot practice Falun Gong." Since Falun Gong cultivates one's main consciousness, a person without a clear main consciousness can never cultivate. Therefore, such a person cannot become a practitioner of Falun Gong." Regarding those 2 requirements you requested of me - I cannot follow them. Because I am a practitioner, I will not allow you to demolish the fundamental laws of the country or to ruin the citizens' fundamental rights assured by Constitution. Moreover, because I am a Falun Dafa practitioner, I need to safeguard the Law of the Universe. Therefore, I cannot follow your requirements. Leader: Our supervisors requested us to "transform" you. How should we get our job done then? Practitioner: You will never get it done, because the so-called "transformation" is to transform good people into bad people, transform good people into selfish, greedy and ignorant people. You can never achieve this. Therefore, you could never get your job done. However, since you told me you "care about me" and I also care about you, I would like to advise you that, even if you cannot get your job done, you must not generate any hatred towards Falun Dafa, towards our Teacher or Dafa practitioners. Leader: If you do not follow these two requirements, your children will be adversely affected. Practitioner: This would only demonstrate the viciousness of the political persecution. If you do that, you will have to be responsible for all the consequences in the future. This is another piece of advice from me. Leader: What should we do then? We will all lose our jobs. If you do not fulfill those two requirements, they might punish you. For example, you might be in life-long detention, sent to transformation classes, sent to forced labor, or even sentenced to stay in jail. Practitioner: Jiang Zemin tried to put Falun Dafa practitioners to death and he also put pressure on you. This is actually going to harm you. Please tell me honestly, are these two requirements initiated by the work unit or are they demanded by Jiang Zemin? Leader: (silence) Practitioner: There is a saying, "If one is out to condemn somebody, one can always trump up a charge." I hope that you will follow and keep your conscience. [Beijing] Around the Lunar New Year's Eve, Dafa Practitioners were Illegally Detained in Chaoyang District, Beijing Around the Lunar New Year's Eve on January 21 and 22, the police in Beijing's Chaoyang District had illegally detained more than 40 Dafa practitioners. The police stations that illegally arrested people included Xiangheyuan, Panjiayuan, Jinsong, Asia Olympic Village, Nanmofang, Nanxinyuan, Sanlitun, Sanjianfang, Guanzhuang, Gaojiayuan, and more. Among these police stations, police from the Xiangheyuan Police Station illegally arrested more than 10 practitioners; police from the Panjiayuan Police Station arrested 7 practitioners ?The police mostly used tricks and excuses to take people away from their homes to the police stations. They usually asked the practitioners to "come for a talk" or promised to let them go after the conversation. Some police officers even broke into practitioners' houses and took practitioners away. In Chaoyang District Detention Center, the illegally detained practitioners went on a hunger strike to protest. Most of these Dafa practitioners were released around February 7, 2001. However, a veteran practitioner was sentenced to forced labor and another two practitioners were detained for about a month. One of them was a young practitioner who had just practiced for 3 months and had never done anything other than express his willingness to continue practicing. [Langfang City, Hebei Province] The Police of Langfang City in Hebei Province Hold an Illegal "Transformation" Class Recently, in Langfang County, many districts, towns, villages, and work units are holding or will hold an illegal "transformation classes." They sent the people who had been "reformed" to talk with practitioners and ask practitioners to write "Experience Sharing Articles." Those who refused to do so would be detained. Practitioners, please understand Dafa rationally and keep a righteous mind!
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