On May 15, 2001, the Congressional Human Rights Caucus (CHRC) held a briefing session on China's human rights issues. A Falun Dafa practitioner was invited to give her testimony. She shared her personal story to expose the brutal persecution by Jiang Zemin his accomplices.
Many Congressmen attended the briefing. Representative Tom Lantos (Co-Chairman of CHRC), Representative Frank Wolf (Co-Chairman of CHRC), Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, Mr. Mike Parmly (Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary) and Mr. Elliot Abrams (former Chairman of U.S. Commission on Interntaional Religious Freedom).
Representative Tom Lantos, Co-Chairman of CHRC, said at the briefing: "As I understand, over 200 Falun Gong practitioners were killed in prison. It is a nightmare unfolding in front of our eyes. There is no justification for this." He also expressed his deep concern regarding China's lobbying activities to other countries in seeking support for its human rights violations.
He also mentioned that in order to apply for the 2008 Olympics, the Chinese government brutally and ruthlessly sent Falun Gong practitioners out from Beijing to paint a good picture of the Olympic villages. "The year 2000 was one of the worst human rights years in China." "Falun Gong practitioners were assassinated in large numbers by this regime."
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher mentioned that prosperity, peace and freedom go hand in hand. Prosperity without peace and freedom can render quick and short-term profit only. He also stressed that being concerned with China's human rights situations is by no means against the Chinese people.
Category: April 25 Events