On the morning of March 19th, a little boy around 2-3 years old was doing the Falun Standing Exercise at the Place des Nations outside the front entrance of the UN Headquarters. His tranquil attitude caught the attention of pedestrians passing by. He was joined by more than a thousand Falun Dafa practitioners from all over the world. They were demonstrating peace and harmony by quietly doing the Falun Gong exercises.
Later on we saw his father holding him in his arms. We learned from his father that they came to Geneva after a more than a 20-hour plane ride from Sydney, Australia. This little disciple had participated often at the local Dafa promotion activities. He could follow adults doing the entire half hour Falun Gong demonstration. Even though he still needs his father to hold him, this little disciple is already playing his role as a Dafa particle.
March 4, 2001
Little Disciple from Australia Goes to Geneva
April 05, 2001